So if you run the following, it clearly shows which parts of SQL are using the most memory.
SELECT SUM (pages_in_bytes) as 'Bytes Used', type
FROM sys.dm_os_memory_objects
ORDER BY 'Bytes Used' DESC;
Does anyone have an article anywhere ( i have searched the net!) for what each 'type' actually is? Specifically MEMOBJ_SOSWORKER
cheers - any help appreciated
I had a similar question many years back.
The answer/comments pointed to great reference by Paul S. Randal.
SQL Server has many stats that can safely be ignored. If you include all wait timers available it can skew the average.
Also, there is a lot of info about the SOS Worker here if you scroll down to the S's.
I got some problems with my SQL Server. Some external queries write into the Temp db and every 2-3 days it is full and we have to restart the SQL database. I got who is active on it. And also we can check monitor it over grafana. So I get a exact time when the query starts to write a lot of data into the temp db. Can someone give me a tip on how I can search for the user when I get the exact time?
select top 40 User_Account, start_date, tempdb_allocations
from Whoisactive
order by tempdb_allocation, desc
where start_date between ('15-02-2023 14:12:14.13' and '15-02-2023 15:12:14.13')
15-02-2023 14:12:14.13
11-02-2023 12:12:14.13
15-02-2023 15:12:14.13
I would add this as a comment but I don’t have the necessary reputation points.
At any rate - you might find this helpful.
It isn’t without its own drawbacks but I think that if the alternative is restarting the server every 2 or 3 days this may be good enough.
It might also be helpful if you add some more details about the jobs that are blowing up your tempdb.
Is this problematic job calling your database once a day? Once a minute? More?
I ask because if it’s more like once a day then I think the answer in the link is more likely to be helpful.
I'm using oracle db. I want to be able to count the number of times that a SQL statement was executed in X hours. For instance, how many times has the statement Select * From ExampleTable been executed in the past 5 hours?
I tried looking in V$SQL, V$SQLSTATS, V$SQLAREA, but they only keep a record of a statement's total amount of executions. They don't store what times the individual executions occurred. Is there any view I missed, or something else that does keep track of each individual statement execution + timestamp so that I can query by which have occurred X hours ago? Thanks for the help.
The views in the Active Workload Repository store historical SQL execution information, specifically the view DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT.
The view is not perfect; it contains a summary of the top SQL statements. This is almost perfect information for performance tuning - in practice, sampling will catch any performance problem. But if you're looking for a perfect record of every SQL execution, as far as I know the only way to get that information is through tracing, which is buggy and slow.
Hopefully this query is good enough:
select begin_interval_time, end_interval_time, executions_delta, dba_hist_sqlstat.*
from dba_hist_sqlstat
join dba_hist_snapshot
on dba_hist_sqlstat.snap_id = dba_hist_snapshot.snap_id
and dba_hist_sqlstat.instance_number = dba_hist_snapshot.instance_number
order by begin_interval_time desc, sql_id;
Apologies for putting this in an answer instead of a comment (I don't have the required reputation), but I think you may be out of luck. Here is an AskTOM asking basically the same question: AskTOM. Tom says unless you are using ASH that just isn't something the database is designed to do.
I have wasted about two hours messing around with character field lengths in my data to get around an error about 'Right truncation of string data' turns out it seems to be to do with the table '*' function.
It appears as if this operator can only hold a certain number of fields before throwing an error. Does any anyone know if this is the case? I am working on a large series of tables with hundreds of columns and manually stating them at each step in my job makes maintenance much more difficult. If this is a know issue, is there a way around it?
Current versions of Teradata are limited to 2048 columns per table.
To check database limits please refer to “SQL Reference: Fundamentals, Appendix C”.
If that is not your case, please provide some more info with your measurements.
Recently,I want to run a query in bigquery web UI by using "group by" over some tables(tables' name suits xxx_mst_yyyymmdd).The rows will be over 10 million. Unhappily,the query failed with this error:
Query Failed
Error: Resources exceeded during query execution.
I did some improvements with my query language,the error may not happen for this time.But with the increasement of my data, the Error will also appear in the future.So I checked the latest release of Bigquery,maybe there two ways to solve this:
1.After 2016/01/01,Bigquery will change the Query pricing tiers to satisfy the "High Compute Tiers" so that the "resourcesExceeded error" will not happen again.
2.BigQuery Slots.
I checked some documents in Google and didn't find a way on how to use BigQuery Slots.Is there any sample or usecase of BigQuery Slots?Or I have to contact with BigQuery Team to open the function?
Hope someone can help me to answer this question,thanks very much!
A couple of points:
I'm surprised that a GROUP BY with a cardinality of 10M failed with resources exceeded. Can you provide a job id of the failed query so we can investigate? You mention that you're concerned about hitting these errors more often as your data size increases; you should likely be able to increase your data size by a few more orders of magnitude without seeing this; likely you've encountered either a bug or something was strange with either your query or your data.
"High Compute Tiers" won't necessarily get rid of resourcesExceeded. For the most part, resourcesExceeded means that BigQuery ran into memory limitations; high compute tiers only address CPU usage. (and note, they haven't been enabled yet).
BigQuery slots enable you to process data faster and with more reliable performance. For the most part, they also wouldn't help prevent resourcesExceeded errors.
There is currently (as of Nov 5) a bug where you may need to provide an EACH keyword with a GROUP BY. Recent changes should enable BigQuery to automatically select the execution strategy, so EACH shouldn't be needed, but there are a couple of cases where it doesn't pick the right one. When in doubt, add an EACH to your JOIN and GROUP BY operations.
To get your project eligible for using slots you need to contact support.
I have the following script:
DEPT.F03 AS F03, DEPT.F238 AS F238, SDP.F04 AS F04, SDP.F1022 AS F1022,
CAT.F17 AS F17, CAT.F1023 AS F1023, CAT.F1946 AS F1946
The tables are huge, when I execute the script in SQL Server directly it takes around 4 min to execute, but when I run it in the third party program (SMS LOC based on Delphi) it gives me the error
<msg> out of memory</msg> <sql> the code </sql>
Is there anyway I can lighten the script to be executed? or did anyone had the same problem and solved it somehow?
I remember having had to resort to the ROBUST PLAN query hint once on a query where the query-optimizer kind of lost track and tried to work it out in a way that the hardware couldn't handle.
But I'm not sure I understand why it would work for one 'technology' and not another.
Then again, the error message might not be from SQL but rather from the 3rd-party program that gathers the output and does so in a 'less than ideal' way.
Consider adding paging to the user edit screen and the underlying data call. The point being you dont need to see all the rows at one time, but they are available to the user upon request.
This will alleviate much of your performance problem.
I had a project where I had to add over 7 million individual lines of T-SQL code via batch (couldn't figure out how to programatically leverage the new SEQUENCE command). The problem was that there was limited amount of memory available on my VM (I was allocated the max amount of memory for this VM). Because of the large amount lines of T-SQL code I had to first test how many lines it could take before the server crashed. For whatever reason, SQL (2012) doesn't release the memory it uses for large batch jobs such as mine (we're talking around 12 GB of memory) so I had to reboot the server every million or so lines. This is what you may have to do if resources are limited for your project.