Send order shipping and billing address to a payment gateway - sylius

In our project we need to integrate a custom payment gateway. We need to do SOAP calls to the gateway and in the call to make the payment, we need to include several data related to the order like shipping and billing Address.
Working with Sylius and Payum, wich should be the best way to get this data from the order? maybe injecting the order repository in the Convert or CaptureAction and get the order data from there?

sorry, now i found that i can get the order from the Payment.
With this i can get all the data i need.


How to retrieve listing price data for specific event using ticketmaster's developer API?

I made a Ticketmaster developer account and I would like to pull listing price data for specific events. I am able to retrieve this type of listing data for specific events using Stubhub's API, but looking through Ticketmaster's API documentation, I don't see any specific API requests that will return listing data, such as section, row and listing_price.
Am I missing something, or is it not possible to retrieve this type of listing data using Ticketmaster's API?
For anyone who stumbles upon this in the future, TicketMaster does offer this functionality through their availability endpoint. However you have to be a TM nexus partner to use it, and getting approved as a partner depends on what your business/software does and income etc...

How to determine if a Shopify order was placed via the Amazon channel?

I am querying the Shopify API for a specific order and I would like to know how to determine if the order was placed in our Amazon Seller channel and sent to Shopify as it is described in Shopify's documentation: On the section "Fulfilling Orders" of that page it reads:
All new orders placed through Amazon appear in your orders list and
are marked as Amazon.
A real JSON response from the Order API looks like this:
I could not find any indication that the order might come via Amazon. I did find the fulfillment service (just a simple Ctrl F "amazon") but that is a different thing.
Being a Shopify Plus customer we asked their Guru Support team how they implement the "marked as Amazon" part and the response was:
Guru: Looking at all your orders you won't be able to
differentiate. When you click through to a singular order though,
you'll be able to see in its timeline that it came from Amazon instead
of your Online store.
My team: mmm so if I connect though the API
"orders.json?id=xxxx" the only way I can check it came from amazon is
though the timeline?
Guru: As far as I'm aware that's the case. I can check with our
development team to see if there's another indicator. Would I be able
to email you back with any additional findings?
Of course my team is still waiting on an answer from them but I bet someone at SO has already been in this situation before.
Some might want to know why I need to know the order source. We are sending these orders from Shopify into Netsuite via a Celigo connector. Amazon orders need to hit a different GL account than the normal Shopify orders and my task is to code the correct mapping based on some differentiating element or name/value pair from the JSON response.
When an order comes down the JSON has a field called source_name and the value should be something like this: sell-on-amazon

Link Shippo Transaction to Shopify Order

I am attempting to work on some integration with Shopify and Shippo, part of the process is sending an email to our warehouse including the order line items with the Shipping Label attached as a PDF.
When we create the label in Shippo, the fulfillment information is updated in Shopify correctly, but I was wondering if there was any way to link the two back up reliably from an API perspective since the Shippo API appears to not include any invoice information. I see a link to an internal order object, but the API docs don't seem to stipulate any further information and the Shopify Fulfillment record does not appear to include any Shippo object id.
The only thing I see if the Shippo Order Metadata field which includes the order number, so I suppose I could parse this and make the request to Shopify's API but I would prefer a more concrete link if one is available.
We (I'm working on Shippo's product team) currently don't officially support Shopify Fulfillments with Shippo API label purchases.
That said, we have an Orders API endpoint in beta. The Orders endpoint allows you to retrieve all Orders of a Shippo account, including those imported automatically from Shopify. Each order, like all other Shippo resources, has an object_id field.
When you create a label through the Shippo API's Transaction endpoint, you can link the Order to the Transaction by sending the additional flag order, setting it to the object_id of the corresponding Order (e.g.: { ... "order": "<order-object-id>" ... }). This will trigger the corresponding Fulfillment of the order on its shopping cart platform, in your case Shopify.
Feel free to reach out to if you have more questions about this endpoint. Please keep in mind that it is still in closed beta and the endpoint might change in the future.

Bigcommerce custom shipping handling

I have a client who wants an eCommerce site but they have to have a custom shipping service. The way shipping will work will be as follows:
When the online customer is placing the order and is shown the shipping page, this page must query the custom shipping service passing all the order information (as JSON). The shipping service will return a JSON array containing ShipmentOption objects. Each ShipmentOption object contains the shipping method name and the total price of shipping the items on the order to the online customer's address.
Can the BigCommerce platform handle the above requirement? If yes, can you please send me the URL to the pages that explain to me how to set this up or send me the instructions please?
This isn't possible to accomplish with Bigcommerce, but you may be able to use ShipperHQ to host the same logic and get similar, if not the same, quotes.

How to complete purchase with eBay trading API

I was able to make an offer using PlaceOfferRequest (XML). What should I do in order to complete the purchase and update the shipping address to where he/she should ship the Item?
I'm using XML in order to post the request.
While I can't find any official resource stating that completing purchases isn't possible, I'm 99% sure that its simply not possible. All you can do is redirect the user to the payments page, using this template for the URL:
Where DOMAIN could be, for example, "" or just "".