How can I understand this binary expression grammar? - grammar

I don't understand this binary expression grammar
expr -> expr '+' term
| expr '-' term
| term
term -> term '*' factor
| term '/' factor
| factor
factor -> '(' expr ')'

In plain english:
An expr can be one of the following:
another expr followed by the character + followed by a term
another expr followed by the character - followed by a term
a term
A term can be one of the following:
another term followed by the character * followed by a factor
another term followed by the character / followed by a factor
a factor
A factor can be one of the following:
a character ( followed by and expr followed by a character )
a number


Multiplication by juxtaposition in yacc

I'm trying to implement a grammar that allows multiplication by juxtaposition.
This is for parsing polynomial inputs for a CAS.
It works quite well, except few edge cases, as far as I'm aware of.
There are two problems I have identified:
Conflict with other rules, e.g., a^2 b is (erroneously) parsed as (^ a (* 2 b)), not as (* (^ a 2) b).
yacc(bison) reports 28 shift/reduce conflicts and 8 reduce/reduce conflicts.
I'm pretty sure properly resolving the first issue will resolve the second as well, but so far I haven't been successful.
The following is the gist of the grammar that I'm working with:
%start prgm
%union {
double num;
char *var;
ASTNode *node;
%token <num> NUM
%token <var> VAR
%type <node> expr
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
%right '^'
prgm: // nothing
| prgm '\n'
| prgm expr '\n'
expr: NUM
| expr '+' expr
| expr '-' expr
| expr '*' expr
| expr '/' expr
| expr '^' expr
| expr expr %prec '*'
| '-' expr
| '(' expr ')'
Removing the rule for juxtaposition (expr expr %prec '*') resolves the shift/reduce & reduce/reduce warnings.
Note that ab in my grammar should mean (* a b).
Multi-character variables should be preceded by a quote('); this is already handled fine in the lex file.
The lexer ignores spaces( ) and tabs(\t) entirely.
I'm aware of this question, but the use of juxtaposition here does not seem to indicate multiplication.
Any comments or help would be greatly appreciated!
P.S. If it helps, this is the link to the entire project.
As indicated in the answer to the question you linked, it is hard to specify the operator precedence of juxtaposition because there is no operator to shift. (As in your code, you can specify the precedence of the production expr: expr expr. But what lookahead token will this reduction be compared with? Adding every token in FIRST(expr) to your precedence declarations is not very scalable, and might lead to unwanted precedence resolutions.
An additional problem with the precedence solution is the behaviour of the unary minus operator (an issue not addressed in the linked question), because as written your grammar allows a - b to be parsed either as a subtraction or as the juxtaposed multiplication of a and -b. (And note that - is in FIRST(expr), leading to one of the possibly unwanted resolutions I referred to above.)
So the best solutions, as recommended in the linked question, is to use a grammar with explicit precedence, such as the following: (Here, I used juxt as the name of the non-terminal, rather than expr_sequence):
%start prgm
%token NUM
%token VAR
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
%right '^'
prgm: // nothing
| prgm '\n'
| prgm expr '\n'
expr: juxt
| '-' juxt
| expr '+' expr
| expr '-' expr
| expr '*' expr
| expr '/' expr
| expr '^' expr
juxt: atom
| juxt atom
atom: NUM
| '(' expr ')'
This grammar may not be what you want:
it's rather simple-minded handling of unary minus has a couple of issues. I don't think it's problematic that it parses -xy into -(xy) instead of (-x)y, but it's not ideal. Also, it doesn't allow --x (also, probably not a problem but not ideal). Finally, it does not parse -x^y as -(x^y), but as (-x)^y, which is contrary to frequent practice.
In addition, it incorrectly binds juxtaposition too tightly. You might or might not consider it a problem that a/xy parses as a/(xy), but you would probably object to 2x^7 being parsed as (2x)^7.
The simplest way to avoid those issues is to use a grammar in which operator precedence is uniformly implemented with unambiguous grammar rules.
Here's an example which implements standard precedence rules (exponentiation takes precedence over unary minus; juxtaposing multiply has the same precedence as explicit multiply). It's worth taking a few minutes to look closely at which non-terminal appears in which production, and think about how that correlates with the desired precedence rules.
%union {
double num;
char *var;
ASTNode *node;
%token <num> NUM
%token <var> VAR
%type <node> expr mult neg expt atom
prgm: // nothing
| prgm '\n'
| prgm error '\n'
| prgm expr '\n'
expr: mult
| expr '+' mult
| expr '-' mult
mult: neg
| mult '*' neg
| mult '/' neg
| mult expt
neg : expt
| '-' neg
expt: atom
| atom '^' neg
atom: NUM
| '(' expr ')'

