SQL - How to get the count of each distinct value? - sql

I have 3 table
room_id | nurse_needed
1 | 2
2 | 3
3 | 1
doctor_schedule_id| room_id
1 | 1
2 | 2
3 | 3
nurse_schedule_id | doctor_schedule_id
1 | 1
2 | 1
3 | 2
Each Room needs a number of nurse, A doctor work in Room and a nurse work with doctor's schedule. I want to count how many nurse in each room.
The result should be:
room_id | nurse_needed|nurse_have_in_room
1 | 2 | 2
2 | 3 | 1
3 | 1 | 0

Hmmm . . .
select r.*,
(select count(*)
from doctor_schedule ds join
nurse_schedule ns
on ds.doctor_schedule_id = ns.doctor_schedule_id
where ds.room_id = r.room_id
) as nurse_have_in_room
from room r;

select room.*,
(select count(*) from
dotor_schedule docs,
nurse_schedule nurs
where docs.doctor_schedule_id=nurs.dcotor_schedule_id
group by docs.room_id) as nurse_have_in_room
from room;
Result of join on doctor_schedule_id between doctor_schedule and
nurse_schedule_id | doctor_schedule_id room_id
1 | 1 | 1
2 | 1 | 1
3 | 2 | 2
We group by room_id and then get the result.

select r.room_id,
from room r
left join (select ds.room_id,
count(1) nurses_schedule,
count(distinct ns.nurse_schedule_id) dist_nurses_scheduled
from doctor_schedule ds
join nurse_schedule ns
on ds.doctor_schedule_id = ns.doctor_schedule_id
group by ds.room_id) as ns
on r.room_id = ns.room_id
Left join so you find rooms with no nurses scheduled.
Count(distinct ns.nurse_schedule_id) if needed to see how many different nurses make up the count.
Normally you have a time component in there too. Something like "where r.roomdate = ns.date"


Include zero counts when grouping by multiple columns

I have a table (TCAP) containing the gender (2 categories), race/ethnicity (3 categories), and height (integer in inches) for multiple individuals. For example:
1 3 65
1 2 72
2 1 62
1 2 68
2 1 65
2 2 64
1 3 69
1 1 70
I want to get a count of the number of individuals in each possible gender and race/ethnicity combination. When I group by GND and RCE, however, it doesn't show zero counts. I've tried the following code:
COUNT(*) TotalRecords
This gives me:
GND RCE TotalRecords
1 1 1
1 2 2
1 3 2
2 1 2
2 2 1
I want it to show all possible combinations though. In other words, even though there are no individuals with a gender of 1 and race/ethnicity of 3 in the table, I want that to display as a zero count. So, like this:
GND RCE TotalRecords
1 1 1
1 2 2
1 3 2
2 1 2
2 2 1
2 3 0
I've looked at the responses to similar questions, but they are based on a single group, resolved using an outer join with a table that has all possible values. Would I use a similar process here? Would I create a single table that has all 6 combinations of GND and RCE to join on? Is there another way to accomplish this, especially if the number of combinations increases (for example, 1 group with 5 values and 1 group with 10 values)?
Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
You can try to use CROSS JOIN make for GND,RCE columns then do OUTER JOIN base on it.
Query #1
SELECT t1.GND,t1.RCE,COUNT(t3.GND) TotalRecords
) t2
) t1
LEFT JOIN TCAP t3 ON t3.GND = t1.GND and t3.RCE = t1.RCE
group by t1.GND,t1.RCE;
| GND | RCE | TotalRecords |
| --- | --- | ------------ |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 | 2 |
| 1 | 3 | 2 |
| 2 | 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 2 | 1 |
| 2 | 3 | 0 |
View on DB Fiddle
Use a cross join to generate the rows and a left join to bring in the results -- with a final group by:
select g.gnd, r.rce, count(t.gnd) as cnt
from (select distinct gnd from tcap) g cross join
(select distinct rce from tcap) r left join
tcap t
on t.gnd = g.gnd and t.rce = r.rce
group by g.gnd, r.rce;

