VB.NET How to Get Path of Opened Folder? - vb.net

I'm trying to implement a VB.NET script which shows the full path of the opened folder when clicking right click inside it (not selecting its name),
I attached a screenshot to explain myself.
Now, I already know how to do it when selecting either a file or a folder,,
I found questions here about getting all active/opened windows, but that's not my target. I just want the full path of a specific folder where I right clicked.
So for example, If I click the option "sPaste", I should get a messagebox with the text "C:\test"
Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim path as a String = ""
For Each arg As String In args
path = path & " " & arg & ""
Next arg
End Sub
Sending the argument %1 to my app as it for the filename or the folder would not work here because there is nothing selected.


visualbasic cant delete .zip file in a directory

i have three folder in "D:\TestField". These are "backups","ExampleFileUpdatePrimary","ExampleFileUpdateSecondary.zip". I can delete "D:\TestField\ExampleFileUpdatePrimary" folder ,but i cant delete "D:\TestField\ExampleFileUpdateSecondary.zip"
my sub function is ;
Private Sub DeleteFolder(ByVal path As String)
path = path.Remove(path.Length - 1) 'D:\TestField\ExampleFileUpdatePrimary
Dim path2 = path & ".zip" 'D:\TestField\ExampleFileUpdateSecondary.zip
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory(path, FileIO.DeleteDirectoryOption.DeleteAllContents) 'its working
'Dim di = New IO.DirectoryInfo(path2) 'try1
'IO.Directory.Delete(path2) 'try2
'My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory(path2, FileIO.DeleteDirectoryOption.DeleteAllContents) 'try3
End Sub
try1,try2 exceptions says " The directory name is invalid"
try3 exception says "System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: ''D:\TestField\ExampleFileUpdateSecondary.zip "
i couldnot find a new solution or try to delete a .zip file in code
Directory entries ending on .zip are usually files not folders, even though Windows Explorer displays them as folders.
Since they are files, use File.Delete instead.

Saving image from php id URL using webbrowser in VB.net

I am trying to save a image from webbrowser but can't find an answer for it.
Example of the problem is the URL is hxxp://domain[.]com/image/?img=1234 on webbrowser it shows the image and the source is <img src='hxxp://domain[.]com/image/?img=1234'>..
I was unable to save it using the My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile and MemoryStream(tClient.DownloadData methods.
In order to download the file, I will need to session cookie also?
How can I do this?
Any image that you see in the WebBrowser has already been downloaded to your computer. It is normally cached in the folder:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files
or whatever other folder is set in Internet Options. You can get your image from that folder.
The following program shows how to copy file TDAssurance_Col.png from the Temporary Internet Files folder to the C:\Temp folder.
Module Module1
Sub Main()
CopyFileFromTemporaryInternetFolder("TDAssurance_Col.png", "C:\Temp")
End Sub
Public Sub CopyFileFromTemporaryInternetFolder(filename As String, destinationFolder As String)
' Search actual path of filename.
Dim temporaryInternetFilesFolder As String = IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.InternetCache), "Content.IE5")
Dim pattern As String = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) & "*" & Path.GetExtension(filename)
Dim pathnames() As String = Directory.GetFiles(temporaryInternetFilesFolder, pattern, SearchOption.AllDirectories)
' If file found, copy it.
If pathnames.Count > 0 Then
File.Copy(pathnames(0), Path.Combine(destinationFolder, filename))
End If
End Sub
End Module

How to get the full path of a file through the file's name

I am trying to get the path of a file from the name of it. I made an executable file on my desktop, Commands.exe, I am trying to get the full path of it through a console application. I want the program to search the whole of my computer for the file, (it is on my desktop for simplicity) and return the path, bearing in mind the file could be anywhere. The path I want the program to return is:
My Code:
Imports System.IO
Module Module1
Dim fileLocation As String
Dim filename As String = "Commands.exe"
Sub Main()
fileLocation = Path.GetFullPath(filename)
End Sub
End Module
but instead it prints out
"C:\Users\Jimbob\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\get path
test\get path test\bin\Debug\Commands.exe"
It prints out the path of the project all of my code is in. In this path, there isn't even a Commands.exe in the Debug folder.
or couldn't you just
dim fileName as string = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath() & "\Commands.exe"
You can use the Directory.GetFiles or the FileSystem.GetFiles methods to do this.
Something along the lines of:
fileLocation = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles("C:\",

VBA Shell command always returns "File Not Found"

I'm using VBA for MS Access in order to link a small C# app to my database as a helper tool. I have tried a couple of different ideas from stackoverflow itself, including the ShellAndWait utility and another on that page.
I have a button on a form. When you click this button, it should run another application that I am currently storing in %APPDATA%/program/
This is the code that is currently active:
Private Sub BtnImport_Click()
Dim file As String
Dim hProcess as Long
file = Environ("APPDATA") & "\program\component_import.exe"
'This is the standard version, which apparently does nothing at this time.
hProcess = Shell(file, vbNormalFocus)
'This is the RunApplication version I got from here earlier. It ends
'with "Successfully returned -532462766
'This is the ShellAndWait version, which gives me a "File not Found" error
import_funcs.ShellAndWait(file, 0, vbNormalFocus, AbandonWait)
End Sub
I had changed the original shell out for both the ShellAndWait module and another similar module. Neither of those options work any differently in terms of my application not starting.
I have double-checked that "file" is correct (It points to C:\Users\Me\AppData\Roaming\program\component_import.exe). I have double-checked to make sure that my app is in the correct location.
It runs fine if I double-click from file explorer. It says Run-time error '53': File not found. whenever I attempt to run it from MS Access.
Any suggestions?
Edit: As an aside, the path itself does not contain any spaces.
Edit: Added some additional code.
Link to first pastebin: RunApplication pastebin
Link to second pastebin: ShellAndWait pastebin
I found sometimes folder names with spaces throws error when using shell command.
eg: C:\My Folder\appl.exe
make it:
Also can check for a valid path:
The following code checks the folder where chrome.exe residing and calling www.google.com from there by passing url as argument:
Public Sub Display_Google()
Dim chromePath As String
chromePath = "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
If FileExists(chromePath) Then
Shell (chromePath & " -url" & " " & "www.google.com"), vbMaximizedFocus
chromePath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
Shell (chromePath & " -url" & " " & "www.google.com"), vbMaximizedFocus
End If
End Sub
Public Function FileExists(ByVal FileName As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
FileExists = Not CBool(GetAttr(FileName) And (vbDirectory Or vbVolume))
On Error GoTo 0
End Function

how to get file directory when open with or send to event?

How do I get a file's directory when open with or send to event happens?
I want it like media player, the application can get the file name & path when the user runs it with Open With.
The filename will be pased on the command line to your application, so you can access it by either
Module MainModule
Sub Main(cmdArgs As String())
Dim fileName as string = cmdArgs(0)
End Sub
End Module
For a console application, or by
Dim args As String() = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()
Dim fileName As String = args(1)
For a GUI application.
Note that when using Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(), the first element in the array will be the full path to your executable, so you need to access the second element to get the file name. In the first example, cmdArgs will only contain the file name parameter.
To get the directory name containing the file, you can use
Dim path as String = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName)