Angular2 ng-book-2 simple sample chapter 1 app , it works fine in the browser , but why do I get this error? - angular2-template

On Mac OS X El Capitan, I follow all the steps from Page 1 to page 18 of this simple app, but at the screen where I run "ng serve" I get this error:
ERROR in [default]
Property 'name' does not exist on type 'UserItemComponent'.
From Page 1 :
Writing your First Angular 2 Web Application
Simple Reddit Clone
Page 18:
Try it out
"After making these changes reload the page and the page should display Hello Felipe""

The error is that you use a "name" variable inside the component template but it's not defined inside the component. Define and use it like this in your component:
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
selector: 'app-user-item-component',
template: `
styles: []
export class AppComponent {
name: string = "Hello Felipe"

I had the same problem, just reading ng-book2-r49, you need to define that name property in class as names: string[]; so it looks like this
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
selector: 'app-user-item',
templateUrl: './user-item.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./user-item.component.css']
export class UserItemComponent implements OnInit {
name: string;
constructor() { = 'Felipe'; // set the name
ngOnInit() {


Vue.js + Bootstrap - question - invoking $bvToast from store.js

I have probably very profoundly simple question: how to invoke methods located in components from store.js, for instance I want a toast popup from store mutation. Any ideas?
The $bvToast can be found in BToast export. You can import it to use it.
import { BToast } from 'bootstrap-vue'
Example Class
import { BToast } from 'bootstrap-vue'
class uiUtils
showToast(message : string,title : string){
let bootStrapToaster = new BToast();
bootStrapToaster.$bvToast.toast(message, {
title: title,
toaster: "b-toaster-top-right",
solid: true,
appendToast: false
export default new uiUtils();
The documentation does show the individual component exports at the bottom of the page and can be found here Bootstrap Vue Documentation.

How to create a loader Spinner in Angular 5

I am new in angular 5. I want to create a mock json data in my service and i want to create a Spinner loader when i clicked the button .To display the spinner few seconds,in Angular 5 .
Thank you.
you can use ngx-spinner in your project. It's very easy to install and you have many options of spinner.
First Step: Install the lib
npm install ngx-spinner --save
Second step:
Import the lib in your module (app.module.ts)
// Import library module
import { NgxSpinnerModule } from 'ngx-spinner';
imports: [
// ...
export class AppModule { }
Third step: Add (or edit) the code below in your app.component.html
<ngx-spinner bdColor="rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.8)" size="medium" color="#dd8f44" type="line-scale-pulse-out-rapid"></ngx-spinner>
Fourth step: Use in your component or service
import { NgxSpinnerService } from 'ngx-spinner'; <--
selector: 'app-client',
templateUrl: './client.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./client.component.scss']
export class ClientComponent implements OnInit {
private spinner: NgxSpinnerService <--
) { }
ngOnInit() {; <---
setTimeout(() => {
this.spinner.hide(); <---
}, 1000);
I hope I helped you
You can use Angular Material Progress Bar.

Multiple tabs with materialize next (V1)?

I cannot use multiple tabs in the same page while using materialize v1 and angular.
This is my app.component.ts:
/* import { Component } from '#angular/core'; */
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import 'materialize-css';
declare var M: any;
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit{
title = 'app';
ngOnInit() {
const instanceSidenav = new M.Sidenav(document.querySelector('.sidenav'));
const instanceTab = new M.Tabs(document.querySelector('.tabs'));
And the sidenav menu works and even the first tab in the page works, but the second one doesnt' work. I turned the first to be the second and the same ocurs with the new second tabs.
What can I do without jquery?
I found a way to make it work: Instead of initialize the tabs in the official documentation way that uses a class selector inside a document.querySelector('.tabs') , I used ids selectors in this way document.querySelector('#tab1').
This worked for me until I think the problem needs a better approach.

