Conemu with x-forwarding - ssh

I currently am using Cmder (which is effectively conemu) to SSH into a university cluster from my Windows machine. I want to enable x-forwarding, and I have Xming installed. I followed the instructions here, which I swear I've used before but doesn't seem to work right now. Specifically, I type
DISPLAY=localhost:0.0;export DISPLAY;
once I open up a Cmder terminal (with Xming already loaded), but the error I get back is
Error: cannot open display: localhost:0.0
despite Xming saying it is Xming server:0.0. Any suggestions? I should add that the x-forwarding works perfectly fine with MobaXterm, but I'd prefer to stick with Cmder.

The issue was that I was setting the display variable on the client server, not the host computer. On my Windows machine, I opened Xming and then did
Afterwards, I SSH'd into the client server via
ssh -X myname#address.
Now everything works as intended.

I have exactly the same problem. However, I have observed that if I open up a Putty session with x11 forwarding set, then add the display number to my ConEmu session that is ssh'd into the Linux box, then x11 works from ConEmu. Weird.
It is an inconvenient workaround at best.

I made it work for me.
Even so Xming was telling me "localhost:0.0", after connecting to the my server (using the "-x" ssh's option) I rather did :
DISPLAY=:10.0;export DISPLAY;

The following worked for me:
export DISPLAY=
ssh -XC <hostname>


Raspberry Pi / Remote Desktop, "connection problem, giving up"

I have three new Raspberry Pis running this OS:
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="11 (bullseye)"
I cannot get Remote Desktop to connect properly. I have xrdp and all updates installed on the Pi. SSH is on and I can connect via a gitbash terminal fine. VNC connection is enabled and viewer connects just fine. I keep getting the following error after logging in to the Pi's ip address (
Connecting to sesman IP port 3350
sesman connect ok sending
login info to session manager, please wait...
login successful for display 10
started connecting
connection problem, giving up
some problem
Per many other posts, I have tried:
restarting the xrdp service
adding auto lo to /etc/network/interfaces
reinstalling xrdp, vnc4server, and tightvnc in various orders per this answer.
adding allowed_users = anybody to /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config per this answer.
per this post, I tried purging xrdp, then purge vnc server, then reinstalling xrdp with no luck.
I tried installing an older version of xrdp per this answer, but the package is no longer available.
I tried adding this to sesman.ini, no luck
I have another Raspberry Pi running version 10 OS with no issues:
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"
Any suggestions to get the newer OS working properly?
I have found the reason for the issue in this answer.
Turns out you cannot login twice with the same account using xrdp on Raspbian Bullseye (Debian 11). So you need to either disable autologin using "Raspberry Pi Configuration"/sudo raspi-config or create another user.
I created a second user and confirmed that this works. Thanks #A.J.Bauer
I got my Pi 4 today and ran into exactly your problem. Took me 1 hour to figure out how to fix, hope it can help:
Remove and purge all VNC server and then install/reinstall XRDP
sudo raspi-config
Go to (1) System Options -> S5 Boot/Auto Login -> select "B3 Desktop GUI - requiring user to login". It should works with this option. Otherwise you can give a try with the automatically logging in as pi user option.
Reboot and have fun !
The problem is that there is some process
still using the login name.
I solved this way:
add a new user, give sudo privs
rdp with that, it should work
deluser the previous one
kill any process that gives error in point 3 and repeat
set autologin to console no auto w/ raspi-config
rdp with new user
adduser the old one
rdp with that
you're good to go

VS code can't ssh to server: failed to create hard link

I have a windows 10 PC connecting to my linux server (ubuntu 18.04.2). I run/edit code on my powerful server by remotely accessing the server through VS code's ssh ability. It is super convenient to edit my code on the server with VS code...
Visual Studio code won't connect to my Linux server. What is weird is that I am able to ssh into the server from the terminal within VScode by just literally typing ssh <username>#<server-hostname>
However, when I do the Remote-SSH option within VScode then it does not want to connect to the server...strange...
Here is how I remotely SSH into server with VScode built in functionality (marked with red rectangle). Also part of this screenshot is my config file, which I have triple checked as correct (IP address and .ssh/id_rsa_gpu_1_solarpv_ssh location)
I have made sure that the config file is setup correctly and that the IP address is correct.
I have ensured that the server's IP address is also in the 'known_hosts' file located at /Users/.ssh/
I even generated my own private key for SSH connection as advised by the great documentation here:
Still getting the error of failed to create hard link...
With all of my back-end stuff done right, I am absolutely clueless regarding why this is an issue.
After spending literally 9 hours on this is the answer:
When you launch VScode and remotely access the linux server, the linux server is instructed to download and install a vscode server so that you (on the other side) can remotely connect to the server.
If the server does not have internet just make sure the following setting is ticked
This allows the remote server (without or with internet connection) to get the vscode server running.
To eliminate the "failed to create hard link error" go to the directory mentioned by the error, which in this case on linux server is
navigate to /home/<username>/.vscode-server/bin/0ba0ca.../
then remove/delete the hardlink file and target file which also has
the same name as the directory.
Then just attempt to remotely access your server again through
vscode and all should be fine
Here is also a discussion regarding the issue...if you still have problems
I solved this by enabling the option Lockfiles in Tmp:
i just deleted the whole library and it works, i don't see anything wrong with doing that.
rm -r /path_to_project/.vscode-server/
if i'm wrong feel free to correct me :)
Try this
Just in case others need to try the same here is the detail
ctrl-shift-p and choose:
Remote-SSH: kill VS Code Server on Host...
Chose the host name
Selected the platform type (linux)
worked for me.

