Array Out of bounds error VB -

Sorry for the terrible wording on my last question, I was half asleep and it was midnight. This time I'll try to be more clear.
I'm currently writing some code for a mini barcode scanner and stock manager program. I've got the input and everything sorted out, but there is a problem with my arrays.
I'm currently trying to extract the contents of the stock file and sort them out into product tables.
This is my current code for getting the data:
Using fs As StreamReader = New StreamReader("The File Path (Is private)")
Dim line As String = "ERROR"
line = fs.ReadLine()
While line <> Nothing
Dim pos As Integer = 0
Dim split(3) As String
pos = products.Length
split = line.Split("|")
productCodes(productCodes.Length) = split(0)
products(products.Length, 0) = split(1)
products(products.Length, 1) = split(2)
products(products.Length, 2) = split(3)
line = fs.ReadLine()
End While
End Using
I have made sure that the file path does, in fact, go to the file. I have looked through debug to find that all the data is going through into my "split" table. The error throws as soon as I start trying to transfer the data.
This is where I declare the two tables being used:
Dim productCodes() As String = {}
Dim products(,) As Object = {}
Can somebody please explain why this is happening?
Thanks in advance

By declaring the arrays like you did:
Dim productCodes() As String = {}
Dim products(,) As Object = {}
You are assigning size 0 to all your arrays, so during your loop, it will eventually try to access a position that haven't been previously declared to the compiler. It is the same as declaring an array of size 10 Dim MyArray(10) and try to access the position 11 MyArray(11) = something.
You should either declare it with a proper size, or redim it during execution time:
Dim productCodes(10) As String
Dim productCodes() As String
Dim Products(,) As String
Dim Position as integer = 0
'code here
While line <> Nothing
Redim Preserve productCodes(Position)
Redim Preserve products(2,Position)
Dim split(3) As String
pos = products.Length
split = line.Split("|")
productCodes(Position) = split(0)
products(0,Position) = split(1)
products(1,Position) = split(2)
products(2,Position) = split(3)
line = fs.ReadLine()
End While

Related Read Specific Lines From a Text File That Start With and Stop Reading When Start With

I'm looking to read lines from a text file that start with certain characters and stop when the line starts with other characters. So in my example I would like to start reading at line AB and stop at line EF however not all lines will contain the CD line. There will always be a AB line and EF line, however the number of lines in between is unknown.
Here is an example of the lines in a text file I would be reading. You can see that this will create two rows in the DataGridView however the first row is missing the CD line and should be blank.
Here is the code I have so far:
Dim lines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(textfile)
For i As Integer = 0 To lines.Length - 1
If lines(i).StartsWith("AB") Then
Dim nextLines As String() = lines.Skip(i + 1).ToArray
Dim info As String = nextLines.FirstOrDefault(Function(Line) Line.StartsWith("CD"))
Dim name As String = "Yes"
Dim info2 As String = nextLines.FirstOrDefault(Function(Line) Line.StartsWith("EF"))
Dim address As String = "Yes"
End If
Now the output I currently get is:
And I should be getting:
It looks like it's reading too far down the text file and I need it to stop reading at EF. I've tried Do while and Do Until with no success. Any suggestions?
You could use the Array.FindIndex function to get the index of the next line starting with your prefix. This way you don't have to skip lines and create a new array each time.
Try this out instead:
Dim lines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(textFile)
For i As Integer = 0 To lines.Length - 1
If lines(i).StartsWith("AB") Then
Dim addressIndex As Integer = Array.FindIndex(lines, i + 1, Function(Line) Line.StartsWith("EF"))
Dim address As String = If(addressIndex <> -1, lines(addressIndex).Substring(3), "") ' Get everything past the "-"
Dim name As String = ""
If addressIndex <> -1 Then
Dim nameIndex As Integer = Array.FindIndex(lines, i + 1, addressIndex - i, Function(line) line.StartsWith("CD"))
If nameIndex <> -1 Then
name = lines(nameIndex).Substring(3) ' Get everything past the "-"
End If
End If
DataGridView.Rows.Add(name, address)
End If

