Google plus share not showing on profile stream - google-plus

Strange that in my own testing site ( ) with the same codes of, the google share is working fined on the testing site while on staging site the shared post does not exist in the google plus stream after being shared.
I share the url using the{URL} (with https) format from my sites.
<a href="{{CURRENT_URL}}" class="social-share" title="Share on Google+">
<span class="fa fa-google-plus-official"></span>
<span class="like-text">Google+</span>
<script type="text/javascript">
$.fn.sharePopup = function (e, width, height) {
// Prevent default anchor event
var left = (screen.width / 2) - (width / 2),
top = (screen.height / 2) - (height / 2);
var strTitle = ((typeof this.attr('title') !== 'undefined') ? this.attr('title') : 'Social Share'); this.attr('href'), strTitle,
"menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=" + width + ",height=" + height + ",top=" + top + ",left=" + left
$('.comment').on("click", function(e) {
$(this).sharePopup(e, 600, 400);
Anyone has idea on how to fixed it, since even the Google+ Help community doesn't replied to this inquiry/question?


Refreshing Vuetify V-Calendar with new events hide the events in the "Month" view

Currently developing an appointment-making application using a C# API in Vue.js with Vuetify, I encounter a behaviour with the component V-Calendar I can't comprehend. When originally feeding events to the calendar (appointments retrieved from a database by contacting the API), those events are correctly displayed as followed :
Original calendar loading
The query originally ignores cancelled appointments. However, I give the option to include them with a checkbox in the calendar header. Checking the box automatically refreshes the list of events through a watcher. When doing so, the calendar has a strange behaviour and does no longer display the events. This only occurs in the "Month" view, the "Day" and "Week" ones correctly display the data.
Result of refreshing the calendar
Here is the definition of my calendar (programming in french, translated in english the variables/methods for your easier understanding)
<v-calendar ref="calendar"
event-more-text="Show more"
<template #event="event">
<div v-if="event.eventParsed.input.idEtat === etats.annule"><s><i>{{
<div>{{ }}</div>
The definition of the updateRange method (called once when the page is loaded in the created() hook)
async updateRange({start, end}) {
this.currentDateDebut =;
this.currentDateFin =;
await this.refreshCalendarData();
