I'm relatively new to MIPS and am using SPIM as my compiler. The program I am trying to write takes a user's input of a decimal integer and determines how many zero's and one's are in the binary representation of it:
ques: .asciiz "Enter a decimal integer:\n"
zer: .asciiz "Number of 0's\n"
one: .asciiz "Number of 1's\n"
buf: .word 16
ans: .word 40
.globl main
#Prompt user for number
la $a0, ques #asks user to enter decimal integer
li $v0, 4
#Read the input
li $v0, 5 #reads user input
move $s3, $v0 #stores user input in register
jr count #jumps to count function
addi $s7, $s7, 1 #increments with each run of the loop
beq $s7, 32, end #checks if all parts of the binary integer have been checked
andi $s0, $s3, 1 #ands one to binary number
beq $s0, 0, zeros #goes to incrementing function for 0
beq $s0, 1, ones #goes to incrementing function for 1
addi $s5, $s5, 1 #increments 0 counter by one
srlv $s3, $s3, 1 #shifts binary digit right by one
j count #returns to count function
addi $s6, $s6, 1 #increments 1 counter by one
srlv $s3, $s3, 1 #shifts binary digits right by one
j count #returns to count function
la $a0, zer #Prints zeros header
li $v0, 4
la $a3, $s5 #prints number of zero's
li $v0, 1
la $a0, one #prints ones header
li $v0, 4
la $a3, $s6
li $v0, 1
jr $31 #end program
My problem is that when I try to print the results of my program, I get a syntax error:
spim: (parser) syntax error on line 43 of file test.mal
la $a3, $s5 #prints number of zero's
I've tried a number of things to fix this, but I'm not really even sure what the problem is. Any suggestions would be helpful.
la is "load address" it expects the 2nd parameter to be a label. I think you just want to use a simple move $a3, $s5 here. Also, if I remember correctly, for syscall 1, you want to put the integer to printed in $a0, not $a3. Finally, I find MARS much easier to use than SPIM: http://courses.missouristate.edu/KenVollmar/mars/
I have to write a multi lingual text a pdf using C++. I have unicode values as well as glyph id values with their advances and displacements for the string input.
But I need to know how to position the dependent glyph with the independent base glyph.
Suppose if I have a advance and displacement values using FreeType / HarfBuzz, how should I input these values into the pdf content stream along with the glyph ids in the input.
I have tried the output values of FreeType & HarfBuzz, which could print the individual glyphs properly, but the positioning of the glyphs with its base glyph is not proper still, even if i used the advance and displacement values given in their outputs.
I just need the logic of how to use the output values in the content stream to deliver a proper readable word/letter.
Text = tamil letter + hindi letter.
I need to print this output.proper output
But currently only I am able to print this. improper output
Tamil combined letter:
வ = U+0BB5 TAMIL LETTER VA = base glyph
ா = U+0BBE TAMIL VOWEL SIGN AA = dependent glyph
HarfBuzz run:
hb-shape.exe -O json -u u+0bb5,u+0bbe --no-glyph-names "C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\Nirmala.ttf"
gid output:
Hindi combined letter:
म = U+092E DEVANAGARI LETTER MA = base glyph
ि = U+093F DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN I = dependent glyph
HarfBuzz run:
hb-shape.exe -O json -u u+092e,u+093f --no-glyph-names "C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\Nirmala.ttf"
gid output:
Subjecting these output values into the formula,
PDF doc formula
Assuming unity for all variables except width and advance,
by obtaining the width value using FreeType and computing them.
Glyph Advance values for four glyphs in order:
tx = 1769
tx = 1132
tx = 1586
tx = 1448
If I provide these values in the content stream in the order as
<glyph id 1> tx 1 <glyph id 2> tx 2 <glyph id 3> tx 3 <glyph id 4> tx 4
Content stream:
/OC /oc2 BDC q BT /FXF1 1 Tf 70.866142 0.000000 0.000000 70.866142 28.346457 141.732285 Tm[<0B89>-1769<0B8F>-1132<0111>-1586<012E>-1448]TJ ET Q EMC
PDF Doc says (+)ve value of advances will move the text towards left.
Is it other way...?
Or if the difference of the advances is to be obtained...?
Additional PDF objects:
Font descriptor object,Base font object,Font object.
I have tried using only advance values and only computed values also.
The only problem is the horizontal & vertical space within combined glyphs, which also affects the spacing between subsequent glyphs.
Any of these does not render the glyphs as legible, atleast in a generalised programmatic manner.
From my analysis of #mkl at various stack overflow places, I suspect the need for individual transformation matrix or Td for each glyph. But is it that complex...?
As per my thought, it must be easily be rendered.
If individual transformation matrix or Td is the need, then how to compute the values to be supplied in for them.
Any help & guidance is welcome and much appreciated.
Thank you.
It helps to work out pdf as plain text you can compile by save in notepad.
Here I am altering a batch.cmd (work in progress :-) to test my compiler handles the changes as text but you can use raw pdf in editor too. beware cut and paste may need a value or two changed Also unknown yet how you can easily reference non Latin fonts (next hurdle after images, which are almost done), so I used "symbol" font as illustrative of those positioning mods.
Note for specific queries #mkl is the expert I simply do programming by examples, that function not by the book.
1 0 obj<</Type/Catalog/Pages 2 0 R>>endobj
2 0 obj<</Type/Pages/Count 1/Kids[3 0 R]>>endobj
3 0 obj<</Type/Page/Parent 2 0 R/MediaBox [0 0 594 792]/Resources<</Font<< /F1 4 0 R /F2 5 0 R>>>>/Contents 6 0 R>>endobj
4 0 obj<</Type/Font/Subtype/Type1/BaseFont/Helvetica>>endobj
5 0 obj<</Type/Font/Subtype/Type1/BaseFont/Symbol>>endobj
%Comment the following /Length 0999 is a dummy value it should be altered to equal decimal stream length, but most readers will ignore or work around invalid
6 0 obj<</Length 1326>>
BT /F1 20 Tf 072 740 Td (20 units (default units usually = pts) high Headline) Tj ET
BT /F1 16 Tf 036 700 Td (All text is "Body" text. (no heads or tails)) Tj ET
BT /F1 10 Tf 004 780 Td (Text can be any order see "Body" text above. (Printed by Filename="C:\Users\K\Downloads\Programming\CMDaPDF\MAKE2PDF.cmd") spot the escape errors) Tj ET
BT /F1 12 Tf 036 675 Td (Here # 12 units high you must include just enough text for parts of a line. PDF has no page feeds no wrapping,) Tj 0 -20 Td (nor \\new line feed, no ¶aragraphs) Tj 86 -15 Td (nor carriage \r\\return. \n\r ) Tj 100 5 Td ( It is not \007\010\011\012\\tabular, each page is one row of multiple pages,) Tj 50 -15 Td (each page is one text column wide .[ ×] no yes check) Tj 0 -10 Td (each row is one text column wide .[x] no is yes) Tj 0 -10 Td (each row is one text column wide . · bullet point OK) Tj ET
BT +0.50 Tc -1.4 Tw 999 TL /F1 1 Tf 15 001 10. 30 200.000 440.000 Tm [(Jane A)600(usten)] TJ ET
BT +0.50 Tc 0.00 Tw 000 TL /F2 1 Tf 15 000 000 15 200.000 430.000 Tm [(Ja)-1000(ne Austen)] TJ ET
BT -1.20 Tc 0.00 Tw 999 TL /F2 1 Tf 15 000 000 15 200.000 420.000 Tm [(J)-1200(a)800(ne Austen)] TJ ET
BT +0.00 Tc 0.00 Tw 000 TL /F2 1 Tf 15 000 000 15 200.000 410.000 Tm [(Jane A)100(us)-500(ten)] TJ ET
0 7
0000000000 65535 f
0000000019 00000 n
0000000065 00000 n
0000000117 00000 n
0000000242 00000 n
0000000306 00000 n
0000000527 00000 n
trailer<</Size 7/Root 1 0 R>>
I have the following program, but don't understand what # symbol in the end of the INPUT lines does:
data colors;
input #1 Var1 $ #8 Var2 $ #;
input #1 Var3 $ #8 Var4 $ #;
proc print data=colors;
Output produced without # in the end of the INPUT line is different from the ouput with #.
Can you please clarify what does # in the end of the 2nd and 3rd INPUT lines do?
# at the end of an input statement means, do not advance the line pointer after semicolon. ## means, do not advance the line pointer after the run statement either.
Normally an input statement has an implicit advance the line pointer one after semicolon. So:
data want;
input a b;
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
proc print data=want;
Will return
1 2
5 6
If you want to read 3 4 into another line, then, you might do something like:
data want;
input a b #;
input a b;
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
proc print data=want;
Which gives
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
Similarly you could simply write
data want;
input a b ##;
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
proc print data=want;
To get the same result - ## would hold the line pointer even across the run statement. (It still would advance once it hit the end of the line.)
In Summary: I think you probably don't want the trailing # in this case. The Input statements do not seem fitting for the data you are reading. With the trailing #, you are reading the same data into var1 and var3, and the same data into var2 and var4, because it is reading the same line twice. Either way, you are not reading in what the data appears to be. You would be better off with:
input Var1 $ Var2 $ #;
input Var3 $ Var4 $;
Or, more simply:
input Var1 $ Var2 $ Var3 $ Var4 $;
Official details from the SAS support site, annotated:
Using Line-Hold Specifiers
Line-hold specifiers keep the pointer on
the current input record when
a data record is read by more than one INPUT statement (trailing #)
Use a single trailing # to allow the next INPUT statement to read from the same record.
Normally, each INPUT statement in a DATA step reads a new data record
into the input buffer. When you use a trailing #, the following
The pointer position does not change.
No new record is read into the input buffer.
The next INPUT statement for the same iteration of the DATA step continues to read the same record rather than a new one.
SAS releases a record held by a trailing # when
a null INPUT statement executes:
an INPUT statement without a trailing # executes
the next iteration of the DATA step begins.
Fellow SO users,
I'm hoping someone can share their ideas on how to go about doing this problem.
Lets say, I have a table of values. The table contains two columns, the first col (COL1) has a specific value associated with it and the second column (COL2) has another value:
The values are all in hexadecimal
0 11
1 90
2 52
3 C8
4 B7
Now, what I have to do is, compare the value in one of the registers and if it matches any value from COL1, I have to load another register with the corresponding value from COL2. For example, if I have a value, say, R2 = 1, I will have to load R3 with 90.
The approach that I'm using involves completely avoiding the lb instruction (which I'm aiming for);
and $r1, $r1, $r0 #Initialise r1 to 0
addi $r1, $r1, 1 #load r1 with 1
beq $r2, $r1, LOAD_1 #Check to see if r2 = 1
and $r1, $r1, $r0
addi $r1, $r1, 2
beq $r2, $r1, LOAD_2
and $r3, $r3, $zero
addi $r3, $r3, 0x52 #Load r3 with 0x52 as per the table
Load value into r3 as before.
The issue with this is, it will get ridiculously long if I have a huge table. Could someone please suggest a shorter way, if there exists one (with using the lb operator)?
If the COL1 sequence is sorted you can perform a binary search to quickly find a given value.
If the sequence is both sorted in ascending order and doesn't have any gaps or duplicates (i.e. the x:th element always equals the x-1:th element plus 1) it becomes even easier:
if (R2 >= COL1[0] && R2 <= COL1[last_index]) {
R3 = COL2[R2 - COL1[0]];
I'm currently working on an awk script which extracts all n-grams from an input file.
When running my awk script on a file it prints out every n-gram (sorted) with the number of occurrences next to it.
When testing on an input file it prints out the correct order of n-grams. Only the number of occurrences are not correct.
For extracting n-grams I have the following code:
for (i in chars){
for (ind=0;ind<n;ind++){
if(begin_len == 0){
if(length(ngram) == begin_len){
(sort function not included)
I was wondering if there is something wrong in the code. Or are there some aspects which I have overlooked?
The output I should have is the following:
1580 n
1323 en
1081 e
940 de
839 v
780 er
716 d
713 an
615 t
instead, i have the following output:
1561 n
1302 en
1067 e
930 de
827 v
772 er
711 d
703 an
609 t
As you can see, the n-grams are correct but the number of occurences not.
INPUT FILE: http://cl.ly/202j3r0B1342
Not an answer but may help you (assuming n=2).
Did you happen to convert the original file (that seems UTF-8) to latin-1? I got two sets of figures:
==> sorted.latin1_in_utf8_locale <==
1566 n
1308 en
1072 e
929 de
836 v
==> sorted.utf8_in_utf8_locale <==
1579 n
1320 en
1080 e
940 de
838 v
with latin-1 input the figures are closer to yours. with utf-8 to the expected ones.
However, neither matches. Scratching my head.
BTW, I am not sorting the ngrams in the script but outputting in the form suitable for piping them to sort -rn. But this should not cause difference, I guess.
for (ngram in freq_tabel)
printf "%7i %s\n", freq_tabel[ngram], ngram
I'm in your class, so here's a couple of hints:
Copy the exact input file (using clone from github, don't do a raw copy)
Re-read the assignment, you're supposed to get rid of the leading and trailing spaces, and replace all multiple tabs/spaces with one space.
Also, what's the point of the $1 = $1 on top?
How do I calculate leading in a PDF document?
For example:
48 0 0 48 72 677.28 Tm
(Hello World) Tj
0 -1.1075 TD
This renders the text Hello World at 48pt/57.6pt (120% line height) in Times-Roman.
According to the PDF Reference manual, "the leading parameter is measured in unscaled text space units. It specifies the vertical distance between the baselines of adjacent lines of text... The number is expressed in thousandths of a unit of text space."
Can someone please explain how 1.1075 and 57.6 are related?
You pdf commands is incorrect. I suppose you mean:
48 0 0 48 72 677.28 Tm
0 -1.1075 TD
(Hello World) Tj
This code set text coordinate system to (Tm command):
Scale x48 on x and x48 on y
Start position (72, 677.28)
Then it's move position to next line. Next line in 1.1075 "text" pixels. And then move start position by -1.1075 "text" pixels on y coordinate. Text pixel in this example it's pdf pixel multiplyed by 48. It's set by Tm command.
I may simplify you PDF code. It's the same:
48 0 0 48 72 570.096 Tm
(Hello World) Tj
Explanation: 677.28 - (1.1075*48) - (1.1075*48)
YOU should always remember that PDF it's a language. To calculate the real coordinates you shoud parse all previous commands.
There may be something like this before you commands:
10 0 0 10 0 0 cm
The leading is usually set in the PDF by the command TL, just like this:
12 TL
(El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha)'
That 12 indicates a leading of 12 points until another TL is found.
I hope it helps you. I think this is the easiest way to do it :)