What are the potential issues to implement a #inject decorator which does not depend to mobx-react's Provider component (which stores its properties in react's context)?
The usage of the inject would be something like this:
// MyComponent.js
import { authManager } from './services';
const MyComponent = ({ authManager }) => ...;
export default inject({ authManager })(MyComponent);
It just merges its parameter with component props.
You can pass a function as the first argument into the inject function.
import { authManager } from './services';
inject(_stores => ({ authManager }))(YouComponent);
It will not depend on the context, it will just map the returned object to your props.
I didn't tested it
import {useLocalObservable} from "mobx-react-lite";
function chatStore() {
return {
chatmsg: [],
setChatMsg(arr) {
this.chatmsg = arr
addChatMsg(msg) {
export const useChatStore = () => useLocalObservable(chatStore)
const App = () => {
const chatMsgStore = useChatStore()
const AppFunctions = {chatMsgStore}
useEffect(() => {
socket.on(activechat.chatid, (bdmsg) => {
return () => {
}, [activechat, chatMsgStore.chatmsg])
return (
<AppContext.Provider value={AppFunctions}>
export default App;
async function getChatMessages(url, body, userStore, chatMsgStore) {
on app load i add a socket listener which deps are activechat and chatMsgStore.
this listener is dynamic and must be changed when deps change.
the only purpose of this listener is to add a msg to the store and re-render the observer component
deps :
activechat - non store state
chatMsgStore.chatmsg - store state
why chatMsgStore.addChatMsg(bdmsg) does not effect the store? so deeply nested components inside App.js is not re-rendering.
otherwise i have a function getChatMessages which i import from custom hook deep inside App.js which sets the messages. this func is not a child of App.js and it is not wrapped with observer chatMsgStore.setChatMsg(firstResData) works! i can set the message so the observer component will re-render
how to make this code in useeffect above work?
Your App component is not wrapped with observer HOC so it won't react to observable values changes.
Wrap it like that:
const App = observer(() => {
// ...
or when exporting:
export default observer(App)
More info in the docs
you should use autorun from mobx in order to set correctly the reactivity in useEffect, here is a link to the doc that explains why and how use it.
But I think that you should not put chatMsgStore.chatmsg inside the deps array because you're not using it inside the useEffect.
If you can provide a working example maybe we can help you further.
I'm lost on how to interactions between functional components and classes work in React Native, so here's the breakdown:
I have a class that has a function I want to call, like this:
class StoreData extends React.Component {
StoreArray() {
const storeData = new StoreData();
export default storeData;
I want to call StoreArray inside a functional component that's in a different file such as this:
import storeData from 'StoreData';
const EditScreen = () => {
// Call StoreArray
It appears it does not work the same as calling from another class which would be as simple as storeData.StoreArray(); so how do I go about doing this?
Judging by the names you've given these components, it looks like StoreData should be a React Context https://reactjs.org/docs/context.html
i'm new to Vue and Nuxt and i'm building my first website in Universal mode with these framework.
I'm a bit confused on how the store works in nuxt, since following the official documentation i can't achieve what i have in mind.
In my store folder i have placed for now only one file called "products.js", in there i export the state like this:
export const state = () => ({
mistica: {
id: 1,
name: 'mistica'
(The object is simplified in order to provide a cleaner explanation)
In the same file i set up a simple getter, for example:
export const getters = () => ({
getName: (state) => {
return state.mistica.name
Now, according to the documentation, in the component i set up like this:
computed: {
getName () {
return this.$store.getters['products/getName']
or either (don't know what to use):
computed: {
getName () {
return this.$store.getters.products.getName
but when using "getName" in template is "undefined", in the latter case the app is broken and it says "Cannot read property 'getName' of undefined"
Note that in the template i can access directly the state value with "$store.state.products.mistica.name" with no problems, why so?
What am i doing wrong, or better, what didn't i understand?
Using factory function for a state is a nuxt.js feature. It is used in the SSR mode to create a new state for each client. But for getters it doesn't make sense, because these are pure functions of the state. getters should be a plain object:
export const getters = {
getName: (state) => {
return state.mistica.name
After this change getters should work.