The definition of the refreshCalendar method
async refreshCalendarData() {
this.loading = true;
const events = []
//Récupération des rendez-vous
await this.getRendezVous(this.currentDateDebut, this.currentDateFin);
this.rendezVous = await this.$store.getters["rendezVous/getRendezVousData"];
for (let i = 0; i < this.rendezVous.length; i++) {
const calculImcPossible = (this.rendezVous[i].taille != null && this.rendezVous[i].taille > 0) &&
(this.rendezVous[i].poids != null && this.rendezVous[i].poids > 0);
const calculImc = calculImcPossible
? (Math.round(this.rendezVous[i].poids / ((this.rendezVous[i].taille / 100) * (this.rendezVous[i].taille / 100)) * 100) / 100).toFixed(2)
: null;
const libelleImc = this.getLibelleImc(calculImc);
id: this.rendezVous[i].id,
idInstitution: this.rendezVous[i].idInstitution,
name: this.heureCourte(this.rendezVous[i].date) + " | Appointment",
start: new Date(this.rendezVous[i].date),
end: new Date(new Date(this.rendezVous[i].date).getTime() + 15 * 60000),
color: this.rendezVous[i].institution.color,
timed: true,
taille: this.rendezVous[i].taille != null && this.rendezVous[i].taille > 0
? this.rendezVous[i].taille + "cm"
: "indéfinie",
poids: this.rendezVous[i].poids != null && this.rendezVous[i].poids > 0
? this.rendezVous[i].poids + "kg"
: "indéfini",
sexe: this.rendezVous[i].patient.sexe,
imc: calculImc != null ? (calculImc + " (" + libelleImc + ")") : "non-déterminé",
nom: this.rendezVous[i].patient.nom + " " + this.rendezVous[i].patient.prenom,
telephone: this.rendezVous[i].patient.telephone != null ? this.rendezVous[i].patient.telephone : "-",
email: this.rendezVous[i] != null ? this.rendezVous[i] : "-",
commentaire: this.rendezVous[i].commentaire,
regime: this.rendezVous[i].regime,
hospitalisation: this.rendezVous[i].hospitalisation,
contagieux: this.rendezVous[i].contagieux,
incontinent: this.rendezVous[i].incontinent,
naissance: this.dateCourte(this.rendezVous[i].patient.naissance),
diabete: this.rendezVous[i].diabete.type,
examen: this.rendezVous[i].examen.nom,
idEtat: this.rendezVous[i].idEtat,
idPatient: this.rendezVous[i].idPatient,
typeEvent: "rendez-vous",
editable: this.rendezVous[i].editable
And finally, the definition of the watcher showCancalledAppointments
async showCancelledAppointments() {
await this.refreshCalendarData();
Do you have any idea why this behaviour is displayed by the calendar ? Thank you for your time and help.
Updating the solution with the command 'npm update' fixed the problem. The latest version of Vuetify seems to solve the issue