A loop exits prematurely when using StreamReader

It's been a long time since I've programmed. I'm writing a form in VB.NET, and using StreamReader to read a text file and populate an 2D array. Here is the text file:
いきしちにひみ り
えけせてねへめ れ
And here is the loop, which is within the Load event.
Dim Line As String
Dim Row As Integer = 0
Using sReader As New IO.StreamReader("KanaTable.txt")
Line = sReader.ReadLine
For i = 0 To Line.Length - 1
KanaTable(Row, i) = Line(i)
Row += 1
Loop Until sReader.EndOfStream
End Using
The problem is, once the i in the For Loop reaches 10, it completes the loop and skips the other lines, even when I have a breakpoint. Can you let me know what's probably going on here?
I've figured out the problem, it was very simple. The array declaration for KanaTable:
Dim KanaTable(4, 9) As Char
should have been
Dim KanaTable(4, 10) As Char
Because there was one less space in the array than there should have been, the debugger must have been throwing an IndexOutOfRange which I couldn't see, because, stupid Windows bug (thanks to Bradley Uffner for pointing out this bug.)
If you can use an array of arrays or a list of arrays (List(Of Char())), you can get this down to a single line of code:
Dim KanaTable()() As Char = IO.File.ReadLines("KanaTable.txt").Select(Function(line) line.ToCharArray()).ToArray()
If that's too complicated for you, we can at least simplify the existing code:
Dim KanaTable As New List(Of Char())
Dim Line As String
Using sReader As New IO.StreamReader("KanaTable.txt")
Line = sReader.ReadLine()
While Line IsNot Nothing
Line = sReader.ReadLine()
End While
End Using
I can't see an error immediately, but you could try to adapt your code to this:
Using reader As New IO.StreamReader("KanaTable.txt")
line= reader.ReadLine()
If line = Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
For i = 0 To Line.Length - 1
KanaTable(Row, i) = Line(i)
Row += 1
End Using

Index was outside the bounds of the array [VB.NET]

Hi i am new to VB and in the process of learning. This error occur sometimes and doesn't occur sometimes which i find it weird.
I receive the error Index was outside the bounds of the array, that points to Button30.Text = Split(newestversion, vbCrLf)(**1**)
My motive is to read line by line from a online hosted text file.
For example,
label1.text = line 1 of the text file
label2.text = line 2 of the text file
This is very much what i want.
Here is my current code (EDITED):
Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("direct link to my online txt file")
Dim response As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse
Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream)
Dim stringReader As String
stringReader = sr.ReadLine()
Button10.Text = stringReader
Dim newestversion As String = sr.ReadToEnd
Dim currentversion As String = Application.ProductVersion
Dim part() As String = Split(newestversion, vbCrLf)
If part.Length < 10 Then
' not enough items in the array. You could also throw and exception or do some other stuff here
Label10.Text = "beta"
Exit Sub
End If
'updates new episode numbers on buttons
Button20.Text = part(0)
Button30.Text = part(1)
Button40.Text = part(2)
Button50.Text = part(3)
Button60.Text = part(4)
Button70.Text = part(5)
Button80.Text = part(6)
Button90.Text = part(7)
Button100.Text = part(8)
Button110.Text = part(9)
End If
Thank You!!
You split your String for line breaks. This gives you an array, having one entry for each line in the String. However, you do not check if this array holds the amount of items you expect. You could do:
Dim newestversion As String = sr.ReadToEnd
Dim currentversion As String = Application.ProductVersion
Dim part() As String = Split(newestversion, vbCrLf)
If part.Length < 10 Then
' not enough items in the array. You could also throw and exception or do some other stuff here
MsgBox(String.Format("Array only has {0} items", part.Length))
Exit Sub
End If
'updates new episode numbers on buttons
Button20.Text = part(0)
Button30.Text = part(1)
Button40.Text = part(2)
Edit for the updated question
If you do have a problem like this, just approach it systematically and get as much information as you can. First you have to check if you really get the data you want from the remote source. To do that, add some logging (e.g. a MsgBox(newestversion) or a real log file). Check if the data you get is what you expect. If not, there's already a problem with your request/response code, which is a completely different problem than what I provided a solution for. If newestversion is OK, check if the splitting works by printing out the part() array. Maybe the server uses a different operating system or just uses vbCr as newline and not vbCrlf. If the splitting also works, you are done.

