translate hql into sql with parameters binded - sql

our application builds hql query dynamically based on the filters provided. Now i have a use case where i need to translate the generated hql to sql and feed that to jasper reports for report generation. here is what i was able to do so far:
translate hql to sql:
private String toSql(String hql){
QueryTranslatorFactory translatorFactory = new ASTQueryTranslatorFactory();
Session session =;
SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactoryImplementor = (SessionFactoryImplementor)session.getSessionFactory();
Map<String,Filter> filters = getEnabledFilters(session);
QueryTranslator translator = translatorFactory.createQueryTranslator(hql,hql,filters,sessionFactoryImplementor,null);
return translator.getSQLString();
Below is an example of what i get from above method:
select person from Person person where in (?);
is there a way i can get "?" binded to actual values? example: (20,30) and query should look like:
select person from Person person where in (20,30);
NOTE: : I also have filters enabled on session, i need to be able to bind those values as well.


How can use executeQueryWithParameters with SQLBuilderSelectExpression to join an x++/sql statement in Microsoft Dynamics?

In Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, they describe a method of creating SQL statements "as objects, as opposed to text", but this is somewhat of a lie. They use the objects to create the text which then populates str sqlStatement = selectExpr.getExpression(null);
This sqlStatement would then feed the obsolete statement.executeQuery(sqlStatement);.
I can make the warning go away by using executeQueryWithParameters() with an empty map (SqlParams::create()) as the second parameter, but this seems to be "cheating".
Is there a way I can/should refactor the following to populate the map correctly?
SQLBuilderSelectExpression selectExpression = SQLBuilderSelectExpression::construct();
SQLBuilderTableEntry vendTable = selectExpression.addTableId(tableNum(VendTable));
SQLBuilderTableEntry dirPartyTable = vendTable.addJoinTableId(tableNum(DirPartyTable));
SQLBuilderFieldEntry accountNum = vendTable.addFieldId(fieldNum(VendTable, AccountNum));
SQLBuilderFieldEntry name = dirPartyTable.addFieldId(fieldNum(DirPartyTable, Name));
SQLBuilderFieldEntry dataAreaId = vendTable.addFieldId(fieldNum(VendTable, dataAreaId));
SQLBuilderFieldEntry blocked = vendTable.addFieldId(fieldNum(VendTable, Blocked));
vendTable.addRange(dataAreaId, curext());
vendTable.addRange(blocked, CustVendorBlocked::No);
selectExpression.addSelectFieldEntry(SQLBuilderSelectFieldEntry::newExpression(accountNum, 'AccountNum'));
selectExpression.addSelectFieldEntry(SQLBuilderSelectFieldEntry::newExpression(name, 'Name'));
str sqlStatement = selectExpression.getExpression(null);
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQueryWithParameters(sqlStatement, SqlParams::create());
Below is how you would write your code as a standard X++ query. However, I must note that what you're doing may not be the best approach.
DirPartyTable is a special table in AX as it supports inheritance, so you should make sure you fully understand the framework. See:
VendTable vendTable;
DirPartyTable dirPartyTable;
while select AccountNum from vendTable
where vendTable.Blocked == CustVendorBlocked::No
// DataAreaId along with Partition, are automatically included in the query context depending
// on the company context you're executing the code from
// && vendTable.dataAreaId == curext()
join Name from dirPartyTable
where dirPartyTable.RecId == vendTable.Party
info(strFmt("Account: %1; Name: %2", vendTable.AccountNum, dirPartyTable.Name));
Regarding an AOT query, look in the AOT at \Queries\VendTableListPage and expand the data sources and learn from it.
Regardless of what OP is trying to do with the query, the answer to the question of "how do I correctly replace executeQuery with executeQueryWithParameters" can be found in the following article.
The new *WithParameters APIs were introduced as a way to mitigate sql injection attacks which may occur when building up sql strings manually with un-sanitized sql parameters as input.
Snippet of the code example from above doc shows how to correctly populate the map to match the sql statement:
str sql = #"
SET Wages.Wage = Wages.Wage * #percent
WHERE Wages.Level = #Level";
Map paramMap = SqlParams::create();
paramMap.add('percent', 1.1); // 10 percent increase
paramMap.add('Level', 'Manager'); // Management increase
int cnt = statement.executeUpdateWithParameters(sql, paramMap);

chain string expression linq

In traditional sql we can chain expression according to if statements.
for example lets say I have variable called "firstName" and I want to get from database all users according to the value in this variable(if empty get all users)
so I will chain the sql string like that
string sql="";
sql=String.format(" And firstname='{0}',firstName)
.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandType.Text,"select * from users where 1=1" + sql)
Is there a way to copy this Technique to linq expression?
something like
from U in user
where 1=1 & sql
select U
Change to method syntax instead of query syntax, and chaining is easy.
var query = user.Select(u => u);
query = query.Where(u => u.firstname = firstname);
queries in query syntax are converted at compile-time, so there's not a mechanism to "inject" sql at run time using query syntax.

