How to change the background color of a windows context menu using the winapi -

I am currently trying to customize a context menu in Outlook. For the regulars I have had a series of issues which can be seen in this question and with this question.
I would like to adjust the background color a little.
Dim hBrush As IntPtr = NativeMethodsEX.CreateSolidBrush(ColorTranslator.ToWin32(System.Drawing.Color.Red))
Dim mi As New NativeMethodsEX.MenuInfo
With mi
.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(mi)
.dwStyle = NativeMethodsEX.MNS_NOCHECK
.hbrBack = hBrush
End With
NativeMethodsEX.SetMenuInfo(aHwnd, mi)
This code however produces this;.
How can I also change the background of the left hand side or what even is the class name of that part of the window. Also it has a border as well. What is its class name or how can I either remove it or change it?


Positioning of a menu item image (hbmpItem of a MENUITEMINFO) in a context menu

I am inserting a menu item into an Outlook Context menu for a subject text control. Here you can find a previous question I had on doing this.
The issue I have is that the image of the menu item is positioned strangely in Outlook 2010. In Outlook 2007 it is positioned differently. It seems that the menu item is holding the position for the checked image free in Outlook 2010.
This shows how my menu item looks with the below code. Notice the large space to the left of the image.
This shows how it looks when i add the MIIM_CHECKMARKS flag to fMask and a bitmap to the hbmpUnchecked pointer.
Dim bmp As Drawing.Bitmap = My.Resources.olContextMenuIcon
bmp.MakeTransparent(bmp.GetPixel(10, 10))
hbitmap = bmp.GetHbitmap
Dim mii As New NativeMethodsEX.MENUITEMINFO
With mii
.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(mii)
.fMask = NativeMethodsEX.MIIM.MIIM_BITMAP Or NativeMethodsEX.MIIM.MIIM_STRING Or NativeMethodsEX.MIIM.MIIM_FTYPE Or NativeMethodsEX.MIIM.MIIM_STATE Or NativeMethodsEX.MIIM.MIIM_ID
.fType = NativeMethodsEX.MFT.MFT_STRING
.dwTypeData = String.Concat("Wrong Position")
.fState = NativeMethodsEX.MFS.MFS_ENABLED
.hbmpItem = hbitmap
End With
If ShowTop Then
NativeMethodsEX.InsertMenuItem(aHwnd, 0, True, mii)
NativeMethodsEX.InsertMenu(aHwnd, 1, NativeMethodsEX.MFT.MFT_BYPOSITION Or NativeMethodsEX.MFT.MFT_SEPARATOR, Nothing, Nothing)
Dim menuItemCount As Integer = NativeMethodsEX.GetMenuItemCount(aHwnd)
NativeMethodsEX.InsertMenu(aHwnd, menuItemCount, NativeMethodsEX.MFT.MFT_BYPOSITION Or NativeMethodsEX.MFT.MFT_SEPARATOR, Nothing, Nothing)
NativeMethodsEX.InsertMenuItem(aHwnd, menuItemCount + 1, True, mii)
End If
So how can I tell the menu item not to reserve the space for the check / uncheck image?
I have two answers to this problem.
I indicated above that the issue existed on an menu in Outlook 2010 but not in Outlook 2007. This is not true. These office versions are of course on different computers and it was a display setting in windows that was the cause of the problem. The above menu is what you get when you have the setting "Use Visual Styles on Windows and buttons" in Performance Options > Visual Effects turned off (Win 7). If you enable this setting then the menus look and especially act very differently.
But what if a user disables this setting how can you deal with it (Not sure if this is relevant for Win10).
You need to set the menu style through the use of the Menuinfo in particular you need to set the flag MNS_NOCHECK. Then the space is gone as the menu no longer is expecting the check marks.
This solution can also be seen here in another stackoverflow answer.

Add Image to Custom Task Pane Title in Outlook - VB.Net

I have created a custom task pane in VB.Net for Outlook using the Code given below and I would like to add more content to the header (image and a button) of the User Control instead of just the title. Is there a way I can achieve this?
myUserControl1 = New OutlookTaskPane
myUserControl1.TabStop = True
Dim width As Integer = myUserControl1.Width
myCustomTaskPane = Me.CustomTaskPanes.Add(myUserControl1, "My Custom Task Pane")
myCustomTaskPane.Width = width
myCustomTaskPane.Visible = True
myCustomTaskPane.DockPositionRestrict = Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoCTPDockPositionRestrict.msoCTPDockPositionRestrictNoChange
Let me know if there is any other way of achieving this please.
Unfortunately the TaskPane header is not customizable. Only Add-in Express supports similar customizations using their implementation of Advanced Form Regions (although only the header icon and header color can be changed and you can't add Windows Forms controls to it). Another option is to implement your own type of Task Pane so you have complete control over the UI; see

How to set a background color of a control in windows 8 store application

I am designing an application and had to instantiate controls via code. The problem is that I am unable to change the background color. I tried to look all over the internet, but no succes. I have contacted the Microsoft support service, but no succes either.
I read that you normally change a color by using System.Color or System.ColorHelper. Both are not accesible in the application.
So how to solve the following problem:
TextBox^ txtID = ref new TextBox();
txtID->Background = ?;
I have the solution, first make a brush object and set the color and assign that color to your controls background. I used the following:
SolidColorBrush^ myBrush = ref new SolidColorBrush(Windows::UI::Colors::Red);
TextBox^ txtID = ref new TextBox();
txtID->Background = myBrush;

Windows 8 App - Programmatically Added Path Disappears

Any help with this would be much appreciated.
I am trying to build an app in Windows 8 using xaml and vb.
To test the process of adding a path dynamically to the UI I have created a class that draws a circle using a path (code below). The code fires when a button is tapped/clicked.
The circle then appears briefly near the centre of the screen but then disappears.
If I then count the children on the grid, the circle is counted. Its just not visible.
I'd like to understand what is happening and stop the circle from disappearing.
Dim path As New Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path
Dim rectG As New EllipseGeometry
rectG.Center = New Point(500, 500)
rectG.RadiusX = 100
rectG.RadiusY = 100
path.Data = rectG
path.Stroke = New SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.LightGreen)
path.StrokeThickness = 1
path.Fill = New SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.LightGreen)
path.Name = "TestName"
Finally figured it out. I needed to set the column and row span property.
On the test I did it using the code although in a proper app it would probably make sense to use some kind of predetermined styling.
However, here is the code I added:
path.SetValue(Grid.ColumnSpanProperty, 5)
path.SetValue(Grid.RowSpanProperty, 5)

creating a static "app" that consist of a single picture

I need to create a program that consists of a unmovable, always on top bitmap, with no menu bar or anything, and does not show up in the task bar as program.
It needs to always start in the same place.
Essentially I need to mask a part of the screen by using a bitmap that blends into the scenery.
I am not sure which properties I need to tweak to achieve all of this.
Just to try changing the properties until you get the right result, but the below is probably sort of what you're looking for.
StartPosition = Manual
ShowInTaskBar = False
SizeGripStyle = Hide
TopMost = True
ControlBox = False
FormBorderStyle = None
Location = X, Y 'wherever it should be