Suppose I have a pytorch tensor x of shape [N, N_g, 2]. It can be viewed as N * N_g 2d vectors. Specifically, x[i, j, :] is the 2d vector of the jth group in the ith batch.
Now I am trying to get the coordinates of vectors of top 5 length in each group. So I tried the following:
(i) First I used x_len = (x**2).sum(dim=2).sqrt() to compute their lengths, resulting in x_len.shape==[N, N_g].
(ii) Then I used tk = x_len.topk(5) to get the top 5 lengths in each group.
(iii) The desired output would be a tensor x_top5 of shape [N, 5, 2]. Naturally I thought of using tk.indices to index x so as to obtain x_top5. But I failed as it seems such indexing is not supported.
How can I do this?
A minimal example:
x = torch.randn(10,10,2) # N=10 is the batchsize, N_g=10 is the group size
x_len = (x**2).sum(dim=2).sqrt()
tk = x_len.topk(5)
x_top5 = x[tk.indices]
# torch.Size([10, 5, 10, 2])
However, this gives x_top5 as a tensor of shape [10, 5, 10, 2], instead of [10, 5, 2] as desired.
If i have a tensor 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. Is there something i can use in the backend to make a tensor [3, 3, 3, 3, 3]?
I am trying to compute a baseline loss based on the average value for the output
avg_true = K.mean(y_true)
baseline = sigmoid_loss(avg_true, y_pred)
I'm not sure if the code here (avg_true, y_pred) is working because avg_true is just a single value and y_pred is a tensor?
Do you need something like this:
X = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])
avg_true = tf.fill(tf.shape(X), tf.reduce_mean(X))
# [3, 3, 3, 3, 3]
I'm having some trouble porting some code over from tensorflow to pytorch.
So I have a matrix with dimensions 10x30 representing 10 examples each with 30 features. Then I have another matrix with dimensions 10x5 containing indices of the the 5 closest examples for each examples in the first matrix. I want to 'gather' using the indices contained in the second matrix the 5 closet examples for each example in the first matrix leaving me with a 3d tensor of shape 10x5x30.
In tensorflow this is done with tf.gather(matrix1, matrix2). Does anyone know how i could do this in pytorch?
How about this?
matrix1 = torch.randn(10, 30)
matrix2 = torch.randint(high=10, size=(10, 5))
gathered = matrix1[matrix2]
It uses the trick of indexing with an array of integers.
I had a scenario where I had to apply gather() on an array of integers.
torch.Tensor().gather(dim, input_tensor)
# here,
# input_tensor -> tensor(1)
my_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
my_tensor = torch.IntTensor(my_list)
output = my_tensor.gather(0, input_tensor) # 0 -> is the dimension
torch.gather(param_tensor, dim, input_tensor)
# here,
# input_tensor -> tensor(1)
my_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
my_tensor = torch.IntTensor(my_list)
output = torch.gather(my_tensor, 0, input_tensor) # 0 -> is the dimension
I have 2 tensors of shape (100, 4) and (100, 2).
I would like to perform a concatenation operation, in TensorFlow, similar to np.hstack, in NumPy, so that the output would be of shape (100, 6). Is there a TensorFlow function to do that?
You can use tf.concat for this purpose as follows:
t1 = [[1, 2], [4, 5]]
t2 = [[7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12]]
res=tf.concat(concat_dim=1,values=[t1, t2])
This prints
[[ 1 2 7 8 9]
[ 4 5 10 11 12]]
I tried the above code, I got some error. The following code runs fine with tf 1.15 version:
x = tf.constant( [[1, 2,4],[7,8,12]])
y = tf.constant([[88],[99]])
res=tf.concat([x, y],1)
I have a similar problem. I try to concatenate two image Tensors with Keras.
Tensor type and shape
Both are identical but it says that Layer concatenate_X (The Number X changes)was called with an input that isn't a symbolic tensor. Received type: <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
i try to concatenate them like this:
There is an easier way of doing it in PyTorch. Suppose t1 is your 100x4 tensor and t2 is 100x2 tensor. You can do something like:
result= torch.concat((t1,t2), axis=1)
The result is a 100x6 tensor.
In tensorflow, there are nice functions for entrywise and matrix multiplication, but after looking through the docs, I cannot find any internal function for taking an outer product of two tensors, i.e., making a bigger tensor by all possible products of elements of smaller tensors (like numpy.outer):
v_{i,j} = x_i*h_j
M_{ij,kl} = A_{ij}*B_{kl}
Does tensorflow have such a function?
Yes, you can do this by taking advantage of the broadcast semantics of tensorflow. Size the first out to size 1xN of itself, and the second to size Mx1 of itself, and you'll get a broadcast to MxN of all of the results when you multiply them.
