Calculating a proxy bit size in a BigQuery table - google-bigquery

How does one go about calculating the bit size of each record in BigQuery sharded tables across a range of time?
Objective: how much has it grown over time
Nuances: Of the 70 some fields, some records would have nulls for most, some records would have long string text grabbed directly from the raw logs, and some of them could be float/integer/date types.
Wondering if there's an easy way to do a proxy count of the bit size for one day and then I can expand that to a range of time.

Example from my experience:
One of my tables is daily sharded table with daily size of 4-5TB. Schema has around 780 fields. I wanted to understand cost of each data-point (bit-size) [it was used then for calculating ROI based on cost/usage]
So, let me give you an idea on how cost (bit-size) side of it was approached.
The main piece here is use of dryRun property of Jobs: Query API
Setting dryRun to true allows BigQuery (instead of actually running job) return statistics about the job such as how many bytes would be processed. And that’s exactly what is needed here!
So, for example, below Request is designed to get cost of trafficSource.referralPath in ga_session table for 2017-01-05
"query": "SELECT trafficSource.referralPath FROM yourProject.yourDataset.ga_sessions_20170105`",
"dryRun": true,
"useLegacySql": false
You can get this value by parsing totalBytesProcessed out of Response. See example of such response below
"kind": "bigquery#queryResponse",
"jobReference": {
"projectId": "yourBillingProject"
"totalBytesProcessed": "371385",
"jobComplete": true,
"cacheHit": false
So, you can write relatively simple script in the client of your choice that:
reads schema of your table – you can use Tables: get API for this or if schema is known and readily available you can just simply hardcode it
organize loop through all (each and every) field in the schema
inside loop – call query api and extract size of respective filed (as it is outlined above)) and of course log it (or just collect it in memory)
As a result of above - you will have list of all fields with their respective size
If now, you need to analyze those sizes changes over the time – you can wrap above with yet another loop where you will iterate through as many days as you need and collect stats for each and every day
if you are not interested in day-by-day analysis - you just can make sure your query actually queries the range you are interested with. This can be done with use of a Wildcard Table
I consider this relatively easy way to go with
Me personally, I remember doing this with Go-lang, but it doesn't matter - you can use any client that you are most comfortable with
Hope this will help you!


Unnesting a big quantity of columns in BigQuery and BigTable

I have a table in BigTable, with a single column family, containing some lead data. I was following the Google Cloud guide to querying BigTable data from BigTable ( and so far so good.
I've crated the table definition file, like the docs required:
"sourceFormat": "BIGTABLE",
"sourceUris": [
"bigtableOptions": {
"readRowkeyAsString": "true",
"columnFamilies": [
"familyId": "leads",
"columns": [
"qualifierString": "Id",
"type": "STRING"
"qualifierString": "IsDeleted",
"type": "STRING"
But then, things started to go south...
This is how the BigQuery "table" ended up looking:
Each row is a rowkey and inside each column there's a nested cell, where the only value I need is the value from leads.Id.cell (in this case)
After a bit of searching I found a solution to this:
So in my case it would be something like this:
FROM xxx
The problem is that I'm dealing with a dataset with more than 600 columns per row. It is unfeasible (and impossible, given BigQuery's subquery limits) to repeat this process more than 600 times per row/query.
I couldn't think of a way to automate this query or even think about other methods to unnest this many cells (my SQL knowledge stops here).
Is there any way to do a unesting like this for 600+ columns, with an SQL/BigQuery query? Preferable in a more efficient way? If not, I'm thinking of doing a daily batch process, using a simple Python connector from BigTable to BigQuery, but I'm afraid of the costs this will incur.
Any documentation, reference or idea will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
In general, you're setting yourself up for a world of pain when you try to query a NoSQL database (like BigTable) using SQL. Unnesting data is a very expensive operation in SQL because you're effectively performing a cross join (which is many-to-many) every time UNNEST is called, so trying to do that 600+ times will give you either a query timeout or a huge bill.
The BigTable API will be way more efficient than SQL since it's designed to query NoSQL structures. A common pattern is to have a script that runs daily (such as a Python script in a Cloud Function) and uses the API to get that day's data, parse it, and then output that to a file in Cloud Storage. Then you can query those files via BigQuery as needed. A daily script that loops through all the columns of your data without requiring extensive data transforms is usually cheap and definitely less expensive than trying to force it through SQL.
That being said, if you're really set on using SQL, you might be able to use BigQuery's JSON functions to extract the nested data you need. It's hard to visualize what your data structure is without sample data, but you may be able to read the whole row in as a single column of JSON or a string. Then if you have a predictable path for the values you are looking to extract, you could use a function like JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY to extract all of those values into an array. A Regex function could be used similarly as well. But if you need to do this kind of parsing on the whole table in order to query it, a batch job to transform the data first will still be much more efficient.

