xamarin-studio and hyper-v machines - xamarin-studio

I would like to setup Xamarin-studio on a hyper-v machine is that possible or not ? Because I've tried that twice and didn't work, I always got this error after installation and running Xamarin-studio :


Windows Pycharm with remote environment not displaying fgures

I have installed PyCharm Professional 2017.3.2 on my Windows 10 machine laptop, and configured it to use a Vagrant Ubuntu 16.04 Server (Virtualbox) VM running a conda environment as the remote interpreter. I am able to execute Python scripts using this environment, but figures do not get displayed. For instance, the example in https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/scientific-mode-tutorial.html returns with exit code 0 despite no figure being rendered by the plt.show() command. No errors are reported.
The backend given by matplotlib.get_backend() is module://backend_interagg. I have seen mention of setting DISPLAY or installing Xorg on the VM, but this seems to be from older posts when QT was used in the backend. Can anyone advise on how to get plots to show with a recent setup?

Vagrant disable SSH Agent

Getting the following when I am trying to run Vagrant up.
Have tried to re-provision etc. Even tried rolling back (in Time Machine) the user/vagrant-local directory & the vagrant-local directory where the sites all live.
An error occurred in the underlying SSH library that Vagrant uses. The
error message is shown below. In many cases, errors from this library
are caused by ssh-agent issues. Try disabling your SSH agent or
removing some keys and try again.
If the problem persists, please report a bug to the net-ssh project.
timeout during server version negotiating
I was getting this exact error.
I upgraded from VirtualBox 5.0.x to 5.1.8 and the error went way.
After upgrading I did vagrant destroy and then vagrant up and the machine booted up without issues.
So this is what I have now:
Windows 10 pro
Vagrant 1.8.7
VirtualBox 5.1.8
I also made sure everything else was updated. Don't forget to reboot.
Hope this helps.
I have faced the same issue and done the following:
Send shutdown command to your VM (virtual machine)
Run the command again: vagrant up
ssh issue was resolved after this as VM has been restarted again.
I just had the same issue on this setup:
Windows 11
Vagrant 2.3.1
VirtualBox 6.1.38
What seems to have solved the problem for me is this:
run vagrant destroy -f
temporarily disable "Use the WSL2 based engine" from Docker Desktop. Wait for Docker Desktop restart.
run vagrant up --debug. The problem is still reported, but this time Vagrant recovers and runs to the end
Verify vagrant ssh is working
Re-enable "Use the WSL2 based engine". Wait for Docker Desktop restart.
Verify things are still working (also after re-boot)

Hadoop name node fails to load in VirtualBox after sometime

I've configured and am running Hadoop v2.7.2 along with OpenJDK v7 u191. Once the configuration is done, all the process namely name node, data node, secondary name node, etc. runs perfectly (Checked with jps).
I'm running Ubuntu 14.0.4 LTS in Oracle VirtualBox (Currently VirtualBox is running in Windows10).
Once the system is halted (or shut down) for some time, then after restarting Hadoop, name node fails to start. All other processes other than name node is working fine, yet the name node is not.
I've tried reinstalling and reconfiguring the whole thing from the scratch, yet the problem is like it was. Also, I would like to add that there was no error when Hadoop was installed along with other software. I have also tried to reformat HDFS, but that doesn't work either.
I'm new to Big Data and Hadoop, so it would be very helpful if anyone could tell me what exactly is wrong and how to solve it step-by-step.
One more thing, someone previously advised me to configure SSH server to run hadoop properly, so I'd configured SSH server along with.
This is what Happens, when I restart my Ubuntu after sometimes
Image: Ubuntu

boot2docker inside VBox

I would like to use boot2docker for Windows inside a VirtualBox (Windows XP 64-bits, VT-x enabled).
I tried to start the last version of boot2docker (v1.6.2) but the boot2docker start command does not end, both using the Boot2docker shortcut or running directly boot2docker start in Windows terminal.
The "boot2docker init" actually works, but the "boot2docker up" outputs (I waited for one hour, still up):
Waiting for VM and Docker daemon to start..............................................ooooooo
There is no failure, no message, nothing major in Logs from boot2docker-vm and its state is "running".
I tried "boot2docker ssh" in another Terminal but it fails with error "error in run: exit status 255" ("boot2docker ip" fails with "Failed to get VM Host only IP address. Was the VM initialized using boot2docker?").
I guess this issue can be related to the usage of Windows inside a VB by contrast with "native" Windows.
Did someone already successfully use older versions of boot2docker inside a VirtualBox? Or maybe it is not possible...
This happened to me once, and I did a
boot2docker delete
boot2docker init
boot2docker up
and it worked.
It is rather impossible to run boot2docker inside the VirtualBox as boot2docker is based also on VirtualBox and unfortunately such nesting is not supported - here is feature request concerning this (its worth to show your interest there! :).
People are reporting success running nested VirtualBox configuration but they are using 32 bit OS for inner instance and docker supports currently only 64 bit OS.
There are however some unofficial tries to run docker on 32 bit OS but then there is a need of dedicated 32 bit docker images.
It would be interesting if such combination of above have worked for somebody.

NFS unavailable until NFS server restart

I have quite a strange problem with NFS. I have two systems. One is my workstation, Ubuntu 13.04, linux kernel 3.8.0. Here I've got a directory with code I am working on: /home/user/source. The other is a virtual machine running on some remote server. It has Centos 6.3 and mounts the directory at /opt/source. The point is I have got a whole development environment there needed to run my code, but I want to store the code itself on my local machine for easier acces for Eclipse and other development tools.
Unfortunately, when I reboot my local machine, the NFS filesystem is unavailable on the virtual box until I run: /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart. I cannot figure out why. Here's the only line in /etc/exports on my local machine:
And here's the line from /etc/fstab on virtual machine, where the NFS is described: /opt/WP nfs defaults,nofail 0 0
It looks like your NFS server wasn't started at boot time. I think, even on Ubuntu 13.04, you can still manage this with the "rcconf" program:
sudo apt-get install rcconf dialog
sudo rcconf
Then, check off nfs-kernel-server.
If for some reason this isn't working, try a similar process with the sysv-rc-conf package.