VB Scale form for screen capture - vb.net

I am trying to do a screen capture using the code below
Dim area As Rectangle = FormPrintArea.Bounds
Dim areaWidth As Integer = CInt(area.Width * ScaleFactor)
Dim areaHeight As Integer = CInt(area.Height * ScaleFactor)
Dim capture As Bitmap = New Bitmap(areaWidth, areaHeight, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
Dim graph As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(capture)
Dim ScaledSize As New Size With {
.Height = areaHeight,
.Width = areaWidth
graph.CopyFromScreen(area.X, area.Y, 0, 0, ScaledSize, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy)
PictureBox1.Image = capture
The problem is I can't find ScaleFactor, Everything works perfect as long as "Change the size of text, apps and the other items: 100%" in Windows 10 Display Settings but if it is set differently like 125% (recommended), I lose about 20% of the image. It looks like there is a ScaleFactor in the LanguageFont class but I can't seem to access it from VB (or C#).
The application has a VB Form (FormPrintArea) that the user uses to define the print area. If I set ScaleFactor to 1.25 on systems set to 125% (recommended), then everything works. Is there any way to get the value from Windows through an API?

I needed to declare my App DPIaware as #Hans Passant said, the easiest way is to add the lines below to the Partial Class startup form (Form1).
Private Shared Sub SetProcessDPIAware()
End Sub
Then change the New Sub at the end of the startup form to call SetProcessDPIAware
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Once you do that you can get the ScaleFactor in Form1.Load as follows
DPIScalingX = Me.CreateGraphics().DpiX / 96
DPIScalingY = Me.CreateGraphics().DpiY / 96


Image won't change in picturebox, vb.net

I'm trying to code it so that i can create a picture box from a method in a class. However when my picture box is drawn it doesn't display any image, it only shows a white square of the specified dimensions in the specified location.
Here is the code which i am using to create said picture box:
Public Sub DrawEnemy(ByRef formInstance)
Dim enemypic As New PictureBox
enemypic.Image = Image.FromFile("C:\fboi1\Enemy.Png")
enemypic.Width = 64
enemypic.Height = 64
enemypic.Location = New Point(Me.EnemyPosX, EnemyPosY)
enemypic.Visible = True
End Sub
And here is where i am calling the method from:
Dim Enemy1 As New computerControlled(1, 1)
Please add the following code in your DrawEnemy() method:
enemypic.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
When i drag the console window suddenly the white box turns into the image i wanted.
Aha! This means the code is not causing the form to be repainted. We can trigger that by calling the Invalidate() function.
Public Sub DrawEnemy(formInstance As Form)
Dim enemypic As New PictureBox
enemypic.Image = Image.FromFile("C:\fboi1\Enemy.Png")
enemypic.Width = 64
enemypic.Height = 64
enemypic.Location = New Point(Me.EnemyPosX, EnemyPosY)
enemypic.Visible = True
End Sub
If you're calling this several times in a loop, you would instead handle this after the loop, where you also block repainting (to prevent flickering) until the loop is finished.
For Each enemy In ...
It's also possible you only need to Invalidate() the picturebox.

Unload SplashScreen Image

I have an application that loads a spashscreen which loads a picture and centers this for a set length of time.
The issue I have is that the file used by splashscreen is locked and I can not make any modifications or replace it etc. until application is unloaded.
I am using the default VB net Spashscreen method and the code I use for the image is below
Dim Advert As System.Drawing.Image = Image.FromFile("Y:\Test\TestPic.jpg")
Dim width As Integer = Advert.Width
Dim height As Integer = Advert.Height
Me.BackgroundImage = Advert
Me.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
Me.Size = New Size(width, height)
and then this code in the application events to overide the display time
Protected Overrides Function OnInitialize(ByVal commandLineArgs As
System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of String)) As Boolean
Me.MinimumSplashScreenDisplayTime = 7000
Return MyBase.OnInitialize(commandLineArgs)
End Function
Is there a way to release the image file when the splash screen closes.

Picturebox location change 20 times per second not redrawing

I'm trying to make a few images do the nice slidey thingy that I've seen lots of Microsoft applications use. The one where the movement starts slow speeds up half way there and then comes to a nice slow stop in it's new location. I've got all the calculations figured out, getting and setting the picture box locations, Confirmation using console.writeline that the image locations are correct, and even a test run that works in a simplified format.
But in the full blown version It's not repainting the image. In fact, it looks like nothing has happened at all while the script is running. I've tried Me.Refresh(), Invalidate(), Timer.Enabled = True/False, and Me.Update(). None of which have worked. The last step is the most frustrating: I'm calling my SetPanelLocation() method at the end to ensure that the panel ends up in the final location regardless of if the movement worked. Nothing happens on this call either, even though immediately after this routine fails I can call the same method from another user event and it starts working again like nothing was wrong.
I'm creating my own PictureBox class called clsFeedImageBox which inherits PictureBox that includes this functionality (along with other features). Each image is only 300x225 pixels so they're not massive images that take a lot of time to redraw. Each instance of this class is in a common Forms.SplitterPanel. I use a lot of comments out of habit so i left them in here, maybe they'll add some light.
Public Class clsFeedImgBox
Inherits PictureBox
Private iRank As Integer 'rank in whatever feed this file gets put in
Private iRankTarget As Integer 'rank to move to when rank feed event starts
Private iTopStart As Integer 'starting top location before feed event
Private iTopTarget As Integer 'final Top location after feed event
Private WithEvents tMyTimer As New System.Timers.Timer
Private WithEvents oParent As FeedBase 'splitter panel, all location info comes from the parent
Public Sub New(ByRef sender As FeedBase, ByVal rank as Integer)
'set objects
oParent = sender
'set .Image property to pre-made thumbnail
Image.FromFile(ThumbPath) 'ThumbPath is a property which is set by this point (some code has been removed)
'setup initial position
'set autosize
Me.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
'set Image Scroll timer interval to 20 fps (1000 / 20 = 50)
tMyTimer.Interval = 50
End Sub
Public Sub scroll(ByVal newRank As Integer)
'setPanelLocation(newRank) <== this works, timed movements don't
iRankTarget = newRank
iTopStart = Me.Top
iTopTarget = oParent.ImgTop(newRank) 'gets an integer for the new Top location
End Sub
Private Sub myScrollStep() Handles tMyTimer.Elapsed
'tMyTimer.Enabled = False 'this idea with the enabled = True at the end didn't work
iTickCount += 1
Dim iScrollPerc As Integer 'scroll % between Start and End * 100
iScrollPerc = oParent.ScrollStep(iTickCount, Rank) 'this part works
Console.WriteLine(strThumbName & " scrollPerc: " & iScrollPerc.ToString)
If iScrollPerc >= 100 Then
'scroll event complete
Console.WriteLine(strThumbName & " SetFinalLocation")
Me.setPanelLocation(iRankTarget) '<== This line doesn't work here, but works when called by other means
'stop Feed updates
'reset iTickCount for next movement
iTickCount = 0
'scrolling still going
Dim newTop As Integer
newTop = Math.Round(iTopTarget - (((100 - iScrollPerc) * (iTopTarget - iTopStart)) / 100)) 'this part works
'Console.WriteLine(strThumbName & " TopTarget: " & newTop)
Me.Top = newTop 'Nothing happens here
End If
'Me.Left = oParent.ImgLeft
'Me.Width = oParent.ImgWidth
'Me.Height = oParent.ImgHeight 'that didn't work
'Me.Refresh() 'this didn't work
'Invalidate() 'this didn't do much good either
'Me.Update() 'Aaaaand no cigar, time for StackOverflow
'tMyTimer.Enabled = True
End Sub
Public Sub setPanelLocation(ByVal rank As Integer)
iRank = rank
End Sub
Public Sub MyRePaint()
'repaint image box with everything in it's current rank
Me.Left = oParent.ImgLeft
Me.Top = oParent.ImgTop(iRank)
Me.Width = oParent.ImgWidth
Me.Height = oParent.ImgHeight
End Sub
End Class
What gives? There must be some inner workings of VB.NET that will help me figure this out. I'm using VS 2012 and Win8
You could make a WPF application and use a Slider control instead of "manually" making a slider with planes, picture boxes, etc, etc.