Free up Memory: How to delete variables once am don with them- VBA VB ACCESS

How do i free up Memory?
Say I have a string
Dim TestStri As String
TestStri = "Test"
' What do i have to type up to get rid of the variable?
' I know
TestStri = Nothing
' will give it the default value, but the variable is still there.
Can I use the same Method for other variables i.e. Long, int etc.
I'm assuming you are referring to VB6 and VBA as indicated by your title, not VB.Net, as indicated by a keyword.
In VB6 and VBA the memory consumption of a string variable consists of a fixed part for the string's length and a terminator and a variable length part for the string contents itself. See for a good explanation of this.
So, when you set the string variable to an empty string or vbNullString, you will be freeing up the variable part of the string but not the fixed part.
Other types like long, int, bool and date consume a fixed amount of memory.
You can't "free" local variables in VB completely (come to think of it, is there ANY programming language where you can do that?), and for the most part, you wouldn't care because the local variables themselves (the fixed portion) is usually very small.
The only case I can think of where the memory consumption of local varibles could get big is if you have recursive function calls with deep recursion/wide recursion.
I went a differs route :
I was hoping MemoryUsage would be useful. It wasn't, apparently...
I run a vba script that goes through multiple files (since access cannot handle anything too large); and append them to a table, transform it and then spit out a summary.
The script loops through files and runs macros against each of them.
The quick answer is to pull the memory usage from the task manager and then if it exceeds 1 GB; pause the subroutine so no corrupt records get in.
How do we do this?
Insert this memory usage Function with the readfile function.
You will need to create an if statement in your code that says:
dim memory as long
memory = memory_usage
' 1000000 ~ 1 GB
If memory > 1000000 then
End Sub
end if
[path to file] = "C:\….\ShellOutputfile.txt"
Function Memory_Usage() as Long
Dim lines As Long
Dim linestring As String
Shell "tasklist /fi " & """IMAGENAME EQ MSACCESS.EXE""" & ">" & """[path to file]"""
lines = CInt(get_listing_data("[path to file]", 1, 0))
linestring = get_listing_data("[path to file]", 2, 4)
linestring = Right(linestring, 11)
linestring = Replace(linestring, " K", "") ' K
linestring = Replace(linestring, " ", "")
lines = CLng(linestring)
Memory_Usage = lines
End Function
Public Function get_listing_data(PATH As String, Choice As Integer, typeofreading As Integer) As String
' parse in the variable, of which value you need.
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Dim tmp_var_str As String
Dim fso, ts, fileObj, filename
Dim textline As String
Dim tmp_result As String
Dim TMP_PATH As String
Dim tmpchoice As Integer
Dim tor As Integer
Dim counter As Integer
' type of reading determines what loop is used
' type of reading = 0; to bypass; > 0, you are choosing a line to read.
counter = 0
tmp_var_str = var_str
tmp_result = ""
tor = typeofreading
' choice = 1 (count the lines)
' choice = 2 (read a specific line)
tmpchoice = Choice
' Create the file, and obtain a file object for the file.
If Right(PATH, 1) = "\" Then TMP_PATH = Left(PATH, Len(PATH) - 1)
filename = TMP_PATH '& "\Profit_Recognition.ini"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fileObj = fso.GetFile(filename)
' Open a text stream for output.
Set ts = fileObj.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateUseDefault)
Do While ts.AtEndOfStream <> True
If tmpchoice = 1 Then
counter = counter + 1
textline = ts.ReadLine
tmp_result = CStr(counter)
End If
If tmpchoice = 2 Then
counter = counter + 1
tmp_result = ts.ReadLine
If counter = tor Then
Exit Do
End If
End If
get_listing_data = tmp_result
End Function

Is there any way I can speed up this VBA algorithm?

