Up rest feed data - jawbone

Having to look to all the feed data in the phone harms people's necks. A more comfortable way to see and manipulate it is needed. I would like to do a web viewer to view the up application feed in a browser.
However, I had a look at the REST API and couldn't find a way to obtain it. There is a part where generic "events" are mention. Can I obtain the feed data from there?

The developer REST APIs do not provide the ability to re-create the UP app's feed.
If you really want to, you could do a close approximation since the APIs provide most of the data that appears in the feed. However, you would have to provide all the styling and assets yourself.


How do I create a private and public API architecture

I got a project assigned where we already have an up and running website and one of our clients wants to be able to track statistics from the website.
We want to make this available to all our clients as soon as we finish the development. Note that each 'client' have their own 'subdomain' to say so. Eg. www.website.com/client1 , www.website.com/client2 , etc. And we want to track the usage separately for each of these clients.
We will need to create statistics based on the usage of our own platform, pull in data registered by Google Analytics and also pull in data from a 3rd party which they will offer by an API of their own (they have a 3rd party solution that uses the data accessible via our API).
All this data needs to be shown on a webpage with graphs and tables.
I wanted to make sure we choose the right architecture from the start, in order to avoid scalability issues later on.
Started reading about Private and Public API's lately.
For now, we do not have another (internal) application yet that would use our own statisics, it would just be the website using it. But in order to be able to scale-up later if needed, and another application would like to use the statistics I think a private API would benefit us greatly.
In order to allow 3rd parties to use the statistical data we chose to let out, I was thinking of creating a Public API.
Is a Private&Public API the correct way to go about this?
One of the questions I am stuck with is how does the architecture for these API's look like. Mostly, right now we already have a public API regarding vacancy data. This 'API' is basically just a PHP class (controller) inside our CodeIgniter solution. It gets called via its URL and returns a JSON object with the results. (e.g. www.website.com/api/vacancy/xxx)
In order to create a (proper) private & public API solution/architecture. Should the API be set free from the website (CodeIgniter)? What are the common go-to solutions for this?
Or is it fine to keep it in our current platform the way it is now? (and people call the stats API via www.website.com/api/stats/xxx for example?)
It's almost always right to go with microservices like architecture so your initial thoughts sounds reasonable. Acting like this will give the possibility to scale and deploy your api independently and also will help you avoid performance side effects to your site (and vice versa). Pay attention how you access your main site data from within the new api if you don't want to finish with a monolith application.
Regarding the API i would suggest you to implement protocol like oauth2 in order to achieve the flexibility you (might) need. Also you can use swagger to document and test your API.
All i said might helps you a lot but first you have to answer yourself do you really need to go so deep or you just need a simple solution.
I think multitenancy is the best choice. Generally speaking, multitenancy is when every customer has own database. Data is separate. The codebase is same and already exists. As I understood the project is in progress status. You do not redesign and rewrite anything.

Difference between RSS and Web API?

I have searched a lot on web to find a satisfactory answer but I did't get an answer.
Some says RSS is static xml while in web API we make a proper format of request and get a proper format of response
Kindly help me on this
The reason RESTful APIs are so inconsistent across different services is because REST is not a standard, it's not a protocol. It's an architectural style. Some things to take into consideration for your API would be; what HTTP verbs to support, what URI structure to follow, how to consistently return error messages, how to handle partial selection, versioning, authentication, pagination, and so on and so forth.. There is no specific right way of doing it (it's debated often), but there are many ways that are not so great!
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, which is essentially a format for delivering regularly changing web content. RSS feeds allow a user to subscribe to their favorite news sources, blogs, websites, and other digital properties, and then receive the latest content from all those different areas or sites in one place, without having to repeatedly visit each individual site.
Your question sounds like "What difference is between Ford Focus and a taxi service?" Ford Focus can be one of the cars in a taxi service. But nothing more.
RSS is a standard, which describes specific format of news feed. You can have a standalone locally stored RSS-formatted file, remote stored RSS-file somewhere on a server, or you can have a web-service which constructs RSS-formatted file on the fly. It will be RSS in all three cases because RSS is something that describes internal structure of a file.
Web Service is, basically, an application which runs somewhere on a server, accepts requests, processes it according to the application's internal logic, and then provides answers. Web service can take any kind of requests and provide any kind on responses, including RSS-formatted ones.
Hope that makes things a bit clearer for you.
We will be using RSS as broadcasting channel, who ever wants to know what's happning in my Company can follow my company website's RSS feed.

