Multiple trait entities in -

I have created two entities in Wit. One is "sentiment" and one is "category". I've fed them both with labeled data through the HTTP API. Sentiment analysis was working great up until I have added the "category" entity. Now Wit only recognizes categories, it does not look for sentiments. Is it possible to extract two trait entities from a message?


Alfresco models

Can somebody bring the light on the following issue - I can't figure out the difference between alfresco workflow model and repository model. Are they different ? Can I use them together, or one inside the other ?
Workflow model deals with the Business Process Modeling(BPM), where you would manage flow of different tasks to user by user. On the other hand there is a 'Content Model' which is independent of workflow model, and it deals with your content types, properties and constraints within the content model. Both are different and independent, however you can use both of them together.

Zend Framework 2 - Importer for multiple Rest or Soap Apis

I want my ZF2 Application to import data from many different REST or SOAP Services, which may use different authentication types and so on.
Now I'm basically looking for a structure / architecture how to implement this, maybe some design patterns or ready to use modules if they exist.
Every information could help. I'm also thankful for API docs or tutorials that you provide.
But my main question is: How should be the structure for this kind of "importer"
My Application:
Based on Zend Skeleton Application
Using Doctrine 2
Trying to use all ZF2 Best Practices I can find
Consists of many modules, entities and complex associations in some cases
Entities that I want to import are already working (crud operations, validation, ...)
Apis that I want to use:
Usually E-Commerce stuff, like products, orders, stock keeping
Magento Api (Thinking of Rest)
Shopware and other important Webshops
Ebay Stores
Amazon (I think is going to be the hardest one)
Must have functionality:
I want the api URLs and authentication data to be configurable in my app with doctrine entities
The "Api" Entity should be associated to my "Shop" Entity. Orders or Products that I import or create directly in my App are also associated to my Shop entities. So every Shop/Ebay-Store/Amazon-Store is a "Shop" in my Application. This is already the part I've done.
For example product import should be done directly from my app frontend, I'm thinking of retrieving the api data first and then import them incremtally / step for step
I don't want fat controllers that transform the data into doctrine entities and save them one by one. This way complex associations would become very hard to maintain.
Need a good approach for data transformation and hydration to doctrine entities. Because the data I retrieve from api will usually not have the same structure as my entities. Maybe an attribute that's a property of the "Product" entity in foreign app is excluded into an associated entity in my own application.
Many modules in my application will have entities that should be importable from these apis, so I need a central component that does the job
How would be the best approach for this? I'm not asking for a complete solution, but ideas that fit these requirements.
The Zend HTTP client and its relatives (like Zend OAuth) provides most of the functionality that you need to implement fetching the data from the services.
You can then persist the response in any number of ways, but a schema-less database like Mongo DB makes saving dynamic data much easier. If you are stuck using a relational DB like MySQL then you can either setup an EAV database, or use dynamically generated tables.

How to Combine Similar Values Into a Single Column in a Advanced Find in CRM 2013?

I currently have a view on the Queue entity, that includes a Category attribute for an Email, Phone Call, and Appointment:
The Category attribute in all entities is a lookup to the same Category Entity Type.
I want to be able to combine them all in a single column on the view:
The current only way I can think of, is to create a dummy Category Field on the Queue, and write a plugin to sync it with the category of the activity, or write a plugin on the retrieve multiple that hydrates the column. Are there any other possibilities? Also, the business is asking to do this in lots of different situations, so if there is a more "meta" way of handling it, that would be great to.
This is an IFD CRM if it matters.

Rest-style API design - merging models into one resource?

My question is about when it's OK to merge separate models into one single REST resource and whether this leads to tricky and difficult to work with design, down the line.
Let's say I have a movie streaming service and users can only watch movie genres they have permissions for. Let's say these are represented with these hypothetical models:
users (id)
movie_genres (id, genre_name)
users_to_genres_permissions (id, genre_id, user_id)
exposed through REST routes /users /movie_genres and /users_to_genres_permissions
Now, as a user client of this API (think a website or a mobile app), in order to find out what genres I'm allowed to get hold of, I would fetch the genres permissions and then all the movie genres. Two network calls.
However, an argument could be made that having to make multiple round-trips to the API is inefficient, and you additionally have to deal with a bunch of joins on the client. This example is simple enough with its 3 relations, but in the real world you could have much longer chains.
Thus one could consider collapsing two models into one, and for example return permissions already joined to movie genres:
movie_genres (id, genre_name, authorized_for_current_user)
However the question is, this thought process can be taken pretty far. You could save the client a lot of joins and round-trips by doing all joining on the server. However, at what point do you stop? At what point is what you returning no longer a REST resources but a generic blob of data that's been concatenated together?
Is there a rule of thumb for deciding where to draw the line?
REST stands for Representational State Transfer. From wiki:
Requests and responses are built around the transfer of
representations of resources. A resource can be essentially any
coherent and meaningful concept that may be addressed. A
representation of a resource is typically a document that captures
the current or intended state of a resource.
As such, RESTful web-services provide access to resources, which means, that any API call should concentrate on one resource - and that should be your "rule of thumb".
The example that you posted is very basic, but if you'll add more entities, such as: movie-producers, actors, media-companies etc, then each request should handle only one entity. That said, your backend would need to handle requests that will require it running JOINs, for example, movies recommendations for user X. But don't let it confuse you - the request should be very simple and the response should include a "list" of objects of type movie (only one entity!).

How to pass an arbitrary number of parameters while adhering to REST principles

I have a database with 3 tables: product, category, and xref_product_category. My business logic permits a product to be associated with an arbitrary number of categories (bed, bath, kitchen, etc.). In terms of designing a REST API, what's the best way to establish these relationships?
For some reason I'm hesitant to pass a JSON array of category IDs as a parameter, but I don't really have a good reason not to. I suppose the other option would be to make a series of PUT calls, passing a single parameter each time. What's the most RESTful way to establish multiple relationships like this? Should this be done in a single API call, or in multiple calls?
In REST, the phrase "arbitrary number of parameters" usually means "representation".
The parameters as a whole could most likely be combined into payload content to represent a resource.
So firstly define the schema for the payload, and then you'll have a media type that can be used to represent it. Document the schema and tell the people who will use the API that they can POST or PUT with that content to define your product and its arbitrary relationships to other resources.
Then define the URI for your product resource and how clients will navigate to it from a Cool (entry-point) URI to it.
I would allow the parameters to be passing in any order.