How to count rows of finished BigQuery job using node.js client library

I would like to get the row count of job that was run using:
The naive way of doing this, would be to stream the result (e.g. using):
And count one by one. This obviously isn't very efficient, especially for large results. Another way I thought of is using the metadata of the job:
job.on('complete', function(metadata) {...}
Where I could kind of "reverse engineer" the response, to get the query plan, and see the number of written rows in the last step. I could find that in:
statistics.query.queryPlan[statistics.query.queryPlan.length - 1].recordsWritten
While a sample of different queries convinced me that this might work, it feels like a "hack", and it's difficult to say how robust it will be. Seems like I might need to handle different cases (failed queries, etc.)
EDIT: Another option suggested below is "SELECT COUNT"ing the temp table created by the original query (available in the job metadata). While this absolutely is a straightforward way to get the result I'm looking for, it has the disadvantage of requiring another roundtrip to query the BigQuery service, which costs several seconds. It is a 0 "bytes billed" query (counting a full table uses table metadata only), but it seems redundant when the job "knows" how many rows it has written to the output.
Is there a straightforward and "correct" way to get this count from the job object, without a roundtrip to BQ service? Perhaps a field I missed / misinterpreted, or a function in the job object that returns this?
Any job has destination table - even when you do not explicitly set it - result is still saved in so-called anonymous table that you can in turn query to get the count of output rows. So below simple extra query will work (note - names are just as an example)
FROM `yourProject._0511743a77ca76c1b55482d7cb1f8e91ac5c7b36.anon17286defe54b5c07ba6810a71abfdba6388ac4e0`
The actual destination table to use - can be retrieved from configuration.query.destinationTable property of job
job.on('complete', function(metadata) {

Find out the amount of space each field takes in Google Big Query

I want to optimize the space of my Big Query and google storage tables. Is there a way to find out easily the cumulative space that each field in a table gets? This is not straightforward in my case, since I have a complicated hierarchy with many repeated records.
You can do this in Web UI by simply typing (and not running) below query changing to field of your interest
SELECT <column_name>
FROM YourTable
and looking into Validation Message that consists of respective size
Important - you do not need to run it – just check validation message for bytesProcessed and this will be a size of respective column
Validation is free and invokes so called dry-run
If you need to do such “columns profiling” for many tables or for table with many columns - you can code this with your preferred language using Tables.get API to get table schema ; then loop thru all fields and build respective SELECT statement and finally Dry Run it (within the loop for each column) and get totalBytesProcessed which as you already know is the size of respective column
I don't think this is exposed in any of the meta data.
However, you may be able to easily get good approximations based on your needs. The number of rows is provided, so for some of the data types, you can directly calculate the size:
For types such as string, you could get the average length by querying e.g. the first 1000 fields, and use this for your storage calculations.

Problems loading a series of snapshots by date

I have been running into a consistent problem using the LBAPI which I feel is probably a common use case given its purpose. I am generating a chart which uses LBAPI snapshots of a group of Portfolio Items to calculate the chart series. I know the minimum and maximum snapshot dates, and need to query once a day in between these two dates. There are two main ways I have found to accomplish this, both of which are not ideal:
Use the _ValidFrom and _ValidTo filter properties to limit the results to snapshots within the selected timeframe. This is bad because it will also load snapshots which I don't particularly care about. For instance if a PI is revised several times throughout the day, I'm really only concerned with the last valid snapshot of that day. Because some of the PIs I'm looking for have been revised several thousand times, this method requires pulling mostly data I'm not interested in, which results in unnecessarily long load times.
Use the __At filter property and send a separate request for each query date. This method is not ideal because some charts would require several hundred requests, with many requests returning redundant results. For example if a PI wasn't modified for several days, each request within that time frame would return a separate instance of the same snapshot.
My workaround for this was to simulate the effect of __At, but with several filters per request. To do this, I added this filter to my request:, function(queryDate) {
property : '_ValidFrom',
operator : '<=',
value : queryDate
property : '_ValidTo',
operator : '>=',
value : queryDate
But of course, a new problem arises... Adding this filter results in much too large of a request to be sent via the LBAPI, unless querying for less than ~20 dates. Is there a way I can send larger filters to the LBAPI? Or will I need to break theis up into several requests, which only makes this solution slightly better than the second of the latter.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Conner, my recommendation is to download all of the snapshots even the ones you don't want and marshal them on the client side. There is functionality in the Lumenize library that's bundled with the App SDK that makes this relatively easy and the TimeSeriesCalculator will also accomplish this for you with even more features like aggregating the data into series.

