How to retrieve automated test cases result using CAAC/Rally API - rally

I'm using this URL in REST: = "Team 2 - OCEANS Change Management") AND (Method = "Automated"))fetch=type,formattedId,Method,Owner
It is throwing this error:
"QueryResult": {
"_rallyAPIMajor": "2",
"_rallyAPIMinor": "0",
"Errors": [
"Could not parse: Cannot parse expression \"((Project.Name = \"Team 2 - OCEANS Change Management\") AND (Method = \"Automated\"))fetch=type,formattedId,Method,Owner\" as a query"
"Warnings": [],
"TotalResultCount": 0,
"StartIndex": 0,
"PageSize": 0,
"Results": []

Perhaps the string "fetch" should be "&fetch"?


Powershell Json object from object

I have a method that returns a Json object from a query using the FOR JOSN PATH approach.
SELECT State, COUNT(*) AS Items
FROM dbo.States
WHERE SomeFilterColumn = #FilterParam
This returns
"State": "Pending",
"Items": 23
"State": "Finished",
"Items", 7736
I also have a function in Powershell that returns the result. However I have issues how it is returned.
function Get-Json-From-Query {
$SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$SqlCmd = $SqlConnection.CreateCommand();
$SqlCmd.CommandText = $Query #The query shown above
$SqlCmd.Parameters.Add("#FilterParam", $filterParam);
However I do not know how to get the result of my query properly added to a JSON value.
I tried many things like:
States = (Get-Json-From-Query -filterParam 1234)
However this gives me also the param information which I do not want:
{ "States": [... The Array show above ... ] }
"States": [
"CompareInfo": 0,
"XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase": "",
"XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema": "",
"XmlSchemaCollectionName": "",
"ForceColumnEncryption": false,
"DbType": 11,
"LocaleId": 0,
"ParameterName": "#FilterParam",
"Precision": 0,
"Scale": 0,
"SqlDbType": 8,
"SqlValue": "1234",
"UdtTypeName": "",
"TypeName": "",
"Value": 1234,
"Direction": 1,
"IsNullable": false,
"Offset": 0,
"Size": 0,
"SourceColumn": "",
"SourceColumnNullMapping": false,
"SourceVersion": 512
How do I get the right data in my Json object?

How to match string and ignore the case in karate?

There is a case where one value sometimes is lower case and sometimes it's upper case. this is the response coming from an API and we have to match if every field in response is correct by ignoring some values. The error text in response sometimes has one keyword in lower and some scenarios it is upper case. How we can ignore one keyword in a string to not match? I don't want to ignore whole text as it works fine if I ignore whole string but is it possible to ignore one keyword only?
Scenario: string matching
* def test =
"sourceType": "Error",
"id": "123456",
"type": "searchuser",
"total": 0,
"value": [
"details": "this is the user search case",
"source": {
"sourceType": "Error",
"id": "77200203043",
"issue": [
"severity": "high",
"code": "678",
"message": {
"text": "No matching User details found"
"errorCode": "ERROR401"
"user": {
"status": "active"
* match test ==
"sourceType": "Error",
"id": "#present",
"type": "searchuser",
"total": 0,
"value": [
"details": "#present",
"source": {
"sourceType": "Error",
"id": "#ignore",
"issue": [
"severity": "high",
"code": "678",
"message": {
"text": "No matching User details found"
"errorCode": "ERROR401"
"user": {
"status": "active"
How to ignore the case only for user here? I tried below but it treats #ignore as a value.
"text": "No matching #ignore details found"
I'm not looking at your payload dump but providing a simple example. Use karate.lowerCase():
* def response = { foo: 'Bar' }
* match karate.lowerCase(response) == { foo: 'bar' }
EDIT: you can also extract one value at a time and do a check only for that:
* def response = { foo: 'Bar' }
* def foo =
* match karate.lowerCase(foo) == 'bar'

How to add query parameters in Zoom API (GET) request?

I'm trying to get all meeting recordings saved in the cloud in a date range using using the following API:
This is the API response I'm getting in postman.
"from": "2021-06-01",
"to": "2021-06-02",
"page_count": 1,
"page_size": 30,
"total_records": 1,
"next_page_token": "",
"meetings": [
"topic": "Meeting Room",
"type": 4,
"start_time": "2021-06-02T10:00:47Z",
"timezone": "Asia/Calcutta",
"duration": 0,
"total_size": 0,
"recording_count": 0,
"recording_files": [
"recording_start": "2021-06-02T10:02:39Z",
"recording_end": "2021-06-02T10:05:29Z",
"file_type": "MP4",
"file_extension": "MP4",
"file_size": 3181252,
"status": "completed",
"recording_type": "shared_screen_with_speaker_view"
"recording_start": "2021-06-02T10:02:39Z",
"recording_end": "2021-06-02T10:05:29Z",
"file_type": "M4A",
"file_extension": "M4A",
"file_size": 2694678,
"status": "completed",
"recording_type": "audio_only"
I am unable to get all the recordings of the desired time range. The "from" and "to" parameters are not changing even after trying the below query."2020-07-01"&to="2021-06-01"
In postman use this API{{user id}}/recordings?from=2022-01-01&meeting_id={{meeting id}}
Thanks to #ajaidanial