Scaling form controls according to screen resolution

I am trying to write program in vb 2010 that is independent of screen resolution.
I am designing the program in 1920*1080 and when I change the resolution to e.g. 800*600 everything blows up and the program won't fit the screen. How can I fix this?
I have tried three different approaches:
loop through all controls and scale their position and dimensions
Friend Sub ResizeControl(ByRef ctl As Control)
'---------------------------- GET SCALES -------------------------
Dim DesignScreenWidth As Integer = 1920
Dim DesignScreenHeight As Integer = 1080
Dim CurrentScreenWidth As Integer = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width
Dim CurrentScreenHeight As Integer = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height
Dim ratioX As Double = CurrentScreenWidth / DesignScreenWidth ' e.g. 800/1920
Dim ratioY As Double = CurrentScreenHeight / DesignScreenHeight
With ctl
Dim height As Integer = Math.Min(.Height, CurrentScreenHeight)
Dim width As Integer = Math.Min(.Width, CurrentScreenWidth)
If (.GetType.GetProperty("Top").CanRead) Then .Top = CInt(.Top * ratioY)
If (.GetType.GetProperty("Left").CanRead) Then .Left = CInt(.Left * ratioX)
If (.GetType.GetProperty("Width").CanRead) Then .Width = CInt(width * ratioX)
If (.GetType.GetProperty("Height").CanRead) Then .Height = CInt(height * ratioY)
End With
'---------------------- RESIZE SUB CONTROLS -------------------------------
For Each subCtl As Control In ctl.Controls
Next subCtl
End Sub
Anchor each control to the main Form and only resize the main form
tried to AutoScale Mode
Dim factorX As Double = ratioX * 96.0F
Dim factorY As Double = ratioY * 96.0F
Dim newSize As SizeF = New SizeF(factorX, factorY)
AutoScaleDimensions = newSize
AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Dpi
Font = New Font(Font.FontFamily, Font.Size * factorX)
None of these methods has worked for me. What am I doing wrong?
One thing I figured out was that my main form is larger than 800*600 pixels so when I run the designer in 800*600 resolution VS cut down the with to 812px so my calculations of with and thus scaling ratio becomes wrong. This error goes applies for all three methods.
Please advise on the best method and if I am doing something wrong.
As an expansion to my first comment, take a look at some best practices from the UX (user experience) world. There is a lot of science and and deliberation put into UIs that work.
There's a great SE site - ux.stackexchange.com that you may find can answer your questsions better than SO.
Here's some questions you may find helpful:
https://ux.stackexchange.com/questions/3414/desktop-software-design-patterns (see MS & Apple have their own guidelines incl. things like button widths)
Responsive web design seems to parallel what you're doing. The idea behind it is to have your website be able to handle any client device - which is becoming very important because of the mobile explosion.
I suggest doing some studying in these areas to come up with a good solution.

DataGridViewButtonColumn icon

i am using vb.net 2.0 and i would like to set an icon or image in a DataGridViewButtonColumn. I know the class has no member for it. Anyone has an idea?
Best answer is from http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/csharpgeneral/thread/b0dfb55c-8bad-4c2d-aa72-36d8c138484e/
But as usual, you Google vb.Net and get answers in C#. I use C# to vb.net tool on the developerfusionwebsite to help me convert to vb.net but usually end up changing a fair amount.
Once you have a pointer this one is quite easy really.
In the dataGridView_CellPainting event add something like this
Private Sub InvoiceLinesDataGridView_CellPainting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs) Handles InvoiceLinesDataGridView.CellPainting
If e.ColumnIndex = 3 AndAlso e.RowIndex >= 0 Then
e.Paint(e.CellBounds, DataGridViewPaintParts.All)
Dim bmpFind As Bitmap = My.Resources.binoc16_h1
Dim ico As Icon = Icon.FromHandle(bmpFind.GetHicon)
e.Graphics.DrawIcon(ico, e.CellBounds.Left + 3, e.CellBounds.Top + 3)
e.Handled = True
End If
End Sub
Just to explain this a little, I wanted to use a resource which is a bitmap so I am converting that to an icon also. This works really well for me and I get a proper button column with an image. The column index is a bit rough as that could change so I was looking to refer using the column name - shouldn't be too hard but you get the idea. SO much easier than the other options I have see around that get you making an extended custom column type.
This really should have just been part of the original control and I cannot fathom why MS crippled the grid so much. I have been trying to use third party controls like Telerik but the originals always seem to be more stable so am now seeing if I can stick with vanilla controls and adding my on extensions where required.
I created a method that can be called in the CellPainting datagridview event.
Public Shared Sub SetImageToDataGridViewButtonColumn_CallInCellPaintingEvent(ByRef img As Bitmap, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs)
e.Paint(e.CellBounds, DataGridViewPaintParts.All & (DataGridViewPaintParts.ContentBackground) & (DataGridViewPaintParts.ContentForeground))
Dim destRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(e.CellBounds.X + (e.CellBounds.Width - img.Width) / 2, e.CellBounds.Y + (e.CellBounds.Height - img.Height) / 2, img.Width, img.Height)
Dim srcRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(0, 0, img.Width, img.Height)
e.Graphics.DrawImage(img, destRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
e.Handled = True
End Sub
In the CellPainting event, call this method passing the image you want on the button and e. Ensure you use some sort of condition to set on the column you need, this example the If specifies column 0. Also notice I have my image in My.Resources:
Private Sub dgv_CellPainting(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs) Handles dgv.CellPainting
If (e.ColumnIndex = 0 And e.RowIndex >= 0) Then
SetImageToDataGridViewButtonColumn_CallInCellPaintingEvent(My.Resources.myImg, e)
End If
End Sub
Tips: I found 16x16 png were perfect for my use. You can resize using http://images.my-addr.com/resize_png_online_tool-free_png_resizer_for_web.php
You can try using a DataGridViewImageColumn add attach an event to the grid's CellContentClick event (in the event process only the events comming from the column/columns that is/are images)