Get all hashes exists in redis - redis

I'm have hashes in redis cache like:
Hash Key Value
hashme:1 Hello World
hashme:2 Here Iam
myhash:1 Next One
My goal is to get the Hashes as output in the CLI like:
If there's no such option, this is ok too:
I didn't find any relevant command for it in Redis API.
Any suggestions ?

You can use the SCAN command to get all keys from Redis. Then for each key, use the TYPE command to check if it's a hash.
With Redis 6.0, the SCAN command supports TYPE subcommand, and you can use this subcommand to scan all keys of a specified type:
SCAN 0 TYPE hash
Also never use KEYS command in production environment!!! It's a dangerous command which might block Redis for a long time.

keys *
is work for me. you Can try it.

The idea of redis (and others K/v stores) is for you to build an index. The database won't do it for you. It's a major difference with relational databases, which conributes to better performances.
So when your app creates a hash, put its key into a SET. When your app deletes a hash, remove its key from the SET. And then to get the list of hash IDs, just use SMEMBERS to get the content of the SET.

connection.keys('*') this will bring all the keys irrespective of the data type as everything in redis is stored as key value format

for redis in python, you can use below command to retrieve keys from redis db
def standardize_list(bytelist):
return [x.decode('utf-8') for x in bytelist]
>>> standardize_list(r.keys())
['hat:1236154736', 'hat:56854717', 'hat:1326692461']
here r variable is redis connection object


Delete large number of keys in Redis

I have a large number of simple keys to delete from Redis with a prefix and I am trying to find the most efficient way to do this atomically inside a transaction with Lua script:
Iterate with SCAN and DEL keys?
Iterate with SCAN and EXPIRE each key?
Iterate with SCAN and UNLINK keys?
Which of the above is the recommended way to proceed? Shall I have a different approach - like using a hash and multiple keys inside hash? Would any of the above be any problem in case of Redis cluster?
I would suggest to go with unlink with batch processing like following and it will clear the memory in efficient way. I don't suggest expiry as redis will look 10times(this default configuration) within 1second to delete expired keys and it may not be efficient way.
redis-cli --scan --pattern 'prefix:*' | xargs -L 1000 redis-cli unlink
if your keys are simple strings, you can organise your prefixes inside hashes, with keys as name/value pairs.
Then, just drop the entire hash.
PS: Yes you have to rewrite all your read queries, but the performance impact should be negligible?
PS2: Doesn't address the clustered Redis problems.
A Redis Lua script must be provided explicitly with all key names it touches via the KEYS array. All three approaches violate that principle as they fetch the key names with SCAN.

In Redis is it possible to find all hashes with a key containing a specified value?

I am using Jedis, and new to both that and Redis itself. I have db that stores hashes, and need to find all keys in the db that contain an entry with a specified key and a specified value. EG: "find all hashes in the db that have key/value of STATUS=ERROR". Is this possible in Jedis? From what I can tell from googling, hscan will find keys in a specified hash.
More generally, by way of teaching me to fish, any pointers for where to look this up? It seems there is no real jedis api doc, and not even the Redis doc itself seems to have nothing on hscan.
As you mentioned, you can use HSCAN to find the specified key-value pair from a hash. Also, you need to use the SCAN command to find all hashes.
However, this is NOT an efficient solution. In order to achieve your goal efficiently, you need to build an extra index, i.e. use a Redis SET to save keys of all hashes that have the specified key-value pair.
// ...
// HSET other members
// ...
// add it to index
SADD status:error hash1
// get all hashes have the specified key-value pair
SMEMBERS status:error
As #Itamar Haber mentioned in the comments, if you have many records in the SET, you should use SSCAN to get these members. Since in this case, SMEMBERS might block Redis for a long time.

How can I get the count of keys in redis?

