How to remove part of filename in windows command prompt? - filenames

I have Intro.ape.wav, and I want to rename it into Intro.wav
I've tried ren *.ape.wav *.wav , w/o success.
Moreover I ran through many pages , also with echo %-ni, etc, but got no success either.
Thanks in advance!

Another view how to solve this question - I found this on my old hdd, where I operated many .dat files:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%i in (*.ape) do (set name=%%~ni
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Monkey's Audio\MAC.exe" "!name!.ape" "!name!.wav" -d

you need a loop. In bourne shell,
for i in *.ape.wav; do
name=`echo $i | rev | cut -d. -f 3- | rev`
mv $i $name.wav
Now... bourne shell is available on Windows 10 now... or you could write a loop in Microsoft's shell.
NB: This requires the command 'rev' ... which linux doesn't provide. You could also do this with sed or, depending on whether your filenames contain other periods, just cut alone. rev, however, just reverses the characters in the input.

This is clumsy but will work as long as there's no files named *.ape in your directory.
ren *.ape.wav *.
ren *.ape *.wav


Renaming directories

I've got like 230 directories of this kind (1367018589_name_nameb_namec_named) and would like to rename them into (Name Nameb Namec Named).
To be more precise:
Removing numbers
Replacing underscores with spaces (except the first understore which comes after the numbers)
First letter into capital letter
a easy one-liner is preferred since I'm quite a newbie regarding Linux and bash.
Bash script wouldn't be a problem either - just a small explanation how to use it would be very much appreciated.
Meaning that I can understand once I know the command, but having troubles coming up with in my own.
Much thanks in andvance
In one line (updated to capitalize first letter of each word -- missed that the first time):
$ for f in * ; do g=$(echo $f | sed s/[0-9_]*// | sed s/_/\ /g | sed "s/\b\(.\)/\u\1g") ; echo "mv \"$f\" to \"$g\"" ; done
Once you are happy that it is going to do what you want change
echo "mv \"$f\" to \"$g\""
mv -i "$f" "$g"
Note, the -i option is to avoid the case of accidentally overwriting a file (say if you had files 123_test and 345_test for instance)

bulk renaming files rearranging file names based on delimiter

I have seen questions that are close to this but I have not seen the exact answer I need and can't seem to get my head wrapped around the regex, awk, sed, grep, rename that I would need to make it happen.
I have files in one directory sequentially named from multiple sub directories of a different directory created using find piped to xargs.
Command I used:
find `<dir1>` -name "*.png" | xargs cp -t `<dir2>`
This resulted in the second directory containing duplicate filenames sequentially named as follows:
What I would like to do is take all files ending in ~*~ and rename it as follows:
<name>.#.png where the '#" is the number between the "~"s at the end of the file name
Any help would be appreciated.
With Perl's rename (stand alone command):
rename -nv 's/^([^.]+)\.(.+)\.~([0-9]+)~/$1.$3.$2/' *
If everything looks fine remove option -n.
There might be an easier way to this, but here is a small shell script using grep and awk to achieve what you wanted
for i in $(ls|grep ".png."); do
name=$(echo $i|awk -F'png' '{print $1}');
n=$(echo $i|awk -F'~' '{print $2}');
mv $i $name$n.png;

How to run awk script on multiple files

I need to run a command on hundreds of files and I need help to get a loop to do this:
have a list of input files /path/dir/file1.csv, file2.csv, ..., fileN.csv
need to run a script on all those input files
script is something like: command input=/path/dir/file1.csv output=output1
I have tried things like:
for f in /path/dir/file*.csv; do command, but how do I get to read and write the new file every time?
Thank you....
Try this, (after changing /path/to/data to the correct path. Same with /path/to/awkscript and other places, pointing to your test data.)
cd /path/to/data
for f in *.csv ; do
echo "awk -f /path/to/awkscript \"$f\" > ${f%.csv}.rpt"
#remove_me awk -f /path/to/awkscript "$f" > ${f%.csv}.rpt
make the script "executable" with
chmod 755
The echo version will help you ensure the script is going to work as expected. You still have to carefully examine that output OR work on a copy of your data so you don't wreck you base-line data.
You could take the output of the last iteration
awk -f /path/to/awkscript myFileLast.csv > myFileLast.rpt
And copy/paste to cmd-line to confirm it will work.
WHen you comfortable that the awk script works as you need, then comment out the echo awk .. line, and uncomment the word #remove_me (and save your bash script).
for f in /path/to/files/*.csv ; do
bname=`basename $f`
awk -f /path/to/awkscript $f > /path/to/store/output/${pref}_new.txt
Hopefully this helps, I am on my blackberry so there may be typos

