SQL SELECT rows where the difference between consecutive columns is less than X - sql

Basically Mysql: Find rows, where timestamp difference is less than x, but I want to stop at the first value whose timestamp difference is larger than X.
I got so far:
(LEAD(datetime) OVER (ORDER BY datetime)) - datetime AS difference
FROM history
) AS sq
WHERE difference < '00:01:00'
Which seems to correctly return all rows where the difference between the row and the one "behind" it is less than a minute, but that means I still get large jumps in the datetimes, which I don't want - I want to select the most recent "run" of rows, where a "run" is defined as "the timestamps in datetime differ by less than a minute".
e.g., I have rows whose hypothetical timestamps are as follows:
24, 22, 21, 19, 18, 12, 11, 9, 7...
And my limit of differences is 3, i.e. I want the run of the rows whose difference between "timestamps" is less than 3; therefore just:
24, 22, 21, 19, 18
Is this possible in SQL?

You can use lag to get the previous row's timestamp and check if the current row is within 3 minutes of it. Reset the group if the condition fails. After this grouping is done, you have the find the latest such group, use max to get it. Then get all those rows from the latest group.
Include a partition by clause in the window functions lag, sum andmax if this has to be done for each id in the table.
with grps as (
select x.*,sum(col) over(order by dt) grp
from (select t.*
--checking if the current row's timestamp is within 3 minutes of the next row
AND LAG(dt) OVER (ORDER BY dt) + interval '3 minute' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END col
from t) x
select dt
from (select g.*,max(grp) over() maxgrp --getting the latest group
from grps g
) g
where grp = maxgrp
The above would get you the members in the latest group even though it has one row. To avoid such results get the latest group which has more than 1 row.
with grps as (
select x.*,sum(col) over(order by dt) grp
from (select t.*
AND LAG(dt) OVER (ORDER BY dt) + 3 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END col
from t) x
,grpcnts as (select g.*,count(*) over(partition by grp) grpcnt from grps g)
select dt from (select g.*,max(grp) over() maxgrp
from grpcnts g
where grpcnt > 1
) g
where grp = maxgrp

You can do this by using a flag based on the lead() or lag() values. I believe this does what you want:
SUM( (next_datetime < datetime + interval '1 minute')::int) OVER (ORDER BY datetime DESC) as grp
LEAD(h.datetime) OVER (ORDER BY h.datetime)) as next_datetime
FROM history h
) h
WHERE next_datetime < datetime + interval '1 hour'
) h
WHERE grp IS NULL OR grp = 0;

This can be easily solved with recursive CTEs (this will select your rows one-by-one and stops when there is no row in range interval '1 min'):
with recursive h as (
select * from (
select *
from history
order by history.datetime desc
limit 1
) s
union all
select * from (
select history.*
from h
join history on history.datetime >= h.datetime - interval '1 min'
and history.datetime < h.datetime
order by history.datetime desc
limit 1
) s
select * from h
This should be efficient if you have an index on history.datetime. Though, if you care about performance, you should test it against the window-function based ones. (I personally get a headache when see as much subqueries and window functions as needed for this problem. The irony in my answer is that postgresql does not support the ORDER BY clause directly inside recrursive CTEs, so I had to use 2 meaningless subqueries to "hide" them).