Extend Antlr grammar file with lists

I have the following assignment about extending an Antlr grammar.
What I've tried is:
I am not sure whether this is the correct solution or not. Can anyone guide me in the right direction?
2 problems here: 1) you have 2 the same alt-labels (# Lists), and 2) you only allow zero or a single expression in your list. It should be this:
: ...
| '(' expr ')' # Parenthesis
| '[' ( expr ( ',' expr )* )? ']' # Lists

Negative expression ANTLR

I'm writing a parser but I don't know why I can't parse this:
Proceso A
varX <- - 4;
I'm getting
line 2:12 extraneous input '-' expecting {NEGOP, '(', '-', INT, DOUBLE, STRING, BOOL, ID}
This is my grammar in ANTLR
Your grammar consists of two lexems matching a character - : SUMOP and NEG. In your case the SUMOP lexem will be always produced by the lexer, because it is defined before NEG lexem. Therefore a rule operatorUnary is never used.
SUMOP : ('+' | '-');
NEG : '-';
: expr SUMOP expr
| operatorUnary expr
operatorUnary: '-';
You should orginize your lexems. For example you can delete the NEG lexem and make use of only the SUMOP lexem.
SUMOP : ('+' | '-');
: SUMOP expr // higher precedence
| expr SUMOP expr // lower precedence
Also it is often a good idea to make an unary negation operator with higher precedence than the binary addition and/or substraction operator. You can achive this by changing the order of rule expr alternatives.