Strange question about windows batch file

I got 1.txt and 2.txt in my working directory. I use the following batch to list all the files.
The batch is this:
#echo off
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir *.txt /b') do (
echo ---------------
set file_variable=%%a
echo file_variable=%file_variable%
echo filename=%%a
The result is below:
file_variable=2.txt <---------------why it is not 1.txt here??
You need to put:
#setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
at the top of your file and
at the end.
Then you need to use the delayed expansion substitution characters.
#setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
#echo off
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir *.txt /b') do (
echo ---------------
set file_variable=%%a
echo file_variable=!file_variable!
echo filename=%%a
C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents> qq.cmd
What you're seeing without delayed expansion is that the entire for loop is being evaluated before running. That includes the substitution, so that %file_variable% will be replaced with the value it held before the loop started. Using delayed expansion defers the evaluation until the actual line is executed.
There are all sorts of wonderful Windows scripting tricks over at Rob van der Woude's site, containing quite a lot of different ways of doing things under Windows with various tools.
In this particular case you could get the correct output if you ECHOed file_variable like this:
CALL ECHO file_variable=%%file_variable%%
This approach is less flexible and probably less performant than the one described in #paxdiablo's answer. It's probably just a quick-and-dirty method of delaying the expansion of a variable without the need to enable the special syntax for that.

