SPIN: interpret the error trace - verification

I try to solve with spin the task about the farmer, wolf, goat and cabbage.
So, I found the folowing promela description:
#define fin (all_right_side == true)
#define wg (g_and_w == false)
#define gc (g_and_c == false)
ltl ltl_0 { <> fin && [] ( wg && gc ) }
bool all_right_side, g_and_w, g_and_c;
active proctype river()
bit f = 0,
w = 0,
g = 0,
c = 0;
all_right_side = false;
g_and_w = false;
g_and_c = false;
printf("MSC: f %c w %c g %c c %c \n", f, w, g, c);
:: (f==1) && (f == w) && (f ==g) && (f == c) ->
all_right_side = true;
:: else ->
:: (f == w) ->
f = 1 - f;
w = 1 - w;
:: (f == c) ->
f = 1 - f;
w = 1 - c;
:: (f == g) ->
f = 1 - f;
w = 1 - g;
:: (true) ->
f = 1 - f;
printf("M f %c w %c g %c c %c \n", f, w, g, c);
:: (f != g && g == c) ->
g_and_c = true;
:: (f != g && g == w) ->
g_and_w = true;
::else ->
printf ("MSC: OK!\n")
I add there an LTL-formula: ltl ltl_0 { <> fin && [] ( wg && gc ) }
to verify, than the wolf wouldn't eat a goat, and the goat wouldn't eat the cabbage. I want to get an example, how the farmer can transport all his needs (w-g-c) without loss.
When I run verification, I get the following result:
State-vector 20 byte, depth reached 59, errors: 1
64 states, stored
23 states, matched
87 transitions (= stored+matched)
0 atomic steps
hash conflicts: 0 (resolved)
This means that the program has generated an example for me. But I cannot interpret it.
The content of *.pml.trial file is:enter image description here
Please, help me to interpret.

There are a few ways you can go about interpreting the trace.
Use iSpin:
go to Simulate/Play
in Mode, select Guided and enter the name of your trail file
This will show, step by step, the actions taken by each of the processes, including info such as process number, proctype name, line number of instruction executed, code of instruction executed.
Do the same with spin:
Use the command
spin -t -p xyz.pml
Understand the trail file syntax:
each line on the file is one step taken by the simulator.
the first column is just serial numbers.
The second column is process numbers (pids). (eg init will be 0, the first process it starts/runs will be 1 and so on.)
The third column is transition number. If you want to get just an idea of what is happening, you can look at the pids and go over the instructions

In order to "interpret" it, you could modify your source code so that each time an action is taken something intellegibile is printed on stdout.
:: (f == w) ->
:: f == 0 -> printf("LEFT ---[farmer, wolf]--> RIGHT\n");
:: f == 1 -> printf("LEFT <--[farmer, wolf]--- RIGHT\n");
:: else -> skip;
f = 1 - f;
w = 1 - w;
+ something similar for the cases (f == c), (f == g) and (true).
Note: your source code already provides printf("M f %c w %c g %c c %c \n", f, w, g, c);, which can be used to interpret the counter-example if you keep in mind that 0 means left and 1 means right. I would prefer a more verbose tracing, though.
After you have done this for each possible transition, you can see what happens within your counter-example by running spin in the following way
~$ spin -t file_name.pml
The option -t replays the latest trail found by spin upon the violation of some assertion/property.