(You can play around with the same thing in numpy to see how it behaves in a simpler context, btw:
a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).reshape([5,1])
b = np.array([6, 7, 8, 9, 10]).reshape([1,5])
How exactly you do it in tensorflow depends a bit on which axes you want to use and what semantics you want for the resulting multiply, but the general idea applies.
It is somewhat surprising that until recently there was no easy and "natural" way of doing an outer product between arbitrary tensors (also known as "tensor product") in tensorflow, especially given the name of the library...
With tensorflow>=1.6 you can now finally get what you want with a simple:
M = tf.tensordot(A, B, axes=0)
In earlier versions of tensorflow, axes=0 raises a ValueError: 'axes' must be at least 1.. Somehow tf.tensordot() used to need at least one dimension to actually sum over. The easy way out is to simply add a "fake" dimension with tf.expand_dims().
On tensorflow<=1.5 you can thus get the same result as above by doing:
M = tf.tensordot(tf.expand_dims(A, 0), tf.expand_dims(B, 0), axes=[[0],[0]])
This adds a new index of dimension 1 in location 0 for both tensors and then lets tf.tensordot() sum over those indices.
In case someone else stumbles upon this, according to the tensorflow docs you can use the tf.einsum() function to compute the outer product of two tensors a and b:
# Outer product
>>> einsum('i,j->ij', u, v) # output[i,j] = u[i]*v[j]
tf.multiply (and its '*' shortcut) result in an outer product, whether or not a batch is used. In particular, if the two input tensors have a 3D shapes of [batch, n, 1] and [batch, 1, n] then this op will calculate the outer product for [n,1],[1,n] per each sample in the batch. If there is no batch, so that the two input tensors are 2D, this op will calculate the outer product just the same.
On the other hand, while tf.tensordot yields the outer product for 2D matrices, it did not broadcast similarly when a batch was added.
Without a batch:
a_np = np.array([[1, 2, 3]]) # shape: (1,3) [a row vector], 2D Tensor
b_np = np.array([[4], [5], [6]]) # shape: (3,1) [a column vector], 2D Tensor
a = tf.placeholder(dtype='float32', shape=[1, 3])
b = tf.placeholder(dtype='float32', shape=[3, 1])
c = a*b # Result: an outer-product of a,b
d = tf.multiply(a,b) # Result: an outer-product of a,b
e = tf.tensordot(a,b, axes=[0,1]) # Result: an outer-product of a,b
With a batch:
a_np = np.array([[[1, 2, 3]], [[4, 5, 6]]]) # shape: (2,1,3) [a batch of two row vectors], 3D Tensor
b_np = np.array([[[7], [8], [9]], [[10], [11], [12]]]) # shape: (2,3,1) [a batch of two column vectors], 3D Tensor
a = tf.placeholder(dtype='float32', shape=[None, 1, 3])
b = tf.placeholder(dtype='float32', shape=[None, 3, 1])
c = a*b # Result: an outer-product per batch
d = tf.multiply(a,b) # Result: an outer-product per batch
e = tf.tensordot(a,b, axes=[1,2]) # Does NOT result with an outer-product per batch
Running any of these two graphs:
sess = tf.Session()
result_astrix =, feed_dict={a:a_np, b: b_np})
result_multiply =, feed_dict={a:a_np, b: b_np})
result_tensordot =, feed_dict={a:a_np, b: b_np})
print('tf.tensordot(a,b, axes=[1,2]:')
As pointed out in the other answers, the outer product can be done using broadcasting:
a = tf.range(10)
b = tf.range(5)
outer = a[..., None] * b[None, ...]
# array([[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
# [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
# [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8],
# [ 0, 3, 6, 9, 12],
# [ 0, 4, 8, 12, 16],
# [ 0, 5, 10, 15, 20],
# [ 0, 6, 12, 18, 24],
# [ 0, 7, 14, 21, 28],
# [ 0, 8, 16, 24, 32],
# [ 0, 9, 18, 27, 36]], dtype=int32)
The a[..., None] inserts a new dimension of length 1 after the last axis.
Similarly, b[None, ...] inserts a new dimension of length 1 before the first axis.
The element-wide multiplication then broadcasts the tensors from shapes (10, 1) * (1, 5) to (10, 5) * (10, 5), computing the outer product.
Where you insert the additional dimensions determines for which dimensions the outer product is computed. For example, if both tensors have a batch size, you can skip that using : which gives a[:, ..., None] * b[:, None, ...]. This can be further abbreviated as a[..., None] * b[:, None]. To perform the outer product over the last dimension and thus supporting any number of batch dimensions, use a[..., None] * b[..., None, :].
I would have commented to MasDra, but SO wouldn't let me as a new registered user.
The general outer product of multiple vectors arranged in a list U of length order can be obtained via
tf.einsum(','.join(string.ascii_lowercase[0:order])+'->'+string.ascii_lowercase[0:order], *U)