Difference Between Unique And Composite Primary key In sql server - sql

I want to know what is the difference between unique key and composite primary key in SQL Server.
According to w3c school:
The UNIQUE constraint uniquely identifies each record in a database table.
The UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints both provide a guarantee for uniqueness for a column or set of columns.
A PRIMARY KEY constraint automatically has a UNIQUE constraint defined on it.
Note that you can have many UNIQUE constraints per table, but only one PRIMARY KEY constraint per table.
We can create composite primary key by using this:
P_Id int NOT NULL,
LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255),
For composite primary key syntax:
P_Id int,
C_Id int,
LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255),
Primary Key (P_Id,C_Id)

The UNIQUE constraint uniquely identifies each record in a database table. This provide a guarantee for uniqueness for a column or set of columns. We can define(point) a single row with this.
A PRIMARY KEY has a UNIQUE constraint by default.
While in some tables, there won't be any columns with a unique value to define a row. In such cases COMPOSITE KEYs are used. In such cases two or more columns are combined together so that this combination is unique.

As you said yourself, the only difference between a unique and a primary key is that there may only be 1 primary key on a table while it can have more unique keys.
Furthermore, the values of a primary key may not be null.
Both unique- and primary keys can be composed of multiple columns (composed key).
By the ways, in your example you had a unique key on the P_Id column and a composed primary key that includes that very same column.
This has no sense.
I would suggest to create only a simple primary key on that P_Id column.

Composite keys are formed of more than one column
Primary key prevents a second row on that table with same key column values.
A Primary key can be formed of a single column and as well as of more than one column. So primary key can be defined as a composite key too.

The primary key does not accept the any duplicate and NULL values.
A primary key of one table can be referenced by foreign key of another table. A table can have more than one unique key unlike primary key. Unique key constraints can accept only one NULL value for column. Unique constraints are also referenced by the foreign key of another table. A composite key is having two or more attributes that together can uniquely identify a tuple in a table. Such a key is also known as Compound Key, where each attribute creating a key is a foreign key in its own right.


Do you need UNIQUE for a column declared as PRIMARY KEY?

I'm following a course which is declaring tables like this:
The SQLite documentation says:
Each row in a table with a primary key must have a unique combination of values in its primary key columns.
A UNIQUE constraint is similar to a PRIMARY KEY constraint, except that a single table may have any number of UNIQUE constraints.
So it looks like you don't need the UNIQUE constraint for primary keys?
Yes a primary key implies unique key, theres no need to use unique again.
for more kindly read:https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/difference-between-primary-key-and-unique-key/

Why is my create table failing? - does not match primary key

This is what I am trying to create:
DeptID char(2) not null,
Vin# char(3) not null,
Miles varchar(6) not null,
Bill# char(3) not null,
EID char(3) not null,
The issue is with my reference to billing. The error says:
The number of columns in the referencing column list for foreign key 'FK__VEHICLERE__Bill#__5AEE82B9' does not match those of the primary key in the referenced table 'Billing'.
but my billing table entered fine:
VIN# char(3),
BILL# char(3),
What am i missing with this?
Appreciate the help.
If you think of the foreign key as establishing a parent-child relationship between two tables, then the parent side column(s) need to be unique.
From Wikipedia:
In the context of relational databases, a foreign key is a field (or collection of fields) in one table that uniquely identifies a row of another table or the same table. ... In simpler words, the foreign key is defined in a second table, but it refers to the primary key or a unique key in the first table.
In your example, there is no guarantee that VIN# is unique in VEHICLEREPORT. Below are your options
VIN# is guaranteed to be unique in VEHICLEREPORT. In this case add a UNIQUE constraint on VIN# on the VEHICLEREPORT table. The error will go away.
VIN# is not unique in VEHICLEREPORT (doesn't seem likely). If this is the case, then likely there is a flaw in the design of your BILLING table as it could likely point to more than one row in VEHICLEREPORT. You should consider adding DeptID column to BILLING and creating a composite foreign key.
Also if VIN# is unique (case 1 above), you should think of why DeptID is present in the PK. Maybe the right fix at the end is to drop DeptID from the primary key.