I can get some keys with this command:
keys *_products_*
However that command returns all the keys, where I just need the count of those. How can I get It?
Return the number of keys in the database
But if you want all the keys with a certain pattern in the name you need to use KEYS or SCAN And you need to pay attention to KEYS, running it in production can affect the performance so it should be used with caution.
Both (evil) KEYS and the much preferred SCAN do not return counts, only key names. You could wrap them in a Lua script to just return the count.
Doing KEYS (or SCAN) in real time is very expensive in terms of performance - it means that you're iterating over the entire keyspace. What you want to do is keep the result ready beforehand, and then just fetch it. Usually in such cases, you'd use a Redis Set in which you'd store each relevant key name - SADD to it whenever you create a key that matches the patter *products* and delete from it whenever a key is removed.
Since you're only interesting in a count, you can replace that Set with a simple counter.
Use this command line:
redis-cli --scan --pattern '*_products_*' | wc -l

Redis, partial match keys with end of line

This is a 2 part question.
I have a redis db storing items with the following keys:
record type 1: "site_id:1_item_id:3"
record type 2: "site_id:1_item_id:3_user_id:6"
I've been using KEYS site_id:1_item_id:* to grab record type 1 items (in this case for site 1)
Unfortunately, it returns all type 1 and type 2 items.
Whats the best way to grab all "site_id:1_item_id:3" type records? While avoiding the ones including user_id? Is there an EOL match I can use?
Secondly, I've read using KEYS is a bad choice, can anyone recommend a different approach here? I'm open to editing the key names if I must.
First thing first: unless your are the only redis user on your local developpment machine, you are right using KEYS is wrong. It blocks the redis instance until completed, so anyone querying it while you are using keys will have to wait for you keys query to be finished. Use SCAN instead.
SCAN will iterate over the entries in a non blocking way, and you are guaranteed to get all of them.
I don't know which language you use to query it, but in python it is quite easy to query the keys with scan and filter them on the fly.
But let's say you would like to use keys anyway. Looks to me like either doing KEYS site_id:1_item_id:? or KEYS site_id:1_item_id:3 does the trick.
wether you want the keys finishing with "3" or not (I am not sure I completely understood your question here).
Here is an example that I tried on my local machine:
redis> flushall
redis> set site_id:1_item_id:3 a
redis> set site_id:1_item_id:3_user_id:6 b
redis> set site_id:1_item_id:4 c
// ok so we have got the database cleaned and set up
redis> keys *
1) "site_id:1_item_id:3"
2) "site_id:1_item_id:4"
3) "site_id:1_item_id:3_user_id:6"
// gets all the keys like site_id:1_item_id:X
redis> keys site_id:1_item_id:?
1) "site_id:1_item_id:3"
2) "site_id:1_item_id:4"
// gets all the keys like site_id:1_item_id:3
redis> keys site_id:1_item_id:3
1) "site_id:1_item_id:3"
Don't forget that Redis KEYS uses GLOB style pattern, which is not exactly like a regex.
You can check out the keys documentation examples to make sure you understand
The correct approach here, is to use an index of keys - maintained by you. Redis should not be queried in any conventional sense.

paging through entries in redis hash

I couldn't find a way to "page" through redis hashes (doc).
I've got ~5million hash entries in 1 redis db. I am trying to iterate through all of them without having to resort to building a list of entry keys.
Can this be achieved?
Since all the redis hash commands require the key element. You need to store your set of keys to page your hash.
See my answer to this question for an example of key iteration by using extra sets.
There is no way to avoid storing extra sets (or lists) and still iterate on a huge number of keys. The KEYS command is not an option.
I had exactly the same requirement of Redis Hash Pagination and yes it is possible to page through redis hash using HSCAN command. Detailed documentation of the same is present at SCAN.
Usage: Hscan <your key/hash name> <cursor-id> count <page-size>.
cursor id which should be passed initially is 0 and it returns a cursor-id and data which is of page-size. The cursor id returned needs to be passed in the subsequent call for fetching subsequent data.