DFA Reporting API - get data directly from API

I've been looking and searching for quite a while on https://developers.google.com/doubleclick-advertisers/reporting/v1.3/. What I'm trying to find is a way to directly get the data via the API. Is this possible?
As far as I can see you can create reports, run this report which generates a file and then get the download url to the file with the actual data in it. Is it not possible to directly get the data through the DFA reporting API?
No! I don't think it is. As far as I know the API is more like a programmatic recreation of the web interface. It doesn't operate like I'd expect an API to work.

Live Data Visualisation

I want to know if there is a simpler and quicker way to visualize dynamic data. The setup that I require is:
An admin web-interface with forms to feed data.
A public web-page with a table and few charts to display data dynamically.
Live and dynamic display of data.
I know python and I am currently learning django framework.
Solutions which don't require programming skills are also welcome.
Any CMS;
Take a look at google's visualization api.
Visualizing the data client-side requires the use of something along the lines of Raphaƫl or jqplot, which you can customize to your specific scenario. You can, however, opt to display charts using images and generate them on the server, then switch the images periodically in Javascript.
The other technical hurdle is the way you get data on the client. Typically, you can implement polling via AJAX (easier) or some push mechanism (Comet, for example, though harder and requires server-side specifics). When you get the data on the client, you simply change out the data on the chart or remove and recreate it. When using images, it is as simple as changing the src property on the images, but requires generating the images on the server.
Highcharts provides some really good examples.
Realtime Plot Highcharts
Mostly AJAX shall suffice,but in case you wish to have a tightly coupled system,using Django-chartit might also be an option
When I setout to something very similar, I found these very useful,
Admin theme : Look at these themes and relatively very inexpensive. Big time savers.
These themes already has some built-in graphs/charts. If you want something more complex, D3 JS impressed me. Also look at kendoUI and sencha UI charts.
You can ofcourse build your portal on django but I'm developing on ruby on rails. Good luck!
If you need live data visualization,the best solution is Google Public Data Explorer http://goo.gl/CWbxO . But first of all ,you should learn about DSPL https://developers.google.com/public-data/overview ,the Dataset Publishing Language describes how your data is organized and how you want to show your data(e.g,bar chart ,line chart ,bubble char or else)
you can upload your data via http://www.google.com/publicdata/admin to upload your dataset
after you successfully upload your data,open it in your Public data adamin,explore the data,and you can get a link on the right ,you can embed the chart in your own website too
the chart is ilve,you can find some examples first,mostly,the x axis is by year,and you can describe it yourself
Here is a example of Google Public Data Explorer. http://goo.gl/yZ5Cj

Is it possible to develop a Facebook app that filters updates out of a feed?

Namely, does the Facebook API make this possible? I'd like to leave my news feed intact, but remove posts that meet some criteria for things I don't want to see (e.g., don't show me anything that sounds like Dick Cheney might have said it). Does the Facebook API allow apps to customize a user's normal news feed? I spent a few minutes looking at the facebook developer pages, but didn't see any direct answers to my question, so I was hoping some developers who were experienced with Facebook's API could help me here.
Before anyone mentions it, I don't want to just hide updates from those users. They may post other updates that I want to see, so I'd prefer to filter out updates based on content.
There is a Greasemonkey script called "Facebook Purity" which does this. You could probably look at the source and alter it to your specifications.
You could parse the news feed into a database on your site then use code to parse whether or not to display it.
yes this is possible but only if all your friends decide to add your application! otherwise you may be not able to access their feeds.
Its been a while since i used Facebook SDK so this may have changed.
The API provides very little news feed integration, and no you can't use the api to prevent news feed items from showing up in a users feed. All you can do is post and get, and you can only post 10 items a day, "significant" interactions. The Facebook API wasn't designed to enhance or alter the core Facebook experience, it was designed to allow developers to create third party apps that add to Facebook within a very limited and tightly controlled sandbox.
The Linq to facebook project looks quite interesting and may allow you to do what you are asking (if using .NET 3.5). My apologies for a link to such a pink website ;-)