Report Viewer Conditional Sum - reportviewer

In Visual Studio Report Viewer I need to sum the values in a column that satisfy a condition present in a second column
For example like this column 3:

You have to Set these expressions:
Cell expression:
Sum expression:
=Sum(CDbl(IIf(IsDate(Fields!Col2.Value), Fields!Col1.Value,0)))


Display proportion of data based on sum of a field

I have a problem with Tableau. In my worksheet I want to be able to use Sum(Field 1) to filter data I see on my sheet. So for example, If sum(sales)<20 only show the sales information which their sum is less than 20. When I try to create a calculated field to with the expression above Tableau converts it to a boolean filter instead of sliding my data to meet the filter criteria.
Is there any solution for the problem?
you could filter the result using an having clause
select my_key, sum(field1)
from my_table
group by my_key
having sum(field1)<20

DAX expression for COUNT of GROUPBY

I am new to PowerBI and writing DAX expressions.
I have a table with a text column with different values.All I want to do is get the count for each distinct value. It's easily achieved with this SQL but I can't get the right DAX expression for it.
select [value],count(*) as TagCount from Tags
group by [value]
order by TagCount desc
Any help?
You can do something similar in Power BI as follows:
SUMMARIZE(Tags, Tags[value], "TagCount", COUNT(Tags[value]))
SUMMARIZECOLUMNS(Tags[value], "TagCount", COUNT(Tags[value]))
You can also do this as a matrix visual with Tags[value] for the Rows and the measure COUNT(Tags[value]) for the Values. You can then sort by whichever column you choose by clicking the column heading on the visual.

Qlikview conditionally hide expression in pivot table

Struggling with a way to hide an expression on certain rows in my pivot table below. Basically, I want to be able to hide my expression 'Cumulative' when the FINANCIAL_PLAN_TYPE is not equal to 'OB_VARIANCE_TO_T1'. I figured out a way to change the text format on the lines with other FINANCIAL_PLAN_TYPE so that it appears hidden (what is showing in the picture below), but I'd really like the whole row to go away in these cases.
Additionally, I do not want to see a Total on the Cumulative lines if possible, but I do want to keep them on the Sum(AMOUNT) lines.
My expression for Cumulative is:
sum(aggr(Rangesum(above(sum({<YEAR={"$(vYear_Current)"},FINANCIAL_PLAN_TYPE={"OB_VARIANCE_TO_T1"}>}AMOUNT),0,MONTH_NUM)), FINANCIAL_PLAN_TYPE, MONTH_NUM))
I tried to use the function Only, as well as, I tried conditionally enabling/disabling the expression but I can't seem to get it to work. Any ideas would be great. Thanks!
1) Load Inline Table
Load * Inline
2) Created calculated dimension to combine the two desired dimensions into one and show blank ('') in cases that you don't want to show (this leaves one blank line on the pivot but there is probably a way to hide that too):
=If(MYDim='Cumulative' and FINANCIAL_PLAN_TYPE='OB_VARIANCE_TO_T1','Orig Budg Cumulative Variance',if(MYDim='Cumulative' and FINANCIAL_PLAN_TYPE='LE_VARIANCE_TO_T1','LE Cumulative Variance',if(MYDim <> 'Cumulative',FINANCIAL_PLAN_TYPE,'')))
3) Create a new expression that does one calculation in the case of your made up dimension = Value A and something else in case your calculated dimension = Value B
If(MYDim='Cumulative' and (FINANCIAL_PLAN_TYPE='OB_VARIANCE_TO_T1' OR FINANCIAL_PLAN_TYPE='LE_VARIANCE_TO_T1'),If(ColumnNo()=0,'',sum(aggr(Rangesum(above(sum({<YEAR={"$(vYear_Current)"}, DEPARTMENT={"20820"}, ACCT_TYPE={"Capital"}>}AMOUNT),0,MONTH_NUM)),
You cannot hide expression on some of the rows - not possible in Qlikview.
The workaround is to create a dummy floating table that holds the second column as a dimension and then use it in your chart instead of the two expressions. Then you will have one expression that says something like that :
If ( dummyField = 'Cummulative' and = 'OB_VARIANCE_TO_T1',
{Use your second expression here} ,
If (dummyField = 'sum(Amount)', {use your original first expression here}))
Regarding the Total, check out this link in the "Tricking the Pivot Table" section

Access 2007 Crosstab Query Expression

Goal: to create a percentage column based off the values of calculated columns.
Here's the SQL code of the Crosstab query:
TRANSFORM Count(Master_Calendar.ID) AS CountOfID
SELECT Master_Calendar.Analyst, Count(Master_Calendar.ID) AS [Total Of ID]
FROM Master_Calendar
GROUP BY Master_Calendar.Analyst
PIVOT Master_Calendar.[Current Status];
This gives me a crosstab query that displays the amount of entries in the database that are "Completed", "In Process", or "Not Started", sorted by which Analyst they belong to.
What I'm trying to do is add another column to calculate the Percent Complete -- so (Completed / Total of ID) * 100. I tried putting that into an expression in another cell, but it returns with a "[Completed]" not found, even though it gives me it as an option in the Expression Builder.
Am I just naming my variables wrong, or is it not possible to do it this way? Can I reference the total count of the records that contain "Completed" using query code instead of finding out the value using a Pivot table?
Thanks for your help.
[Completed]/([Total of ID]/100) AS [Complete%],
[In Process]/([Total of ID]/100) AS [In Process%],
[Not Started]/([Total of ID]/100) AS [Not Started%]
FROM xTab;

reporting services - sum expression column in tablix

I have a column in my tablix where I manually entered a long nested IF expression (its not in my dataset.) I want to sum the whole column that contains my expression. Is there anyway to do this?
Can I give the tablix column a name, and sum that? Or do I have to take my expressions and add them to my dataset? I rather not do this, because i have 8 datasets, and I would have to add 20 expressions to each one manually.
Assuming your column's expression is like:
- simply add a similar expression into your summary cell, with sum( ) around it - like so: