Using Windows Authentication with Azure Service Fabric with ASP.NET Core - authentication

I want to use an ASP.NET Core Web API Service that should run in Azure Service Fabric. Is it possible to use Windows Authentication to secure the web Service?
I want to prevent that the user who uses this needs to log into the System manually.

Only when using WebListener. Kestrel doesn't support it, because it is a cross platform implementation.
Here's an example.


How can I use Windows Authentication with Blazor WebAssembly and ASP.NET Core server?

There seem to be plenty of tutorials on how to use third-party authentication providers for Blazor WebAssembly, but there doesn't seem to be a documented process for using Windows Authentication (on-site Active Directory domain) from an ASP.NET Core hosted server.
Is this actually possible? I would like the Core server to authenticate the user with the roles and policies, and for this information to be accessible from the WebAssembly client also. I understand that the Client can only use authentication to show/hide UI elements, and that any actual securing should be done on the Server, but is there a way to access the Windows authentication/authorization from both sides of the application?

Simple hosting of a .NET Core Web API Service (Similar to NodeJs)

I have a .Net Nuget Package that works on a .NET Core Web API Service when it is proxied by my API Management Server. I would like to setup some automated testing of this service to be run when I run my builds.
Normally, when I want to run a service to be seen from other computers, I host it in IIS. But I would rather not have to have IIS up and running on my build servers.
I am wondering, is there a simple way to host a .Net Core Web API Service that can just run in-memory? (Similar to the way NodeJs can be run) I understand that Kestrel is used under the hood for ASP.NET Core. Maybe it be setup to do that?
NOTE: Because this will be proxied by my API Management Server, it need to be accessible by other servers on my network. (Not just localhost.)
Kestrel is the simplest way you can use to achieve, you can config kestrel to enable it listening to remote request, see this document

ASP.NET Core multi-provider authentication for mobile apps

I've seen that Azure App Service mobile apps can implement authentication for multiple identity providers via a single client SDK. If an app hosted on Azure App Service is using ASP.NET Core in the cloud, though, can its UWP or Windows Store client app also benefit from multiple identity providers via a single client SDK?
If yes, then how does that work? Does it use the same mobile client SDK?
If no, then how would I authenticate such a mobile client? Will I have to use individual provider SDKs?
I know ASP.NET Core is still prerelease, but I'm wondering:
What multi-provider authentication functionality is available from a mobile client now?
What such functionality is planned to be available when ASP.NET Core 1.0 is finally released?
What such functionality will likely be on the roadmap for the future?
Azure App Service provides authentication as a service. In other words, the client authenticates to the service, and the service passes on the authentication to you.
Underneath, the app service passes a number of authentication related app settings within environment variables that you can read via the normal method. The original JWT is also passed in via the X-ZUMO-AUTH header.
For your clients, probably the best way is to use the Azure Mobile Apps client SDKs - there are clients for .NET (Xamarin, UWP), JavaScript, iOS and Android. You don't need the data access functionality - just the client creation and login / loginAsync method calls.
For your server, take a look at the Authentication Overview for more information. You may also want to read some of the info in Chris Gillums blog for more technically details.

Use WCF Service or ASP.NET Web api for biometric device?

I have a web application(HRMS) in MVC4 and a Windows Form (later on converted in windows service) connected to a biometric device. So question is should I use WCF Service or web api to send attendance data?
Thanks in advance
Go for ASP.NET Web API.
Use WCF to create reliable, secure web services that accessible over a
variety of transports. Use ASP.NET Web API to create HTTP-based
services that are accessible from a wide variety of clients. Use
ASP.NET Web API if you are creating and designing new REST-style
services. Although WCF provides some support for writing REST-style
services, the support for REST in ASP.NET Web API is more complete and
all future REST feature improvements will be made in ASP.NET Web API. If you have an existing WCF service and you want to expose
additional REST endpoints, use WCF and the WebHttpBinding.
Its better to stay with WebAPI as it looks to be more appropriate for building further real RESTfull service development. WCF was originally created to enable SOAP-based services. For simpler RESTful or RPCish services (think clients like jQuery) ASP.NET Web API should be good choice.

WCF Authentication

I have a WCF service that uses Membership for security. If I create a Silverlight Business Application It automatically links in with it and authenticates. How do I do the same with Windows Forms, and possibly XNA?
You can use Microsoft's Client Application Services I think that is what you are looking for.
Client application services make it easy for you to create Windows-based applications that use the Microsoft Ajax login, roles, and profile application services included in the Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions. These services enable multiple Web and Windows-based applications to share user information and user-management functionality from a single server. For example, you can use these services to perform the following tasks: