Specific advantages of MSI based installation over MSI wrapped script based installation? - wix

Disclaimer: I've still never gotten beyond the most basic WiX tutorial, because every time I try to understand the concepts, my head starts spinning.
I've been reading Is it feasible/sensible to wrap an InnoSetup installer inside an MSI for easier distribution via AD? :
There is a tool (look for exemsi MSI wrapper) today that can wrap a script/exe based installer, like InnoSetup, and provide install, upgrade and uninstall.
From my experience, that's what users expect: Can install product, newer setups can upgrade it, uninstalling will remove product.
Yet quite a few answers on that question state that only a "true" MSI can reliably provide "all"(?) required(?) features.
So, given that what I always thought an installer was supposed to do is:
Install product with as little hassle as possible
Allow repairing a product (possibly by simply running the setup again)
Allow upgrading of product via a newer setup
eventually uninstall the product, leaving as little trace as possible.
The question is, given that it is proven that, given the right tool, the points above are possible by simply wrapping an exe in an MSI, what additional advantages do "real" MSI packages offer?
To be clear here: An MSI package does (seem to) offer additional benefits for enterprise / AD / GPO distribution, that you don't have if you have a bare .exe installer - I don't question that. What I'm interested in is what - actually used - features are only possible through a "real" MSI package?

MSI supports installing additional features on demand. A shortcut (.lnk) created by MSI contains special metadata recognized by Windows and can automatically repair and/or install missing features.
Another advantage is that non-administrators can install patches without UAC elevation if the package is signed.
Some disadvantages of MSI are:
Cannot create a single .msi for 32-bit and 64-bit targets.
Single user/non-elevated installers can be problematic because the support for this has changed over time and new MSI properties have been added.
Depending on your minimum supported Windows version you might have several major versions of MSI to test/deal with.
Bloats your system drive by storing the full .msi in %windir%\Installer on recent versions of Windows.
Bloats the registry by storing the path and other information about every single file it installs.

Installation or removal operations are by Feature (of a Product). This is not as relevant as it used to be because of the trend toward smaller installers with fewer questions being asked of users. For large installers, for example Visual Studio and SQL Server, questions are asked via bootstrappers--the opposite of what you are considering.
Installation, repair and removal are by Component (across all Product and Version). Reference counting is under the control of Windows Installer and is less likely to become corrupted than the pre-Windows Installer technique. Shared components are now less common because of different application technologies such as .NET and registration-free COM. Large systems might share components but again they might be divided into separate installers so that no Component is needed by more than one Product.
Whether these are advantages depends on the needs of your installation architecture.

MSI supports advertisement of the available application without installing them (more details in this MSDN post). It's handy in a corporate environment as it allows deploying only the most essential applications and 1) saves physical space on user machines; 2) reduce expenses for apps with per-user licensing (only those who really need that app will actually install it and activate the license).


What to put into a Windows Installer MSI directly vs. a wrapper/boostrapper?

I'm currently triaging migrating an existing non-MSI setup to a Windows Installer based solution. The current solution is written in InnoSetup and I very much like it, however, customer IT departments start to require MSI, and where they do so, it is often the case, that many/some of the prerequisites and scripts we include in our setup.exe are not needed for their automated tasks (but, then, some are).
Therefore it seems a pure MSI wrapper doesn't make too much sense here, so I'm looking at (multiple?) MSI files plus a boostrapper.
Prior knowledge
I'm good an InnoSetup, but I'm just starting to read into the Windows Installer technology.
As far as I can tell, for any multistep / "complicated" setup requirements including prerequisites and stuff, using just a bare MSI file is a no-go. (As evidenced by the existence of all the different boostrappers, including the one bundled with WiX, Burn)
Therefore, I would need to split our existing monolithic setup into several steps, some of which (mostly those that install our files) bundled into MSI databases and some of the steps just "scripted" in the bootstrapper.
And here is where I really could use some prior experience regarding setup packages: What parts of a (chained) setup go into the MSI package(s) and what part goes into the bootstrapper?
Should all the (normally visible) UI reside in the bootstrapper or do you put some of it into the MSI files?
How "dumb" should each MSI file ultimately be? That is, if using a bootstrapper and multiple MSI files anyway, should any individual MSI file contain any optional parts, or should all the options be factored out into separate MSI files (that just check for the existence of their respective prerequisites, but contain no logic to install them)?
Basically, the application (suite) needs to support a click-through average user scenario where the setup handles everything and for corporate clients needs to be able to be split up into MSI files that only contain our stuff minus dependencies like the .NET runtime, SQL Server, ... that'll be handled by the client's corporate IT and our software MSIs will be deployed by the client IT automagically.
So, should all the glue and dependency scripting go into the bootstrapper and only use very simple MSI files? Or should some "logic" go into (some) MSI files?
Short-ish answer:
When there are multiple MSI files it is normal for the UI to be handled by the Burn bootstrapper because you do want to see combined progress, not all the separate MSI UIs. You also should set up appropriate rollbacks of more than one MSI in the event of a failure of one if you are really packaging several MSIs as a product, so if one fails they all need backing out.
The bootstrapper contains detection logic that determines what needs installing, and can install prerequisites like SQL, NET etc, but must not otherwise change the system.
The MSI files contain all the files, service installation, COM registration and so on that is appropriate for the files being installed. Any custom action code you use that alters the system must be in the execute sequence, deferred, and have a corresponding rollback CA to undo whatever it does. The MSI should be capable of being run independently to install its content - I've found that to be a useful guideline. The MSI files will be installed without their UI, so ensure that they can be installed silently with parameters passed as property values on the command line, including install location.
Hard to answer this in brief. Do use Burn or a similar bootstrapper, and leave runtimes with their own deployment solution as a separate file to run - and run in silent mode by default.
For home users you should install everything without too many questions to avoid confusion.
For corporate deployment you should deploy only what is needed and make it clear what each included deployment file is for:
Write a one page PDF with deployment instructions describing what every file does and what runtime it relates to. Call it "DEPLOYMENT README.TXT" or similar. This is the best way to get your application approved for corporate deployment. It can be tiresome to analyze this.
Application packagers in the corporate environment will analyze the prerequisites and determine if your application will work well with their standard framework packages. These standard packages will be set as a prerequisite in the distribution system.
Document in particular what .NET framework version is needed and other runtime requirements in detail.
Don't install windows hotfixes, msiexec engine updates or .NET framework runtimes automatically. Document them as prerequisites in your text file. These runtimes are tightly controlled in corporate settings and they are deployed by customized corporate packages.
You can include merge modules of simple runtimes in your MSI, they can be easily removed by the application packaging team in the corporate setting.
This answer didn't get terribly good, but I am out of time. Perhaps check this answer as well:
MSI Reference Counting: Two products install the same MSIs