Access property from component in provider in angular2

So I'm new to OOP and trying out ionic 2 with angular 2 with typescript.
Say I have an input in the home.html file that is coupled to username in home.ts like this:
export class HomePage {
public username: string;
public newusername: string;
constructor(public users: UserService) {
Now I want a service (userService.ts) to take username from the input or home.ts and modify it and store the result as newusername.
Do I have to make a constructor in the service/provider like in Homepage which instantiates a new object of home though I already made an object of this in home.ts?
I imported HomePage in userServices but I cant access newusername because I didnt make an object of it.
I don't know what exactly you want but take a look at this if its good for you. (I'd use newusername in service itself)
NOTE: its has nothing to do with Ionic2 as I don't know Ionic2.
Working demo:
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
import {service} from './service';
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
New User : {{s.newusername}}<br>
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="username">
<button (click)="click(username)">Add User</button>
export class AppComponent {
constructor(private s:service){
import {Injectable} from '#angular/core';
export class service{
You would need to call a service from code in the component, or pass the component to the service.
constructor(public users: UserService) {}
#Input() public username: string;
// called when an input was updated
ngOnChanges() {
this.newusername = this.users.convertUserName(this.username);
constructor(public users: UserService) {
users.component = this;
but this would still need some way to notify the service about changes to the input like in the above example.

angular 2 testing componnet with directives and got error router loading

everyone. I try to test angular 2 application and got some interesting error when I try to test component with directives (and in those directive-components - router is included). Got error from Karma:
Error loading http://localhost:9876/angular2/router as "angular2/router" from D:built/application/breadcrumbs/breadcrumbs.component.js .
I don`t know what to do with this issue. Can anybody help me please?
There is my header component test (via jasmine and Karma):
import { beforeEach,
injectAsync} from 'angular2/testing';
import {HeaderComponent} from './header.component';
import {BreadcrumbsComponent} from '../../breadcrumbs/breadcrumbs.component';
describe('HeaderComponent Tests', () => {
//let HeaderComponent: HeaderComponent;
beforeEachProviders(() => [HeaderComponent,
it('Should contains title property - "Header"', inject([HeaderComponent],
(headerComponent: HeaderComponent) => {
There is header component that I try to test.
import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
import {HeaderDataInterface} from './header.component.interfaces';
import {BreadcrumbsComponent} from '../../breadcrumbs/breadcrumbs.component';
import {SearchComponent} from '../../../modules/search/search.component';
// module path. Created for avoid copy/paste
const BUILT_MODULE_PATH: string = '/built/application/partials/header/';
selector: 'cgm_header',
templateUrl: `${BUILT_MODULE_PATH}header.component.html`,
directives: [BreadcrumbsComponent, SearchComponent],
styleUrls: [`..${BUILT_MODULE_PATH}header.component.css`],
export class HeaderComponent {
public title: string = 'Header';
// contains header data
public headerData: HeaderDataInterface = {
'searchPlaceholder': 'Search for Patient Name, MRN or MPID...',
'logOutLabel': 'Log out'
There is breadcrumb component
import {ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, Router} from 'angular2/router';
const builtModulePath: string = '/built/application/breadcrumbs/';
selector: 'sgm_breadcrumbs',
templateUrl: `${builtModulePath}breadcrumbs.component.html`,
styleUrls: [`..${builtModulePath}breadcrumbs.component.css`],
export class BreadcrumbsComponent implements OnInit {
private staticData = {
'title': 'Breadcrumbs',
'homeName': 'Home',
'dashboardName': 'Dashboard'
constructor(private _router: Router, private _injector: Injector) { }
ngOnInit() {
this._router.subscribe((value) => {
let instructions = [];
this._router.recognize(value).then(instruction => {
<script src=""></script>
is missing in index.html Plunker example
Try without templateUrl (use template instead). There were some related issues especially with async tests.
To set up tests use
// Somewhere in the test setup
import {setBaseTestProviders} from 'angular2/testing';
import {
} from 'angular2/platform/testing/browser';
See also