How to use two columns in a foreign key constraint

I have two tables:
In the Article table I have two columns that make up the primary key: id, sl. In the Subscription table I have a foreign key 'idsl`.
I use this constraint :
constraint FK_idsl
foreign key (idsl) references CSS_SubscriptionGroup(id, sl)
But when I run the query, I getting this error:
Number of referencing columns in foreign key differs from number of referenced columns, table X
In Article Table I have two fields that are the primary key: id,sl. In the Subscription Table I have a foreign key 'idsl`
This design is broken - it is apparent that the composite primary key in Article(id, sl) has been mangled into a single compound foreign key in table Subscription. This isn't a good idea.
Instead, you will need to change the design of table Subscription to include separate columns for both id and sl, of the same type as the Article Table, and then create a composite foreign key consisting of both columns, referencing Article in the same order as the primary key, e.g:
-- Other Columns
CONSTRAINT PK_Article PRIMARY KEY(id, sl) -- composite primary key
CREATE TABLE Subscription
-- Other columns
id INT NOT NULL, -- Same type as Article.id
sl VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, -- Same type as Article.sl
CONSTRAINT FK_Subscription_Article FOREIGN KEY(id, sl)
REFERENCES Article(id, sl) -- Same order as Article PK
One thing to consider here is that by convention a column named table.id or table.tableid should be unique, and is the primary key for the table. However, since table Article requires an additional column sl in the primary key, it implies that id isn't unique.
correct syntax for relation:
CONSTRAINT FK_OtherTable_ParentTable
FOREIGN KEY(OrderId, CompanyId) REFERENCES dbo.ParentTable(OrderId, CompanyId)
You must try like this:
constraint FK_idsl foreign key (id,sl) references CSS_SubscriptionGroup(id,sl)

Using a foreign key as part of a composite primary key

I have two tables in SQL Server. The first is all the 1:1 relationships that belong to individual jobs, which has the primary key declared as follows:
JobNumber bigint PRIMARY KEY )
The second table is the list of all of the jobs' components and their 1:1 relationships.
Each component refers to a single job by its job number, which is a foreign key, and multiple components may refer to the same job. Components are numbered within jobs as 1, 2, 3 and so on.
Is it possible and reasonable to use the column JobNumber (foreign key) within a composite primary key in the 2nd table, so that the primary key would be made up of (JobNumber, ComponentNumber) as follows:
CREATE TABLE Components(
JobNumber bigint FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Jobs(JobNumber) NOT NULL,
ComponentNumber int NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(JobNumber, ComponentNumber)
The other option is, of course, to use a surrogate primary key, but this would not enforce the uniqueness constraint on the combination of JobNumber and ComponentNumber (two records in the 2nd table could have JobNumber=1 and ComponentNumber=1, for example), so I would prefer to use a composite natural primary key.
Sure, why not? I don't see any reason not to use the composite primary key!
The only minor drawback is that any other table that needs to reference your Components table now also must use both columns to establish a foreign key relationship - you cannot reference only half of the primary key of a table.
Also: if you would choose to use a separate surrogate column as your PK, you can always enforce uniqueness with a unique constraint on (JobNumber, ComponentNumber) ....

sql single primary key

While reading articles on w3schools about SQL primary keys I read the following:
Each table should have a primary key, and each table can have only ONE primary key.
Yet I have this SQL file, for making a table, which I ran and worked:
CREATE TABLE accessLog (
pageUrl VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (memberId, pageUrl)
Now according the the primary key quote above, the line of code: " PRIMARY KEY(memberId, pageUrl)," should not have worked.
Any help on this about how you can have more than ony primary key in a table. Note:I already know about the "UNIQUE", "UNIQUE KEY" statement.
This is a composite primary key - it's still one key, but it's comprised of multiple columns. Here's a good, short description of composite primary keys.
It is a composite primary key . When you define more than one column as your primary key on a table, it is called a composite primary key.
Your quote
"Each table should have a primary key, and each table can have only ONE primary key."
is misleading. It's equivalent to saying that each state can have only one capital city, or that each company can have only one Chief executive officer.
Of course each table can have only one PRIMARY key. But any table can have multiple Unique Keys. And, frankly, does not have to have any one of them designated as "PRIMARY". In fact designating one key as PRIMARY key does absolutely nothing at all. There is only one distinction (except as noted below) attached to the Primary Key which is not also associated with all keys.
EDIT ... except for one small distinction. If a key is designated as the Primary key, then all the fields used in that key must be non-nullable. Other Unique keys are not required to honor this rule, although rows in the table which contain nulls must still be unique, in that there cannot be more thab one row with the same values for all the non-nullable field and a null value in a nullable field.