Hibernate return empty result if using LIKE condition with univarchar columns (Sybase)

Let's suppose I have a table: Person(Name: univarchar) and this table contains a row "abc".
I search Person by using Hibernate (Criteria API and HQL):
Criteria API:
Criteria c = session.createCriteria(Person.class);
return c.list();
String query = "from Person where lower(name) like :name";
Query q = session.createQuery(query);
return query.list();
It return empty result. However, when I use Interactive SQL of Sybase to execute SQL statement that is generated by Hibernate, it return a row "abc".
I found a solution for HQL case. This is to use rtrim function:
String query = "from Person where lower(rtrim(name)) like :name";
But my problem is I want to use Criteria API and I cannot find any ways to trim name column by using Criteria API.
Thanks and sorry for my poor English.
Have you tried with this code :
Criteria c = session.createCriteria(Person.class);
return c.list();
If this will not work then Read this. Its similar Just he wants to trim while Order you want to trim while Restrictions.

Linq to sql - get value from db function and not directly from the db field (while mapping properties)

When you map a table to an object, every property created corresponds to one db column.
I want to execute a db function on a column before it gets mapped to the property, so the property gets the value returned by the db function, and not the column
I was trying to achieve that by Expression property of ColumnAttribute (as in the example below), so instead of BirthDate the usrFn_UTCToLocalTime(BirthDate) is returned
but it does not seem to be working and still gets pure value of the column.
[global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute(Storage = "_BirthDate", DbType = "DateTime", UpdateCheck = UpdateCheck.Never, Expression = "dbo.usrFn_UTCToLocalTime(BirthDate)")]
public System.Nullable<System.DateTime> BirthDate
return this._BirthDate;
I have also modified the DBML XML as in:
other post on stackoverflow
but also without result.
Is that possible by using LINQ or do I have to overwrite a getter which costs roundtrip to the server?
According to the Remarks section on this MSDN page, the Expression property of the ColumnAttribute is used when calling CreateDatabase, so it won't work the way you intend unless you created your database with Linq to Sql.
You can create a Linq query that selects the various columns and calls the db function in one statement like this (based on MSDN example):
var qry = from person in db.Persons
select new {
FirstName = person.FirstName,
LastName = person.LastName,
BirthDate = person.BirthDate,
Dob = db.usrFn_UTCToLocalTime(person.BirthDate)
This projects into an anonymous type, but you could use a non-anonymous type as well. For the sake of the example, I've got a table named Person with FirstName, LastName, and BirthDate columns, and a user defined scalar function named usrFn_UTCToLocalTime. The sql statement sent to the server is:
SELECT [t0].[FirstName], [t0].[LastName], [t0].[BirthDate], CONVERT(DateTime,[dbo].[usrFn_UTCToLocalTime]([t0].[BirthDate])) AS [Dob]
FROM [dbo].[Person] AS [t0]
As I was suggesting in the question, for now I have overwritten the get method so I have:
using (var context = DB.Data.DataContextFactory.CreateContext())
return context.usrFn_UTCToLocalTime(_BirthDate);
//return this._BirthDate;
But with every access to the property, roundtrip is made - which is not my intention but gives a proper result.
I leave the question still open

multiple parameter "IN" prepared statement

I was trying to figure out how can I set multiple parameters for the IN clause in my SQL query using PreparedStatement.
For example in this SQL statement, I'll be having indefinite number of ?.
select * from ifs_db where img_hub = ? and country IN (multiple ?)
I've read about this in
PreparedStatement IN clause alternatives?
However I can't figure it out how to apply it to my SQL statement above.
There's not a standard way to handle this.
In SQL Server, you can use a table-valued parameter in a stored procedure and pass the countries in a table and use it in a join.
I've also seen cases where a comma-separated list is passed in and then parsed into a table by a function and then used in a join.
If your countries are standard ISO codes in a delimited list like '#US#UK#DE#NL#', you can use a rather simplistic construct like:
select * from ifs_db where img_hub = ? and ? LIKE '%#' + country + '#%'
Sormula will work for any data type (even custom types). This example uses int's for simplicity.
ArrayList<Integer> partNumbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// set up
Database database = new Database(getConnection());
Table<Inventory> inventoryTable = database.getTable(Inventory.class);
ArrayListSelectOperation<Inventory> operation =
new ArrayListSelectOperation<Inventory>(inventoryTable, "partNumberIn");
// show results
for (Inventory inventory: operation.selectAll(partNumbers))
You could use setArray method as mentioned in the javadoc below:, java.sql.Array)
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("Select * from test where field in (?)");
Array array = statement.getConnection().createArrayOf("VARCHAR", new Object[]{"AA1", "BB2","CC3"});
statement.setArray(1, array);
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery();