Lat/lng coordinates to 3D images - api

I have a number of lat/lng coordinates that I would like to show 3D images for.
Google Earth API seems to have been closed, so does anyone know if another API I can use?
The coordinates I have are for cities all over the world.

If want to display data on a 3D globe then CesiumJS is your best alternative to Google Earth API. Cesium is an open-source geospatial visualization JavaScript library for creating web-based 3D globe applications. It requires no browser plugins and is cross-platform and cross-device. Cesium uses WebGL for graphic rendering which has been adopted by all major web browsers.
See the online demos to get a sense of what it can do:
There is an online "Sandcastle" application that has a gallery of code examples and runs the code in the web-browser. You can also change the code on-the-fly and re-run with your changes to test out using the Cesium API.
If you have experience using Google Earth API then there are a number of tutorials and examples showing how to migrate to Cesium:


Network graph on OSM or Google Maps

I'm looking for a library to draw some network map over OSM or Google Maps
Something like v-network-graph. Perhaps someone will suggest a suitable library. Preferably - for Vue :)

Using data visualization in AR with ARKit

I am new to iOS swift programming and to building AR apps with ARKIT. I find that ARKIT is more powerful than I imagined and I can able to achieve all my business case but except placing data dashboards or charts in AR 3d space. I found ARCharts on Google but it seems to be useless.
My business case is actually scan the object or product and recognize it and display data related to it on AR world which should also show some data analytics dashboard for sales trends of the product.
How to achieve this.. pls provide some inputs
Using ARKit you will be able to detect image detection, object detection and plane detection. For your business case, you can use image detection and object detection.
I will recommend you to go through the below tutorial to get some basic knowledge on object detection and image detection.
Building a Museum App with ARKit 2. Happy coding ;)

Using Leaflet with Google Maps?

Currently I am using Google Maps API 3 to display about 1000 users spread all over the world. This is for free, as long as I have less then 25.000 downloaded maps views per day.
Recently, I found out about the amazing JS Library Leaflet. I want to use it with OpenStreetMaps. As far as I have understood, one should not use tiles provided by OpenStreetMaps (Tile usage policy) but instead third party provider that makes tiles from OSM data, or generate your own.
I cannot provide my own tiles because I do not have appropriate hardware requirements.
Unfortunately I found that many third party provider for tiles have very strict limits, like MapQuest which is only for free as long as you do not exceed 15.000 map views per month (which seems not very attractive in comparison with Google Maps where you can use it for free as long as you do not exceed 25.000 map views per day).
So I wonder, is it possible to use Leaflet with Google Maps, so that I only have a limit of 25.000 map views per day?
According to this question the answer is clearly no.
However, according to Leaflet Map API with Google Satellite Layer the answer is yes.
Well, a lot to say here.
1) You can use OSM tiles as long as your usage is reasonable. If you find MapQuest limits quite restrictive, then indeed, you would probably be in the "over-reasonable" situation.
2) You have plenty 3rd party alternatives for tile sources (including MapQuest and Google Maps). If you are in the situation where you generate several thousands of views per month or day, then it is probably worth paying for a commercial service and ensure some availability service level. Of course Google Maps is still free and attractive for a high usage, at the cost of complying with their conditions (below).
3) Google Maps terms state that you can use Google Maps tiles only through Google Maps API. That is what some Leaflet plugins provide: they act as a proxy and use Google Maps API, so you should be compliant with Google Maps service terms. That is where you should probably provide your API key.
4) Therefore, the code snippet you show, which directly uses Google Maps tile template URL, is very probably not compliant with their terms, even though it may technically work.
As a side note, among the commercial 3rd party services for tile source, there is Mapbox. I do not especially like advertising, but I mention it because this is the company where the main Leaflet author works.

Does Miscrosoft Kinect SDK provide any API that I can input detph image then return skeleton?

I need a help about how to get skeleton data from my modified Depth Image using KinectSDK.
I have two Kinect. And I can get the DepthImage from both of them. I transform the two Depth Image into a 3D-coordinate and combine them together by using OpenGL. Finally, I reproject the 3D scene and get a new DepthImage. (The resolution is also 640*480, and the FPS of my new DepthImage is about 20FPS)
Now, I want to get the skeleton from this new DepthImage by using KinectSDK.
Anyone can help me about this?
This picture is my flow path:
Does Miscrosoft Kinect SDK provide any API that I can input detph image then return skeleton?
I tried to find some libraries (not made by Microsoft) to accomplish this task, but it is not simple at all.
Try to follow this discussion on ResearchGate, there are some useful links (such as databases or early stage projects) from where you can start if you want to develop your library and share it with us.
I was hoping to do something similar, feed post-processed depth image back to Kinect for skeleton segmentation, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way of doing this with existing API.
Why would you reconstruct a skeleton based upon your 3d depth data ?
The kinect Sdk can record a skeleton directly without such reconstruction.
And one camera is enough to record a skeleton.
if you use the kinect v2, then out of my head i can track 3 or 4 skeletons or so.
kinect provides basically 3 streams, rgb video, depth, skeleton.

How to avoid a double-up of effort for retina, when using tile maps from Tiled with Cocos2d

I've got retina tile maps working, 15x10 tiles, of 64x64 tiles. problem is for non-retina devices I will need to make a 15x10 tiles of 32x32 tiles. I don't want to recreate the Tile, is it just a case of changing the XML (.tmx) file? Is there an automated tool or another way around this? I've been looking online but not getting too much help.
You have to update the TMX file and scale certain attributes. Unless your TMX map is very simple this will be a tedious and error-prone task that's best left to a tool.
There are a variety of TMX rescaling tools out there, but some didn't work for me or simply were incomplete at the time (ie one didn't scale object layers). All the tools I know are generally are written in rather unusual languages (for an iOS developer at least) like Python, Ruby or Bash scripts. Others are only available as binary without the source code.
Check out this cocos2d forum post. Specifically this tool or HDx on the App Store. iTilemaps might also work for you.
Because I wasn't happy with either of the choices, I wrote my own command line tool tmx2scale in Objective-C to rescale TMX maps intelligently in all directions. The tmx2scale tool is not currently available but it will be distributed complete with source code with the KoboldScript Game Kit project.