How can I get out of vlock on new archlinux VM?

I was trying to display the time to see if I had the timezone correct... instead of the command 'clock'(which I know is not right now) I used 'vlock'. This locked my terminal while I was setting up archlinux. Now I am stuck on a screen that says
"The tty1 is now locked by root. Use Alt-function keys to switch to other virtual consoles.
And I do not remember setting up a password so I do not know how I could guess correctly. Is there a way to undo the vlock? or should I just start a new archlinux VM?

ERROR: (gcloud.compute.ssh) [/usr/bin/ssh] exited with return code [255]

I kept getting kicked out of my compute engine instance after a few seconds of idle with the indicated error (255).
I used 'gcloud compute ssh' to log in.
I am using the default firewall setting, which I believe would be good enough for ssh.
But if I am missing something, please so indicate and suggest the fix for this error.
Basically I can't get any efficient work done at this point having to ssh in so many times.
gcloud denies an ssh connection if there was a change in the setup, e.g.
after you changed your default zone or region, or you created another instance.
Then, you must update the ssh keys in your metadata by
sudo gcloud compute config-ssh
If this complains about different entries in your config file where your ssh key entries are stored, ~/.ssh/config, delete this file and execute the above command again.
If you have installed gcloud without sudo, you can omit sudo.
255 is the interactive ssh exit code for ssh failure - otherwise interactive ssh exits with the exit code of the last command executed in the ssh session.
The next time you get exit code 255 from ssh try running with --ssh-flag="-vvv" (more v's => more debugging output) and see if it helps track down connection problems.
For those who stop by this page. This helped me to solve the problem.
Try to the following:
Go to your Google and remove the SSH key for the server
Go to your google cloud console -> compute engine -> Metadata -> "SSH
keys" tab and click on edit. Here you can delete the ssh keys.
Run the gcloud command again
Click on the "Instances" link on the left side of your google cloud account, which will list down all the instances on the right side. Under
connect column, you will see "SSH" drop-down, click on "View cloud
Command" and this will bring a new dialog. Copy that command and run on your PC's terminal. This will let you SSH into the google compute engine.
It seems a feature/issue from Google Cloud Platform itself, we are going to continue checking it.
If the default network was edited, or if not using the default network, you may need to explicitly enable ssh access by adding a firewall-rule:
$ gcloud compute firewall-rules create --network=YOUR_NETWORK \
default-allow-ssh --allow tcp:22
After that, retry the 'gcloud compute ssh' command.
This is a real problem with very little documentation to dealing with it.
Sometime after creating the instance using the gcloud sdk ssh snippet provided via GCP console stopped working and continually errors with 255 making connecting to ssh on the instance only available through browser via GCP console for the compute instance in question. Not to mention this has happened to me on many different instances some without touching the default account permissions after initial setup and deployment which is overly frustrating. Cause for no reason it just stops, then doesn't...
The only thing that worked for me was creating a new user to connect with through gcloud sdk! Be it Windows/PowerShell or Linux locally, using the following snippet:
gcloud compute ssh newuser-name#instance-name
That all per GCP documentation here:
Everything else passed per suggestions in documentation - port 22 open with access meaning it has to be a a problem with the default users authorization_keys WHICH they provide absolutely no documentation on how to fix that - at least nothing I could find on fixing (not creating or deleting)
I've tried updating the account, tried deleting the user and credentials from the instance, nothing appears to work. using:
gcloud compute --project "project-name" ssh --zone "us-east4-a" "instance-name"
Just doesn't work...
- even tried 'gcloud compute config-ssh --force-key-file-overwrite' NOTHING WORKS...
But creating a new user works every time, and once the user is created you can keep using that user via gcloud sdk
It's a work around, and I hate work around's for things like this but for my sanity this works at least until I can figure out how to reset the default account permissions, so if anyone has any ideas there or can point me in a direction for that I'd more than appreciate it!
IT was my mistake stating that the default firewall would allow all connections into an instance. The contrary turned out to be true. Please refer to an appropriate firewall rule must be set up to allow connection into an instance
If you have Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) enabled for your setup, try adding the --tunnel-through-iap option to the gcloud compute ssh command.
$ gcloud compute ssh --zone <zone> --project <project> --tunnel-through-iap <instance-name>
More information for people landing on this page, if you're using preemptible instances to save some compute costs, that could also be the reason for getting kicked out like this. Your instance may have just randomly stopped.
In my case, the I had created a bootable disk for the VM without adding the information of what source-image it needs to have. Because of this, even though the instance was coming up alright and ssh-allow rule was there, the VM was not booting up.
Finally added the source image to the disk and I was able to ssh into the VM.
Hope this helps for someone.
I had the same error . i restarted the VM instance and ssh workis fine
I had the problem where after clicking on the SSH button it would keep trying to establish a connection and fail. After long struggle I resolved it by adding Service Account User role to myself. If your account was created after the VM instance was created, it might result in this situation.
