what is AsyncStorage (react-native)? - react-native

Can anyone explain how asyncStorage works ? Is it connected to database like SQLite or RocksDB ? Does asyncstorage write data to database directly ?

AsyncStorage is a simple, unencrypted, asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage system that is global to the app. It should be used instead of LocalStorage.
It's use full when you want to use some variable globally in App.
e.g like when you login first time in app the store the login id and password for next time it will take data from AsyncStorage and logged in successfully..
Refer this link


Handle access token storage in Expo React Native app

I am making an expo application that has some user authentication features and I am trying to find a way to store the access token persistently. I have come across some library such as Asyncstorage and expo-secure-store. But I have some concerned about choosing between each of these two.
Asyncstorage --> I understand that it is an unencrypted, persistent data so I believe it means that if I want to store the token here securely, I should encrypt the token with some encryption method before store it into the storage.
expo-secure-store --> I take it that it stores that data in an encrypted way which make it more secure than bare Asyncstorage.
However, in my application, I also planned to use Redux for state management and I thinks that Asyncstorage might work with it. Based on this, should I use Asyncstorage to store my tokens or should I use both of them for different purposes or do you guys have any idea on how this will works out? Thanks!

How do I delete asyncstore when the application is closed

React Native - : How do I delete asyncstore when the application is closed.
Or What other method can I log in?
UseState in App.js is safe ?
AsyncStorage is an unencrypted, asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage system that is global to the app. It should be used instead of LocalStorage.
If you don't wan't to persist the user data, probably you don't even need to use the AsyncStorage.
Normally AsyncStorage is used to store the user token and other info from the login information to keep the user logged in (unless they logout manually). If you don't want this behavior of a persistent storage, you can keep the usertoken in a local state of the application. This way, once you close the application, the local state will reset and the token will also get deleted, when the user access your application, they will have to login every time to use the app.
If this is something that you are looking for, you can look for maybe the react-context apis or redux reducers to store the login info. If you want to go with a persistent storage option, you can opt for AsyncStorage.
You can save data to AsyncStorage with
AsyncStorage.setItem('#storage_Key', value)
And delete the data with
AsyncStorage.removeItem('#storage_Key', value)
You can read more about the AsyncStorage at https://react-native-async-storage.github.io/async-storage/docs/usage
Or you can choose react-native-keychain or react-native-sensitive-info which is more secure than using the AsyncStorage option.

Storing data received from an api call in react native

I have checked many links and found that AsyncStorage is the best way to store any data but it is a persistent way. I just need to know if there is any other way to store session data which can should be available for a particular session like when a user logs in to my app.
In my use case, the user logs in with credentials and then we need user specific data to be displayed anywhere we need, like other screens. Any other way apart from Asyn Storage should I be using?
I would recommend libraries react-native-keychain, realm or sqllite
I hope the following article will help you to learn about these libraries and alternatives.
Hope this will help.
So, if you are not using redux you can either use Asyncstorage or sqlite or realm.
I would still prefer using Async storage as its persistant.
So what your problem statement looks like is a global value which can be displayed all over the app based on user session.
So when a user logins, you can set the Asyncstorage as
await AsyncStorage.setItem('#storage_Key', value)
and when you want to retrieve :
const value = await AsyncStorage.getItem('#storage_Key')
and suppose when the user logs out so you want to delete the async storage value as thats related with that user, you simply call the below on logout :
await AsyncStorage.removeItem('#storage_Key')
Hope it helps. feel free for doubts

Do I need to use redux-persist if I am trying to use firebase with my react native application?

I am trying to check the authentication status of a user when he opens my react-native application. I have used redux-persist to get my react store to persist on the device after my application has closed. My question is do I need to do this if I am going to use firebase authentication ? What are the 'rules' with regard to using firebase and redux-persist together ? How to make sure they work together properly ?
See the whole point of redux-persist is to store the redux state even when the app is closed via either AsyncStorage/sql-lite-storage.
I believe previously you used to store your JWT token and check if its valid and show the user the respective screens.
Now since FirebaseAuth doesnt have any such flow, you can omit the loginReducer in redux persist configuration.
Like this :
const persistConfig = {
key: 'root',
storage: storage,
blacklist: ['navigation'] // navigation will not be persisted
But there may be some other places you use the redux store , like suppose i use redux persist to store the trip data of user, so it doesnt fetches every time. So just check out whats your purpose.
Hope it helps. feel free for doubts.

Is AsyncStorage secure?

I'd like to persist a user's account credentials (i.e. username and password) in my React Native app. Should I use AsyncStorage?
In other words, I want to know if and how AsyncStorage protects its contents. The docs are silent on that.
(I'm using RN v0.28)
Is AsyncStorage secure?
No AsyncStorage is not secure, the docs says:
AsyncStorage is a simple, unencrypted, asynchronous, persistent,
key-value storage system that is global to the app. It should be used
instead of LocalStorage.
To store secure information on the native side, I really recommand you to use react-native-keychain with react-native
For iOS it use Keychain Sharing Capabilities
For Android it use:
API level 16-22 use Facebook Conceal
API level 23+ use Android Keystore
This is a simple example:
// Generic Password, service argument optional
.setGenericPassword(username, password)
.then(function() {
console.log('Credentials saved successfully!');
// service argument optional
.then(function(credentials) {
console.log('Credentials successfully loaded for user ' + credentials.username);
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log('Keychain couldn\'t be accessed! Maybe no value set?', error);
If you are using Expo sdk, you can use SecureStore for sensitive information.
NO (at least on iOS, RN v0.28)
AsyncStorage saves key-value pairs as a plaintext JSON file in the Documents directory.
If you run it in the iOS Simulator, you can find its contents on ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices
Should have been obvious from the source code for RCTAsyncLocalStorage
You should NEVER save the username and password in plain text in client applications. Please note, never save sensitive data in plain text. You should use a token to authenticate the user.
Regarding the security of the AsyncStorage read this answer. TL;DR the data is safe unless the attacker have access to the device or the device is rooted(android)/jailbroken(iOS). The data is not encrypted. So, with root or physical access to the device (and the device is not protected) it is possible to access to that data.