Calculating Formula After Text Paste - vba

I have a formula that constructs a vlookup function while drawing the file path from a date input from the user, next I have a macro that takes the results of this formula and pastes them in Cell C6.
=("=" & "IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP($A6," & "'I:\CM\PC\A\TR\AT\"&TEXT(C$5,"yyyy")&"\"&TEXT(C$5,"mmmmmmmmmmm")&"\["&TEXT(C$5,"mmm")&TEXT(C$5,"d")&".xlsm]Violations Count'!$A:$B"&",2,FALSE)),"""",VLOOKUP($A6,"&"'I:\CM\PC\A\TR\AT\"&TEXT(C$5,"yyyy")&"\"&TEXT(C$5,"mmmmmmmmmmm")&"\["&TEXT(C$5,"mmm")&TEXT(C$5,"d")&".xlsm]Violations Count'!$A:$B"&",2,FALSE))")
The trouble I am having is finding a way for VBA to activate the formula instead of having it sit there in a text format as:
=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP($A6,'I:\CM\PC\A\TR\AT\2016\December\[Dec5.xlsm]Violations Count'!$A:$B,2,FALSE)),"",VLOOKUP($A6,'I:\CM\PC\A\TR\AT\2016\December\[Dec5.xlsm]Violations Count'!$A:$B,2,FALSE))
Afterward I just have a macro autofill it down for the other names between column A6:A37.
If anyone can help me with VBA activating the cell, it would be much appreciated.

If you want to get the value of a cell (which might contain a text string) you use something like:
someVariableEtc = Range("A1").Value
If you want to set a Cell's formula using VBA, you would use something like:
Range("C6").Formula = "some text string"
Combining the two, you could come up with something like:
Range("C6").Formula = Range("A1").Value

Look this up. The evaluate function might be what you're looking for. The simplest way to use it is wrapping an expression in square brackets [].


Data imported to Excel as "general", text started with "=", getting "#name?" Is there a way to get it back to text?

On of our offices started their text data with an equals sign, which, when imported into the spreadsheet, gave the #NAME? error.
Now, I know I can change the cell format to text and then click in the formula bar, and excel recognizes the cell as text, but is there a way to do this through VBA?
Cell display value: #NAME?
cell text =-Notice, ABC
Desired OUTPUT: Notice, ABC
now, normally, I'd do something like
sub convert_it()
if left(cells(1,1).value,2) ="=-" then cells(1,1).value = _
right(cells(1,1).value, len(cells(1,1).value) -2)
end sub
but that returns a type mismatch error.
Is there some way I can get the text in the cell without manually clicking?
I can click a few thousand times and then Excel recognizes it as text again, and not as an error, but I'd rather avoid that.
You can do this with VB, or just highlight the whole sheet, hit CTRL-H, type = in the Find and '= in the Replace, then click Replace All. This will make Excel stop thinking that these are formulas.
Instead of using .Value you have to use .Formula, since it's being interpreted as such here:
sub convert_it()
if left(cells(1,1).formula,2) ="=-" then cells(1,1).formula = _
right(cells(1,1).formula, len(cells(1,1).formula) -2)
end sub
Naturally you would place your code within a loop for the column. But I agree that it might be easier to just do a large find/replace.

Excel formula within VBA

I have quite a few cells that contain formula, then with VBA the outcome of this formula is the value for a variable, like so:
On sheet in cell AS4:
and then in my VBA:
numRows = ws.Range("AS4").Value
However this is starting to get hard to keep track of which cell is feeding which variable, avoiding overwriting those cells on the sheet by accident, etc.
I need to be able to perform this calculation within VBA if I can, removing the need to have "calculation cells" on my sheet.
I have discovered there is a way to use formula with WorksheetFunction, but only found simple examples of this and cannot adapt it to my situation above.
numRows = WorksheetFunction.SumProduct(MAX((ROW($AE$4:$AE$997))*($AE$4:$AE$997<>"")))
Is not going to work...
Is there a way to do this, or am I better scrapping the idea of using formula and using a pure VBA method?
With help from SJR this was the answer:
numRows = [=SUMPRODUCT(MAX((ROW(Weights!$AE$4:$AE$997))*(Weights!$AE$4:$AE$997<>"""")))]
A bit more research taught me that evaluate(" ") can be just replaced with square brackets [ and ]. Although, if I had variables in the mix of this formula or the formula wasn't constant then I would have to use Evaluate.
I also needed to add the sheet name to the formula as this formula was no longer functioning within the sheet and AE4:AE997 was no longer referring to the correct sheet.
Doubling up on quotes is also necessary as it is code and sees " differently to a formula on the sheet