I know this was opened a long time ago, but for a more recent update on this topic. I had the same trouble connecting via ssh. It was giving the error code 225. Obviously there was a connectivity issue. There was already a firewall rule set under VPC network-> Firewall to allow ssh. However, to fix this problem I had to go to the specific network and create a rule under the network Firewall Rules. VPC network details -> FIREWALL RULES and create an inbound TCP rule for port 22.
if you are having a problem trying to access you g-cloud VM instance from your computer terminal remotely, and are getting the error code 255,the problem is that the ssh protocols in your computer are wrong or not updated.
In this case the best way to fix it is to go to your home directory (in your computer) check the hidden files and find the folder ".ssh" .Just delete this folder and re-open your bash terminal. Then run again your gcloud vm command.
you#your_computer:~$ gcloud beta compute ssh --zone "us-central1-a" "your_VM_name" --project "your_project_name"
You should this time instead of getting the error 255 code, the messages below:
WARNING: The private SSH key file for gcloud does not exist.
WARNING: The public SSH key file for gcloud does not exist.
WARNING: You do not have an SSH key for gcloud.
WARNING: SSH keygen will be executed to generate a key.
This tool needs to create the directory [/home/your_name/.ssh] before being able to
generate SSH keys.
Do you want to continue (Y/n)?
Type "Y" and gcloud will setup the new protocols by creating a brand new updated .ssh file.
After that you should be able to access your VM with your gcloud command without any problem.
That should solve the problem
had the exact same symptoms - in my case the reason appeared to be the following. I was using root user + ssh key whereas root login is by default disabled in /etc/ssh/sshd_config (PermitRootLogin property).
I eventually had to delete my instance and make a new one with the same disk. See for details.
For me, my other teammates were able to login into the machine, but not me. So I asked them to create a user of my name with sudo rights, logged into serial console and changed passwordAuthentication to yes followed by sudo service ssh restart (for few this could be sudo service sshd restart.)
Post this I was able to login with
ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password username#publicIP -p 22
This trick worked fine for me.
Reinitializing the gcloud with "gcloud init" and generating new ssh keys resolved the problem for me.
I had same issue.
I had connected the serial control and had checked logs. and there was some error log like "there is no disk space". Then I had resized disk as written in this document.
Now I am able to connect to instance with ssh.
Try switching to a different Internet connection
So, I was getting the same error but in my case I was not able to log in to the instance at all.
(base) girish#girish:~$ gcloud beta compute ssh --zone "asia-east1-b" "fp-1" --project "fp-public"
ssh: connect to host 12.345.678.90 port 22: Resource temporarily unavailable
ERROR: (gcloud.beta.compute.ssh) [/usr/bin/ssh] exited with return code [255].
(base) girish#girish:~$ gcloud beta compute ssh --ssh-flag='-vvv' --zone "asia-east1-b" "fp-1" --project "fp-public"
OpenSSH_7.6p1 Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.3, OpenSSL 1.0.2n 7 Dec 2017
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 19: Applying options for *
debug2: resolving "12.345.678.90" port 22
debug2: ssh_connect_direct: needpriv 0
debug1: Connecting to 12.345.678.90 [12.345.678.90] port 22.
[debug1: connect to address 12.345.678.90 port 22: Resource temporarily unavailable
ssh: connect to host 12.345.678.903 port 22: Resource temporarily unavailable
ERROR: (gcloud.beta.compute.ssh) [/usr/bin/ssh] exited with return code [255].
What worked for me:
I tried reinstalling lots of things and re-initializing various config and then landed on a thread which suggest to change the Internet network you are using and it worked!!
It's possible you have a rule that only allows whiltelisted IPs to ssh into a gcloud VM. So you may have forgotten to enable your work VPN or out of your work's office IP.
Try restarting your computer.
I got the same error and tried gcloud config ssh as mentioned previously to no avail. I then checked that the IDs and roles of serviceaccount and developer had 'editor' permissions, and that was fine. I started a new instance and logged out of all of my other google accounts and it still threw the error. Then, I restarted my computer and did not log back into my other google accounts. That fixed it.
When using IAP, GCP stores the key in instance metadata and then propagate
that to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
You might get the error OP talks about when you remove the key from the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file and it's still in the instance metadata. Reason being:
GCP check that the user, key combo that you are using to ssh is already in the instance metadata.
It assumes that the exists in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file for that user and doesn't propagate the key.
As the key doesn't exist in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file for whatever reason (you deleted it, someone else deleted it etc. etc.) - you get access denied.
If this is the case with you, then fix is simple: remove the instance metadata entry for that user, key combo (have attached an image for ref, just click X and remove your faulty key) and try ssh again
What worked for me was turning my firewall on. (On a Mac, ssh'ing into a gcp instance).
In another instance of the error, my connection worked fine when I was on ethernet, but not when I was on wifi. Switching back to ethernet allowed me to connect again.
In my case sorted out the issue after restarting the VM.
if you are able to access the VM previously and suddenly giving SSH issues, give it a try by restarting.
Permission wise check whether you have IAP-secured Tunnel User
gcloud compute ssh --zone "your_zone" "instance_name" --tunnel-through-iap --project "project_name"
If this not works check with the GCP built-in SSH client, and click open in browser window.
Hope this help !!!

