DC/OS running a service on each agent - dcos

Is there any way of running a service (single instance) on each deployed agent node? I need that because each agent needs to mount a storage from S3 using s3fs

The name of the feature you're looking for is "daemon tasks", but unfortunately, it's still in the planning phase for Mesos itself.
Due to the fact that schedulers don't know the entire state of the cluster, Mesos needs to add a feature to enable this functionality. Once in Mesos it can be integrated with DC/OS.
The primary workaround is to use Marathon to deploy an app with the UNIQUE constraint ("constraints": [["hostname", "UNIQUE"]]) and set the app instances to the number of agent nodes. Unfortunately this means you have to adjust the instances number when you add new nodes.


How to manually deploy Mule application package on the on-premises cluster?

I'm looking for the advice of how to manually (i.e. without using Runtime Manager - RM) deploy a mule application package on the on-premises Mule cluster. The official documentation suggests using the RM for the purpose either via the gui or cli or api. However, the RM is not available on our environment.
I can manually deploy the package on a single node by copying it to the /apps folder. But this way the application is only deployed on a single node, not on the cluster.
I've tried using the AMC agent rest API for the purpose with the same result - it only deploys on a single node.
So, what's the correct way of manually deploying a mule application on the Mule servers cluster without using Anypoint RM?
We are on Mule 4.4 EE.
Copy the application jar file into the apps directory of every node. Mule clusters do not transfer applications between nodes.
Alternatively ou can use the Runtime Manager Agent instead however it also works in a per node basis. You need to send the same request to each node to deploy.
Each connector may or may not be cluster aware. Read each connector documentation to understand how they behave. In particular the documentation of the VM connector states:
When running in cluster mode, persistent queues are instead backed by the memory grid. This means that when a Mule flow uses VM Connector to publish content to a queue, Mule runtime engine (Mule) decides whether to process that message in the same origin node or to send it out to the cluster to be picked up and processed by another node.
You can register the multiple nodes through AMC agent on the cloudhub control plane and create a server group and deploy code through control plain runtime manager it does the job of deployment to same app in n nodes

Dynatrace one agent in ecs fargate containers stops but application container is running

Am trying to install one agent in my ECS fargate task. Along with application container i have added another container definition for one agent with image as alpine:latest and used run time injection.
While running the task, initially the one agent container is in running state and after a minute it goes to stopped state same time application container will be in running state.
In dynatrace the same host is available and keeps recreating after 5-10mins frequently.
Actually the issue that I had was task was in draining status because of application issue due to which in dynatrace it keeps recreating... And the same time i used run time injection for my ECS fargate so once the binaries are downloaded and injected to volume, the one agent container definition will stop while the application container keeps running and injecting logs in dynatrace.
I have the same problem and connected via ssh to the cluster I saw that the agent needs to be privileged. The only thing that worked for me was sending traces and metrics through Opentelemetry.
use sleep infinity in the command field of your oneAgent container.

Google Cloud Manage Tomcat Service

Does google cloud or aws provide manage Apache tomcat which just take war file and do auto-scaling based on load increase and decrease ? not compute engine. I dont want to create VM. this should be manage by manage service.
Google App Engine can directly take and run a WAR file - just use the appcfg deployment method.
You will have more options if you package with docker, as this then provides an image type that can be run in many places (Multilpe GCP, AWS and Azure options, on-prem Kubernetes, etc). This can even be as simple as building a dockerfile that just copies the WAR into a jetty image:
FROM jetty:latest
COPY YOUR_WAR.war /var/lib/jetty/webapps
It might be better to explode the war though - see discussion in this question
AWS provide ** AWS Elastic Beanstalk **
The AWS Elastic Beanstalk Tomcat platform is a set of environment configurations for Java web applications that can run in a Tomcat web container. Each configuration corresponds to a major version of Tomcat, like Java 8 with Tomcat 8.
Platform-specific configuration options are available in the AWS Management Console for modifying the configuration of a running environment. To avoid losing your environment's configuration when you terminate it, you can use saved configurations to save your settings and later apply them to another environment.
To save settings in your source code, you can include configuration files. Settings in configuration files are applied every time you create an environment or deploy your application. You can also use configuration files to install packages, run scripts, and perform other instance customization operations during deployments.
It also provide autoscaling
The Auto Scaling group in your Elastic Beanstalk environment uses two Amazon CloudWatch alarms to trigger scaling operations. The default triggers scale when the average outbound network traffic from each instance is higher than 6 MB or lower than 2 MB over a period of five minutes. To use Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling effectively, configure triggers that are appropriate for your application, instance type, and service requirements. You can scale based on several statistics including latency, disk I/O, CPU utilization, and request count.