Foundation 6 slider: range stating from negative values

I wander if in foundation 6 sliders, it is possible to allow negative values e.g. swinging from -50 to 50.
Currently I have a slider in [0 100]:
<div class="row">
<div class="small-4 large-4 columns">
<label>Audio Volume</label>
<div class="small-6 large-6 columns">
<div class="slider" id="slidervol" data-slider data-end="100" display_selector: "#slidervol">
<span class="slider-handle" data-slider-handle role="slider" tabindex="1" aria-controls="sliderVolOutput"></span>
<span class="slider-fill" data-slider-fill></span>
<div class="small-2 large-2 columns">
<input name="AudioVolTxtbox" type="number" style="width: 4em;" tabindex="2" id="sliderVolOutput">
You can set a negative start value, but the behaviour is unpredictable when you do so. If you want to make use of negative values, you'll need logic to update the value in #sliderVolOutput after the handle has been moved.
The moved.zf.slider event is triggered every time the handle is moved and you can use that fact to update the textbox value. This event is fired quite a few times, so you'll need to add additional code to get rid of the flickering (if it's bothersome).
I've provided some basic code that should get you started. If you have any questions, please let me know.
var target = document.getElementById("slidervol");
var options = {
"start": 0,
"end": 100,
"decimal": 0
var elem = new Foundation.Slider($(target), options);
var offset = 50;
$(target).on('moved.zf.slider', function() {
$('#sliderVolOutput').val(Number($('.slider-handle').attr('aria-valuenow')) - offset);
Another approach would be to use the mousemove.zf.slider event. This gets rid of the flicker, but the textbox value is only updated once you've stopped manipulating the slider:
$(target).on('mousemove.zf.slider', function() {
$('#sliderVolOutput').val(Number($('.slider-handle').attr('aria-valuenow')) - offset);
In response to your additional query, I've had time to implement the required functionality (editing the value in the text box causing the slider to update) using a hidden control.
The slider-handle now targets the hidden control (aria-controls), which will always contain a positive value. The text box will contain the negative (computed) value. This is what the updated html looks like for the slider-handle:
<span class="slider-handle" data-slider-handle role="slider" tabindex="1" aria-controls="sliderVolOutputHidden"></span>
And this is the additional hidden input I've used:
<input type="hidden" id="sliderVolOutputHidden" value="0">
I've also added an input event for #sliderVolOutput that updates the value of the hidden input and triggers the change event. The change event is important, as without it, the handle will not update:
$('#sliderVolOutput').on('input', function() {
$('#sliderVolOutputHidden').val(Number($('#sliderVolOutput').val()) + offset);
Fiddle Demo
I get quite a result patching as follows foundation.js.
I can change values smoothly with the slider (with no flickering) but I can not decrement the textbox (aria-controls) below 0 since he event handler does not fire.
## -6953,13 +6953,14 ##
'id': id,
'max': this.options.end,
'min': this.options.start,
+ 'offset': this.options.offset,
'step': this.options.step
'role': 'slider',
'aria-controls': id,
- 'aria-valuemax': this.options.end,
- 'aria-valuemin': this.options.start,
+ 'aria-valuemax': this.options.end + this.options.offset,
+ 'aria-valuemin': this.options.start + this.options.offset,
'aria-valuenow': idx === 0 ? this.options.initialStart : this.options.initialEnd,
'aria-orientation': this.options.vertical ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal',
'tabindex': 0
## -6978,8 +6979,8 ##
key: '_setValues',
value: function _setValues($handle, val) {
var idx = this.options.doubleSided ? this.handles.index($handle) : 0;
- this.inputs.eq(idx).val(val);
- $handle.attr('aria-valuenow', val);
+ this.inputs.eq(idx).val(val+this.options.offset);
+ $handle.attr('aria-valuenow', val+this.options.offset);
## -7033,7 +7034,8 ##
} else {
//change event on input
value = this._adjustValue(null, val);
- hasVal = true;
+ value = value - this.options.offset;
+ hasVal = true;
this._setHandlePos($handle, value, hasVal);
## -7286,7 +7288,13 ##
* #option
* #example false
- invertVertical: false
+ invertVertical: false,
+ /**
+ *
+ * #option
+ * #example 0
+ */
+ offset: 0
function percent(frac, num) {
Then, for instance I want to change my parameter "Audio Volume" from -24 to 24 so in js:
// Audio Volume
vartxt = GetParameter("AudioVolume") // get the value in some way
tval = parseFloat(vartxt);
document.DeviceConfig.AudioVolTxtbox.value = tval - 24; //change the textbox
var target = document.getElementById("slidervol");
var options = {
"start": 0,
"end": 48,
"decimal": 0,
"step": 1,
"offset": -24,
"initialStart": tval
var elem = new Foundation.Slider($(target), options);
At the moment the only problem I get is that I have to configure the input box as 'text', since if I set it as 'number' the spinner does not allow to go below the 0.