Only one PuTTY session working at a time?

I use PuTTY sessions to talk to an embedded device running QNX 6.4.1 using SSH over TCP/IP.
Today, one of my systems mysteriously won't allow me to have more than one PuTTY session open at a time. If I try to start a second session, I can authenticate with user name and password, but the sign on banner prints out with an extra blank line between each line and messes with my ability to hit enter. I can do nothing that looks remotely valid except Control-C or close the PuTTY window.
I suspected the text file that contains the banner had bad line
endings, but it does not.
I suspected terminal setting issues, but if I have one session open it
works. With no changes to settings, just trying to open a second session it
does not.
I wondered if the .profile was getting mangled, but that doesn't
seem to be the case either.
Now I'm down to "perhaps ssh is messed up and rebooting would fix
it?" But I am hesitant to reboot it because if we lose TCP/IP
connection to it, it's several hours worth of work (physical labor)
to restore.
Any thoughts about what is going wrong and how I can fix it?
I'm connecting using PuTTY 0.62 from 64-bit Windows 7 to QNX 6.4.1. The openssh/openssl version is modern.
The issue came back a few days later. Using Guntram Blohm's suggestion below, I was able to at least get past the "Press enter once you've read the banner" screen. I then ran stty sane ctrl-j as he recommended. Here is the output of stty:
Bad after I had run stty sane ctrl-j (And hand reformatted it to be readable)
Name: /dev/ttyp1
Type: pseudo
Opens: 3
+raw +echo
intr=^C quit=^\ erase=^? kill=^U eof=^D start=^Q stop=^S susp=^Z
lnext=^V min=01 time=00 pr1=^[ pr2=5B left=44 right=43 up=41
down=42 ins=40 del=50 home=48 end=59
I then opened another PuTTY session immediately after this and it worked properly. This is confusing me how it works sometimes and doesn't work others. How can that happen? What is different?
Name: /dev/ttyp2
Type: pseudo
Opens: 2
intr=^C quit=^\ erase=^? kill=^U eof=^D start=^Q stop=^S susp=^Z
lnext=^V min=01 time=00 pr1=^[ pr2=5B left=44 right=43 up=41
down=42 ins=40 del=50 home=48 end=59
So right now I have a good PuTTY terminal open, and a bad one. What else can I do to isolate this issue?
It's probably another process that uses the pseudo-terminal, puts it in a special state, then crashes without restoring the state. vi comes to mind, or maybe a file upload/download program. These programs change the terminal mode to read each character indicidually, instead of line by line, and tweak a few other things as well. Normally, logging out/back in SHOULD fix that, but i'm not sure QNX handles it correctly.
One thing you could do to copy the parameters of a working terminal to the messed up one is stty -g on the good one, then paste that output to the command line of the bad one. Like this (on Linux, i don't have a QNX at the moment):
(on the good terminal)
gbl#bermuda$ stty -g
(on the bad one)
gbl#bermuda$ stty 500:5:bf:8a3b:3:1c:7f:15:4:0:1:0:11:13:1a:0:12:f:17:16:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0
These terminal modes are kept per pseudo tty device, that's why your /dev/ttyp1 can be messed up, while the /dev/ttyp2 that's allocated for the next ssh connection is ok.