Karate json path filter not working when trying to extract elements that meet some filter criteria in API response

I am trying to filter my API response using JSON Path filter using Karate framework to extract a specific value that meets one of the condition using a value from a variable but I am not able to map variable properly, so my filter not working properly. I looked at the documentation and tried multiple ways but couldn't resolve this issue.
Sample response JSON:
"slices": [
"id": 7591164138534052,
"duration": {
"value": 1675,
"unit": "MINUTE"
"segments": [
"id": 1,
"segmentRefId": 23783268357325705
"id": 2,
"segmentRefId": 7591164138531002
"id": 3,
"segmentRefId": 7591164138532394
"segments": [
"id": 23783268357325705,
"departDateTime": "2019-10-05T19:50:00",
"arrivalDateTime": "2019-10-06T14:25:00",
"originAirport": "LAX",
"destinationAirport": "LHR",
"duration": {
"value": 635,
"unit": "MINUTE"
"marketingAirline": "BA",
"operatingAirline": "AA",
"flightNumber": "1509",
"equipmentCode": "77W",
"subjectToGovtApproval": false,
"numOfStops": 0,
"stops": []
I am using the below script where I am using variable 'originRefId':
* def originRefId = response.slices[0].segments[0].segmentRefId
* def origin = karate.jsonPath(response, "$.segments[?('originRefId')]")
* print 'the value of Origin is:', origin
Expected results LAX but I am getting an empty array.
17:42:15.119 [main] INFO - [print] the value of Origin is: [
Here is your solution:
* def originRefId = response.slices[0].segments[0].segmentRefId
* def segment = karate.jsonPath(response, "$.segments[?(" + originRefId + ")]")[0]
* def origin = segment.originAirport
* match origin == 'LAX'

Restify very simple JSONClient returns empty json

I just started using restify and tries to build a very simple JSONClient and fails on the first step.
var restify = require('restify');
var client = restify.createJsonClient({
url: ''
client.get('/calendar', function(err, req, res, obj) {
console.log('%j', obj);
This pieces of code returns {} with a status code 200
If you check in browser or curl it seems to be a legit json GET Rest API and does not require auth or anything else.
I tried other API such as stackoverflow api it works perfectly, so I assume something wrong with the server side?
If anyone can try to run it and help me point out what might went wrong would be very appreciated.
I runned your example node code and got a proper response (the same you get when browsing).
You probably have some version problem or a console.log size limitation.
Try using: console.log(obj[0]); it should print only the first object in the json.
I'm using node v0.8.9 and restify v2.4.1 on a mac.
Yeah, when I use the Postman plugin for Chrome and do a GET request to I get:
"weekday": {
"en": "Mon",
"cn": "星期一",
"ja": "月耀日",
"id": 1
"items": [
"id": 46458,
"url": "",
"type": 0,
"name": "アイカツ! -アイドルカツドウ!-",
"name_cn": "偶像活动",
"summary": "",
"eps": 0,
"air_date": "2012-10-08",
"air_weekday": 1,
"images": {
"large": "",
"common": "",
"medium": "",
"small": "",
"grid": ""
"collection": {
"wish": 0,
"collect": 0,
"doing": 44,
"on_hold": 0,
"dropped": 0
"id": 57150,
"url": "",
"type": 0,
"name": "LINE OFFLINE ~サラリーマン~",
"name_cn": "离线LINE - 上班族 -",
"summary": "",
"eps": 0,
"air_date": "2013-01-07",
"air_weekday": 1,
"images": {
"large": "",
"common": "",
"medium": "",
"small": "",
"grid": ""
"collection": {
"wish": 0,
"collect": 0,
"doing": 206,
"on_hold": 0,
"dropped": 0
"id": 58709,
"url": "",
"type": 0,
"name": "ハヤテのごとく! Cuties",
"name_cn": "旋风管家 Cuties",
"summary": "",
"eps": 0,
"air_date": "2013-04-08",
"air_weekday": 1,
"images": {
"large": "",
"common": "",
"medium": "",
"small": "",
"grid": ""
"collection": {
"wish": 0,
"collect": 0,
"doing": 219,
"on_hold": 0,
"dropped": 0
...and a bunch more, but the body limit to answers on SO is 30,000 characters.