MSI Reference Counting: Two products install the same MSIs

When products A and B each install several MSIs and some of the MSIs are the same, will uninstalling either A or B affect the other? Does install location matter?
Also, what happens when common MSI C's version is higher in Product B and B upgrades C on install? Now uninstalling B will remove the common MSI C which breaks Product A. How do you handle this gracefully without using the Permanent flag?
The first thing that comes to mind with this question is whether the products in question are decomposed the way they should be.
As a general rule all MSI files think they own whatever they install, and they will uninstall everything attached to a component GUID inside the MSI on uninstall if the reference count (number of products using the component) is zero.
There are some qualifications to this rule:
If the component is marked permanent it is never uninstalled
If the file / registry item has no component GUID at all, it is installed, never tracked by Windows Installer, and won't get uninstalled either
Finally the reference counting for MSI allows the same component to be shared between several products and it will persist on disk during uninstall if it is registered in use by several other installer packages
The mechanisms for creating shared components between MSI packages are generally:
Merge modules allow you to install shared components that are reference counted and that will remain on disk after uninstall of a related product if there are other clients using the GUID on the system. A merge module is merged into other MSI packages at compile time. A form of binary early binding if you like. It can be merged into any package.
With the advent of Wix (xml based installer source files), it is possible to include the same segment of files from several setups via an XML source include file instead of a merge module. This is vastly superior in my opinion due to the fact that Wix works better for source control (see Wix link for explanation). It is crucially important to realize that a "Wix source include file" has the exact same effect as a merge module - its components are reference counted properly for sharing between different installer packages, provided the GUIDs in the source file are hard coded (I recommend not to use auto-generated guids for this particular purpose). It is my personal opinion that you should use third party merge modules for generic runtime files, but only Wix includes for your own shared files. Merge modules are harder to manage than Wix includes imho.
Updating and file replacement:
As to update scenarios the MSI file replacement rules will take care of updating newer files, dependent upon the overall setting in the special Windows Installer property REINSTALLMODE.
In general higher version files overwrite lower version files. Non-versioned files are overwritten if they are unmodified. If they are modified the create and modified date stamps are different and the file is left alone.
Keep in mind that the issue of downgrading files is actively discouraged by the overall MSI design. If you need to downgrade files (shared or not), there is something deployment smelly about your design.
At this point I would thoroughly read these answers:
Windows Installer and the creation of WiX - for a short Wix history and context
Change my component GUID in wix? - for component reference counting
Wix installation, server, client or both - for client / server packaging
Wix to Install multiple Applications - for changing requirements and setup problems
WiX tricks and tips - for community Wix tips and tricks
How to include wxi file into wxs? - for a simple idea of how to deal with Wix include files
Provided you use Wix, or you are willing to use Wix, I would think the best way to deal with your overlapping products would be to decompose your installer into Wix segment source files that you include as needed in your main installers. This will allow the uninstall of one product to leave in place any components used by other applications.
With that being said, I do not like to cause too many overlapping dependencies in my installers for the reasons listed in this article (also listed above): Wix to Install multiple Applications .
For stability it is crucially important that shared components are stable before being used by too many setups as a bug fix as a general rule will require the recompilation of all setups the shared component is compiled or merged into. The easy way to say it: bundle files together that change together.
To counteract this need for massive recompilation, you can chose to deliver a stand-alone supporting setup consisting of some of the shared components. One, or a couple of such "shared components setups" that are likely to contain Wix includes that change together on a similar, slow release schedule, and then separate setups for each product should be able to account for any deployment need whilst maintaining a balance between maintainability and flexibility.
The product setup should then be the one that gets recompiled often, and the shared modules setups should be designed for minimal recompilation. Then wait for changing requirements :-).
To me it is all about cohesion and coupling, and the difficulty of balancing sales, marketing and technical needs.
If Product A and Product B has a MSI C in common then
If Product A is installed, also MSI C is installed, now when Product B is installed MSI C will not be installed since its already available in the system (if Product B is WiX Burn based, it registers a dependency). In case of uninstallation reference counting is automatically handled if Product A and Product B is WiX Burn based installer or any other Bootstrapper which supports reference counting else MSI C is removed along with Product B.
even I was looking for the answer of the above question, but in Wix v3.7 and higher, the MSI packages are automatically reference counted by the Burn engine. I have tested this, and works perfect.
The same can be checked in Rob's blog

Are there any requirements for .msi and .exe installers for SCCM?

I have a small application that is designed to run under currently logged on, non-administrative workstation user. Application can be installed manually but I also made sure that it is compatible with Group Policy Objects (GPO) software distribution method - I have .msi files for old systems (XP/Vista): separate files for per machine and per user installations as well as .msi file that takes advantage of Windows 7 (and newer) compatibility with WIX Allusers=2 option to allow automatic registry and folder path redirection depending on the installation context.
All is good there, but I am just wondering, is there anything special I need to do to make my installer suitable for installation using Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager? I do not really have resources to just test such a scenario myself and would like to find out about theoretical requirements for installer files for SCCM.
At my day job I'm the Deployment Architect for a Fortune 50 company with an SCCM 2007 environment ( currently migrating to SCCM 2012 ) that has over 300,000 clients. Here's a few tips.
1) We don't do Per-User installs. They are impossible to manage and report on. If an installer must have Per-User resources and we can't get the application (typically vendor provided) we do this using an Active Setup technique where the first time each user logs on the MSI does a repair and populates the Per-User resources. Just realize you'll never get it off... it's essentially forever.
2) SCCM can handle non MSI deployment types but well written MSI's work the best.
3) Use snapshotted VM's to test your install in the SYSTEM context. (PSExec is your friend)
4) Test your install, uninstall, reinstall, upgrade, repair, change. Make sure everything is bulletproof.
5) Don't wrap up prereqs into a setup.exe bootstrapper. Decompose it and allow SCCM to package each of these items. You can then use package chains, task sequences or application model to allow SCCM to manage the chaining. You get better status, reporting and efficient use of the system.
Just a couple of thoughts if I remember these things correctly - the MSI should be capable of silent install, and among other things that means no custom actions exclusively in the UI sequence, because they will not be run at deployment time because you will probably suppress the UI. The execute sequence shouldn't have custom actions that might explicitly display messageboxes requiring acknowledgement unless they are based on calls to the Win32 MsiProcessMessage() API or equivalent.

WiX: Reasonable way to "fix" original version uninstall issue with new version installer

I created a WiX-based installer back in the WiX 3.5 days. The documentation then was even worse than it is now. To make matters worse, it was my first installer—so I didn't do everything right.
Some background: the installer installed two applications and a driver (each of these were a separate feature consisting of one or more components). One of the applications in question is a vendor-proprietary device configuration application written in VB6. Since it's a VB6 application, it uses the libraries comctl32.ocx and tabctl32.ocx.
The crux of the problem is that I didn't see these two libraries in the %windir%\System32 folder on Windows Vista (and/or Windows XP? I don't remember, it's been years since I first wrote this installer). So I thought I needed to install these two libraries along with all of their requisite COM registry entries. (I ended up installing the COM libraries in my application's folder—as you would for a private assembly, but registered them globally in HKLM.) As much as I read about things when creating the first installer, I never once came across the fact that, as of Windows XP, COM components could be installed side-by-side. (And even so, why didn't I use the MSI tables Clsid, ProgId, etc.—which granted, today, is frowned upon, but it would at least have been more correct than what I did? But I digress; what's done is done in MSI land.) Anyway, when creating the original installer, I used the following WiX markup for creating the COM registry values:
