SQL primary key on lookup table or unique constraint? - sql

I want to create a lookup table 'orderstatus'. i.e. below, just to clarify this is to be used in a Data Warehouse. I will need to join through OrderStatus to retrieve the INT (if i create one) to be used elsewhere if need be. Like in a fact table for example, I would store the int in the fact table to link to the lookup table.
| OrderStatus | ConnectionStatus |
What is best practise in terms of primary key/unique key? Should i just create an OrderStatusKey INT as PrimaryKey with identity? Or create a unique constraint on order status (unique)? Thanks.

For this, I would suggest you create an Identity column, and make that the clustered primary key.
It is considered best practice for tables to have a primary key of some kind, but having a clustered index for a table like this is the fastest way to allow for the use of this table in multi table queries ( with joins ).
Here is a sample as to how to add it:
ALTER TABLE dbo.orderstatus
Article with more details MSDN
And here is another resource for explaining a primary key Primary Key Primer

If OrderStatus is unique and the primary identifier AND you will be reusing this status code directly in related tables (and not a numeric pointer to this status code) then keep the columns as is and make OrderStatus the primary clustered index.
A little explanation:
A primary key is unique across the table; a clustered index ties all record data back to that index. It is not always necessary to have the primary key also be the clustered index on the table but usually this is the case.
If you are going to be linking to the order status using something other than the status code then create another column of type int as an IDENTITY and make that the primary clustered key. Also add a unique non-clustered index to OrderStatus to ensure that no duplicates could ever be added.
Either way you go every table should have a primary key as well as a clustered index (again, usually they are the same index).

Here are some things to consider:
PRIMARY KEY ensures that there is no NULL values or duplicates in the table
UNIQUE KEY can contain NULL and (by the ANSI standard) any number of NULLs. (This behavior depends on SQL Server settings and possible index filters r not null constraints)
The CLUSTERED INDEX contains all the data related to a row on the leaves.
When the CLUSTERED INDEX is not unique (and not null), the SQL Server will add a hidden GUID to each row.
SQL Server add a hidden GUID column to the key column list when the key columns are not unique to distinguish the individual records)
All indexes are using either values of the key columns of the clustered index or the rowid of a heap table.
The query optimizer uses the index stats to find out the best way to execute a query
For small tables, the indexes are ignore usually, since doing an index scan, then a lookup for each values is more expensive than doing a full table scan (which will read one or two pages when you have really small tables)
Status lookup tables are usually very small and can be stored on one page.
The referencing tables will store the PK value (or unique) in their structure (this is what you'll use to do a join too). You can have a slight performance benefit if you have an integer key to use as reference (aka IDENTITY in SQL Server).
If you usually don't want to list the ConnectionStatus, then using the actual display value (OrderStatus) can be beneficial, since you don't have to join the lookup table.
You can store both values in the referencing tables, but the maintaining both columns have some overhead and more space for errors.
The clustered/non-clustered question depends on the use cases of this table. If you usually use the OrderStatus for filtering (using the textual form), a NON CLUSTERED IDENTITY PK and a CLUESTERED UNIQUE on the OrderStatus can be beneficial. However (as you can read it above), in small tables the effect/performance gain is usually negligible.
If you are not familiar with the above things and you feel it safer, then create an identity clustered PK (OrderKey or OrderID) and a unique non clustered key on the OrderStatus.
Use the PK as referencing/referenced column in foreign keys.
One more thing: if this column will be referenced by only one table, you may want to consider to create an indexed view which contains both table's data.
Also, I would suggest to add a dummy value what you can use if there is no status set (and use it as default for all referencing columns). Because not set is still a status, isn't it?


Which column for foreign key: id or any other column and why?

