Dynamic Range and one static Item to a ComboBox via VBA - vba

I have this code:
With Sheet1.Shapes("comboBox1").ControlFormat
.ListFillRange = "namedRange"
.AddItem "1.Item"
End With
But after that, just "1.Item" is in my Combo-Box and the dynamic range don't appear at all.
How can I add one Item and my Range to the Combo-Box?
The dynamic range would work if I delete .AddItem:
With Sheet1.Shapes("comboBox1").ControlFormat
.ListFillRange = "namedRange"
End With
My Question is if there is a possibility to combine those to not in a range, but rather separated from each other.
Thank you very much in advance for your answers...

If I understood your post correctly, you want to add another Item to the items in your "namedRange" and show all these items in your worksheet ComboBox (which is actually a drop-down in your worksheet).
(modify "Sheet2" to your sheet's name).
Sub PopulateCombo_fromArray()
Dim ComboArray As Variant
'clear Combo-Box from previous runs >> modify "Sheet2" to your sheet's name
' reading the NamedRange into a 1-dimension array
ComboArray = Application.Transpose(Range("namedRange").Value)
ReDim Preserve ComboArray(UBound(ComboArray))
' add another element to the array (outside the "namedRange")
ComboArray(UBound(ComboArray)) = "1.Item"
' populate "ComboBox1" with array
Worksheets("Sheet2").Shapes("comboBox1").ControlFormat.List = ComboArray
End Sub

Must you use "Shapes"?
if not, you can fill a combobox with a named range like this :
With Sheet1.ComboBox1
.List = Application.Transpose(Range("namedRange"))
.AddItem "1.Item"
End With


Userform listbox that depends on another listbox

I have been looking in the internet for the answer to this, but mostly people say to use data validation, which doesn't really solve my problem. What I'm trying to do is, lets say that I have ListBox1, which has 3 values (red, blue, green) and there's another listbox (ListBox2) where I want value of a list from a worksheet to appear depending on the answer of the first ListBox. For example: I select red from listbox1 and then I want to have the options from the list "red" (apple, coke,fire) in listbox2.
I would greatly appreciate some help in this. Thanks
you could use something like follows (adapt it as per your needs):
Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
With Me.ListBox2
.List = Application.Transpose(GetColorItemsRange(Me.ListBox1.value)) 'fill referenced listbox with values from the range returned by GetColorItemsRange function
End With
End Sub
Function GetColorItemsRange(colorValue As String) As Range
With Worksheets("ColorItames") ' change "ColorItames" with actual name of your worksheet with items associated to colors
With .Range("A1", .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft)).Find(what:=colorValue, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole) 'find and reference the referenced sheet row 1 cell matching the passed value
Set GetColorItemsRange = .Parent.Range(.Cells.Offset(1), .Cells.End(xlDown)) 'return the range ranging from referenced range down to last not empty cell before first empty cell
End With
End With
End Function
Data validation is the way to go. You would want to leverage some combination of VBA to adjust the range listbox2 is using after Listbox1 is updated. This is relatively easy if only 1 selection is used on listbox1.
Hopefully you just have one selection, so you could do the following code:
Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
If ListBox1.Selected(0) = True Then
'Selection is apple. Adjust DynamicRange name for A1:A3
ThisWorkbook.Names("DynamicRange").RefersTo = Range("A1:A3")
ElseIf ListBox1.Selected(1) = True Then
ThisWorkbook.Names("DynamicRange").RefersTo = Range("B1:B3")
ElseIf ListBox1.Selected(2) = True Then
ThisWorkbook.Names("DynamicRange").RefersTo = Range("C1:C3")
End If
End Sub
This is based on a setup that looks like this:
Here's what both listbox properties would look like:
If you want to download this classy template, click here.