Adding text to a cell in Excel using VBA

I've been working with SQL and Excel Macros, but I don't know how to add text to a cell.
I wish to add the text "01/01/13 00:00" to cell A1. I can't just write it in the cell because the macro clears the contents of the sheet first and adds the information afterwards.
How do I do that in VBA?
Range("$A$1").Value = "'01/01/13 00:00" will do it.
Note the single quote; this will defeat automatic conversion to a number type. But is that what you really want? An alternative would be to format the cell to take a date-time value. Then drop the single quote from the string.
You could do
[A1].Value = "'O1/01/13 00:00"
if you really mean to add it as text (note the apostrophe as the first character).
The [A1].Value is VBA shorthand for Range("A1").Value.
If you want to enter a date, you could instead do (edited order with thanks to #SiddharthRout):
[A1].NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm;#"
[A1].Value = DateValue("01/01/2013 00:00")
You need to use Range and Value functions.
Range would be the cell where you want the text you want
Value would be the text that you want in that Cell
Range("A1").Value="whatever text"
You can also use the cell property.
Cells(1, 1).Value = "Hey, what's up?"
Make sure to use a . before Cells(1,1).Value as in .Cells(1,1).Value, if you are using it within With function. If you are selecting some sheet.

How to VBA change cell's value (display text) without changing its formula?

I've a problem with this VBA macro.
Sub demoChangeText()
Application.Range("B2").Value = "Overidden text"
End Sub
My test is here. To run this macro, open it in Excel, press Ctrl+F8 and choose demoChangeText.
As the result, this macro changes the value of cell B2 (the text displayed to us) but clear its formula. I need to change B2's value BUT also need the formula to be remained.
So my question is How to change the display text of cell without changing its formula?
I ask this question because I'm trying to solve this problem
I'm not sure if this will help, as it is a bit hard to tell what your underlying requirement is, but here goes anyway:
Several things affect the display of a cell:
the entered value, if its a constant
the result of a calculation, if its a formula
the format of the cell
the conditional format(s) of the cell, if any
In the example sheet provided you have a formula of =ROW()&COLUMN() which returns a string result of 22
You can make this display something else by applying a cell format,
eg a format of 0;0;0;Ov\e\r\ri\d\d\e\n t\ext will display any string value as Overridden text
This can by applied with VBA with
Range("B2").NumberFormat = "0;0;0;Ov\e\r\ri\d\d\e\n t\ext\s"
Range("B2").NumberFormat = "0;0;0;""Overridden texts"""

Major formatting issue in Excel - VLOOKUP

I need help with a formatting issue in Excel, which is interfering with the VLOOKUP function in my Excel sheet.
I have two sheets with more than 20,000 column values as lookup, and the same number of values for reference. All the values in both cells are weirdly formatted, some with green triangles at the upper left corner of cells, some are text, etc.
Is there a way in Excel using a macro/VBA to remove or make all formatting similar in both sheets? The reason for VBA is because the person who is going to work with this file needs everything automated and is not familiar with Excel at all. I already have the VLOOKUP function in the cells, I just need to work with the formatting.
Well, I fight with partial lookups this way:
In the items array, I create new empty FIRST column and then place formula
This will take the content of Cell B2 and add + in the front of it.
When I do vlookup, I add "+" to searcheable value
Therefore, instead of comparing for example Strings and numbers, I compare Strings, by adding "+" in the front.
Another technique, is to kill all formatting:
Select whole column, click DATA-TEXT TO COLUMNS-DELIMITED and then DESELECT ALL DELIMITERS. Click Finish. This will clear your formatting.
This is the VBA solution you asked for:
Call it from Excel
Here is VBA:
Function GetLookup(LOOKFOR As String, RANGEARRAY As Range) As String
GetLookup = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup("+" & LOOKFOR, RANGEARRAY, 3, False)
End Function
Good luck!
I'm assuming the data type in all of the cells is the same, or you want it to all be the same. The following steps will make the cells a uniform type:
Save your workbook, in case this does not do as you require
Select all cells you wish to be of the same cell type
Press Ctrl+1, on the "Number" tab, select the type you wish these cells to take. Press OK.
Open the VBA editor using Alt+F11
Open the immediate window with Ctrl+G
Type the following: for each cell in selection : cell.formula = cell.value : next cell
Press enter (you may have to wait a few seconds).
If you take this action with the same data type (e.g. choose "Text" for both ranges in step 3) on both your ranges you should be "comparing apples with apples" and your VLOOKUP should function as required.
Hope this helps.
Edit: formatting, clarification