Is there a working sample of the Google custom search rest API?

I need to create a screen which automates Google search.
I know JavaScript and I'm trying to get GSE works.
I have a search engine and an API key.
The problem is Google's documentation is cyclic i.e. pages point to each other.
There is no working sample from where I can start my research.
Please help if you know of a working sample.
The documents I have read are:
I know this is an old question, but here is what I did to make the API results formatted like the Google Site Search used to give since they are ending the paid accounts and will have ads now. The API way has an option to pay still for over 100 searches per day, so going with that but had to format the results still, and used the existing one to build the css to do similar styling also.
Search form going to this page is just a simple:
<form action="search-results.htm" id="cse-search-box">
<input class="" name="q" type="text">
<input class="" type="submit">
and then the search results page:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<title>JSON/Atom Custom Search API Example</title>
<!--<link href="default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">-->
<link href="google.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<div class="gsc-result-info" id="resInfo-0"></div>
<div id="googleContent"></div>
//Handler for response from google.
function hndlr(response) {
if (response.items == null) {
//Sometimes there is a strange thing with the results where it says there are 34 results/4 pages, but when you click through to 3 then there is only 30, so page 4 is invalid now.
//So if we get to the invalid one, send them back a page.
window.location.replace("searchresults.htm?start=" + (start - 10) + "&q=" + query);
//Search results load time
document.getElementById("resInfo-0").innerHTML = "About " + response.searchInformation.formattedTotalResults + " results (" + response.searchInformation.formattedSearchTime + " seconds)";
//Clear the div first, CMS is inserting a space for some reason.
document.getElementById("googleContent").innerHTML = "";
//Loop through each item in search results
for (var i = 0; i < response.items.length; i++) {
var item = response.items[i];
var content = "";
content += "<div class='gs-webResult gs-result'>" +
"<table class='gsc-table-result'><tbody><tr>";
//Thumbnail image
if (item.pagemap.cse_thumbnail != null)
content += "<td class='gsc-table-cell-thumbnail gsc-thumbnail'><div class='gs-image-box gs-web-image-box gs-web-image-box-portrait'><a class='gs-image' href='" + + "'>" +
"<img class='gs-image' class = 'gs-image-box gs-web-image-box gs-web-image-box-portrait' src='" + item.pagemap.cse_thumbnail[0].src + "'></a></td>";
content += "<td><a class='gs-title' href='" + + "'>" + item.htmlTitle + "</a><br/>";
//File format for PDF, etc.
if (item.fileFormat != null)
content += "<div class='gs-fileFormat'><span class='gs-fileFormat'>File Format: </span><span class='gs-fileFormatType'>" + item.fileFormat + "</span></div>";
//description text and URL text.
content += item.htmlSnippet.replace('<br>','') + "<br/><div class='gs-bidi-start-align gs-visibleUrl gs-visibleUrl-long' dir='ltr' style='word-break:break-all;'>" + item.htmlFormattedUrl +"</div>" +
document.getElementById("googleContent").innerHTML += content;
//Page Controls
var totalPages = Math.ceil(response.searchInformation.totalResults / 10);
var currentPage = Math.floor(start / 10 + 1);
var pageControls = "<div class='gsc-results'><div class='gsc-cursor-box gs-bidi-start-align' dir='ltr'><div class='gsc-cursor'>";
//Page change controls, 10 max.
for (var x = 1; x <= totalPages && x<=10; x++) {
pageControls += "<div class='gsc-cursor-page";
if (x === currentPage)
pageControls += " gsc-cursor-current-page";
var pageLinkStart = x * 10 - 9;
pageControls+="'><a href='search-results.htm?start="+pageLinkStart+"&q="+query+"'>"+x+"</a></div>";
pageControls += "</div></div></div>";
document.getElementById("googleContent").innerHTML += pageControls;
//Get search text from query string.
var query = document.URL.substr(document.URL.indexOf("q=") + 2);
var start = document.URL.substr(document.URL.indexOf("start=") + 6, 2);
if (start === "1&" || document.URL.indexOf("start=") === -1)
start = 1;
//Load the script src dynamically to load script with query to call.
// DOM: Create the script element
var jsElm = document.createElement("script");
// set the type attribute
jsElm.type = "application/javascript";
// make the script element load file
jsElm.src = ""+start+"&q=" +query +"&callback=hndlr";
// finally insert the element to the body element in order to load the script

