How to do two way binding in custom directives in Vue.js 2? - vue.js

Hi I am looking for a solution for two way binding in Vue.js 2. I found a answer here about two way binding but it is in Vue.js 1. I tried to work it in Vue.js 1. But it didn't work. Can anyone help me here.
Why I want that?
A - I have a contenteditable div and a span tag inside which is shows a variable with v-html. But I want some functions to call when some edit happens. #change and #keyup don't work with span in vuejs 1. So I moved to custom directives.

To support something like this in vue2.0: as suggested by Evan You in forum here is to put these kind of functionality in a component and to reuse the same functionality on multiple components you can extract it into a shared mixin.
My suggestion is that the logic should be handled inside the component. In 2.0 v-model can work on components, e.g.
If you want to reuse the same logic on multiple components you can extract it into a shared mixin.


Vue3 computed property in parent child component structure not working

After trying to find solution to this issue for hours on various forums i am posting this here.
So i have two components. 1) App and 2) Todo. Both renderes a list and i can complete items so there will be two lists one for incomplete items and one for complete items. you can click on item and it will be gone to complete items list.
So in my example you can see i am using same component but with two diffreent ways to give data to component. one using API and one using native js Data. in both cases it renderes but with api i can click on list item and it will be gone to completed list but with javascript array example it doesn't work. i am completely amazed with this because component is same. how it can affect like that.
many answer here do tell me that computed properties are not reactive as they are cached but what’s the solution to that ? i can put data variable but then the first case of api will not work because time it takes to fetch it. so please help me with this one.
complete code at sfc playground
You have reactivity issues the computed property probably expects that value to be constant because you provide a non-reactive array from the parent.
I think you have 2 options here:
you either provide a reactive prop from parent
or you set a local data attribute in the child-component so that vue will know that it can change
Your fiddle didn't work for me so I copied your code to codesandbox, I have both examples there but commented out the first solution, there you basically simply add the array to the data object and reference that in the code.
Second solution you can add a mounted hook to define reactiveAssignments to your data in the child component this way it will have the same reference so that's why it would work that way.
I think the first solution is simpler, but it is really up to which one you prefer.
You can check the solutions here in my codesanbox
A better approach could be though by setting up component events instead of v-models in the child you should use it in the parent because this way you are directly modifying the props. You can read more about this here:

Is it possible to have dynamic element names in a Vue template?

I need to have a component, where I get the type of another component that this component should create. (it could be one of n different elements) Doing this in the component's render function is not a problem, but since I am new to Vue and I am trying to do things the Vue way, not the way I would do it in React.
I have not been able to find any solution with just using a Vue template. Is there one?
This is how I would like to be able to use the component:
<factory elm="first-component"></factory>
The factory should then internally in some way result in this:
(it should also be able to add attributes to the component, but that I know how to do, so a suggested solution does not need to care about attributes)
There is <component :is="myCoolComponent"></component> that will basically generate <my-cool-component></my-cool-component>.
Is it what you're looking for?
From the documentation:
You could also totally create a Factory.vue component and put that kind of logic inside of it (<component :is="" ...>).

Vue - Is it better to keep all props in one large mixin

I have a component library where i would like to standardize the props, component etc.
Thoughts on combining them props/methods/other mixins/etx into one larger mixin
All property names would be the same
Remove duplicated code on refactoring to adjust components from local props/methods/computed/ to "global"
Not all components would have need for every piece of data contained within the mixin - point 4
Would tree shaking remove the unused code on Rollup?
Is this a good idea?
If your component library is not constrained to using Vue 2 you might want to take a look at Vue Composition API to share functionality (methods + reactive state) between different components.
Mixins might not be what you really want to be using because you kind of lose information as to what features/props/methods really will be put inside your component without re-checking the mixin code. You also might run into issues when component options get merged by Vue at runtime. Check out these posts for more information:
As for sharing props: What I've seen just yesterday (but not yet tried!) in a talk by John Leider - creator of Vuetify - is create a function that returns the props you want to reuse between components. Then you just call said function inside your props definition and use the spread operator.

Is it possible to use more than one "template" element in one component in vuejs?

This question triggered in my mind while reading through Vue's official guide here.
I don't know if I find the answer to this question on proceeding further to read more from the official guide, but curious to know if it's possible or not.
Well, I'll update here as soon as I got to know the answer.
Screenshot from official guide
A component must use a single template or component option object, and that template must provide a single root element to mount. The template is converted into a render function internally, and Vue can only have 1 render function.
Your component can in turn contain a component that is dynamic, however.

Nested components in Vue.js 2

I'm being using Vue.js for some months and it's have been reminding the webforms paradigm, that you used components to make a website or webapp, but with Vue.js it's a pleasure to create such things and not a whole nightmare it was with webforms.
Well, my question is if it's possible making nested components just to define some behavior on it's parent on a markup-way. Example:
<grid prop1="somevalue" prop2="somevalue">
<grid-column prop1="somevalue" prop2="somevalue">
<filter-options prop1="somevalue" prop2="somevalue">
So, a particular grid component have column and the column hava a filter options.
Don't want to depend stricty to the javascript code.
Thanks in advance
EDIT: Just to add that the childs-component must not have a template. They are just to pass some props to the parent.
To answer your question
if it's possible making nested components just to define some behavior on it's parent on a markup-way
And to keep in mind your request:
Don't want to depend strictly to the JavaScript code.
The answer is no, it is not possible. Components underneath the parent can only push (emit) data to the parent after the DOM loads. So you would need to push a value that would trigger some JavaScript if you wanted to alter the html. Using JavaScript would be the only method though.
To achieve what you are asking I think it makes a lot more sense to use props on the parent component. You have a lot more flexibility and you can make it very versatile.