Does Cronet support requests queueing?What is the limit? - chromium

Does Cronet support queueing outgoing requests when using HTTP/2 or QUIC? and if so, is it unbounded/has large limit? Is an error returned if the application exceeds the max allowed in-flight requests?

As long as you use the same Cronet engine, it uses Chrome's connection limit and request queuing behavior. The allowed limit of simultaneous in-flight requests/streams is 256 for Http2 and 100 for Quic. No, there is no error when exceeding the max, we just delay creating the streams until there are free slots on the session.


What are the session limits in Voximplant?

I received the "JS error: Exceeded the total HTTP connection count limit!", error in Voximplant Platform today, but I can't find the limits. Where do I find this information?
There are some restrictions in Voximplant Javascript engine. One of them limits number of concurrent HTTP requests being made from the call scenario - only 3 requests can be processed simultaneously.
You should consider adjusting scenario flow to reduce number of simultaenous requests. For example, you can use httpRequestAsync and chain requests using await.
Full list of sandbox restrictions can be found here.

Outgoing data Service Bus for Windows Server

For the Service Bus for Windows Server performance counters are available for the number of incoming and outgoing messages per second. But a performance counter for the average incoming or outgoing messages in bytes is also available. But is there also a performance counter (or another solution) for the incoming (and/or) outgoing bytes for the service bus? (not network because it is for a development machine)
Thanks in advance
All the counters seem to be documented here:
This is no specific counter for total bytes in/out. If you can't do that with a network performance counter, it seems the only workaround is to multiply the number of messages in or out by the average message size.

What is the maximum size of webRTC data channel messages?

I'm experimenting with webRTC and it seems that there's an arbitrary limit to how many bytes can be sent in each message. This guy whose example I used chose a limit of 100 (plus some) bytes. In my tests it seems to be close to 200 bytes. However from reading on TCP and UDP those protocols support packages of up to around 65kb and even when taking the MTU for different types of networks into account it should still be a lot more space available than ~200 bytes.
The only source I've found that mentions a hard limit is this WebRTC Data Channel Protocol draft but it only says TBD.
So my questions are:
if there's any source that specifies the current message size limit in any browser?
if I can assume that the limit is always the same, and if not if there's any way my app can be made aware of the limit?
The sharefest project found a way around the rate throttling - you can modify the outgoing offer to change the bandwidth setting (per
Details here:
From my own experience you're still limited to ~800 bytes per message.
I've been testing sending jpegs to chrome 57 over the data channel, and messages up to 64k seem to be reliable now.
The webRTC data channel does have a reliability mechanism, it uses SCTP over DTLS (over UDP) - SCTP lets you set reliability and ordering behaviour, but by default WebRTC uses ordered+reliable - meaning you get similar semantics to that of TCP - except that the message boundaries are preserved - at least in theory.
In practice Chrome may deliver partial messages up to the javascript if it runs out of space so it is best to check that you have a complete message before processing it.

Does NetTcpBinding.MaxConnections limit the number of concurrent connections to an endpoint or…?

Book Essential WCF claims that NetTcpBinding.MaxConnections limits the number of connections to an endpoint. Thus if property is set to value of 10, then only 10 concurrent connections will be allowed to that endpoint.
But the following blog claims this property this property doesn’t limit the number of concurrent connections, but instead only specifies max number of connections that will be cached and reused by another channel:
MaxConnections for TCP is not a hard
and fast limit, but rather a knob on
the connections that we will cache in
our connection pool. That is, if you
set MaxConnections=2, you can still
open 4 client channels on the same
factory simultaneously. However, when
you close all of these channels, we
will only keep two of these
connections around (subject to
IdleTimeout of course) for future
channel usage. This helps performance
in cases where you are creating and
disposing client channels. This knob
will also apply to the equivalent
usage on the server-side as well (that
is, when a server-side channel is
closed, if we have less than
MaxConnections in our server-side pool
we will initiate I/O to look for
another new client channel).
So which is true?
First of all, you mean NetTcpBinding.MaxConnections, right?
Yes, thank you ... I've corrected the typo
See official docs at and especially - the behavior is actually different depending if it's the server or the client, but in no case is it a hard limit on the number of connections. (On the client, it's a limit on the connections that are pooled, and on the server it's a limit on connections that haven't been accepted yet by the ServiceModel layer).
a) I assume by “pooled” you mean number of connection that will be reused by other channels. But the blog says this is the case for both client and the server, while if I understand you correctly, you’re saying on server it means number of connections waiting to be accepted by ServiceModel layer?
Thus if property is set to 10, then only 10 connections will be allowed to wait to be accepted and if another connection tries to wait, it will immediately be rejected?
First of all, you mean NetTcpBinding.MaxConnections, right?
See official docs at and especially - the behavior is actually different depending if it's the server or the client, but in no case is it a hard limit on the number of connections. (On the client, it's a limit on the connections that are pooled, and on the server it's a limit on connections that haven't been accepted yet by the ServiceModel layer).

Will the maximum limit of configuration property MaxReceivedMessageSize in wcf affects service performance?

I'm getting the following communication exception for my wcf service making cal to another wcf service:
"The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded. To increase the quota, use the MaxReceivedMessageSize property on the appropriate binding element."
I resolved this by increasing the size as below:
But, here I want to know whether any side effects of increasing message size to such big level.
Yes - it might. The reason WCF keeps this limit low (64K) by default is this: imagine your server is busy responding to requests, say dozens or hundreds, and they all require the maximum message size.
Potentially, your server could have to allocate dozens or hundreds of message buffers at the same time - if you have 100 users and each requests 64K, that's 6.4 MByte - but if you have 200 users and each requests 5 MB - that's a gigabyte of RAM in the server - just for the message buffers, for one service.
So yes - putting a limit on the max message size does make sense and it helps manage your server's memory consumption (and thus performance). If you open it up too wide, an attacker might just do such an attack - flooding your server with bogus requests, each allocating as much memory as they can get, ultimately bringing your server down (Denial of Service attacks like that are quite common).
You need to increase the quota according to the web service. One side effect I can think of if you use very large values is that memory usage will increase but you can safely increase it to a suitable value without any adverse effects.