expressing properties of inductive datatypes in Dafny

I defined a sigma algebra datatype in Dafny, as shown below:
datatype Alg = Empty | Complement(a: Alg) | Union(b: Alg, c: Alg) | Set(s: set<int>)
class test {
var S : set<int>
function eval(X: Alg) : set<int> // evaluates an algebra
reads this;
decreases X;
match X
case Empty => {}
case Complement(a) => S - eval(X.a)
case Union(b,c) => eval(X.b) + eval(X.c)
case Set(s) => X.s
I want to state properties that quantify over the inductive datatype. Is it possible to express properties like this?
Here is an example of what I have tried:
lemma algebra()
ensures exists x :: x in Alg ==> eval(x) == {};
ensures forall x :: x in Alg ==> eval(x) <= S;
ensures forall x :: x in Alg ==> exists y :: y in Alg && eval(y) == S - eval(x);
ensures forall b,c :: b in Alg && c in Alg ==> exists d :: d in Alg && eval(d) == eval(b) + eval(c);
But I get the error message:
second argument to "in" must be a set, multiset, or sequence with
elements of type Alg, or a map with domain Alg
I want to state properties like: "there exists an algebra such that ...", or "for all algebras ...".
A type is not the same as a set in Dafny. You want to express the quantifiers in your lemmas as follows:
lemma algebra()
ensures exists x: Alg :: eval(x) == {}
ensures forall x: Alg :: eval(x) <= S
ensures forall x: Alg :: exists y: Alg :: eval(y) == S - eval(x)
ensures forall b: Alg, c: Alg :: exists d: Alg :: eval(d) == eval(b) + eval(c)
In the same way, you can declare a variable x to have type int, but you don't write x in int.
Because of type inference, you don't have to write : Alg explicitly. You can just write:
lemma algebra()
ensures exists x :: eval(x) == {}
ensures forall x :: eval(x) <= S
ensures forall x :: exists y :: eval(y) == S - eval(x)
ensures forall b, c :: exists d :: eval(d) == eval(b) + eval(c)
Another comment on the example: You're defining mathematics here. When you do, it's usually a good idea to stay away from the imperative features like classes, methods, and mutable fields. You don't need such features and they just complicate the mathematics. Instead, I suggest removing the class, changing the declaration of S to be a const, and removing the reads clause. That gives you:
datatype Alg = Empty | Complement(a: Alg) | Union(b: Alg, c: Alg) | Set(s: set<int>)
const S: set<int>
function eval(X: Alg): set<int> // evaluates an algebra
decreases X
match X
case Empty => {}
case Complement(a) => S - eval(X.a)
case Union(b,c) => eval(X.b) + eval(X.c)
case Set(s) => X.s
lemma algebra()
ensures exists x :: eval(x) == {}
ensures forall x :: eval(x) <= S
ensures forall x :: exists y :: eval(y) == S - eval(x)
ensures forall b, c :: exists d :: eval(d) == eval(b) + eval(c)

What is the equivalent of propositional not equals?

I somewhat recently asked a question and resolved the issue with a some applications of the rewrite tactic. I then decided to look back at one of my other questions on code review asking for a review of my attempt to formalize Hilbert's (based on Euclid's) geometry.
From the first question, I learned there is a distinction between propositional equality and boolean equality and propositional equality. Looking back at the some of the axioms I wrote for the Hilbert plane, I utilized boolean equality extensively. Although I am not 100% sure, in light of the answer I received, I suspect that I don't want to use boolean equality.
For instance, take this axiom:
-- There exists 3 non-colinear points.
three_non_colinear_pts : (a : point ** b : point ** c : point **
(colinear a b c = False,
(a /= b) = True,
(b /= c) = True,
(a /= c) = True))
I tried rewriting it to not involve the = True:
-- There exists 3 non-colinear points.
three_non_colinear_pts : (a : point ** b : point ** c : point **
(colinear a b c = False,
(a /= b),
(b /= c),
(a /= c)))
All in all I took the code from my question on codereview removed the == and removed = True:
interface Plane line point where
-- Abstract notion for saying three points lie on the same line.
colinear : point -> point -> point -> Bool
coplanar : point -> point -> point -> Bool
contains : line -> point -> Bool
-- Intersection between two lines
intersects_at : line -> line -> point -> Bool
-- If two lines l and m contain a point a, they intersect at that point.
intersection_criterion : (l : line) ->
(m : line) ->
(a : point) ->
(contains l a = True) ->
(contains m a = True) ->
(intersects_at l m a = True)
-- If l and m intersect at a point a, then they both contain a.
intersection_result : (l : line) ->
(m : line) ->
(a : point) ->
(intersects_at l m a = True) ->
(contains l a = True, contains m a = True)
-- For any two distinct points there is a line that contains them.
line_contains_two_points : (a :point) ->
(b : point) ->
(a /= b) ->
(l : line ** (contains l a = True, contains l b = True ))
-- If two points are contained by l and m then l = m
two_pts_define_line : (l : line) ->
(m : line) ->
(a : point) ->
(b : point) ->
(a /= b) ->
contains l a = True ->
contains l b = True ->
contains m a = True ->
contains m b = True ->
(l = m)
same_line_same_pts : (l : line) ->
(m : line) ->
(a : point) ->
(b : point) ->
(l /= m) ->
contains l a = True ->
contains l b = True ->
contains m a = True ->
contains m b = True ->
(a = b)
-- There exists 3 non-colinear points.
three_non_colinear_pts : (a : point ** b : point ** c : point **
(colinear a b c = False,
(a /= b),
(b /= c),
(a /= c)))
-- Any line contains at least two points.
contain_two_pts : (l : line) ->
(a : point ** b : point **
(contains l a = True, contains l b = True))
-- If two lines intersect at a point and they are not identical, that is the o-
-- nly point they intersect at.
intersect_at_most_one_point : Plane line point =>
(l : line) -> (m : line) -> (a : point) -> (b : point) ->
(l /= m) ->
(intersects_at l m a = True) ->
(intersects_at l m b = True) ->
(a = b)
intersect_at_most_one_point l m a b l_not_m int_at_a int_at_b =
(fst (intersection_result l m a int_at_a))
(fst (intersection_result l m b int_at_b))
(snd (intersection_result l m a int_at_a))
(snd (intersection_result l m b int_at_b))
This gives the error:
1 | interface Plane line point where
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When checking type of Main.line_contains_two_points:
Type mismatch between
Bool (Type of _ /= _)
Type (Expected type)
68 | intersect_at_most_one_point : Plane line point =>
| ^
When checking type of Main.intersect_at_most_one_point:
No such variable Plane
So, it seems that /= works only for boolean. I have been unable to find a "propositional" /= like:
data (/=) : a -> b -> Type where
Does a propositional not equals exist? Or am I wrong about wanting to change from boolean to propositional equality?
The propositional equivalent to the boolean a /= b would be a = b -> Void. Void is a type with no constructors. So whenever you have a contra : Void, something has gone wrong. So a = b -> Void is to understand as: if you have an a = b, there is a contradiction. Usually written as Not (a = b), which is just a shorthand (Not a = a -> Void).
You're right to change to propositional equality. You might even change your boolean properties like contains : line -> point -> Bool to Contains : line -> point -> Type. Subsequently contains l p = True to Contains l p, and contains l p = False to Not (Contains l p).
That's a case of boolean blindness, i.e. with prf : contains l p = True, the only thing we know is that contains l p is True (and the compiler would need to take a look at contains to guess why it is True). On the other hand, with prf : Contains l p you have a constructed proof prf why the proposition Contains l p holds.