Should a foreign key always refer to the id column of another table? Why or why not? Is there a standard rule for this?
Is there a cost associated with using any other unique column other than id column for foreign key? Performance / storage? How significant? Is it frowned in the industry?
Example: this is the schema for my sample problem:
In my schema sometimes I use id column as the foreign key and sometimes use some other data column.
In vehicle_detail table I use a unique size column as a foreign key from vehicle_size table and unique color column as the foreign key from vehicle_color table.
But in vehicle_user I used the user_identifier_id as a foreign key which refers to id primary key column in user_identifier table.
Which is the correct way?
On a side note, I don't have id columns for the garage_level, garage_spaceid, vehicle_garage_status and vehicle_parking_status tables because they only have one column which is the primary key and the data they store is just at most 15 rows in each table and it is probably never going to change. Should I still have an id column in those ?
A foreign key has to target a primary key or unique constraint. It is normal to reference the primary key, because you typically want to reference an individual row in another table, and the primary key is the identifier of a table row.
From a technical point of view, it does not matter whether a foreign key references the primary key or another unique constraint, because in PostgreSQL both are implemented in the same way, using a unique index.
As to your concrete examples, there is nothing wrong with having the unique size column of vehicle_size be the target of a foreign key, although it begs the question why you didn't make size the primary key and omit the id column altogether. There is no need for each table to have an id column that is the automatically generated numeric primary key, except that there may be ORMs and other software that expect that.
A foreign key is basically a column of a different table(it is always of a different table, since that is the role it serves). It is used to join/ get data from a different table. Think of it like say school is a database and there are many different table for different aspects of student.
say by using Admission number 1234, from accounts table you can get the fees and sports table you can get the sports he play.
Now there is no rule that foreign key should be id column, you can keep it whatever you want. But,to use foreign key you should have a matching column in both tables therefore usually id column is only used. As I stated in the above example the only common thing in say sports table and accounts table would be admission number.
admn_no | sports |
| 1234 | basketball
| admn_no | fees |
| 1234 | 1000000 |
Now say using the query\
select * from accounts join sports using (admn_no);
you will get:
| admn_no | fees | sports |
| 1234 | 1000000 | basketball |
PS: sorry for bad formatting
A foreign key is a field or a column that is used to establish a link between two tables. A FOREIGN KEY is a column (or collection of columns) in one table, that refers to the PRIMARY KEY in another table.
There is no rule that it should refer to a id column but the column it refers to should be the primary key. In real scenarios, it usually refers to Id column as in most cases it is the primary key in the tables.
OP question is about "correct way".
I will try to provide some kind of summary from existing comments and answers, general DO and general DONT for FKs.
What was already said
A. "A foreign key has to target a primary key or unique constraint"
Literally from Laurenz Albe answer and it was noted in comments
B. "stick with whatever you think will change the least"
It was noted by Adrian Klavier in comments.
There is no such general rule that PK or unique constraint must be defined on a single column.
So the question title itself must be corrected: "Which column(s) for foreign key: id or any other column(s) and why?"
Let's talk about "why".
Why: General DO, general DONT and an advice
Is there a cost associated with using any other unique column other than id column for foreign key? Performance / storage? How significant? Is it frowned in the industry?
General DO: Analyze requirements, use logic, use math (arithmetics is enough usually). There is no a single database design that's always good for all cases. Always ask yourself: "Can it be improved?". Never be content with design of existing FKs, if requirements changed or DBMS changed or storage options changed - revise design.
General DONT: Don't think that there is a single correct rule for all cases. Don't think: "if that worked in that database/table than it will work for this case too".
Let me illustrate this points with a common example.
Example: PK on id uuid field
We look into database and see a table has a unique constraint on two fields of types integer (4 bytes) + date (4 bytes)
Additionally: this table has a field id of uuid type (16 bytes)
PK is defined on id
All FKs from other tables are targeting id field
It this a correct design or not?
Case A. Common case - not OK
Let's use math:
unique constraint on int+date: it's 4+4=8 bytes
data is never changed
so it's a good candidate for primary key in this table
and nothing prevents to use it for foreign keys in related tables
So it looks like additional 16 bytes per each row + indexes costs is a mistake.
And that's a very common mistake especially in combination of MSSQL + CLUSTERED indexes on random uuids
Is it always a mistake?
Consider latter cases.
Case B. Distributed system - OK
Suppose that you have a distributed system:
ServerA, ServerB, ServerC are sources of data
HeadServer - is data aggregator
data on serverA-ServerC could be duplicated: the same record could exists on several instances
aggregated data must not have duplicates
data for related tables can come from different instances: data for table with PK from serverA and data for tables with FKs from serverB-serverC
you need to log from where each record is originated
In such case existence of PK on id uuid is justified:
unique constraint allows to deduplicate records
surrogate key allows related data come from different sources
Case C. 'id' is used to expose data through API - OK
Suppose that you have an API to access data for external consumers.
There is a good unique constraint on:
client_id: incrementing integer in range 1..100000
invoice_date: dates '20100101'..'20210901'
And a surrogate key on id with random uuids.
You can create external API in forms:
From security POV /{id} is superior by reasons:
it's impossible to deduce from one uuid value existence of other
it's easier to implement authorization system for entities of different types. E.g. entityA has natural key on int, entityB on bigint' and entityC on int+ byte+date`
In such case surrogate key not only justified but becames essential.
I hope that I was clear in explanation of main correct principle: "There is no such thing as a universal correct principle".
An additional advice: avoid CASCADE UPDATE/DELETEs:
Although it depends on DBMS you use.
But in general :
"explicit is better than implicit"
CASCADEs rarely works as intended
when CASCADES works - usually they have performance problems
Thank you for your attention.
I hope this helps somebody.

What is the difference between a primary key and an index when it comes to inserting records?

