NSURL Query String Noob - alamofire

I am needing to make this query: /pricing?instruments=EUR_USD%2CUSD_CAD"
I've partially figured out how to use parameters: ["instruments" : "EUR_USD"] which gets me the first part of the query. I am having a difficult time getting to the second part.
My issue is getting %2C added to the query. Any help is appreciated

%2C is the URL encoding for ,.
So ["instruments" : "EUR_USD,USD_CAD"] will probably do what you want.


How to using regexp_contains for the similiar first word

i have a data with entrance_page_name:
can i get the data with the similar first word
WHEN REGEXP_CONTAINS(entrance_page_name, '^/search/q=') THEN 'search?q='
WHEN REGEXP_CONTAINS(entrance_page_name, '^search?') THEN 'search?'
But it's not really works. Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you
You can possibly use the raw string, and an escape character to override ? symbol.
SELECT CASE WHEN REGEXP_CONTAINS('/search?q=SDbmoLZK89s', r'^/search\?q=') THEN 'search?q=' END as test
The above code should ideally work in your situation.

Object name contains more than the maximum prefixes allowed

I have seen a lot of questions about this but I couldn't find the correct answer for me which works.
The object which triggers the problem is like
is the database Server.
Object name contains more than the maximum prefixes allowed
I have tried to write it like this [test123.de.company.com].Database.dbo.Table just like [test123.de.company.com].[Database].[dbo].[Table]
Can you tell me what's wrong with this?
Please try this:
OP also encountered a new problem after implementing this solution above. OP said:
Thank you! This worked for me. To be more precise, the join is for a
view and if I save/close and then later get back to the design option
the quote marks are removed and there is [test123.de.company.com] left
over and the error returns. Is there a way to keep them fixed?
Otherwise if I change anything I always have to add the quote marks
again and again
Then with the help of DaleK that problem also was solved. DaleK:
Don't use the design option, script it as alter instead

pdo bind_param containing quote returns nothing

I'm converting a mysqli code into PDO as it was requested but I'm having a hard time trying to pass some single quotes into the new LIKE query.I will only paste the parts regarding this problem as there's no need of pasting the whole query etc I guess.
Whenever I use something like "whatever" it returns the results fine, but when I go for "what'ever" it doesn't return anything... The way I have it at the moment was working with mysqli_ but it doesn't when I changed everything to PDO. Any idea how to actually quote the string or escape it properly?
Thank you in advance.
My variable is
The query
$listbugs = $bugtrackerpdo->prepare('
INNER JOIN raid ON raid.ID = bugs.Raid
AND raid.RaidName LIKE :raid
$listbugs->bindParam(':raid', $FilterRaid);

Regex to replace asterisk characters with html bold tag

Does anyone have a good regex to do this? For example:
This is *an* example
should become
This is <b>an</b> example
I need to run this in Objective C, but I can probably work that bit out on my own. It's the regex that's giving me trouble (so rusty...). Here's what I have so far:
s/\*([0-9a-zA-Z ])\*/<b>$1<\/b>/g
But it doesn't seem to be working. Any ideas? Thanks :)
EDIT: Thanks for the answer :) If anyone is wondering what this looks like in Objective-C, using RegexKitLite:
NSString *textWithBoldTags = [inputText stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfRegex:#"\\*([0-9a-zA-Z ]+?)\\*" withString:#"<b>$1<\\/b>"];
EDIT AGAIN: Actually, to encompass more characters for bolding I changed it to this:
NSString *textWithBoldTags = [inputText stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfRegex:#"\\*([^\\*]+?)\\*" withString:#"<b>$1<\\/b>"];
Why don't you just do \*([^*]+)\* and replace it with <b>$1</b> ?
You're only matching one character between the *s. Try this:
s/\*([0-9a-zA-Z ]*?)\*/<b>$1<\/b>/g
or to ensure there's at least one character between the *s:
s/\*([0-9a-zA-Z ]+?)\*/<b>$1<\/b>/g
I wrote a slightly more complex version that ensures the asterisk is always at the boundary so it ignores hanging star characters:
Test phrases with which it works and doesn't:
This one regexp works for me (JavaScript)

Rails ActiveRecord: Inserting text containing unprintable/weird characters

I am inserting some text from scraped web into my database. some of the fields in the string have unprintable/weird characters. For example,
if text is "C__O__?__P__L__E__T__E",
then the text in the database is stored only as "C__O__"
I know about h(), strip_tags()... sanitize, ... etc etc. But I do not want to sanitize this SQL. The activerecord logs the SQL correctly, and when run in phpMySQL, the query is executed correctly. something happens between the SQL query generation and it being executed.
Help is much appreciated.
Just replace the question mark in the string with a string containing a question mark, I haven't found any other way either:
["C__O__?__P__L__E__T__E", '?']
works perfectly.
Can you escape the question mark using "\?"?
Hmmmm.. using CGI escape, I found out that the character coming in the system is not what I expected it to be. It is not a question mark (%3F) but a question mark (%D5).
Eventually I gsubbed out the non-printable characters before saving.
gsub(/[^[:print:]]/, '')
Only after removing the invalid characters in my string, was I able to save the item properly.
None of the other solutions worked, partially because the problem was not understood clearly upfront.
I know this is way late, but I ran into the same problem when we were trying to process a file as UTF-8 that actually used the ISO-8859-1 character encoding. I suspect you had a similar issue in your scraping where you assumed the wrong encoding and it ended up causing things to fail.