ORACLE SQL: Find last minimum and maximum consecutive period

I have the sample data set below which list the water meters not working for specific reason for a certain range period (jan 2016 to december 2018).
I would like to have a query that retrieves the last maximum and minimum consecutive period where the meter was not working within that range of period.
any help will be greatly appreciated.
You have two options:
select code, to_char(min_period, 'yyyymm') min_period, to_char(max_period, 'yyyymm') max_period
from (
select code, min(period) min_period, max(period) max_period,
max(min(period)) over (partition by code) max_min_period
from (
select code, period, sum(flag) over (partition by code order by period) grp
from (
select code, period,
case when add_months(period, -1)
= lag(period) over (partition by code order by period)
then 0 else 1 end flag
from (select mrdg_acc_code code, to_date(mrdg_per_period, 'yyyymm') period from t)))
group by code, grp)
where min_period = max_min_period
flag rows where period is not equal previous period plus one month,
create column grp which sums flags consecutively,
group data using code and grp additionaly finding maximal start of period,
show only rows where min_period = max_min_period
Second option is recursive CTE available in Oracle 11g and above:
data(period, code) as (
select to_date(mrdg_per_period, 'yyyymm'), mrdg_acc_code from t
where mrdg_per_period between 201601 and 201812),
cte (period, code) as (
select to_char(period, 'yyyymm'), code from data
where (period, code) in (select max(period), code from data group by code)
union all
select to_char(data.period, 'yyyymm'), cte.code
from cte
join data on data.code = cte.code
and data.period = add_months(to_date(cte.period, 'yyyymm'), -1))
select code, min(period) min_period, max(period) max_period
from cte group by code
subquery data filters only rows from 2016 - 2018 additionaly converting period to date format. We need this for function add_months to work.
cte is recursive. Anchor finds starting rows, these with maximum period for each code. After union all is recursive member, which looks for the row one month older than current. If it finds it then net row, if not then stop.
final select groups data. Notice that period which were not consecutive were rejected by cte.
Though recursive queries are slower than traditional ones, there can be scenarios where second solution is better.
Here is the dbfiddle demo for both queries. Good luck.
use aggregate function with group by
select max(mdrg_per_period) mdrg_per_period, mrdg_acc_code,max(mrdg_date_read),rea_Desc,min(mdrg_per_period) not_working_as_from
from tablename
group by mrdg_acc_code,rea_Desc
This is a bit tricky. This is a gap-and-islands problem. To get all continuous periods, it will help if you have an enumeration of months. So, convert the period to a number of months and then subtract a sequence generated using row_number(). The difference is constant for a group of adjacent months.
This looks like:
select acc_code, min(period), max(period)
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by acc_code order by period_num) as seqnum
from (select t.*, floor(period / 100) * 12 + mod(period, 100) as period_num
from t
) t
where rea_desc = 'METER NOT WORKING'
) t
group by (period_num - seqnum);
Then, if you want the last one for each account, you can use a subquery:
select t.*
from (select acc_code, min(period), max(period),
row_number() over (partition by acc_code order by max(period desc) as seqnum
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by acc_code order by period_num) as seqnum
from (select t.*, floor(period / 100) * 12 + mod(period, 100) as period_num
from t
) t
where rea_desc = 'METER NOT WORKING'
) t
group by (period_num - seqnum)
) t
where seqnum = 1;

Recursive CTE in Amazon Redshift

We are trying to port a code to run on Amazon Redshift, but Refshift won't run the recursive CTE function. Any good soul that knows how to port this?
with tt as (
select t.*, row_number() over (partition by id order by time) as seqnum
from t
recursive cte as (
select t.*, time as grp_start
from tt
where seqnum = 1
union all
select tt.*,
(case when tt.time < cte.grp_start + interval '3 second'
then tt.time
else tt.grp_start
from cte join
on tt.seqnum = cte.seqnum + 1
select cte.*,
(case when grp_start = lag(grp_start) over (partition by id order by time)
then 0 else 1
end) as isValid
from cte;
Or, a different code to reproduce the logic below.
It is a binary result that:
it is 1 if it is the first known value of an ID
it is 1 if it is 3 seconds or later than the previous "1" of that ID
It is 0 if it is less than 3 seconds than the previous "1" of that ID
Note 1: this is not the difference in seconds from the previous record
Note 2: there are many IDs in the data set
Note 3: original dataset has ID and Date
Desired output:
Dataset poc:
As of this writing, Redshift does support recursive CTE's: see documentation here
To note when creating a recursive CTE in Redshift:
start the query: with recursive
column names must be declared for all recursive cte's
Consider the following example for creating a list of dates using recursive CTE's:
with recursive
start_dt as (select current_date s_dt)
, end_dt as (select dateadd(day, 1000, current_date) e_dt)
-- the recusive cte, note declaration of the column `dt`
, dates (dt) as (
-- start at the start date
select s_dt dt from start_dt
union all
-- recursive lines
select dateadd(day, 1, dt)::date dt -- converted to date to avoid type mismatch
from dates
where dt <= (select e_dt from end_dt) -- stop at the end date
select *
from dates
The below code could help you.
SELECT id, time, CASE WHEN sec_diff is null or prev_sec_diff - sec_diff > 3
then 1
else 0
end FROM (
select id, time, sec_diff, lag(sec_diff) over(
partition by id order by time asc
as prev_sec_diff
from (
select id, time, date_part('s', time - lag(time) over(
partition by id order by time asc
as sec_diff from hon
) x
) y

Postgres windowing (determine contiguous days)

Using Postgres 9.3, I'm trying to count the number of contiguous days of a certain weather type. If we assume we have a regular time series and weather report:
I want something count the contiguous days of the same weather. The results should look something like this:
I've been banging my head on this for a while trying to use windowing functions. At first, it seems like it should be no-brainer, but then I found out its much harder than expected.
Here is what I've tried...
Select date, weather, Row_Number() Over (partition by weather order by date)
from t_weather
Would it be better just easier to compare the current row to the next? How would you do that while maintaining a count? Any thoughts, ideas, or even solutions would be helpful!
You need to identify the contiguous where the weather is the same. You can do this by adding a grouping identifier. There is a simple method: subtract a sequence of increasing numbers from the dates and it is constant for contiguous dates.
One you have the grouping, the rest is row_number():
Select date, weather,
Row_Number() Over (partition by weather, grp order by date)
from (select w.*,
(date - row_number() over (partition by weather order by date) * interval '1 day') as grp
from t_weather w
) w;
The SQL Fiddle is here.
I'm not sure what the query engine is going to do when scanning multiple times across the same data set (kinda like calculating area under a curve), but this works...
WITH v(date, weather) AS (
('2016-02-10','Snow') ),
changes AS (
SELECT date,
CASE WHEN lag(weather) OVER () = weather THEN 1 ELSE 0 END change
, weather
,(SELECT count(weather) -- number of times the weather didn't change
FROM changes v2
WHERE v2.date <= v1.date AND v2.weather = v1.weather
AND v2.date >= ( -- bounded between changes of weather
SELECT max(date)
FROM changes v3
WHERE change = 0
AND v3.weather = v1.weather
AND v3.date <= v1.date) --<-- here's the expensive part
) curve
FROM changes v1
Here is another approach based off of this answer.
First we add a change column that is 1 or 0 depending on whether the weather is different or not from the previous day.
Then we introduce a group_nr column by summing the change over an order by date. This produces a unique group number for each sequence of consecutive same-weather days since the sum is only incremented on the first day of each sequence.
Finally we do a row_number() over (partition by group_nr order by date) to produce the running count per group.
select date, weather, row_number() over (partition by group_nr order by date)
from (
select *, sum(change) over (order by date) as group_nr
from (
select *, (weather != lag(weather,1,'') over (order by date))::int as change
from tmp_weather
) t1
) t2;
sqlfiddle (uses equivalent WITH syntax)
You can accomplish this with a recursive CTE as follows:
1 AS consecutive_days
FROM My_Table T
NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM My_Table T2 WHERE T2.my_date = T.my_date - INTERVAL '1 day' AND T2.weather = T.weather)
CD.consecutive_days + 1
CTE_ConsecutiveDays CD
T.my_date = CD.my_date + INTERVAL '1 day' AND
T.weather = CD.weather
FROM CTE_ConsecutiveDays
ORDER BY my_date;
Here's the SQL Fiddle to test: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!15/383e5/3