Get the hostname with action script 2

I am creating some campaign swf banners and I don't use action script very often so any help from the experts would be great thanks.
I am supplying my banners on my website as resource downloads. And tutorials of how to embed the swf which has some javascript flashvars.
These flash variable is then concatenated into a google campaign link to change the utm_source.
This is my javascript...
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {};
flashvars.campaignSource = window.location.hostname;
var params = {};
params.loop = "true";
params.quality = "best";
params.wmode = "opaque";
params.swliveconnect = "true";
params.allowscriptaccess = "always";
var attributes = {};
swfobject.embedSWF("banner.swf", "banner_mpu", "300", "250", "9.0.0", false, flashvars, params, attributes);
and my html...
<div id="banner_mpu">
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" />
So the above js works great, however, not everyone will use my tutorial code and will probably use there own methods to embed the swf banner on their site.
So I need some back up action script 2 to get the current hostname into a action script variable
This is my action script which I have so far on my button (swf)...
on(release) {
function GetTheHostname() {
var RootFullUrl = _root._url;
txtFullUrl.text = RootFullUrl;
var lastSlashIndex:Number = RootFullUrl.lastIndexOf("/");
var DriveIndex:Number = RootFullUrl.indexOf("|");
if (DriveIndex>=0) {
baseUrl = RootFullUrl.substring(0, DriveIndex);
baseUrl += ":";
} else {
baseUrl = "";
baseUrl += RootFullUrl.substring(DriveIndex+1, lastSlashIndex+1);
txtBaseUrl.text = baseUrl;
return baseUrl;
var campaignSourceAS2:String= GetTheHostname();
if ( _root.campaignSource == undefined ) {
getURL("" + campaignSourceAS2 + "&utm_medium=MPU&utm_campaign=My%20Campaign%202012", "_blank");
} else {
getURL("" + _root.campaignSource + "&utm_medium=MPU&utm_campaign=My%20Campaign%202012", "_blank");
The problem with my action script is that it returns the full current URL.
Can any one please help me adapt the GetTheHostname function to get the host name instead of the baseURL
Thanks in advance
In that case, I guess it would be as easy as stripping the http:// from the url and then get all that's left to the first /
A one-liner to go from '' to '' would be
var baseURL:String = _root._url.split("http://").join("").split("/")[0];
and to replace your full method
getURL("" + (_root.campaignSource || _root._url.split("http://").join("").split("/")[0]) + "&utm_medium=MPU&utm_campaign=My%20Campaign%202012", "_blank");

Slippy maps for gmaps4rails

I thought it would be nice to use OpenStreetMap (or OpenCycleMap) as a map tile provider within the google API. Here is an example of how this is done in plain javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
var element = document.getElementById("map");
Build list of map types.
You can also use var mapTypeIds = ["roadmap", "satellite", "hybrid", "terrain", "OSM"]
but static lists sucks when google updates the default list of map types.
var mapTypeIds = [];
for(var type in google.maps.MapTypeId) {
var map = new google.maps.Map(element, {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(48.1391265, 11.580186300000037),
zoom: 11,
mapTypeId: "OSM",
mapTypeControlOptions: {
mapTypeIds: mapTypeIds
map.mapTypes.set("OSM", new google.maps.ImageMapType({
getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom) {
return "" + zoom + "/" + coord.x + "/" + coord.y + ".png";
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),
name: "OpenStreetMap",
maxZoom: 18
This way one could have an OSM map (which looks a lot nicer for example for hiking or cycling purposes) combined with the google map types and the much nicer google interface, plus all of the methods and options that are only available for google maps in gmaps4rails (eg. clustering etc.).
I have tried to figure out how to implement this but it is frankly a bit over my head.
Has anybody else tried to achieve something similar?
I have figured out a way to achieve what I want. It's not pretty but I thought I should post it anyway, so maybe others can come up with better ideas.
In I have added this method:
create_OSM : ->
OSMMapTypeOptions = new google.maps.ImageMapType(
getTileUrl: (coord, zoom) ->
"" + zoom + "/" + coord.x + "/" + coord.y + ".png"
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256)
name: "OSM"
maxZoom: 18
#serviceObject.mapTypes.set("OSM", OSMMapTypeOptions)
CycleMapTypeOptions = new google.maps.ImageMapType(
getTileUrl: (coord, zoom) ->
"" + zoom + "/" + coord.x + "/" + coord.y + ".png"
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256)
name: "Cycle"
maxZoom: 18
#serviceObject.mapTypes.set("OCM", CycleMapTypeOptions)
In js_builder.rb I added the method call like this #js << "#{gmap_id}.create_OSM();" just after #js << "#{gmap_id}.initialize();".
Lastly, my view code looks like this:
<%= gmaps("markers" => {"data" => #json},
"map_options" => {"type" => "TERRAIN", :raw => '{mapTypeControlOptions: {mapTypeIds: [google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN, "OSM", "OCM"], style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU}}'}) %>
It works and I am pleased with the result. Needs some serious cleaning up and refactoring though. Any commments?