How to install Alamofire in PlayGround - alamofire

I have installed AlamoFire on Xcode 8.2 without any problems. I can import it when writing some code in a project, but I can't import it in a PlayGround.
Can someone tell me how to make Alamofire available in a playground?

Here you go:
Using Alamofire within a Playground
if you need more help, please also refer to
if that still isn't working, upload your relevant code and project files so we can take a look


Does react-script-ts support create-react-app and CSS/SCSS Modules?

Now that create-react-app has released v2, I want to create a new React App using Typescript and SCSSModules or CSSModules?
Am wondering if anyone managed to make this work? I am getting a Cannot find module ./Styles.module.scss when I import styles from "./Styles.module.scss";
Any thoughts/help with this would be highly appreciated.
Turns out this is not yet supported by react-script-ts released versions, but you can use it by using the 4.0.8 version of react-scripts-ts.
Please see

Error when using component npm?

I'm trying to use an npm library in my react-native app. but I have this error
I'm using cielo library
and I'm importing to my project
import cielo from 'cielo';
Can someone help me?
Look at github source code of this package here.
It seems you have to pass some parameter when importing this package. You can take a look at usage example of this package here. Your import code seems to be wrong...

flow error messages in react-native

I was using this guide to setup vscode before starting a react native project (tutorial link).
After installing flow-bin, reactive native library compnents are showing lots of errors. Although, the test project is running fine. Here is the screenshot for the same:
Can some help me for if I have missed something?
Thanks in advance!
by adding this in .flowconfig [options] section:
The error asked in this question will be fixed.

Alamofire is not working

I'm trying to install Alamofire onto my app, and I created a test app just in case, and no matter how many times I try and do it, it fails because there are like 250 errors all in the Alamofire section:
I've no idea what to do, I am stuck. I am still relatively new to coding, so I am not sure what to do here, but I was also wondering if there is a better thing to do rather then using Alamofire, because I have tried over 20 different apps to try and download Alamofire and they all have the same problem, as is seen above.
This could be caused by different swift versions vs different alamofire versions. For Swift 3 you need AlamoFire 4.3..
Also, try building your project with alamofire imported.
If that doesn't work and you're using CocoaPods then navigate to your app folder via terminal (cd /path/to/app) then do pod reinstall - make sure you have a podfile.

Parse and semantic issues in TestFlight.h after installing SDK

I installed TestFlight SDK following installation instructions and then when I tried to build my app I got more than 20 parse and semantic issues in TestFlight.h and build failed.
What is wrong with my installation?
What I did wrong was for this step:
In your Application Delegate:
Import TestFlight: #import "TestFlight.h"
I imported it in the body instead of in the header. Just moving the import to the header solved my issue.
(Very small issue but I thought it could help some developers to save some time)