Reactivation SQL

I have the following:
with t as (
SELECT advertisable, EXTRACT(YEAR from day) as yy, EXTRACT(MONTH from day) as mon,
ROUND(SUM(cost)/1e6) as val
FROM adcube dac
WHERE advertisable IN (SELECT advertisable
FROM adcube dac
GROUP BY advertisable
HAVING SUM(cost)/1e6 > 100
GROUP BY advertisable, EXTRACT(YEAR from day), EXTRACT(MONTH from day)
select advertisable, min(yy * 10000 + mon) as yyyymm
from (select t.*,
(row_number() over (partition by advertisable order by yy, mon) -
row_number() over (partition by advertisable, val order by yy, mon)
) as grp
from t
)as foo
group by advertisable, grp, val
having count(*) >= 6 and val = 0
This tracks the activation date of an account that stops spend for 4 months. However I would like to track the reactivation date instead. So if an account starts spend again after 4 months I can see the new start date for that account?
You want to find accounts where val > 0 and there are 4 (or 6) preceding records with 0s.
Here is an idea:
Calculate the groups of similar values as in your query.
Assign a sequential number to each group (val_seqnum).
Then pull the previous value and sequence number for each record.
Now, you want the records where the following is true:
val > 0
prev_val = 0
The previous val_seqnum >= 4 (or whatever your threshold).
The following query should do this (assuming the same definition of t):
select t.*
from (select t.* ,
lag(val) over (partition by advertisable order by yy, mon) prev_val,
lag(val_seqnum) over (partition by advertisable order by yy, mon) as prev_val_seqnum
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by advertisable, val, grp order by yy, mon) as val_seqnum
) as grp
from (select t.*,
(row_number() over (partition by advertisable order by yy, mon) -
row_number() over (partition by advertisable, val order by yy, mon)
) as grp
from t
) t
) t
) t
where val > 0 and prev_val = 0 and prev_val_seqnum >= 4;
I think this can be radically simpler (and faster):
SELECT advertisable, ym AS reactivation_ym
SELECT advertisable
, date_trunc('month', day) AS ym
, SUM(cost) < 500000 AS asleep
, count(SUM(cost) < 500000 OR NULL)
OVER (PARTITION BY advertisable
ORDER BY date_trunc('month', day)
FROM adcube dac
SELECT advertisable
FROM adcube
HAVING SUM(cost) > 1e8 -- really 10000000 ?
) x USING (advertisable)
) sub
WHERE NOT asleep
AND ct = 4;
Building on a couple of assumptions to fill in for missing information.
I largely untangled your calculations and simplified the code making it shorter and faster than your original.
Count for each advertisable how many of the the last 4 months had a total cost below 500000. Only with all 4 (existing) months below the threshold, the row qualifies. (If you don't have rows for all months, you need to decide how to handle missing rows. Information is not available in your question.)
Using count() as window aggregate function with a custom frame. Here is a recent related answer with detailed explanation:
Querying count on daily basis with date constraints over multiple weeks
How can you "nest" count() and sum()?
They are not really nested. It's a window function over an aggregate function. Details:
Get the distinct sum of a joined table column

Aggregates for today and the previous day depending on data

Having trouble putting together a query to pull the aggregate values of a give timestamp and the timestamp before it. Given the following schema:
name TEXT,
where there are gaps in the ts column due to gaps in data, I'm trying to construct a query to produce
date_trunc('day' q1.ts),
date_trunc('day', q2.ts),
The first half is straightforward:
SELECT q1.name, date_trunc('day', q1.ts), avg(q1.X), sum(q1.Y)
FROM data as q1
ORDER BY 1, 2;
But not sure how to generate the relation to find the "day" before for each row. I'm trying to work an inner join like this:
SELECT q1.name, q1.day, q1.avg, q1.sum, q2.day, q2.avg, q2.sum
SELECT name, date_trunc('day', ts) AS day, avg(X) AS avg, sum(Y) as sum
FROM data
SELECT name, date_trunc('day', ts) AS day, avg(X) AS avg, sum(Y) as sum
FROM data
) q2 ON (
q1.name = q2.name
AND q2.day = q1.day - interval '1 day'
The problem with this is, it doesn't cover the cases when the next "day" is more than 1 day before the current day.
The special difficulty here is that you need to number days after aggregating rows. You can do this in a single query level with the window function row_number(), since window functions are applied after aggregation by GROUP BY.
Also, use a CTE to avoid executing the same subquery multiple times:
SELECT name, ts::date AS day
,avg(x) AS avg_x, sum(y) AS sum_y
,row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY name ORDER BY ts::date) AS rn
FROM data
SELECT q1.name, q1.day, q1.avg_x, q1.sum_y
,q2.day AS day2, q2.avg_x AS avg_x2, q2.sum_y AS sum_y2
FROM q q1
LEFT JOIN q q2 ON q1.name = q2.name
AND q1.rn = q2.rn + 1
Using the simpler cast to date (ts::date) instead of date_trunc('day', ts) to get "days".
LEFT [OUTER] JOIN (as opposed to [INNER] JOIN) is instrumental to preserve the corner case of the first row, where there is no previous day.
And ORDER BY should be applied to the outer query.
The question isn't crystal clear, but it sounds like you're actually trying to fill gaps while keeping track of leading/lagging rows.
To fill the gaps, look into generate_series() and left join it with your table:
select d
from generate_series(timestamp '2013-12-01', timestamp '2013-12-31', interval '1 day') d;
For previous and next row values, look into lead() and lag() window functions:
select date_trunc('day', ts) as curr_row_day,
lag(date_trunc('day', ts)) over w as prev_row_day
from data
window w as (order by ts)