Altering host sysctl params from privileged container

we are using GKE for NET Core containers with ASP. Each ASP container uses at least one inotify instance (to watch Razer templates) and can use another to watch config files (if not explicitly disabled).
Linux default limit for number of inotify instances per host is 128 (fs.inotify.max_user_instances=128). Some instances are consumed by kubernetes itself (e.g. fluend daemons). So when lots of pods are deployed on single host, host runs out of free inotify instances and containers are stuck in crash loop.
Since we use GKE, we cannot manage worker nodes and alter sysctl settings directly.
My questions are:
Can I somehow alter sysctl setting for host VM through privileged container?
Is there a way to setup kubernetes scheduler to take number of free inotify instances (or at least a number of pods deployed) into account when selecting a node to deploy new pods?
As noted here, "Sysctls with no namespace are called node-level sysctls. If you need to set them, you must manually configure them on each node’s operating system, or by using a DaemonSet with privileged containers".
Regarding scheduling pods, there doesn't seem to be a way for the scheduler to take inotify or number of pods into account when scheduling. The scheduler is only aware of available resources (CPU and memory) and pod specs such as pod or node affinity.
To attain the kind of spread you are looking for will take a good deal of planning and use of both resource requests and pod affinity/anti-affinity. You can review this.

Resolving Chef Dependencies

In my lab, I am currently managing a 20 nodes cluster with Cobbler and Chef. Cobbler is used for OS provisioning and basic network settings, which is working fine as expected. I can manage several OS distributions with preseed-based NQA installation and local repo mirroring.
We also successfully installed chef server and started managing nodes but chef is not working as I expected. The issue is that I am not being able to set node dependencies within chef. Our one important use case is this:
We are setting up ceph and openstack on these nodes
Ceph should be installed before openstack because openstack uses ceph as back-end storage
Ceph monitor should be installed before Ceph osd because creating osd requires talking to monitor
The dependencies between Openstack and Ceph does not matter because it is a dependency in one node; just installing openstack later would resolve the issue.
However, a problem arises with the dependency between ceph monitor and ceph osd. Ceph osd provisioning requires a running ceph monitor. Therefore, ceph osd recipe should always be run after ceph mon recipe finishes in another node. Our current method is just to run "chef-client" in "ceph-osd" node after "chef-client" run completely finishes in "ceph-mon" node but I think this is a too much of a hassle. Is there a way to set these dependencies in Chef so that nodes will provision sequentially according to their dependencies? If not, are there good frameworks who handles this?
In chef itself, I know no method for orchestrating (that's not chef Job).
A workaround given your use case could be to use tags and search.
You monitor recipe could tag the node at end (with tag("CephMonitor") or with setting any attribute you wish to search on).
After that the solr index of chef has to catch it up (usually in the minute) and you can use search in the Cephosd recipe you can do something like this:
CephMonitor = search(:node,"tags:CephMonitor") || nil
return if CephMonitor.nil?
[.. rest of the CephOsd recipe, using the CephMonitor['fqdn'] or other attribute from the node ..]
The same behavior can be used to avoid trying to run the OpenStack recipe until the osd has run.
The drawback if that it will take 2 or 3 chef run to get to a converged infrastructure.
I've nothing to recommend to do the orchestration, zookeeper or consul could help instead of tags and to trigger the runs.
Rundeck can tage the runs on different nodes and aggregate this in one job.
Which is best depends on your feeling there.