What is a best way to organise the complex couchdb view (sql-like query)?

In my application I need a SQL-like query of the documents. The big picture is that there is a page with a paginated table showing the couchdb documents of a certain "type". I have about 15 searchable columns like timestamp, customer name, the us state, different numeric fields, etc. All of these columns are orderable, also there is a filter form allowing the user to filter by each of the fields.
For a more concrete below is a typical query which is a result by a customer setting some of the filter options and following to the second page. Its written in a pseodo-sql code, just to explain the problem:
timestamp > last_weeks_monday_epoch AND timestamp < this_weeks_monday_epoch AND marked_as_test = False AND dataspace="production" AND fico > 650
SORT BY timestamp DESC
This would be a trivial problem if I were using any sql-like database, but couchdb is way more fun ;) To solve this I've created a view with the following structure of the emitted rows:
key: [field, value], id: doc._id, value: null
Now, to resolve the example query above I need to perform a bunch of queries:
{startkey: ["timestamp", last_weeks_monday_epoch], endkey: ["timestamp", this_weeks_monday_epoch]}, the *_epoch here are integers epoch timestamps,
{key: ["marked_as_test", False]},
{key: ["dataspace", "production"]},
{startkey: ["fico", 650], endkey: ["fico", {}]}
Once I have the results of the queries above I calculate intersection of the sets of document IDs and apply the sorting using the result of timestamp query. Than finally I can apply the slice resolving the document IDs of the rows 15-30 and download their content using bulk get operation.
Needless to say, its not the fastest operation. Currently the dataset I'm working with is roughly 10K documents big. I can already see that the part when I'm calculating the intersection of the sets can take like 4 seconds, obviously I need to optimize it further. I'm afraid to think, how slow its going to get in a few months when my dataset doubles, triples, etc.
Ok, so having explained the situation I'm at, let me ask the actual questions.
Is there a better, more natural way to reach my goal without loosing the flexibility of the tool?
Is the view structure I've used optimal ? At some point I was considering using a separate map() function generating the value of each field. This would result in a smaller b-trees but more work of the view server to generate the index. Can I benefit this way ?
The part of algorithm where I have to calculate intersections of the big sets just to later get the slice of the result bothers me. Its not a scalable approach. Does anyone know a better algorithm for this ?
Having map function:
if(doc.marked_as_test) return;
emit([doc.dataspace, doc.timestamp, doc.fico], null):
You can made similar request:
http://localhost:5984/db/_design/ddoc/_view/view?startkey=["production", :this_weeks_monday_epoch]&endkey=["production", :last_weeks_monday_epoch, 650]&descending=true&limit=15&skip=15
However, you should pass :this_weeks_monday_epoch and :last_weeks_monday_epoch values from the client side (I believe they are some calculable variables on database side, right?)
If you don't care about dataspace field (e.g. it's always constant), you may move it into the map function code instead of having it in query parameters.
I don't think CouchDB is a good fit for the general solution to your problem. However, there are two basic ways you can mitigate the ways CouchDB fits the problem.
Write/generate a bunch of map() functions that use each separate column as the key (for even better read/query performance, you can even do combinatoric approaches). That way you can do smart filtering and sorting, making use of a bunch of different indices over the data. On the other hand, this will cost extra disk space and index caching performance.
Try to find out which of the filters/sort orders your users actually use, and optimize for those. It seems unlikely that each combination of filters/sort orders is used equally, so you should be able to find some of the most-used patterns and write view functions that are optimal for those patterns.
I like the second option better, but it really depends on your use case. This is one of those things SQL engines have been pretty good at traditionally.