T-SQL Select Join 3 Tables

I'm currently working on a select query in T-SQL on SQL Server 2012. It's a complex query, I want to query a list from 3 tables. The result should look something like this:
Desired Output:
ProjectId | Title | Manager | Contact | StatusId
1 | projectX | 1123 | 4453 | 1
2 | projectY | 2245 | 5567 | 1
3 | projectZ | 3335 | 8899 | 1
My 3 Tables:
1) Project: ProjectId, ProjectDataId, MemberVersionId
2) ProjectData: ProjectDataId, Title, StatusId
3) Members: MemberId, MemberVersionId, MemberTypeId, EmployeeId
The tricky part is, to implement versioning. Thus, over time the project Members can change, and it should always be possible to return to a previous version, that's why I use MemberVersionId as a foreign key inbetween Project and Members. The tables Project and ProjectData a linked with ProjectDataId.
Hence, 1 Project has 1 OfferData and 1 Project has N Members.
Some sample data:
ProjectId | ProjectDataId | MemberVersionId |
1 | 2 | 1 |
2 | 3 | 1 |
3 | 4 | 1 |
ProjectDataId | Title | StatusId
2 | projectX | 1
3 | projectY | 1
4 | projectZ | 1
Members: MemberTypeId 1 = Manager, MemberTypeId 2 = Contact, 3 = Other
MemberId | MemberVersionId | MemberTypeId | EmployeeId |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1123 |
2 | 1 | 2 | 4453 |
3 | 1 | 3 | 9999 |
4 | 2 | 1 | 2245 |
5 | 2 | 2 | 5567 |
6 | 2 | 3 | 9999 |
7 | 3 | 1 | 3335 |
8 | 3 | 2 | 8899 |
9 | 3 | 3 | 9999 |
My current query looks like this:
SELECT ProjectId, Title, EmployeeId AS Manager, EmployeeId AS Contact, StatusId
FROM [MySchema].[Project] a,
[MySchema].[ProjectData] b,
[MySchema].[Members] c
WHERE a.ProjectDataId = b.ProjectDataId
AND a.MemberVersionId = c.MemberVersionId
Unfortunately this doesn't work yet. Do you know how to solve this issue?
Something like this?
mm.EmployeeId AS Manager,
mc.EmployeeId AS Contact,
[MySchema].[Project] p
INNER JOIN [MySchema].[ProjectData] pd ON pd.ProjectDataId = p.ProjectDataId
INNER JOIN [MySchema].[Members] mm ON mm.MemberVersionId = p.MemberVersionId AND mm.MemberTypeId = 1
INNER JOIN [MySchema].[Members] mc ON mc.MemberVersionId = p.MemberVersionId AND mc.MemberTypeId = 2;
You can try this:
SELECT ProjectId, Title, C.EmployeeId AS Manager, d.EmployeeId AS Contact, StatusId
FROM [MySchema].[Project] a
INNER JOIN [MySchema].[ProjectData] b ON A.ProjectDataId=B.ProjectDataId
LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM [MySchema].[Members] WHERE MemberTypeID=1) c ON a.MemberVersionId=c.MemberVersionId
LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM [MySchema].[Members] WHERE MemberTypeID=2) d ON a.MemberVersionId=d.MemberVersionId
You must select members two times, one for the manager and another for contact:
SELECT ProjectId, Title, m.EmployeeId AS Manager, c.EmployeeId AS
Contact, StatusId
FROM [MySchema].[Project] a,
[MySchema].[ProjectData] b,
[MySchema].[Members] m
[MySchema].[Members] c
WHERE a.ProjectDataId = b.ProjectDataId
AND a.MemberVersionId = m.MemberVersionId and m.MemberTypeId = 1
AND a.MemberVersionId = c.MemberVersionId and c.MemberTypeId = 2
try this,
SELECT ProjectId, Title, cmanager.EmployeeId AS Manager, ccon.EmployeeId AS
Contact, StatusId
from [MySchema].[ProjectData] b
inner join [MySchema].[Project] a on b.ProjectDataId=a.ProjectDataId
left join [MySchema].[Members] cmanager on cmanager.MemberVersionId =
a.MemberVersionId and cmanager.MemberTypeId=1
left join [MySchema].[Members] ccon on ccon.MemberVersionId =
a.MemberVersionId and ccon.MemberTypeId=2
The simplest solution to your problem would be introducing additional field to Project table. You'd either call it LatestMemberVersion (int, holds the currently highest MemberVersionId), which would by the most up to date version of the relationship, your you can add even simpler IsLatestMemberVersion (bit, holds 1 if the record is the latest/active). You can compute both of them using ROW_NUMBER() OVER statement.
Then, the query would change to:
SELECT ProjectId, Title, EmployeeId AS Manager, EmployeeId AS Contact, StatusId
FROM [MySchema].[Project] a,
[MySchema].[ProjectData] b ON a.ProjectDataId = b.ProjectDataId
[MySchema].[Members] c ON a.MemberVersionId = c.MemberVersionId
a.[IsLatestMemberVersion] = 1 -- alternative is a.[LatestMemberVersion] = a.[MemberVersionId]
Additionally, there are two more things you can try:
you might want to borrow ideas from data warehousing, namely you will want to have combination of Slowly Changing Dimension Type 1 and 2
you can try to use SQL Server features, such as Change Data Tracking. But I have no experience with that, so it's possible it'll lead to nowhere.
And one last piece of advice, if you can, never write join conditions into the WHERE clause. It is not readable and can lead to problems when you suddenly change JOIN to LEFT JOIN. Microsoft itself recommends using ON instead of WHERE when applicable.

SQL - Limiting to one row for matching results

Considering the tables below, how would I write a query that returns profession.profession when the profession.profession_id is present in contractor_has_profession.profession_id, but limiting it to one result for each profession.profession
So in this example the result would be [Coder, Database, Frontend]
contractor_id | profession_id
1 | 5
2 | 5
3 | 5
4 | 2
5 | 1
profession_id | profession
1 | Frontend
2 | Database
3 | Graphics
4 | Sound
5 | Coder
SELECT p.profession
FROM profession p
FROM contractor_has_profession c
WHERE c.profession_id = p.profession_id)
Hmm, this should be sufficient:
select distinct p.profession
from profession p
inner join contractor_has_profession c
where p.profession_id = c.profession_id
or if I'm wrong here, then try:
select p.profession
from profession p
inner join contractor_has_profession c
where p.profession_id = c.profession_id
group by p.profession

Help with optimising SQL query

Hi i need some help with this problem.
I am working web application and for database i am using sqlite. Can someone help me with one query from databse which must be optimized == fast =)
I have table x:
1 | 1 | 2
2 | 1 | 3
3 | 1 | 8
4 | 1 | 12
5 | 2 | 13
6 | 2 | 5
7 | 2 | 3
8 | 3 | 5
9 | 3 | 8
10| 3 | 2
ID_DISH is id of different dishes, ID_INGREDIENT is ingredient which dish is made of:
so in my case dish with id 1 is made with ingredients with ids 2,3
In this table a have more then 15000 rows and my question is:
i need query which will fetch rows where i can find ids of dishes ordered by count of ingreedients ASC which i haven added to my algoritem.
examle: foo(2,4)
will rows in this order:
ID_DISH | count(stillMissing)
10 | 2
1 | 3
Dish with id 10 has ingredients with id 2 and 4 and hasn't got 2 more, then is
My query is:
(SELECT COUNT(*) as c FROM dishIngredient as t1
WHERE t1.ID_ingredient NOT IN (2,4)
AND t1.ID_dish = t2.ID_dish
GROUP BY ID_dish) as c
FROM dishIngredient as t2
WHERE t2.ID_ingredient IN (2,4)
GROUP BY t2.ID_dish
works,but it is slow....
select ID_DISH, sum(ID_INGREDIENT not in (2, 4)) stillMissing
from x
group by ID_DISH
having stillMissing != count(*)
order by stillMissing
this is the solution, my previous query work 5 - 20s this work about 80ms
This is from memory, as I don't know the SQL dialect of sqlite.
FROM dishIngredient as T1 LEFT JOIN dishIngredient as T2


I'm trying to find out the average number of times a value appears in a column, group it based on another column and then perform a calculation on it.
I have 3 tables a little like this
1 | 1
2 | 1
3 | 2
4 | 3
1 | 1
2 | 1
3 | 2
4 | 3
5 | 1
1 | 1 | 1
2 | 1 | 2
3 | 2 | 3
4 | 3 | 4
5 | 1 | 5
6 | 1 | 5
7 | 1 | 5
8 | 1 | 2
Basically, I'm trying to find all the copy ids that appear in the loan table LESS times than the average number of times for all copies of that DVD.
So in the example above, copy 5 of dvd 1 appears 3 times, copy 2 twice and copy 1 once so the average for that DVD is 2. I want to list all the copies of that (and each other) dvd that appear less than that number in the Loan table.
I hope that makes a bit more sense...
Similar to dotjoe's solution, but using an analytic function to avoid the extra join. May be more or less efficient.
loan_copy_total as
select dvdid, copyid, count(*) as cnt
from loan
group by dvdid, copyid
loan_copy_avg as
select dvdid, copyid, cnt, avg(cnt) over (partition by dvdid) as copy_avg
from loan_copy_total
select *
from loan_copy_avg lca
where cnt <= copy_avg;
This should work in Oracle:
create view dvd_count_view
select dvdid, count(1) as howmanytimes
from loans
group by dvdid;
select avg(howmanytimes) from dvd_count_view;
loan_copy_total as
select dvdid, copyid, count(*) as cnt
from loan
group by dvdid, copyid
loan_copy_avg as
select dvdid, avg(cnt) as copy_avg
from loan_copy_total
group by dvdid
select lct.*, lca.copy_avg
from loan_copy_avg lca
inner join loan_copy_total lct on lca.dvdid = lct.dvdid
and lct.cnt <= lca.copy_avg;