Hofstadter Female and Male sequences in SML

This is my first SML program. I am trying to write a function that returns the first number to the nth number of Hofstadter's Female or Male sequence in list form. What I have so far is:
val m = fn (n) => if n = 0 then 1 :: [] else m f (n - 1);
val f = fn (n) => if n = 0 then 0 :: [] else f m (n - 1);
You can learn about the sequence here:
The error that I am getting is:
[opening sequence.sml]
sequence.sml:1.49 Error: unbound variable or constructor: f
sequence.sml:1.47-1.58 Error: operator is not a function [tycon mismatch]
operator: int list
in expression:
(m <errorvar>) (n - 1)
val it = () : unit
How can I correct this?
I ended up taking this approach:
m (n) = if n = 0 then 0 else n - (f (m (n - 1)))
f (n) = if n = 0 then 1 else n - (m (f (n - 1)));
val seq = fn n => List.tabulate((n), f);
It is quite slow. If anybody has a faster version, then I'd love to see it.
Although you have already fixed them, there were two problems with your original approach:
Function application is left-associative in SML so m f (n - 1) was being interpreted as (m f) (n - 1), not the desired m (f (n - 1)). You can fix this by explicitly specifying the bracketing m (f (n - 1)).
To be able to call f from m and m from f, you need to use the keyword fun instead of val on the first declaration (to make the function recursive), and the keyword and instead of fun or val on the second declaration (to make the function mutually recursive with the first function). This would look like
fun f n = ... (* I can call f or m from here! *)
and m n = ... (* I can call f or m from here! *)
To make it faster, you can memoize! The trick is to make f and m take as arguments memoized versions of themselves.
(* Convenience function: Update arr[i] to x, and return x. *)
fun updateAndReturn arr i x = (Array.update (arr, i, SOME x); x)
* Look up result of f i in table; if it's not found, calculate f i and
* store in the table. The token is used so that deeper recursive calls
* to f can also try to store in the table.
fun memo table f token i =
case Array.sub (table, i)
of NONE => updateAndReturn table i (f token i)
| SOME x => x
* Given f, g, and n : int, returns a tuple (f', g') where f' and g' are memoized
* versions of f and g, respectively. f' and g' are defined only on the domain
* [0, n).
fun memoizeMutual (f, g) n =
val fTable = Array.array (n, NONE)
val gTable = Array.array (n, NONE)
fun fMemo i = memo fTable f (fMemo, gMemo) i
and gMemo i = memo gTable g (gMemo, fMemo) i
(fMemo, gMemo)
fun female _ 0 = 1
| female (f, m) n = n - m (f (n - 1))
fun male _ 0 = 0
| male (m, f) n = n - f (m (n - 1))
fun hofstadter upTo =
val (male', female') = memoizeMutual (male, female) upTo
(List.tabulate (upTo, male'), List.tabulate (upTo, female'))
I renamed f and m to female and male. The memoized fMemo and gMemo are threaded through female and male by memoizeMutual. Interestingly, if we call male', then results for both male' and female' are memoized.
To confirm it's indeed faster, try evaluating hofstadter 10000. It's much faster than the forever that your version would take.
As a final note, the only recursive functions are fMemo and gMemo. Every other function I wrote could be written as an anonymous function (val memoizeMutual = fn ..., val female = fn ..., etc.), but I chose not to do so because the syntax for writing recursive functions is much more compact in SML.
To generalize this, you could replace the array version of memoizing with something like a hash table. Then we wouldn't have to specify the size of the memoization up front.

Prime numbers in Idris

In idris,
with inspiration from https://wiki.haskell.org/Prime_numbers,
I've written the following code for generating prime numbers
module Main
concat: List a -> Stream a -> Stream a
concat [] ys = ys
concat (x :: xs) ys = x :: (concat xs ys)
generate: (Num a, Ord a) => (start:a) -> (step:a) -> (max:a) -> List a
generate start step max = if (start < max) then start :: generate (start + step) step max else []
sieve: Nat -> Stream Int -> Int -> Stream Int
sieve k (p::ps) x = concat (start) (sieve (k + 1) ps (p * p)) where
fs: List Int
fs = take k (tail primes)
start: List Int
start = [n | n <- (generate (x + 2) 2 (p * p - 2)), (all (\i => (n `mod` i) /= 0) fs)]
primes: Stream Int
primes = 2 :: 3 :: sieve 0 (tail primes) 3
main = do
printLn $ take 10 primes
In the REPL, if I write take 10 primes, the REPL correctly shows [2, 3, 5, 11, 13, 17, 19, 29, 31, 37] : List Int
But if I try :exec, nothing happen and if I try to compile ans execute the program I get Segmentation fault: 11
Can someone help me to debug this problem ?
Your concat function can be made lazy to fix this. Just change its type to
concat : List a -> Lazy (Stream a) -> Stream a
This will do it.
To get all primes, change the < inside the generate function into <=
(Currently some are missing, e.g. 7 and 23).

