Using a variable in coded date - vba

I am trying to pull all data entries that are within a userform selected month and year. I can get the code to run fine when I hard code the year but I want the year to come off of a text box. I converted the Textbox value to an integer using Cint() and dim'd it to "Year" in my if statement. I can get it to work if I write Cdate("3/1/2016"), but I want see if there is a way to run it like: Cdate("3/1/Year"). I tried it this way and get a typematch error on the Cdate Im pretty new to VBA so excuse my stupidity.
Ignore the "Month" variable I was just using that to put a stop on the code and step it through to see if it would enter my if statement.
Thanks in advance.
My Code
Private Sub OKBtn_Click()
Dim Sales As Range
Dim Year As Integer
Dim Month As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Year = CInt(YearText.Value)
Set Sales = Worksheets("Sales").Range("A4")
i = 0
If Sales.Offset(i, 1).Value >= CDate("3/1/2016") And Sales.Offset(i, 1).Value <= CDate(" 3/31/2016 ") Then
Month = 1
End If

In order for the CDate to work, you need to seperate the stings inside the brackets to 2 parts
1.The constant, in your case "3/1/".
2.And the variable, CInt(YearText.Value).
Option Explicit
Private Sub OKBtn_Click()
Dim DDate As Date
DDate = CDate("3/1/" & CInt(YearText.Value))
' for debug only
MsgBox "Date entered is :" & DDate
End Sub


Getting the date format in VBA in the correct form

I am trying to reference a file that has the date of the previous Friday at the end in the form of mm.dd.yy.
I need to now take that date and add it to the end of a string, to end of a string in order to open select the other workbook. This is what I have right now.
File Name:
Submittals Wk Ending 06.02.17.xlsx
This is what I have so far
Dim wrbk As String
Dim weekdate As String
weekdate = Range("a1").Value
'weekdate = Range("b1").Value
msgbox weekdate 'use to check what the date format is
wrbk = "Submittals Wk Ending " & weekdate
Windows(wrbk & ".xlsx").Activate
When I read it from B2 with the typed in format of 06.02.17 it works, however no matter what I do, I cannot get it to read it from A1 because it changes the format to m/d/yyyy. I have tried to copy it and paste as value. Nothing seems to work.
I have the other workbook open as well when I try to run it.
Any ideas? Thanks!
To get the previous Friday of any date, try below UDF. This should work fine if the Date NumberFormat is same as your System's Date format. The key is the CDate() which converts according to System's Date format which Office apps defaults to.
Option Explicit
Function GetLastFridayDate(AnyDate As Variant) As Date
Dim dInput As Date, dLastFriday As Date
dInput = CDate(AnyDate)
dLastFriday = dInput - Weekday(dInput) + vbFriday - IIf(Weekday(dInput) > vbFriday, 0, 7)
GetLastFridayDate = dLastFriday
End Function
Range("A1").Value = Format$(Date - Weekday(Date) - 1, "MM.DD.YY")

VBA to select specified date range in pivot table filter

I am trying to automate selection of dates in the report filter section of pivot table using vba. The idea is that the user puts in the start and end date before running the macro. The code will first clear all filters and then select all dates that appear between the specified dates. I have the below code which works fine as long as there is data present for specified dates but throws an error when there is no data.
Any help for a work around of the error will be highly appreciated.
Sub PivotFilter()
Dim pvtF As PivotField
Dim pvtI As PivotItem
Dim StartDate As Date
Dim EndDate As Date
StartDate = Cells(2, 3)
EndDate = Cells(4, 3)
Worksheets("Pivots").PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("Date Received").ClearAllFilters
Set pvtF = Worksheets("Pivots").PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("Date Received")
For Each pvtI In pvtF.PivotItems
If DateValue(pvtI.Name) >= StartDate And DateValue(pvtI.Name) <= EndDate Then
pvtI.Visible = True
pvtI.Visible = False
End If
Next pvtI
End Sub
Believe it or not that's actually 'proper' behavior. A pivot table can't have all items with visible set to false otherwise excel throws an error.
You can check the # of visible items of a pivot field using the .VisibleItems.Count property.
As a bit of kludge you can create a last entry in your table with a clearly invalid date like "Dec 31, 2099" and use the above property so it's the last one showing in your pivot table without incurring an error. With that entry and changing pvtI.Visible = False in your code to this:
If pvtF.VisibleItems.Count <> 1 Then pvtI.Visible = False
at least you'll get rid of the error while showing a date that's clearly not in the range.

Using VBA to check if a cell contains a date and if so advancing the date one month

I have a column of data (C) that has many cells that contain dates. I am trying to create a macro that checks to see if each cell contains a date and if it does then advance the date on month. I have the code to advance the date one month from here and it works fine but I am not sure how to replace the range with a dynamic range that evaluates all cells in column C. If possible I would also like to eliminate the need for a loop. Here is what I have so far.
Sub IncreaseMonth()
Dim dDate As Date
Dim NumberofTasks As Integer
NumberofTasks = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Dashboard").Range("Number_of_Tasks")
Dim x As Integer
For x = 1 To NumberofTasks
dDate = Range("C30").Value
Range("C30").Value = _
DateSerial(Year(dDate), _
Month(dDate) + 1, Day(dDate))
Next x
End Sub
Try something like the code below (I use DateAdd function to add 1 Month to the current date value)
Sub IncreaseMonth()
Dim dDate As Date
Dim NumberofTasks As Long
Dim x As Long
With Worksheets("Dashboard")
' I suspect you want to get the last row with data in Column C
NumberofTasks = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
For x = 1 To NumberofTasks
If IsDate(.Range("C" & x).Value) Then '<-- check if current cell at Column C is Date
.Range("C" & x).Value = DateAdd("m", 1, .Range("C" & x).Value) '<-- add 1 Month to current date in Column c, use DateAdd function
End If
Next x
End With
End Sub
This snippet should put you on the right track. I'm making a couple of assumptions here. The first is that you have a named range called "Number_of_Tasks" on which you wish to operate. Second is that all values in this range are a valid date. If values could be an invalid date (like a blank) you should check for this before setting the value.
You will also wish to ensure that the month does not become invalid. Incrementing the month past December will not be a valid date.
Sub IncreaseMonth()
Dim tempCell As Range
For Each tempCell In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Dashboard").Range("Number_of_Tasks")
tempCell.Value = DateSerial(Year(tempCell.value), Month(tempCell.value) + 1, Day(tempCell.value))
Next tempCell

VBA - Converting a mixed row ( Data Type wise) to Date

I have an excel sheet, one of the columns is mixed with Dates and Dates that has been copied to it as text ( see below ).
I dont manage to convert the text type to Date type, i need to do it though VBA to add it to some automation im working on. is there a way to do this at all ?
I noticed excel is looking for format like this 03/09/2016 23:39:57 and it doesn't like 3/21/16 11:07:22 PM, apparently this is my case :) every look i run i get ( obviously data mismatch ), in the image bellow the spoken column is "C"
thx :)
ExcelSheet bad Date format
Assuming wvery bad dates are MM/DD/YYYY, then you could use the following code that I wrote for you:
Sub main()
Dim celda As Range
Dim s_date As String
Dim s_time As String
Dim validate_date As String
Dim valid_date As String
Dim date_arr() As String
Dim rango As Range
Dim limit As Long
limit = Columns("B").Find("", Cells(Rows.Count, "B")).Row - 1
Set rango = ActiveSheet.Range("B2:B" & limit)
' works only for date values, another value would return non expected values
For Each celda In rango
validate_date = Left(celda.Value, 1)
If validate_date <> "" Then
If Not celda.Rows.Hidden Then
If validate_date <> "0" Then
s_date = Trim(Mid(celda.Value, 1, InStr(1, celda.Value, " ") - 1))
s_time = Trim(Mid(celda.Value, InStr(1, celda.Value, " "), Len(celda.Value) - InStr(1, celda.Value, " ")))
date_arr = Split(s_date, "/")
valid_date = date_arr(1)
valid_date = valid_date & "/0" & date_arr(0)
valid_date = valid_date & "/" & date_arr(2)
valid_date = valid_date & " " & s_time
celda.Offset(0, 1).Value = CDate(valid_date)
End If
End If
End If
Next celda
End Sub
In order to use this code you should insert one empty column to the right from target. Second, you should to select entire C column and run the macro.
Edit 1. Ok, this macro autoselect column B. Select column dates is not necessary now.
Excel has parsed the dates according to your Windows Regional Settings short date format. Those that it could not parse (where the month>12) it left as text. Since there was initially a difference between the date format in the text file, and the date format in your Windows Regional settings, it is likely that many of the dates that appear as dates (or as unformatted numbers) were converted incorrectly.
You have a few options:
Import the text file using the Get External Data tab From Text option on the Data Ribbon. This will open up the text import wizard and allow you to specify the date format of the data being imported.
Change your Windows Regional settings short date format to match that in the text file.
Those are probably the two simplest options. The first can be automated through VBA. The second, not so much.

Excel VBA - Month in "mmmm" format

I need to use the current and the previous month in "mmmm" format, and the best solution I found is MonthName(Month(Date)).
However, Excel keeps giving me:
Compile Error: Object Required
And it's driving me crazy. I'm pretty new to VBA so can anyone explain what I am doing wrong here?
Sub test()
Dim CurrentMonth As Variant
Dim PreviousMonth As Variant
Set CurrentMonth = MonthName(Month(SetupSheet.Range("C9"))) '<-------HERE
Set PreviousMonth = MonthName(Month(SetupSheet.Range("C9") - 1))
End Sub
You don't need to use Set. You only use that if you are passing Object to a variable.
This line returns a String and not an Object (e.g. Range, Worksheet, Chart, etc.)
MonthName(Month(SetupSheet.Range("C9"))) 'if C9 contains a valid date format
So to pass it to CurrentMonth variable, simply assign it using = sign:
CurrentMonth = MonthName(Month(SetupSheet.Range("C9")))
Lowercase 'm' is minute. Uppercase 'M' is for month.