canonical url for page link - seo

We not set page link in site so need to set canonical for that?

That is not required to set it. you can directly go through address bar. if you want to go through link then only you need to set canonical for that.


How to get a free Google-provided domain (for example,

I am following an example to add an email link, but after I click on Dynamic Links, it doesn't provide me with a default url, like in the picture ( I get an empty box, no dropdown.
How do I get a Google provided subdomain, like in the picture?
This is what mine looks like:
I figured out. It's very simple. The url is not pre-created, it doesn't show up by default. You have to start typing, and then you can create a url, if the url link is not taken.
Afer this, you will get a message: has been verified and approved for use

Auto configure page SEO of a module front controller on Prestashop

I added a ArtistsArtistsModuleFrontController on my artists module.
It's working perfectly but I add to go on the back office, section SEO & URL and edit module-artists-artists page to set Titles and URL (for each translations).
This is quite overkill and I would like my module to configure it automatically on installation.
Is this possible? How?
If you doesn't want to use database method, you can set directly meta title, meta description and meta keywords in your controller by set $this->context->smarty->tpl_vars['meta_title']->value
For custom url, you must use hookModuleRoutes :

Human-readable URL change

Question is the following, we have site with video. Where address is video title, which can changing all the time. For example user upload video and name it "nice video" then he rename it to "nice video in London". So in this case URL also changed from "" to
From my research I found that dailymotion using canonical pointing to the page without any keywords in the URL ( So question which URL will be in SERP?
Question, how should we care of this? Thank you so much in advance for any suggestions on it.
Answer: You will put in the canonical link the link of the page that you intent to give the credit to. The page that is gonna show on SERP is the one its' link is INSIDE the canonical link tag and not the one that HAS the tag.
Page0 =
The canonical link is used so u can make clear to the crawl bots the page is a "dublicated content" and the original is the "canonical link". So in your example the search engine is looking at the page 0 which is "" and find a canonical tag. The search engine understands that this is a dublicated content and looks at the link in the canonical tag (canonical=---->original page1""<----) and realises that every traffic u are getting from page 1 should be added to the traffic of page 0. And for that reason the page 1 --->video123/nice-video-in-london.<--- is getting zero traffic while the page 0 --->video123/nice-video<--- is getting traffic accounted for both pages AND this page will show on SERP for obvious i think reasons.
Let me know if u have more questions on that or if you need some more details on how or why it works that way.

Yii how to redirect to particular URL

I have used url beautifier to remove index.php?r= from URL. it works fine.
now i want user to redirect to URL if user hits particular url.
how to achieve this. i search lot on google but not found material relevant to my problem
any suggestions ?
I do not see where the problem should be. See documentation
In you controller, simply call:

Redirect .htaccess to different page on different domain

I tried searching for similar posts but none of them satisfied my need. Hence I have to ask a new question
I have some domain space on my university website like this <university>.edu/~<myname> which is actually <university>.edu/~<myname>/index.html
I want all the traffic from here to go to <myname> But I don't want other pages like my <university>.edu/~<myname>/somethingelse to redirect anywhere.
Also I want the address bar to still show <university>.edu/~<myname> even when it has readirected to my site on
Kindly let me know if this is possible.
Thanks in advance.
No browser that I know of will allow itself to be redirected to a different site, without displaying the URL of the new site in the address bar. However, there are ways that you can display content from <myname> on your page at <university>.edu/~<myname>/index.html. One way is to use a frame (or an iframe) on <myname> which would load content from <university>.edu/~<myname>/index.html. Another (perhaps more seamless) solution would be to use a server-side scripting language (such as PHP) to create a script at <university>.edu/~<myname>/index.php which would download the content 'on the fly' from <myname> and display it at <university>.edu/~<myname>/index.php.