Intellij IDEA plugin development. Action "create kotlin class" - intellij-idea

I want to create a plugin for Intellij IDEA. I need to add an action (AnAction) that will create a class in Kotlin (not Java) in a custom package. I have two questions:
How to create files with the desired extension?
Or how to create a file with Kotlin class(from some base class) in a custom package?

One possible way to accomplish this is to use PsiFileFactory.createFileFromText() to create an in-memory Kotlin file and then to pass that file as a parameter to PsiDirectory.add() to save it to the filesystem.

Although yole's answer is correct, I would like to see more details about mistery PsiDirectory class.
//get directory by VirtualFile
PsiDirectory directory = PsiManager.getInstance(project).findDirectory((getKotlinSourceDir(project))
Get kotlin source dir:
private VirtualFile getKotlinSourceDir(Project project) {
return project.getBaseDir().findChild("src").findChild("main").findChild("kotlin");
And than you can create subdirectories:
//someDirectoryName it is simple name
//(i.e if you post "com.some.package" - it does not create com/some/package folder)
PsiDirectory newDirectory = psiDirectory.createSubdirectory(someDirectoryName);


How to create object from Data class? Kotlin

I have a
data class A(){
fun c(){}
} .
I need to create a fake implementation of it for testing, but it says that class must be open. open modifier is incompatible with data class. Any ways to do it?
To mock final classes update mockito
testCompile 'org.mockito:mockito-core:2.8.9'
and then add a folder in your resources folder called mockito-extensions that includes a text file called org.mockito.plugins.MockMaker. Inside there just add
That should solve your problem

Creating class inside package A of A.B in IntelliJ

I have a maven project in IntelliJ IDE. I have created a package with name event.handlers. After which I created multiple classes inside this package.
There are no classes inside event everything is inside event.handlers.
Now I want to create a java class inside package event.
Is there any way from the IDE I can do that?
Currently, I am manually creating the java file inside the event folder in my code repository.
In the left Project structure pane, there is Settings button, in that please Uncheck, Compact Empty Middle Packages.
The settings will be like
Now you will have a tree structure, where you can right-click or (ctrl + enter/ alt + insert) on the package and create the file.
For example,
Try creating a Java Class at src folder named event.NewClass. This will create a inside src/event.
You can create folder with the dot symbol . at creating a Java Class or a Package, or Kotlin File/Class when Type is not File. For example create a Package with name at src folder will automatically generate the folders recursively, src/com/company/example, create a Java Class with name will automatically generate a file inside the automatically generated folder tree src/com/company/example.
It might be easier to just create the class inside package AB and Refactor > Move to place it inside of A.
It seems that all other answers here are workarounds anyway, so if it's just a one-off, this might be the easiest option.
However, in my case, after doing this I had to "Invalidate Caches and Restart" before IDEA updated the UI properly.

intellij cannot create class-file when creating test class with maven project

I created a maven project, and my hierarchy is :
When I try to create at PLACEHOLDER i.e. in test/java/mypackage, I got unable to parse template class, cannot create class-file.
But if I create file, it works. I wonder why is that?
Do you have or something similar listed under:
Settings → Editor → File Types→ Text files ?
If so, try removing that pattern and check if you can create the class.
I was able to reproduce this error in a standard maven project, after adding the following file type:
And then trying to create the
And after removing the file type there were no problems creating the Test class.

Xtend in IntelliJ IDEA not generate file in src-gen

I combine Xtext and Xtend. In project, where I write code for my DSL, Xtext work but XTend not generate file in src-gen (this is sources root on: <project-root>/src-gen/).
I have this code in function doGenerate
override void doGenerate(Resource resource, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
Src-gen is always empty. In eclipse this work. How can I generate file in IntelliJ IDEA or how can I fix this problem. I run in gradle.
I run gradle task runIdea. I create Java project without any SDK.
When project is created, I add "file.mydsl" in src folder. Then I need change facet settings. I open project structure dialog (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S), in the left-hand panel, click Facets, choose + icon and add DSL facet. Then apply and code is work. In src-gen create a file "a.txt".

Yii - Using alternate view file in Yii User module

Is it possible to use a custom view file in a module (eg. user) in order to keep the module (3rd party) intact?
Somehow extend the module, with a views folder that holds my custom views.
The path to the module theme views should be
Copy all of the module views from the folder
to the mentioned above folder and that will do the job. After that you could customize the views as you like.
Copy user module view files to <app>/themes/<current_theme>/views/user/. More general, customize module views using the folowing "formula": <app>/themes/<current_tehem>/views/<modules_name>/<controller_name>/<view_file_to_customize>.php
Use a theme. For a module named "user" and a view path of "profile/edit", create "/themes/flashy/user/views/profile/edit.php". You can also define a new layout in "/themes/flashy/layouts/column2.php". Then add to your configuration file in "protected/config":
return array(
// many settings...
'theme' => 'flashy',
For the module "user" you pointed out, unfortunately its controllers use absolute paths for their layouts (e.g. "//layouts/columns2") so AFAIK you can't define distinct layouts for the application and this module.
See also the official guide chapter on theming with Yii.
I disagree that in many help forums of the Internet, when someone asks abot theming a module, everyone suggests a path alias to the themes folder. I think this is wrong, because it implies modules to be splitted, and modules are supposed to be a black-box that can be used across projects. The advice given in such forums would only be valid if a theme is shared among several modules. If someone wants to "package" a theme inside a module, she can:
-add an init function to the controller of the module
-inside that init, use the class attribute layout and a path alias, like this, supose a module whose id is "Sample":
then you add, to SampleCOntroller.php:
public function init() {
//BELOW: it will use the layouts/main.php inside the module.
$this->layouts = "sample.views.layouts.main";