Code Golf: Automata

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
I made the ultimate laugh generator using these rules. Can you implement it in your favorite language in a clever manner?
On every iteration, the following transformations occur.
H -> AH
A -> HA
AA -> HA
HH -> AH
n = 0 | H
n = 1 | AH
n = 2 | HAAH
n = 3 | AHAH
n = 4 | HAAHHAAH
n = 5 | AHAHHA
n = ...
69 characters. In the text here, I changed tabs to 8 spaces so it would look right, but all those consecutive spaces should be tabs, and the tabs are important, so it comes out to 69 characters.
#include <stdio.h>
HAA|HH|H printf("AH");
AAH|AA|A printf("HA");
For what it's worth, the generated lex.yy.c is 42736 characters, but I don't think that really counts. I can (and soon will) write a pure-C version that will be much shorter and do the same thing, but I feel that should probably be a separate entry.
Here's a more legit Lex/Flex entry (302 characters):
#define s(a) t=c?realloc(c,strlen(c)+3):calloc(3,1);if(t)c=t,strcat(c,#a);
int main(void){c=calloc(2,1);if(!c)return 1;*c='H';for(int n=0;n<10;n++)printf("n = %d | %s\n",n,c),yy_scan_string(c),yylex();return 0;}int yywrap(){return 1;}
This does multiple iterations (unlike the last one, which only did one iteration, and had to be manually seeded each time, but produced the correct results) and has the advantage of being extremely horrific-looking code. I use a function macro, the stringizing operator, and two global variables. If you want an even messier version that doesn't even check for malloc() failure, it looks like this (282 characters):
#define s(a) t=c?realloc(c,strlen(c)+3):calloc(3,1);c=t;strcat(c,#a);
int main(void){c=calloc(2,1);*c='H';for(int n=0;n<10;n++)printf("n = %d | %s\n",n,c),yy_scan_string(c),yylex();return 0;}int yywrap(){return 1;}
An even worse version could be concocted where c is an array on the stack, and we just give it a MAX_BUFFER_SIZE of some sort, but I feel that's taking this too far.
...Just kidding. 207 characters if we take the "99 characters will always be enough" mindset:
char c[99]="H";
HAA|HH|H strcat(c, "AH");
AAH|AA|A strcat(c, "HA");
int main(void){for(int n=0;n<10;n++)printf("n = %d | %s\n",n,c),yy_scan_string(c),yylex();return 0;}int yywrap(){return 1;}
My preference is for the one that works best (i.e. the first one that can iterate until memory runs out and checks its errors), but this is code golf.
To compile the first one, type:
flex golf.l
gcc -ll lex.yy.c
(If you have lex instead of flex, just change flex to lex. They should be compatible.)
To compile the others, type:
flex golf.l
gcc -std=c99 lex.yy.c
Or else GCC will whine about ‘for’ loop initial declaration used outside C99 mode and other crap.
Pure C answer coming up.
MATLAB (v7.8.0):
73 characters (not including formatting characters used to make it look readable)
This script ("haha.m") assumes you have already defined the variable n:
s = 'H';
for i = 1:n,
s = regexprep(s,'(H)(H|AA)?|(A)(AH)?','${[137-$1 $1]}');
...and here's the one-line version:
s='H';for i=1:n,s = regexprep(s,'(H)(H|AA)?|(A)(AH)?','${[137-$1 $1]}');end
>> for n=0:10, haha; disp([num2str(n) ': ' s]); end
0: H
1: AH
A simple translation to Haskell:
grammar = iterate step
step ('H':'A':'A':xs) = 'A':'H':step xs
step ('A':'A':'H':xs) = 'H':'A':step xs
step ('A':'A':xs) = 'H':'A':step xs
step ('H':'H':xs) = 'A':'H':step xs
step ('H':xs) = 'A':'H':step xs