<RegistryValue ... Action="write" />
I also should mention that at the time, I had not come across any sort of 'Component Rules 101' kind of documentation as I have this time around. So, this MSI does not follow the component rules. The MSI contained one component for each COM library and its associated registry values with the COM library being the KeyPath of its component.
The question is, if the registry keys/values existed prior to my original MSI running and installing the first version of my product, will uninstallation cause these keys/values to be removed from the system? (I assume these keys/values were created during Windows setup—so are they already reference counted?) I don't want to possibly break other applications on a users' system that relies on those libraries.
If the answer to the above is yes, then my current plan to rectify the situation is:
Author a new MSI as a <MajorUpgrade />—afterall, I am performing an upgrade.
Provide the COM registry entries that were in the original installer for the comctl32.ocx and tabctl32.ocx COM libraries—I'm guessing that I would need to do this with a CA (or multiple CA's) so that they don't get removed again on the next upgrade. I see one of two ways of accomplishing this:
Directly create the registry entries taking care to ensure the values match those of a fresh windows installation (appropriate to the version of OS on which the installer is executing)
Dynamically add the registry entries to be created to the MSI Registry table (which if I understand correctly, isn't tracked by windows installer in terms of uninstallation?)
If previously existing registry keys overwritten by MSI are removed on uninstallation, then:
Is my proposed solution acceptable?
Which of the two options for replacing the removed registry entries is best?
If neither of those two options are acceptable, does anyone have any other suggestions on how I might rectify the situation so as not to break other applications that (may) rely on the libraries in question?
It was a long read but I think this is what you are looking for:
To quote the beer commercials.... I don't always install files in the SystemFolder but when I do, I make them permanent.
First, thanks to Christopher Painter above for responding to my question; though, it's not really an answer in the sense that I'm looking for—fixing an existing installer that's "out in the wild". Though, in his last comment about a minor upgrade, that might work for some people.
Next, thanks to Aaron Stebner who responded to my e-mail requesting guidance on this same issue. His advice is to author a MSI component which has no ID. By authoring such a component into a MSI, the component is not tracked by MSI; essentially, it becomes a permanent, uninstallable component. This might work in this situation, if it were completely necessary.
However, after doing some research, I believe that there isn't much risk to damaging a user's system by removing the registry entries I outlined above.
I loaded a fresh copy of Windows XP SP3 and Windows Vista SP1 into a virtual machine. Out of the box, neither of these versions of Windows have the COM components in question registered in anyway in the Windows registry. This makes sense, since from Windows XP onward, there has been registry-free COM registration. This also continues to be the case for Windows 8.1—again, this was expected.
The worst that could happen if these registry keys are uninstalled is that some other older piece of software on a machine that relied on such registry entries could end up broken (e.g. this software is from the late-90's to early 2000's era and used a non-MSI installer and/or installed the COM libraries globally—which they shouldn't have done in the first place—just like I shouldn't have done in the first place ;) ). At that point, the user can either re-register the COM libraries using regsvr32.exe or repair/reinstall the application in question. The likelihood of such applications existing are slim to none in this day and age.