Bison/YACC - avoid reduce/reduce conflict with two negation rules

The following grammar (where INTEGER is a sequence of digits) gives rise to a reduce/reduce conflict, because e.g. -4 can be reduced by expr -> -expr or expr -> num -> -INTEGER. In my grammar, num and expr return different types so that I have to distinguish -num and -expr. My goal is that -5 is reduced by num while e.g. -(...) is an expr. How could I achieve this?
%token INTEGER
%left '+' '-'
start: expr
expr: expr '+' expr
| expr '-' expr
| '-' expr
| '(' expr ')'
| num
For this specific case, you could change the rule for negative expressions to
expr: '-' '(' expr ')'
and only recognize negations on parenthesized expressions. This however won't recognize double-negatives (eg - - x) and, more importantly, won't scale in that it will break if you try to add other unary operators.
Now you could simply put the num rules BEFORE the expr rules and allow the default reduce/reduce conflict resolution to deal with it (the first rule appearing in the file will be used if both are possible), but that's kind of ugly in that you get these conflict warnings every time you run bison, and ignoring them when you don't know exactly what is going on is a bad idea.
The general way of addressing this kind of ambiguity is by factoring the grammar to split the offending rule into two rules and using the appropriate version in each context so that you don't get conflicts. In this case, you'd split expr into num_expr for expressions that start with a num and non_num_expr for other expressions:
expr: num_expr | non_num_expr ;
num_expr: num_expr '+' expr
| num_expr '-' expr
| num
non_num_expr: non_num_expr '+' expr
| non_num_expr '-' expr
| '-' non_num_expr
| '(' expr ')'
Basically, every rule for expr that begins with an expr on the RHS needs to be duplicated, and other uses of expr may need to be changed to one of the variants so as to avoid the conflict.
Unfortunately, in this case, it doesn't work cleanly, as you're using precedence levels to resolve the inherent ambiguity of the expression grammar, and the factored rules get in the way of that -- the extra one-step rules cause problems. So you need to either factor those rules out of existence (duplicating every rule with expr on the RHS -- one with the num_expr version and one with the non_num_version OR you need to refactor your grammar with extra rules for the precedence/associativity
expr: expr '+' term
| expr '-' term
| term
term: non_num_term | num_term ;
non_num_term: '-' non_num_term
| '(' expr ')'
num_term: num ;
Note in this case, the num/non_num factoring has been done on term rather than expr
You are not clear on why num needs to represent negative numbers. I can't tell if you use num elsewhere in your grammar. You also don't say why you want num and expr to be distinct.
Normally, negative numbers are handled at the lexer level. In your case, the rule would be something like -?[0-9]+. This eliminates the need for num at all, and results in the following:
expr: expr '+' expr
| expr '-' expr
| '-' expr
| '(' expr ')'
EDIT: Chris Dodd has a point. So you need to move negation entirely into the parser. You still get rid of num, just don't test for negatives in the INTEGER lexer pattern (i.e. the pattern would be something like [0-9]+, which is what you're doing now, right?). The expr rule I gave above does not change.
A negative number (-5) parses as: '-' INTEGER, which becomes '-' expr (choice 5), then expr (choice 3).
A difference between two integers (3-2) parses as INTEGER '-' INTEGER, which becomes expr - expr (choice 5 twice), then expr (choice 2).
A difference between an integer and a negative integer (5--1) parses as INTEGER '-' '-' INTEGER, which becomes expr '-' '-' expr (choice 5 twice), then expr '-' expr (choice 3), then expr (choice 2).
And so forth. The fundamental problem is you have negation in two different places and there is no way that can't be ambiguous.

How can my ANTLR lexer match a token made of characters that are subset of another kind of token?

I have what I think is a simple ANTLR question. I have two token types: ident and special_ident. I want my special_ident to match a single letter followed by a single digit. I want the generic ident to match a single letter, optionally followed by any number of letters or digits. My (incorrect) grammar is below:
: special_ident
| ident
special_ident : LETTER DIGIT;
LETTER : 'A'..'Z';
DIGIT : '0'..'9';
When I try to check this grammar, I get this warning:
Decision can match input such as "LETTER DIGIT" using multiple alternatives: 1, 2.
As a result, alternative(s) 2 were disabled for that input
I understand that my grammar is ambiguous and that input such as A1 could match either ident or special_ident. I really just want the special_ident to be used in the narrowest of cases.
Here's some sample input and what I'd like it to match:
A : ident
A1 : special_ident
A1A : ident
A12 : ident
AA1 : ident
How can I form my grammar such that I correctly identify my two types of identifiers?
Seems that you have 3 cases:
You could classify the middle one as special_ident and the other two as ident; seems that should do the trick.
I'm a bit rusty with ANTLR, I hope this hint is enough. I can try to write out the expressions for you but they could be wrong:
special_ident : LETTER DIGIT;
ident : LETTER | long_ident;
Expanding on Carl's thought, I would guess you have four different cases:
Only option 2 should be token special_ident and the other three should be ident. All tokens can be identified by syntax alone. Here is a quick grammar I was able to test in ANTLRWorks and it appeared to work properly for me. I think Carl's might have one bug when trying to check AA , but getting you 99% there is a huge benefit, so this is only a minor modification to his quick thought.
: (expr WS)+ EOF;
: special_ident {System.out.println("Found special_ident:" + $special_ident.text + "\n");}
| ident {System.out.println("Found ident:" + $ident.text + "\n");}
special_ident : LETTER DIGIT;
ident : LETTER
LETTER : 'A'..'Z';
DIGIT : '0'..'9';
: (' '|'\t'|'\n'|'\r')+;