step ('A':xs) = 'H':'A':step xs
step [] = []
And a shorter version (122 chars, optimized down to three derivation rules + base case):
grammar=iterate s where{i 'H'='A';i 'A'='H';s(n:'A':m:x)|n/=m=m:n:s x;s(n:m:x)|n==m=(i n):n:s x;s(n:x)=(i n):n:s x;s[]=[]}
And a translation to C++ (182 chars, only does one iteration, invoke with initial state on the command line):
#define o putchar
int main(int,char**v){char*p=v[1];while(*p){p[1]==65&&~*p&p[2]?o(p[2]),o(*p),p+=3:*p==p[1]?o(137-*p++),o(*p++),p:(o(137-*p),o(*p++),p);}return 0;}
120 stripping whitespace and I'm leaving it alone now!
function f(n,s){s='H';while(n--){s=s.replace(/HAA|AAH|HH?|AA?/g,function(a){return a.match(/^H/)?'AH':'HA'});};return s}
function f(n,s)
s = 'H';
while (n--)
s = s.replace(/HAA|AAH|HH?|AA?/g, function(a) { return a.match(/^H/) ? 'AH' : 'HA' } );
return s
that replacer is expensive!
Here's a C# example, coming in at 321 bytes if I reduce whitespace to one space between each item.
Edit: In response to #Johannes Rössel comment, I removed generics from the solution to eek out a few more bytes.
Edit: Another change, got rid of all temporary variables.
public static String E(String i)
return new Regex("HAA|AAH|HH|AA|A|H").Replace(i,
m => (String)new Hashtable {
{ "H", "AH" },
{ "A", "HA" },
{ "AA", "HA" },
{ "HH", "AH" },
{ "AAH", "HA" },
{ "HAA", "AH" }
The rewritten solution with less whitespace, that still compiles, is 158 characters:
return new Regex("HAA|AAH|HH|AA|A|H").Replace(i,m =>(String)new Hashtable{{"H","AH"},{"A","HA"},{"AA","HA"},{"HH","AH"},{"AAH","HA"},{"HAA","AH"}}[m.Value]);
For a complete source code solution for Visual Studio 2008, a subversion repository with the necessary code, including unit tests, is available below.
Repository is here, username and password are both 'guest', without the quotes.
This code golf is not very well specified -- I assumed that function returning n-th iteration string is best way to solve it. It has 80 characters.
def f n
n.times{a.gsub!(/(h(h|aa)?)|(a(ah?)?)/){$1.nil?? "ha":"ah"}}
Code printing out n first strings (71 characters):
a='h';n.times{puts a.gsub!(/(h(h|aa)?)|(a(ah?)?)/){$1.nil?? "ha":"ah"}}
241 bytes and ready to run:
> erl -noshell -s g i -s init stop
Could probably be improved.
Perl 168 characters.
(not counting unnecessary newlines)
perl -E'
($s,%m)=qw[H H AH A HA AA HA HH AH AAH HA HAA AH];
sub p{say qq[n = $_[0] | $_[1]]};p(0,$s);
say q[n = ...]'
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
my $str = 'H';
my %map = (
H => 'AH',
A => 'HA',
AA => 'HA',
HH => 'AH',
AAH => 'HA',
HAA => 'AH'
sub prn{
my( $n, $str ) = #_;
say "n = $n | $str"
prn( 0, $str );
for my $i ( 1..9 ){
$str =~ s(
H(?:AA|H)? # HAA | HH | H
A(?:AH?)? # AAH | AA | A
prn( $i, $str );
say 'n = ...';
Perl 150 characters.
(not counting unnecessary newlines)
perl -E'
sub p{say qq[n = $_[0] | $_[1]]};p(0,$s);
say q[n = ...]'
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
my $str = 'H';
sub prn{
my( $n, $str ) = #_;
say "n = $n | $str"
prn( 0, $str );
for my $i ( 1..9 ){
$str =~ s{(?|
(H)(?:AA|H)? # HAA | HH | H
(A)(?:AH?)? # AAH | AA | A
( 'H' eq $1 ?'A' :'H' ).$1
prn( $i, $str );
say 'n = ...';
Python (150 bytes)
import re
N = 10
s = "H"
for n in range(N):
print "n = %d |"% n, s
s = re.sub("(HAA|HH|H)|AAH|AA|A", lambda m: m.group(1) and "AH" or "HA",s)
n = 0 | H
n = 1 | AH
n = 2 | HAAH
n = 3 | AHAH
n = 4 | HAAHHAAH
n = 5 | AHAHHA
Here is a very simple C++ version:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
#define LINES 10
#define put(t) s << t; cout << t
#define r1(o,a,c0) \
if(c[0]==c0) {put(o); s.unget(); s.unget(); a; continue;}
#define r2(o,a,c0,c1) \
if(c[0]==c0 && c[1]==c1) {put(o); s.unget(); a; continue;}
#define r3(o,a,c0,c1,c2) \
if(c[0]==c0 && c[1]==c1 && c[2]==c2) {put(o); a; continue;}
int main() {
char c[3];
stringstream s;
for(int i=2;i<LINES*2;) {
It's not exactly code-golf (it could be made a lot shorter), but it works. Change LINES to however many lines you want printed (note: it will not work for 0). It will print output like this:
Coming in at a brutal 306 characters:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char s[99]="H",t[99]={0};int main(){for(int n=0;n<10;n++){int i=0,j=strlen(s);printf("n = %u | %s\n",n,s);strcpy(t,s);s[0]=0;for(;i<j;){if(t[i++]=='H'){t[i]=='H'?i++:t[i+1]=='A'?i+=2:1;strcat(s,"AH");}else{t[i]=='A'?i+=1+(t[i+1]=='H'):1;strcat(s,"HA");}}}return 0;}
There are too many nested ifs and conditional operators for me to effectively reduce this with macros. Believe me, I tried. Readable version:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char s[99] = "H", t[99] = {0};
int main()
for(int n = 0; n < 10; n++)
int i = 0, j = strlen(s);
printf("n = %u | %s\n", n, s);
strcpy(t, s);
s[0] = 0;
* This was originally just a while() loop.
* I tried to make it shorter by making it a for() loop.
* I failed.
* I kept the for() loop because it looked uglier than a while() loop.
* This is code golf.
if(t[i++] == 'H' )
// t[i] == 'H' ? i++ : t[i+1] == 'A' ? i+=2 : 1;
// Oh, ternary ?:, how do I love thee?
if(t[i] == 'H')
else if(t[i+1] == 'A')
i+= 2;
strcat(s, "AH");
// t[i] == 'A' ? i += 1 + (t[i + 1] == 'H') : 1;
if(t[i] == 'A')
if(t[++i] == 'H')
strcat(s, "HA");
return 0;
I may be able to make a shorter version with strncmp() in the future, but who knows? We'll see what happens.
In python:
def l(s):
for i in [3,2,1]:
if s[:i] in H: return L[H.index(s[:i])]+l(s[i:])
return s
def a(n,s='H'):
return s*(n<1)or a(n-1,l(s))
for i in xrange(0,10):
print '%d: %s'%(i,a(i))
First attempt: 198 char of code, I'm sure it can get smaller :D
REBOL, 150 characters. Unfortunately REBOL is not a language conducive to code golf, but 150 characters ain't too shabby, as Adam Sandler says.
This assumes the loop variable m has already been defined.
s: "H" r: "" z:[some[["HAA"|"HH"|"H"](append r "AH")|["AAH"|"AA"|"A"](append r "HA")]to end]repeat n m[clear r parse s z print["n =" n "|" s: copy r]]
And here it is with better layout:
s: "H"
r: ""
z: [
some [
[ "HAA" | "HH" | "H" ] (append r "AH")
| [ "AAH" | "AA" | "A" ] (append r "HA")
to end
repeat n m [
clear r
parse s z
print ["n =" n "|" s: copy r]
F#: 184 chars
Seems to map pretty cleanly to F#:
type grammar = H | A
let rec laugh = function
| 0,l -> l
| n,l ->
let rec loop = function
|H::A::A::x|H::H::x|H::x->A::H::loop x
|A::A::H::x|A::A::x|A::x->H::A::loop x
laugh(n-1,loop l)
Here's a run in fsi:
> [for a in 0 .. 9 -> a, laugh(a, [H])] |> Seq.iter (fun (a, b) -> printfn "n = %i: %A" a b);;
n = 0: [H]
n = 1: [A; H]
n = 2: [H; A; A; H]
n = 3: [A; H; A; H]
n = 4: [H; A; A; H; H; A; A; H]
n = 5: [A; H; A; H; H; A]
n = 6: [H; A; A; H; H; A; A; H; H; A]
n = 7: [A; H; A; H; H; A; A; H; H; A]
n = 8: [H; A; A; H; H; A; A; H; H; A; A; H; H; A]
n = 9: [A; H; A; H; H; A; A; H; A; H; H; A]