What is the purpose of administrative installation initiated using msiexec /a?

Windows Installer technology supports administrative installation. The command line for initiating administrative installation is: 'msiexec /a setup.msi'. I want to understand the purpose of this type of installation and in what scenarios are they helpful?
Administrative Installation: Adding some practical examples.
1) Silent running extraction (no GUI):
msiexec.exe /A MySetup.msi TARGETDIR=D:\Extract\ /QN /L*V D:\Extract.log
2) Interactive extraction (setup GUI for extract):
msiexec.exe /A MySetup.msi
Quick parameter explanation:
- /A - run administrative installation sequence.
- /QN - run completely silently (alternatively: /QB! for semi-silent).
- /L*V "Extract.log" - create verbose log file.
- TARGETDIR - destination path for file extraction (top level folder).
3) Some setup.exe files can run administrative installation via
setup.exe /a
Setup.exe Command Line Samples: Extract MSI from EXE
Setup.exe and Update.exe Command-Line Parameters
Setup file extraction, alternative
msiexec.exe command line:
Msiexec (command-line options) - MSDN overview.
Here is the Technet version.
Purpose of Administrative Installs
Administrative installs are generally most useful in large scale deployment scenarios where software is installed on many computers at once, for example in a large bank with thousands of workstations. In fact it is quite critical for such deployment scenarios. As an application packager the first thing you tend to do is to do an admin install to inspect the MSI file content and structure.
Operations in an Administrative Install
The admin install itself simply extracts the files from internal cab files and adjusts the media layout of the MSI file to use the extracted files for installation instead of the internal cab files. The end result is a neat folder hierarchy showing where files will go on the target system, and a smaller MSI file than the original now stripped of internal cab files. The operation makes no changes to the target system apart from this extraction unless the MSI is custom-designed to do so which is a serious design error in almost all cases. Exceptions, off the top of my head, may include setting up licensing files, or post processing files for deployment in some fashion. I have never seen such constructs in real life, but it is possible to add custom actions to admin installs.
Use of Administrative Installs
After the admin install the extracted files can be put on a network share accessible from thousands of workstations and it can be installed from there. Typically this is done via specialized deployment software such as SCCM (previously Microsoft SMS) or similar. However the install can also be triggered manually by the user on a workstation in some cases. The critical benefit of this network share install is that self-repair operations and subsequent patch and upgrade installs to the workstations have access to the original source files so the installs complete successfully. You may have experienced that Microsoft Office would suddenly ask you to insert the installation CDs in order to reinstall a few files. This would happen to workstations too unless the sources were available online. This source requirement may change in the future as Microsoft caches more and more installer content on each local machine (Windows 7 onwards, UPDATE Jan 2018: See this answer for more details on this caching: Why does MSI require the original .msi file to proceed with an uninstall?). I should add that you can also put the unextracted MSI file in such a location without extracting it via an admin image, but using admin install allows any file to be downloaded separately (no huge cab download). For huge MSI files this is important, and I prefer admin images as installation source to make patching more reliable - this is a subjective preference, but it is due to real-life experience.
Administrative Installs & Patching
Finally the creation of MSI patches typically requires an admin install to be run for the original setup and also for the new setup. The Windows Installer patch file is then created based on the differences between the new and old installer folders. As such admin installs are critical for the subsequent creation of patch files. This is the case for Wise for Windows Installer - the only product I have found to create really reliable patches in real life experience (this product is now off market, some details here: What installation product to use? InstallShield, WiX, Wise, Advanced Installer, etc). Again a subjective observation based on extensive real-world testing.
It is also possible to patch an admin install if you get an MSI and an MSP (path file) from a vendor. You extract the MSI and patch the admin image with the MSP. The target folder will then contain a newer MSI and any new files (provided the admin patch works, which it generally doesn't in my experience).
"Run From Source"
Chris mentions "Run From Source", and this is indeed a rather useless and obsolete concept where some files in the install can be left on the network share and accessed straight from there. I honestly haven't tried this feature in years.
This feature is seldom used, but I guess it could be beneficial in scenarios where a common set of resource files should be accessed by all workstations and you want to avoid mass-duplication. Fixes to the resource files could then be deployed by an "admin install patch" as described above without reinstalling anything onto the workstations (how well it works is unclear - the lack of use of this feature may be a clue).
A large software suite with many and dissimilar modules where only a few are used by different people could speed up installation and usage significantly by only installing a few of the required features and leave the rest to run from source or install on first use. It would speed up installation and subsequent patch installations and could leave potentially unsafe and unnecessary binaries off the system. This last point can be important in locked-down environments. However, in real-life I have seen patches change advertised features to be locally installed after patching which is very strange and undesired behavior, but very common to experience. In practice I find "run from source" or advertised features of very limited use. It is generally better to split a setup into two with one for client and one for server installation.
Here is a new summary of the same issue: admin install and its uses (file extraction and beyond). Please also read the comment below on the "changed caching behavior of MSI in Windows 7 onwards".
In the real world, it doesn't have all that much value at all. MSI was designed back in a day when a computer typically had a 2-20gb hard drive. They came up with all these "run from source" advertisement scenarios which seemed really cool back then but never really caught on in the real world.
Today, what /a does for me, a setup developer, is give me an easy way to "extract" an MSI and verify its contents. That's about it.
Say that you need to install product X on some number of machines, and that you will need to apply some patches for X as well. Rather than applying a series of patches on each machine, you can do this:
Create an administrative image for X
Apply the patches to the administrative image
Install X on each machine using the patched image
It can save some time and effort, and you'll know that all your machines are certain to be at the same patch level.
If you have a per-user setup and a system that disallows user installations through e.g. group policy then the user will be able to install from the msi created in the target folder by the administrative install.
Its a way of authorising software to be installed.