Is it possible to create a multi-line string variable in a Makefile

I want to create a makefile variable that is a multi-line string (e.g. the body of an email release announcement). something like
Version $(VERSION) of $(PACKAGE_NAME) has been released
It can be downloaded from $(DOWNLOAD_URL)
etc, etc"
But I can't seem to find a way to do this. Is it possible?
Yes, you can use the define keyword to declare a multi-line variable, like this:
Version $(VERSION) of $(PACKAGE_NAME) has been released.
It can be downloaded from $(DOWNLOAD_URL).
etc, etc.
The tricky part is getting your multi-line variable back out of the makefile. If you just do the obvious thing of using "echo $(ANNOUNCE_BODY)", you'll see the result that others have posted here -- the shell tries to handle the second and subsequent lines of the variable as commands themselves.
However, you can export the variable value as-is to the shell as an environment variable, and then reference it from the shell as an environment variable (NOT a make variable). For example:
Note the use of $$ANNOUNCE_BODY, indicating a shell environment variable reference, rather than $(ANNOUNCE_BODY), which would be a regular make variable reference. Also be sure to use quotes around your variable reference, to make sure that the newlines aren't interpreted by the shell itself.
Of course, this particular trick may be platform and shell sensitive. I tested it on Ubuntu Linux with GNU bash 3.2.13; YMMV.
Another approach to 'getting your multi-line variable back out of the makefile' (noted by Eric Melski as 'the tricky part'), is to plan to use the subst function to replace the newlines introduced with define in your multi-line string with \n. Then use -e with echo to interpret them. You may need to set the .SHELL=bash to get an echo that does this.
An advantage of this approach is that you also put other such escape characters into your text and have them respected.
This sort of synthesizes all the approaches mentioned so far...
You wind up with:
define newline
As of $(shell date), version $(VERSION) of $(PACKAGE_NAME) has been released.
It can be downloaded from $(DOWNLOAD_URL).
echo -e '$(subst $(newline),\n,${ANNOUNCE_BODY})'
Note the single quotes on the final echo are crucial.
Assuming you only want to print the content of your variable on standard output, there is another solution :
Yes. You escape the newlines with \:
Ah, you want the newlines? Then no, I don't think there's any way in vanilla Make. However, you can always use a here-document in the command part
[This does not work, see comment from MadScientist]
echo <<EOF
Here is a multiple line text
with embedded newlines.
Not completely related to the OP, but hopefully this will help someone in future.
(as this question is the one that comes up most in google searches).
In my Makefile, I wanted to pass the contents of a file, to a docker build command,
after much consternation, I decided to:
base64 encode the contents in the Makefile (so that I could have a single line and pass them as a docker build arg...)
base64 decode the contents in the Dockerfile (and write them to a file)
see example below.
nb: In my particular case, I wanted to pass an ssh key, during the image build, using the example from (using a multi stage docker build to clone a git repo, then drop the ssh key from the final image in the 2nd stage of the build)
MY_VAR_ENCODED=$(shell cat /path/to/my/file | base64)
#docker build \
--build-arg MY_VAR_ENCODED="$(MY_VAR_ENCODED)" \
--no-cache \
-t my-docker:build .
RUN mkdir /root/.ssh/ && \
echo "${MY_VAR_ENCODED}" | base64 -d > /path/to/my/file/in/container
Why don't you make use of the \n character in your string to define the end-of-line? Also add the extra backslash to add it over multiple lines.
Version $(VERSION) of $(PACKAGE_NAME) has been released \n\
It can be downloaded from $(DOWNLOAD_URL) \n\
etc, etc"
Just a postscript to Eric Melski's answer: You can include the output of commands in the text, but you must use the Makefile syntax "$(shell foo)" rather than the shell syntax "$(foo)". For example:
As of $(shell date), version $(VERSION) of $(PACKAGE_NAME) has been released.
It can be downloaded from $(DOWNLOAD_URL).
You should use "define/endef" Make construct:
Version $(VERSION) of $(PACKAGE_NAME) has been released.
It can be downloaded from $(DOWNLOAD_URL).
etc, etc.
Then you should pass value of this variable to shell command. But, if you do this using Make variable substitution, it will cause command to split into multiple:
echo $(ANNOUNCE_BODY) > $# # doesn't work
Qouting won't help either.
The best way to pass value is to pass it via environment variable:
echo "$${ANNOUNCE_BODY}" > $#
Variable is exported for this particular target, so that you can reuse that environment will not get polluted much;
Use environment variable (double qoutes and curly brackets around variable name);
Use of quotes around variable. Without them newlines will be lost and all text will appear on one line.
This doesn't give a here document, but it does display a multi-line message in a way that's suitable for pipes.
MSG = this is a\\n\
#$(SHELL) -c "echo '$(MSG)'" | sed -e 's/^ //'
You can also use Gnu's callable macros:
MSG = this is a\\n\
#echo "Method 1:"
#$(SHELL) -c "echo '$(MSG)'" | sed -e 's/^ //'
#echo "---"
SHOW = $(SHELL) -c "echo '$1'" | sed -e 's/^ //'
#echo "Method 2:"
#$(call SHOW,$(MSG))
#echo "---"
Here's the output:
$ make method1 method2
Method 1:
this is a
Method 2:
this is a
With GNU Make 3.82 and above, the .ONESHELL option is your friend when it comes to multiline shell snippets. Putting together hints from other answers, I get:
VERSION = 1.2.3
PACKAGE_NAME = foo-bar
define nwln
Version $(VERSION) of $(PACKAGE_NAME) has been released.
