wcf createchannel response takes too long at first - wcf

I have a wcf service in remote server which validating studentId, actually it works, no problem about process, the think is the it waits too long for "first execution" after that it runs fast(actually normal speed).
So my problem seems about proxy request pass over since I try service with unique values if after first execution it runs fast again.. this makes me think issue possibly about proxy authorization..
it runs extremly slow(50-70 seconds) for first execution after iis restart
here is the code piece that cause this issue, please share any solution or idea about solve it
ValidateStudentService srvc = channelFactory.CreateChannelWithIssuedToken(StudentServiceFactory.Instance.CreateToken());
I need a satisfiyng solution.. adding manually first run attempt is not an option.

Usually the first call takes more time because in that call the Channel Factory is instantiated and prepared ready for the communication and that costs time. The created Channel Factory will be cached and reused in subsequent calls and so the time will be less.
Have a look at these MSDN posts:
How to cache ChannelFactory?
WCF first call seems to be very slow from the client. Any idea?
Also the post WCF Performance Slow for the first call and Shaun's answer probably helps you.


Wcf time out exception, occurs irregularly on one server

Error code:"
The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:09:59.6320000. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding."
This error occurs infrequently when calling a Wcf service methods. It doesn't matter what method is. I have created test methods that returns simple strings. Sometimes it times out, sometimes it works perfectly. The strange thing is that when the WCF service is published on one server(for testing purposes)- there is no timeout. When I publish it on another server(live/public) there occurs these timeouts infrequently. I have set the timeout to 10 min as you could see above.
The webconfig setting should be correct, because it works for the one server. The only change made is the ip address. I know this is very difficult to answer and a bit ambiguous.
I'm sure this problem is too high level for me to solve, or maybe I'm making a simple mistake and it is too obvious for me to notice. If you could give me a pointer or just friendly advice on this problem I would really really appreciate it. I am shooting in the dark here. I thank you for your interest, proved by you reading up to here.
does it happen first time you call the service? if not, but does subsequently, it could be that the service instance has been locked by the calling thread - look into multiple instances or allowing concurrent use, obviously taking into account the thread safety requirements of your code

Polling Pattern for Silverlight 4 WCF Ria Services

I am creating an application in Silverlight using Ria Services that can take quite a bit of time once the service call is initiated. I've looked for ways to increase the WCF service timeout, but the more I think it through, this is not the right aproach.
What I would rather do is call the DomainContext and return right away, then have the client poll the server to find out when the long running query is complete.
I'm looking for a pattern or example of a good way to implement something like this. One potential issue that keeps coming to mind are that web services should not keep state between service calls, but this is exactly what I would be doing.
Any thoughts?
Take a look at the WCF Duplex Service. It should solve your problem.
Can you make the service call take less time? If not, why not?
Typically when I've seen queries take this long, it either means the SQL running at the end isn't efficient enough, the SQL server has poor indexes, or the client is requesting far more data than they'll actually be able to use in a short period of time.
For example, instead of requesting 500 entities right away and showing a large list/DataGrid/whatever, why not request 10-50 at a time and have a paging UI that only requests the next batch when the user nedes it?
Take a look at signalr, it can run side by side with ria and it lets you push messages back to the client from the server.

Should the first call to a WCF service take an extraordinary amount of time?

I've got a WCF service operation that just does a LINQ query on a SQL database, looking up 1 of 35 records that have a matching Guid (it's really as simple as it gets). When I call this method from a simple sandbox application, it comes back right away. However, when I have it running in a windows service, the first call to the method takes about 25 seconds (I take a timestamp before and after the call), and the second call (identical in every way to the first, made immediately after the first, just for testing purposes) comes back right away.
The call takes place inside of a ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem delegate, with other actions being performed before and after it, and it's the only thing in the entire delegate that is at all delayed.
Does the delay make sense, or is something going wrong here?.
I've confirmed that the problem isn't with the method itself. I called a completely different service method first, which had that delay, and the two calls to the original method just after both execute instantaneously. So it really is whatever the first call to the server is that's causing the problem.
In your case the first call will do 2 things:
JIT compile the service
Cache the query / data in the database server
This can explain the difference. On some systems the first call can timeout, while the second takes only one or two seconds.
One thing you might want to check is to see if your ASP.NET Worker Process that is hosting the service has an "idle timeout", it to me seems like it is the initial startup of ASP.net that might be causing your issue.
Have you tried enabling WCF tracing? Look for lags in the activity boundaries in the Process action activity.

How to limit a request execution time of WCF service?

Is there something in WCF configuration that defines a timeout for executing a request at service side? E.g. WCF service will stop executing request after some time period. I have a service which make some work depending on client input. In some cases a such call may take too much time. I want to limit the execution time of such requests on service side, not client one using SendTimeout. I know about OperationTimeout property, but it doesn't abort the service request, it just tells a client that the request is timed out.
In general terms, there's nothing that will totally enforce this. Unfortunately, it's one of those things that the runtime can't really enforce nicely without possibly leaving state messed up (pretty much the only alternative for it would be to abort the running thread, and that has a bunch of undesirable consequences).
So, basically, if this is something you want to actively enforce, it's a lot better to design your service to deal with this so that your operation execution has safe interruption points where the operation can be terminated if the maximum execution time has been exceeded.
Though it's a lot more work, you'll likely be more satisfied with it in the long run.

WCF Service hangs on the 14th call

I'm having a problem where the WCF service hangs after 13-14 asynchronous process calls from the client. This occurs all the time. The client is a mobile JavaFX app. There is no specific error outputted in the server as well as in client. Someone suggested that it might be a throttling issue.
I've set the service side .config parameters maxConcurrent calls from 10 to 500
<serviceThrottling maxConcurrentCalls="500" maxConcurrentSessions="500” />
So this means, it should be able to accept more than 10 calls, right? However, it didn't resolve this issue. Still hangs on the 13-14th process call.
Only one client is connecting to this web service.
What do you think is wrong?
Do you close the client after doing your call?
When I encountered this problem, I did not close it, and the open requests blocked the service after a short time.
Edit: Ok, I know nothing about JavaFX =) The code below is C#, sorry. But you can surely do something similar.
Use either
WcfClient client = new WcfClient()
// ...
using(WcfClient client = new WcfClient()){
// ...
Similar problem here - I have an app calling from one process to another, locally, named pipes.
Calls are really light in code- basically takex an array of serializable objects, queues them on other side. Occasionally it hangs. Restarts afte rtimeout. no data lost, but... as the data is financial data, and the receiving app an autoamted trading system, that may result in very bad financial issues. Not been able to reproduce it yet.
This could very easily be caused by any deadlock condition in your code. If your service locks up and starts eating up 100% or CPU you have a dead lock. Create a dump file and see where your code was at.
I ran into the same issue my first WCF app it was a dictionary that i wasn't making sure was synchronized in logging code.
The SvcTraceViewer is super helpful in figuring out tough wcf