Assigning a combobox a named list in vba

I'm trying to dynamically assign a list to every combo box based on the values of a specific combo box. The idea is that the user picks a category from the specific combobox and all other combo boxes grab the items from that category in the form of a named list.
So the structure is like
Category 1
category 2
Category 1
Item 1
Item 2
And so on. I had this working on a fake set of names, but now that I'm using real named ranges, the code breaks. It is breaking on "For Each rng In ws.Range(str)" and stating that "method 'range' of object '_worksheet' failed.
This code works. Or worked. Then I changed ws to point to a different sheet of named ranges and now nothing works.
The value of CBOCategory is any value from a list of all named ranges, but it seems like Excel isn't seeing any of them! I tried to trigger even a listfill assignment instead of adding each item and got a similar error
Private Sub CBOCategory_Change()
'Populate dependent combo box with appropriate list items
'according to selection in cboCategoryList.
Dim rng As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim str, temp, cbName As String
Dim counter As Integer
Set ws = Worksheets("Item Master")
Dim obj As OLEObject
str = CBOCategory.Value
For Each obj In ActiveSheet.OLEObjects
If obj.Name = "CBOCategory" Then
' nothing
temp = obj.Object.Value
obj.Object.Value = ""
For Each rng In ws.Range(str)
obj.Object.AddItem rng.Value
Next rng
obj.Object.Value = temp
End If
'MsgBox ("updated!")
Next obj
End Sub
The code works fine. The root cause of the issue is that the named ranges were being dynamically set by a formula. The formulas were not calculating properly when the code ran, so vba could not use a dynamically set named range to find another, also dynamically set named range.
The solution is to explicitly set the named ranges. Then the code works fine.

Adding combo box across multiple cells

I need to add combo box(ActiveX Control) or Data Validation as drop down list.
I have a range of 15 values like, high, low, medium,etc...
Have created named range called "priorityvalue".
I can create a dropdown list using combo box by adding named range under ListFillRange in the properties or data validation list by giving named range.
But my concern, I need to dropdown list for 58cells with same values mentioned above. Its tedious job to create combo box for all cells. Please suggest me better option here.
Data validation list serves the purpose. However, it makes user to scroll through dropdown list on each cell unlike combo box it has no input box..
Please suggest
Paste the below code in 'ThisWokbook'
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim oItem As Object
For Each oItem In Worksheets(1).OLEObjects
If TypeName(oItem.Object) = "ComboBox" Then
If Len(oItem.Object.Value) > 0 Then
oItem.Object.Value = ""
End If
End If
Set oItem = Nothing
End Sub
NOTE: There are caveats to this. Above code will reset all comboboxes in your worksheet (also, I've set the worksheet to the first worksheet in the workbook, you might want to make that dynamic). If you don't want it to reset all comboboxes and only do the ones you added via the function, you can use the name format to filter the ones you want to clear
Hope this helps
Try this:
Sub AddComboBoxToColumns(ByVal oRange As Excel.Range)
Dim oOLE As OLEObject
Dim oCell As Object
' Loop through all the cells in the range
For Each oCell In oRange.Cells
' Add ComboBox in each cell
With oCell
Set oOLE = .Parent.OLEObjects.Add("Forms.combobox.1")
oOLE.Top = .Top
oOLE.Left = .Left
oOLE.Width = .Width
oOLE.Height = .Height
oOLE.Name = "ComboBox" & .Address(False, False)
oOLE.Object.List = Array("Test1", "Test2")
End With
Set oOLE = Nothing
End Sub
NOTE: Call the above function with the range of cells you want to add ComboBox to. You will have to change the Array to use the values you want (you can type them in there or give the range where your existing values are)

Removing items from multiple comboboxes

I have 7 comboboxes. All these comboboxes have same source.
With Sheets("Data_Sheet")
Sheets("UI_Interface").ComboBox2.ListFillRange = "Data_Sheet!E2:E" & .Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Row
End With
Same code has been written for other combobxes.
Now when a value from combobx1 is selected it should not be present in other comoboxes.
When i try to do this with following code but i'm getting error with this code.
j = ComboBox1.ListIndex
ComboBox2.RemoveItem (j)
I tried some different attributes too for removing the value but all gave some exception.
What is incorrect in this code?
The RemoveItem method works properly for me unless I use the .ListFillRange method to populate the combobox. If you use the .List method instead, it should work. To do that, you have to convert the range to an array.
Thanks to enderland for pointing out that you are working with form controls on a worksheet, not in a user form. So the approach should be similar but you won't be able to use the ListFillRange method. Not a big deal, we can easily take that range, convert it to a variant/array, and use the List method.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
'## Sets default list for ComboBoxes on this sheet
SetComboBoxLists ComboBox1
SetComboBoxLists ComboBox2
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
'## event handler for a combobox, repeat as needed
'## Repopulate the list, otherwise you may get
' an Index out of Range error or Invalid Argument error,
' or the RemoveItem method will remove the wrong item
SetComboBoxList ComboBox2
'## Now, remove the item selected in ComboBox1
ComboBox2.RemoveItem ComboBox1.ListIndex
End Sub
Private Sub SetComboBoxLists(cBox As MSForms.ComboBox)
'## Subroutine to fill the list in each combobox as needed
Dim lstRange As Variant
'## Populate the array variable to use for the combobox.List method:
' double-check that I put the parentheses in the right place!
With Sheets("Data_Sheet")
lstRange = .Range("E2:E" & .Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Row)
End With
'## Populate the combobox with the list
cBox.List = lstRange
End Sub
Note that if any of your code manipulates (e.g., resizes, removes rows, etc) the range, you'll need to re-apply the List method.