I am looking to implement a VBA trie-building algorithm that is able to process a substantial English lexicon (~50,000 words) in a relatively short amount of time (less than 15-20 seconds). Since I am a C++ programmer by practice (and this is my first time doing any substantial VBA work), I built a quick proof-of-concept program that was able to complete the task on my computer in about half a second. When it came time to test the VBA port however, it took almost two minutes to do the same -- an unacceptably long amount of time for my purposes. The VBA code is below:
Node Class Module:
Public letter As String
Public next_nodes As New Collection
Public is_word As Boolean
Main Module:
Dim tree As Node
Sub build_trie()
Set tree = New Node
Dim file, a, b, c As Integer
Dim current As Node
Dim wordlist As Collection
Set wordlist = New Collection
file = FreeFile
Open "C:\corncob_caps.txt" For Input As file
Do While Not EOF(file)
Dim line As String
Line Input #file, line
wordlist.add line
For a = 1 To wordlist.Count
Set current = tree
For b = 1 To Len(wordlist.Item(a))
Dim match As Boolean
match = False
Dim char As String
char = Mid(wordlist.Item(a), b, 1)
For c = 1 To current.next_nodes.Count
If char = current.next_nodes.Item(c).letter Then
Set current = current.next_nodes.Item(c)
match = True
Exit For
End If
Next c
If Not match Then
Dim new_node As Node
Set new_node = New Node
new_node.letter = char
current.next_nodes.add new_node
Set current = new_node
End If
Next b
current.is_word = True
Next a
End Sub
My question then is simply, can this algorithm be sped up? I saw from some sources that VBA Collections are not as efficient as Dictionarys and so I attempted a Dictionary-based implementation instead but it took an equal amount of time to complete with even worse memory usage (500+ MB of RAM used by Excel on my computer). As I say I am extremely new to VBA so my knowledge of both its syntax as well as its overall features/limitations is very limited -- which is why I don't believe that this algorithm is as efficient as it could possibly be; any tips/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
NB: The lexicon file referred to by the code, "corncob_caps.txt", is available here (download the "all CAPS" file)
There are a number of small issues and a few larger opportunities here. You did say this is your first vba work, so forgive me if I'm telling you things you already know
Small things first:
Dim file, a, b, c As Integer declares file, a and b as variants. Integer is 16 bit sign, so there may be risk of overflows, use Long instead.
DIM'ing inside loops is counter-productive: unlike C++ they are not loop scoped.
The real opportunity is:
Use For Each where you can to iterate collections: its faster than indexing.
On my hardware your original code ran in about 160s. This code in about 2.5s (both plus time to load word file into the collection, about 4s)
Sub build_trie()
Dim t1 As Long
Dim wd As Variant
Dim nd As Node
Set tree = New Node
' Dim file, a, b, c As Integer : declares file, a, b as variant
Dim file As Integer, a As Long, b As Long, c As Long ' Integer is 16 bit signed
Dim current As Node
Dim wordlist As Collection
Set wordlist = New Collection
file = FreeFile
Open "C:\corncob_caps.txt" For Input As file
' no point in doing inside loop, they are not scoped to the loop
Dim line As String
Dim match As Boolean
Dim char As String
Dim new_node As Node
Do While Not EOF(file)
'Dim line As String
Line Input #file, line
wordlist.Add line
t1 = GetTickCount
For Each wd In wordlist ' for each is faster
'For a = 1 To wordlist.Count
Set current = tree
For b = 1 To Len(wd)
'Dim match As Boolean
match = False
'Dim char As String
char = Mid$(wd, b, 1)
For Each nd In current.next_nodes
'For c = 1 To current.next_nodes.Count
If char = nd.letter Then
'If char = current.next_nodes.Item(c).letter Then
Set current = nd
'Set current = current.next_nodes.Item(c)
match = True
Exit For
End If
Next nd
If Not match Then
'Dim new_node As Node
Set new_node = New Node
new_node.letter = char
current.next_nodes.Add new_node
Set current = new_node
End If
Next b
current.is_word = True
Next wd
Debug.Print "Time = " & GetTickCount - t1 & " ms"
End Sub
loading the word list into a dynamic array will reduce load time to sub second. Be aware that Redim Preserve is expensive, so do it in chunks
Dim i As Long, sz As Long
sz = 10000
Dim wordlist() As String
ReDim wordlist(0 To sz)
file = FreeFile
Open "C:\corncob_caps.txt" For Input As file
i = 0
Do While Not EOF(file)
'Dim line As String
Line Input #file, line
wordlist(i) = line
i = i + 1
If i > sz Then
sz = sz + 10000
ReDim Preserve wordlist(0 To sz)
End If
'wordlist.Add line
ReDim Preserve wordlist(0 To i - 1)
then loop through it like
For i = 0 To UBound(wordlist)
wd = wordlist(i)
I'm out of practice with VBA, but IIRC, iterating the Collection using For Each should be a bit faster than going numerically:
Dim i As Variant
For Each i In current.next_nodes
If i.letter = char Then
Set current = i
match = True
Exit For
End If
Next node
You're also not using the full capabilities of Collection. It's a Key-Value map, not just a resizeable array. You might get better performance if you use the letter as a key, though looking up a key that isn't present throws an error, so you have to use an ugly error workaround to check for each node. The inside of the b loop would look like:
Dim char As String
char = Mid(wordlist.Item(a), b, 1)
Dim node As Node
On Error Resume Next
Set node = Nothing
Set node = current.next_nodes.Item(char)
On Error Goto 0
If node Is Nothing Then
Set node = New Node
current.next_nodes.add node, char
Set current = node
You won't need the letter variable on class Node that way.
I didn't test this. I hope it's all right...
Edit: Fixed the For Each loop.
Another thing you can do which will possibly be slower but will use less memory is use an array instead of a collection, and resize with each added element. Arrays can't be public on classes, so you have to add methods to the class to deal with it:
Public letter As String
Private next_nodes() As Node
Public is_word As Boolean
Public Sub addNode(new_node As Node)
Dim current_size As Integer
On Error Resume Next
current_size = UBound(next_nodes) 'ubound throws an error if the array is not yet allocated
On Error GoTo 0
ReDim next_nodes(0 To current_size) As Node
Set next_nodes(current_size) = new_node
End Sub
Public Function getNode(letter As String) As Node
Dim n As Variant
On Error Resume Next
For Each n In next_nodes
If n.letter = letter Then
Set getNode = n
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Edit: And a final optimization strategy, get the Integer char value with the Asc function and store that instead of a String.
You really need to profile it, but if you think Collections are slow maybe you can try using dynamic arrays?