How do I create a SASI Cassandra instance in a Datastax Cluster - indexing

Following the SASI creation docs on Datastax (here) for DSE v5.0.4, produces the error:
cqlsh:sandbox> SHOW VERSION
[cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra | DSE 5.0.4 | CQL spec 3.4.0 | Native protocol v4]
cqlsh:sandbox> CREATE CUSTOM INDEX "sandboxTestIdx" on test (bop) USING 'org.apache.cassandra.index.sasi.SASIIndex';
ConfigurationException: Unable to find custom indexer class 'org.apache.cassandra.index.sasi.SASIIndex'
Digging into SASI shows that it's only available 'out of the box' for Cassandra versions past 3.4, so my question is, how can I add SASI support to the latest version of DSE (v5.0.4)?

I don't think you can unless datastax releases a new version which uses cassandra 3.4 or later.
Or you can use the download the latest version of cassandra which support SASI but then you dont get the DSE features.


Which GridGain version is compatible with Apache Ignite 2.11.0

We use Apache Ignite 2.11.0 and plan to migrate to GridGain.
Which version is compatible and how to migrate to GridGain Community?
We use .NET Core. Do we change the program code or migrate without change?
GridGain is based on Apache Ignite, but they are not 100% compatible, and there is no 1-to-1 version mapping.
Having said that:
In most cases the migration is smooth - just change the package reference.
Latest available GridGain version is recommended.

How to change Hudi table version via Hudi CLI

How do I change the table version via the Hudi CLI?
ssh into EMR
kick off the hudi cli /usr/lib/hudi/cli/bin/ Version of the Hudi CLI is 1.
connect to my table connect --path s3://bucket/db/table
In the desc of the table I see that it is version=3, but I want to use Hudi 0.9.0 to write to the table so I would like to set the table to version=2.
org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieException: Unknown versionCode:3
at org.apache.hudi.common.table.HoodieTableVersion.lambda$versionFromCode$1(
at java.util.Optional.orElseThrow(
at org.apache.hudi.common.table.HoodieTableVersion.versionFromCode(
at org.apache.hudi.common.table.HoodieTableConfig.getTableVersion(
Sadly, I'm not aware of any way to use version 0.9.0 to downgrade 3 to 2, due to the error you are getting. There is no way for version 0.9.0 to know how 0.10.0 was writing things differently.
Recently, AWS has 6.6 available for use, but it isn't well documented. I'd recommend switching over to that, because it has hudi version 0.10.0 and can then do that downgrade.
This link should get updated whenever 6.6 gets updated in the docs.
Side note, if you are using the bootstrap action script provided by AWS to repair the log4j vulnerability, I'd recommend taking the version 6.5 version provided and editing it to be 6.6. There is not a 6.6 script available at this time, but I did that and was not able to detect any vulnerabilities.
This link provides an explanation on the bootstrap action:

What version of Hive is packed in CDH 5.5.x?

I would like to know the version of Hive that comes along with the CDH 5.5.x version?
I have managed to get the answer. CDH 5.5.x comes with Hive 1.1.0. For more details of various other tools' version check out this link.

Which Phoenix version should I use with HBase in Cloudera 5.5 and Hortonworks 2.4?

Is there a single version of phoenix that is compatible with HBase provided in both Cloudera 5.5 and Hortonworks 2.4?
Hortonworks provides custom fixes and "backports" to their version of Phoenix in their HDP distribution. Cloudera may do the same as well.
I am assuming that you are asking about a client version that is compatible with both server versions.
Are you using the "thin" client jars? Do you find that your application does not work for one distribution or the other (dependent on which version jars you have)? Your application may work for both distributions if you use the non-thin jars.
If you would like to continue using the thin client, you may have to set phoenix.queryserver.serialization to JSON. HDP 2.3.4+ use PROTOBUF by default whereas CDH does not currently support PROTOBUF.
If you are asking about manually installing a version of the Phoenix server that can be installed on both distributions, both use HBase 1.1.x. Any Phoenix version 4.4+ can be used on either distribution. But I recommend using the version that is distributed with the platform.
A Phoenix 4.5.2 package for CDH 5.5.x is available via Cloudera Labs:
Note however that Cloudera Labs packages are for dev/test only (not supported by Cloudera).

Is there a recommended ami-ec2 image for dse 4.7.2 which includes spark and mllib

i would like to install datastax 4.7.2 or the latest version on ec2 and take advantage of spark and mllib. Is there a recommended image that I can use to ssh into?
You can use the DataStax AMI. DSE is free in Dev or in Prod for qualifying startups.
Just get your credentials by filling out the download form.