Then you can use the this.$store.getters['products/getName'] in your components.
You can't use this.$store.getters.products.getName, as this is the incorrect syntax.
But to get simpler and more clean code, you can use the mapGetters helper from the vuex:
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
computed: {
...mapGetters("products", [
// Here you can import other getters from the products.js
Couple of things. In your "store" folder you might need an index.js for nuxt to set a root module. This is the only module you can use nuxtServerInit in also and that can be very handy.
In your products.js you are part of the way there. Your state should be exported as a function but actions, mutations and getters are just objects. So change your getters to this:
export const getters = {
getName: state => {
return state.mistica.name
Then your second computed should get the getter. I usually prefer to use "mapGetters" which you can implement in a page/component like this:
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
export default {
computed: {
getName: 'products/getName'
Then you can use getName in your template with {{ getName }} or in your script with this.getName.
So I have a loader screen in my app, and the idea is to show the loader screen on the beforeCreate hook so the user can't see the stuff being rendered, and then on the mounted hook remove the loader screen.
This is fun and nice for when you have two or three view/components, but currently my app has a lot more than that, and adding it to each component/view doesn't make much sense for me.
So I was wondering, is there any way to add something to the beforeCreate and mounted hooks on a global scope. Something like this:
Vue.beforeCreate(() => {
//Show the loader screen
Vue.mounted(() => {
//Hide the loader screen
That way it would be applied to every component and view
You can use mixins for this purposes, and import in components.
export default {
beforeCreate() {},
mounted() {}
And in component add mixins: [importedMixins]
You will have access to 'this'.
Actualy you can use and vuex to (mapGetters, mapActions etc.)
If you don't want include mixins in every component, try to use vue plugins system (https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/plugins.html):
MyPlugin.install = function (Vue, options) {
// 1. add global method or property
Vue.myGlobalMethod = function () {
// something logic ...
// 2. add a global asset
Vue.directive('my-directive', {
bind (el, binding, vnode, oldVnode) {
// something logic ...
// 3. inject some component options
created: function () {
// something logic ...
// 4. add an instance method
Vue.prototype.$myMethod = function (methodOptions) {
// something logic ...
And use your plugin like this Vue.use(MyPlugin, { someOption: true })
There is something very silimar to your request in vue-router. I've never used afterEach but beforeEach works perfectly.
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
/* must call `next` */
router.beforeResolve((to, from, next) => {
/* must call `next` */
router.afterEach((to, from) => {})
Here is a documentation
There is also a hook called 'beforeRouteEnter'.
Link to beforeRouteEnter docs
Am from Angular2 whereby i was used to services and injection of services hence reusing functions how do i achieve the same in vuejs
I would like to create only one function to set and retrieve localstorage data.
so am doing it this way:
In my Login Component
localstorage.setItem('access-token', res.data.access_token);
Now in another component when sending a post request
export default{
localstorage.getItem('access-token') //do stuff after retrieve
Thats just one example, Imagine what could happen when setting multiple localstorage items when retrieving one can type the wrong key.
How can i centralize functionality eg: setting token(in angular2 would be services)
There are a few different ways to share functionality between components in Vue, but I believe the most commonly used are either mixins or custom modules.
Mixins are a way to define reusable functionality that can be injected into the component utilizing the mixin. Below is a simple example from the official Vue documentation:
// define a mixin object
var myMixin = {
created: function () {
methods: {
hello: function () {
console.log('hello from mixin!')
// define a component that uses this mixin
var Component = Vue.extend({
mixins: [myMixin]
var component = new Component() // => "hello from mixin!"
Custom module
If there are a lot of shared functionality with a logical grouping it might make sense to instead create a custom module, and import that where you need it (like how you inject a service in angular).
// localStorageHandler.js
const localStorageHandler = {
setToken (token) {
localStorage.setItem('access-token', token)
getToken () {
export default localStorageHandler
And then in your component:
// yourcomponent.vue
import localStorageHandler from 'localStorageHandler'
export default{
const token = localStorageHandler.getToken()
Modules are using the more modern syntax of JavaScript, which is not supported in all browsers, hence require you to preprocess your code. If you are using the vue-cli webpack template it should work out of the box.