Open Website in excel using ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink

So, this is basically what I'm trying to do. I have a column of employee #'s in a file that's generated from MSSQL. I want to create a function in a cell where the URL would be, http://www.someplace.com/employee.php?ID=Employee#FromCell
So far all of the examples that I've found aren't detailed enough for me to figure out what to do with it. I know this isn't correct, but this is what I ended up with so far
Function openurl(strSKU As String)
ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:="http://www.someplace.com/employee.php?ID=?strSKU=" & strSKU, NewWindow:=True
End Function
I think I'm mixing up methods with functions but I'm not sure where to go with it. I basically want to add it in as a function to make it easier to insert into the column.
I see someone provided you with a work-around for accomplishing this, but I'll give you the method you were asking for (just in case). FYI the intellisense sucks in VBA when referencing OLE objects (i.e., some methods may not appear to belong to the button objects, but they do).
The script below will create the buttons for you automatically, and will send the user to the site you specified when clicked. **I included notes which explain what each line does.
This creates the buttons in columns B and gets the URL parameter from column A:
Sub CreateButtons()
Dim btn As Button 'Create a variable for our button
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Speed up the process by disabling ScreenUpdating
ActiveSheet.Buttons.Delete 'Delete existing buttons.
Dim Report As Worksheet 'Create our worksheet variable.
Set Report = Excel.ActiveSheet 'Set our worksheet to the worksheet variable.
Dim t As Range 'Create a variable for the cells we will reference.
For i = 1 To Report.UsedRange.Rows.Count 'This will loop through each row in the used range of our worksheet.
If Report.Cells(i, 1).Value <> "" Then 'If the value of the first cell is not empty, then do the following...
Set t = Report.Range(Cells(i, 2), Cells(i, 2)) 'Assign the cell in the second column of the current row to the cell variable.
Set btn = Report.Buttons.Add(t.Left, t.Top, t.Width, t.Height) 'Create a button and place it in the cell in the second column.
With btn
.OnAction = "openurl" 'Set the button to trigger the openurl sub-routine when it is clicked.
.Caption = Report.Cells(i, 1).Value 'Set the caption of the button to equal the value of the cell in the first column.
.Name = i 'Set the name of the button to equal the row on which it resides. This name will be used in the openurl sub; So don't change it.
End With
End If
Next i
End Sub
This is the macro performed when the user clicks a button:
Sub openurl()
Dim Report As Worksheet 'Create a variable for the worksheet
Set Report = Excel.ActiveSheet 'Assign the worksheet to our variable
Dim i As Integer 'Create a variable for our row number
i = Application.Caller 'Assign name of the button to our row number.
Dim address As String 'Create a variable for our address
address = "http://www.someplace.com/employee.php?ID=?strSKU=" & Report.Cells(i, 1).Value 'Assign the URL to our address variable.
ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink address:=address, NewWindow:=True 'Send the user to the URL you specified (with the URL parameter at the end).
End Sub
Follow the next step to have the entire process done for you automatically:
When you say the current data is populated from a MSSQL database, you probably mean you are pulling the data into Excel using another VBA sub or function. If so, then if you place a script to call the "CreateButtons()" subroutine after the script that pulls the data, this entire process will be done for you automagically. Example:
Sub getEmployeeData() 'This represents your sub that pulls your data from MSSQL
'This represents your script to get your information into Excel.
Call CreateButtons 'This runs the CreateButtons() subroutine.
End Sub
You can do this without VBA. You can use a formula.
Where A1 would have the employee ID.
Check out this post I made about creating hyperlinks from External Data:
Scroll down to the "Add Hyperlinks" section for more info.