It can be downloaded from $(DOWNLOAD_URL).
etc, etc.
# mind the *leading* <tab> character
#printf "$(subst $(nwln),\n,$(ANNOUNCE_BODY))"
Make sure, when copying and pasting the above example into your editor, that any <tab> characters are preserved, else the version target will break!
Note that .ONESHELL will cause all targets in the Makefile to use a single shell for all their commands.
GNU `make' manual, 6.8: Defining Multi-Line Variables
In the spirit of .ONESHELL, it's possible to get pretty close in .ONESHELL challenged environments:
define _oneshell_newline_
define oneshell
#eval "$$(printf '%s\n' '$(strip \
$(subst $(_oneshell_newline_),\n, \
$(subst \,\/, \
$(subst /,//, \
$(subst ','"'"',$(1))))))' | \
sed -e 's,\\n,\n,g' -e 's,\\/,\\,g' -e 's,//,/,g')"
An example of use would be something like this:
define TEST
printf '>\n%s\n' "Hello
$(call oneshell,$(TEST))
That shows the output (assuming pid 27801):
This approach does allow for some extra functionality:
define oneshell
#eval "set -eux ; $$(printf '%s\n' '$(strip \
$(subst $(_oneshell_newline_),\n, \
$(subst \,\/, \
$(subst /,//, \
$(subst ','"'"',$(1))))))' | \
sed -e 's,\\n,\n,g' -e 's,\\/,\\,g' -e 's,//,/,g')"
These shell options will:
Print each command as it is executed
Exit on the first failed command
Treat use of undefined shell variables as an error
Other interesting possibilities will likely suggest themselves.
I like alhadis's answer best. But to keep columnar formatting, add one more thing.
SYNOPSIS := :: Synopsis: Makefile\
| ::\
| :: Usage:\
| :: make .......... : generates this message\
| :: make synopsis . : generates this message\
| :: make clean .... : eliminate unwanted intermediates and targets\
| :: make all ...... : compile entire system from ground-up\
:: Synopsis: Makefile
:: Usage:
:: make .......... : generates this message
:: make synopsis . : generates this message
:: make clean .... : eliminate unwanted intermediates and targets
:: make all ...... : compile entire system from ground-up
Not really a helpful answer, but just to indicate that 'define' does not work as answered by Ax (did not fit in a comment):
Version $(VERSION) of $(PACKAGE_NAME) has been released
It can be downloaded from $(DOWNLOAD_URL)
etc, etc
It gives an error that the command 'It' cannot be found, so it tries to interpret the second line of ANNOUNCE BODY as a command.
It worked for me:
ANNOUNCE_BODY="first line\\nsecond line"
#echo -e $(ANNOUNCE_BODY)
GNU Makefile can do things like the following. It is ugly, and I won't say you should do it, but I do in certain situations.
\# A MinGW equivalent for .bash_profile on Linux. In MinGW/MSYS, the file\n\
\# is actually named .profile, not .bash_profile.\n\
\# Get the aliases and functions\n\
if [ -f \$${HOME}/.bashrc ]\n\
. \$${HOME}/.bashrc\n\
export CVS_RSH="ssh"\n
echo -e "$(PROFILE)" | sed -e 's/^[ ]//' >.profile
make .profile creates a .profile file if one does not exist.
This solution was used where the application will only use GNU Makefile in a POSIX shell environment. The project is not an open source project where platform compatibility is an issue.
The goal was to create a Makefile that facilitates both setup and use of a particular kind of workspace. The Makefile brings along with it various simple resources without requiring things like another special archive, etc. It is, in a sense, a shell archive. A procedure can then say things like drop this Makefile in the folder to work in. Set up your workspace enter make workspace, then to do blah, enter make blah, etc.
What can get tricky is figuring out what to shell quote. The above does the job and is close to the idea of specifying a here document in the Makefile. Whether it is a good idea for general use is a whole other issue.
I believe the safest answer for cross-platform use would be to use one echo per line:
rm -f $#
echo "Version $(VERSION) of $(PACKAGE_NAME) has been released" > $#
echo "" >> $#
echo "It can be downloaded from $(DOWNLOAD_URL)" >> $#
echo >> $#
echo etc, etc" >> $#
This avoids making any assumptions of on the version of echo available.
Use string substitution:
VERSION := 1.1.1
DOWNLOAD_URL := https://go.get/some/thing.tar.gz
ANNOUNCE_BODY := Version $(VERSION) of $(PACKAGE_NAME) has been released. \
| \
| It can be downloaded from $(DOWNLOAD_URL) \
| \
| etc, etc
Then in your recipe, put
#echo $(subst | ,$$'\n',$(ANNOUNCE_BODY))
This works because Make is substituting all occurrences of |  (note the space) and swapping it with a newline character ($$'\n'). You can think of the equivalent shell-script invocations as being something like this:
$ echo "Version 1.1.1 of Foo Bar has been released. | | It can be downloaded from https://go.get/some/thing.tar.gz | | etc, etc"
$ echo "Version 1.1.1 of Foo Bar has been released.
> It can be downloaded from https://go.get/some/thing.tar.gz
> etc, etc"
I'm not sure if $'\n' is available on non-POSIX systems, but if you can gain access to a single newline character (even by reading a string from an external file), the underlying principle is the same.
If you have many messages like this, you can reduce noise by using a macro:
print = $(subst | ,$$'\n',$(1))
Where you'd invoke it like this:
#$(call print,$(ANNOUNCE_BODY))
Hope this helps somebody. =)
As an alternative you can use the printf command. This is helpful on OSX or other platforms with less features.
To simply output a multiline message:
#printf '%s\n' \
'Version $(VERSION) has been released' \
'' \
'You can download from URL $(URL)'
If you are trying to pass the string as an arg to another program, you can do so like this:
/some/command "`printf '%s\n' 'Version $(VERSION) has been released' '' 'You can download from URL $(URL)'`"