I have to insert data into a table that has a PK in it. I also have another table that has a clustered index in it.
Should I drop the PK or the INDEX for the the best INSERT speeds? Then recreate them afterwards?
I load data to these types of tables on a routine basis and I want to make sure I am using the quickest way possible in all situations.
A primary key uniquely identifies a record and has other uses as well. An index makes select queries run faster.
You should never drop your primary key.
Whether or not you drop and re-create indexes when adding records depends on the circumstances.
Primary Key : Uniquely identifies the the data & we cannot insert duplicate Data.
Index : Index help us to get out data to us very quickly.
Very Important Concept about Primary key & Index
Suppose your column is marked with the primary key then Clustered Index automatically gets created,
If no clutstered index is already present in the table
To See that Your Index is Created Successfully, You can use.
sp_helpindex Index_Name
- About Index :
You cannot create a unique index on a single column if that column contains NULL in more than one row. Similarly, you cannot create a unique index on multiple columns if the combination of columns contains NULL in more than one row. These are treated as duplicate values for indexing purposes.
- About Primary Key :
All columns defined within a PRIMARY KEY constraint must be defined as NOT NULL. If nullability is not specified, all columns participating in a PRIMARY KEY constraint have their nullability set to NOT NULL.

UNIQUE argument for INDEX creation - what's for?

Why does INDEX creation statement have UNIQUE argument?
As I understand, the non-clustered index contains a bookmark, a pointer to a row, which should be unique to distinguish even non-unique rows,
so insuring non-clustered index to be unique ?
So, do I understand that no-unique index can be only on clustered table? since
"A clustered index on a view must be unique" [1]
Since "The bottom, or leaf, level of the clustered index contains the actual data rows of the table" [1], do I understand correctly that the same effect as UNIUE on clustered index can be achieved by unique constraint on (possibly all or part of) columns of a table [2]?
Then, what does bring UNIQUE argument for index?
except confusion to basic concepts definitions [3]
This is again the same pitfall - explaining something already explained many times based on undefined terms converting all explanation to never-ending guessing game.
Please see my subquestion [4] which is really re-wording of this same question here.
The problem is in ambiguous, lacking definitions or improper use of terms in improper contexts. If index is defined as structure serving to (find and) identify/point to real data, then non-unique or NULL indexes do not make any sense. Bye
Unique index or unique key?
Unique index or unique key?
what is index and can non-clustered index be non-unique?
what is index and can non-clustered index be non-unique?
While a non-unique index is sufficient to distinguish between rows (as you said), the UNIQUE index serves as a constraint: it will prevent duplicates from being entered into the database - where "duplicates" are rows containing the same data in the indexed columns.
Firstname | Lastname | Login
Joe | Smith | joes
Joe | Taylor | joet
Susan | Smith | susans
Let's assume that login names are by default generated from first name + first letter of last name.
What happens when we try to add Joe Sciavillo to the database? Normally, the system would happily generate loginname joes and insert (Joe,Sciavillo,joes). Now we'd have two users with the same username - probably a Bad Thing.
Now let's say we have a UNIQUE index on Login column - the database will check that no other row with the same data already exists, before it allows inserting the new row. In other words, the attempt to insert another joes will be rejected, because that data wouldn't be unique in that row any more.
Of course, you could have unique indexes on multiple columns, in which case the combination of data would have to be unique (e.g. a unique index on Firstname,Lastname will happily accept a row with (Joe,Badzhanov), as the combination is not in the table yet, but would reject a second row with (Joe,Smith))
The UNIQUE index clause is really just a quirk of syntax in SQL Server and some other DBMSs. In Standard SQL, uniqueness constraints are implemented through the use of the PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE CONSTRAINT syntax, not through indexes (there are no indexes in standard SQL).
The mechanism SQL Server uses internally to implement uniqueness constraints is called a unique index. A unique index gets created automatically for you whenever you create a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint. For reasons best known to the SQL Server development team they decided to expose the UNIQUE keyword as part of the CREATE INDEX syntax, even though the constraint syntax does the same job.
In the interests of clarity and standards support I would recommend you avoid creating UNIQUE indexes explicitly wherever possible. Use the PRIMARY KEY or UNQIUE constraint syntax instead.
The UNIQUE clause specifies that the values in the column(s) must be unique across the table, essentially adding a unique constraint. A clustered index on a table specifies that the ordering of the rows in the table will be the same as the index. A non-clustered index does not change the physical ordering, which is why it is OK to have multiple non-clustered but only one clustered index. You can have unique or non-unique clustered and non-clustered indexes on a table.
I think the underlying question is: what is the difference between unique and non-unique indexes?
The answer is that entries in unique indexes can each only point to a single row, while entries in non-unique indexes can point to many rows.
For example, consider an order item table:
- with a unique index on ORDER_NO and LINE_NO, and a non-unique index on PRODUCT_NO.
For a single combination of ORDER_NO and LINE_NO there can only be one entry in the table, while for a single value of PRODUCT_NO there can be many entries in the table (because there will be many entries for that value in the index).

mysql: difference between primary key and unique index? [duplicate]

At work we have a big database with unique indexes instead of primary keys and all works fine.
I'm designing new database for a new project and I have a dilemma:
In DB theory, primary key is fundamental element, that's OK, but in REAL projects what are advantages and disadvantages of both?
What do you use in projects?
EDIT: ...and what about primary keys and replication on MS SQL server?
What is a unique index?
A unique index on a column is an index on that column that also enforces the constraint that you cannot have two equal values in that column in two different rows. Example:
CREATE TABLE table1 (foo int, bar int);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ux_table1_foo ON table1(foo); -- Create unique index on foo.
INSERT INTO table1 (foo, bar) VALUES (1, 2); -- OK
INSERT INTO table1 (foo, bar) VALUES (2, 2); -- OK
INSERT INTO table1 (foo, bar) VALUES (3, 1); -- OK
INSERT INTO table1 (foo, bar) VALUES (1, 4); -- Fails!
Duplicate entry '1' for key 'ux_table1_foo'
The last insert fails because it violates the unique index on column foo when it tries to insert the value 1 into this column for a second time.
In MySQL a unique constraint allows multiple NULLs.
It is possible to make a unique index on mutiple columns.
Primary key versus unique index
Things that are the same:
A primary key implies a unique index.
Things that are different:
A primary key also implies NOT NULL, but a unique index can be nullable.
There can be only one primary key, but there can be multiple unique indexes.
If there is no clustered index defined then the primary key will be the clustered index.
You can see it like this:
A Primary Key IS Unique
A Unique value doesn't have to be the Representaion of the Element
Meaning?; Well a primary key is used to identify the element, if you have a "Person" you would like to have a Personal Identification Number ( SSN or such ) which is Primary to your Person.
On the other hand, the person might have an e-mail which is unique, but doensn't identify the person.
I always have Primary Keys, even in relationship tables ( the mid-table / connection table ) I might have them. Why? Well I like to follow a standard when coding, if the "Person" has an identifier, the Car has an identifier, well, then the Person -> Car should have an identifier as well!
Foreign keys work with unique constraints as well as primary keys. From Books Online:
A FOREIGN KEY constraint does not have
to be linked only to a PRIMARY KEY
constraint in another table; it can
also be defined to reference the
columns of a UNIQUE constraint in
another table
For transactional replication, you need the primary key. From Books Online:
Tables published for transactional
replication must have a primary key.
If a table is in a transactional
replication publication, you cannot
disable any indexes that are
associated with primary key columns.
These indexes are required by
replication. To disable an index, you
must first drop the table from the
Both answers are for SQL Server 2005.
The choice of when to use a surrogate primary key as opposed to a natural key is tricky. Answers such as, always or never, are rarely useful. I find that it depends on the situation.
As an example, I have the following tables:
CREATE TABLE toll_booths (
license_plate VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE drive_through (
toll_booth_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES toll_booths(id),
amount NUMERIC(10,4) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE(toll_booth_id, vin)
We have two entity tables (toll_booths and cars) and a transaction table (drive_through). The toll_booth table uses a surrogate key because it has no natural attribute that is not guaranteed to change (the name can easily be changed). The cars table uses a natural primary key because it has a non-changing unique identifier (vin). The drive_through transaction table uses a surrogate key for easy identification, but also has a unique constraint on the attributes that are guaranteed to be unique at the time the record is inserted.
http://database-programmer.blogspot.com has some great articles on this particular subject.
There are no disadvantages of primary keys.
To add just some information to #MrWiggles and #Peter Parker answers, when table doesn't have primary key for example you won't be able to edit data in some applications (they will end up saying sth like cannot edit / delete data without primary key). Postgresql allows multiple NULL values to be in UNIQUE column, PRIMARY KEY doesn't allow NULLs. Also some ORM that generate code may have some problems with tables without primary keys.
As far as I know it is not possible to replicate tables without primary keys in MSSQL, at least without problems (details).
If something is a primary key, depending on your DB engine, the entire table gets sorted by the primary key. This means that lookups are much faster on the primary key because it doesn't have to do any dereferencing as it has to do with any other kind of index. Besides that, it's just theory.
In addition to what the other answers have said, some databases and systems may require a primary to be present. One situation comes to mind; when using enterprise replication with Informix a PK must be present for a table to participate in replication.
As long as you do not allow NULL for a value, they should be handled the same, but the value NULL is handled differently on databases(AFAIK MS-SQL do not allow more than one(1) NULL value, mySQL and Oracle allow this, if a column is UNIQUE)
So you must define this column NOT NULL UNIQUE INDEX
There is no such thing as a primary key in relational data theory, so your question has to be answered on the practical level.
Unique indexes are not part of the SQL standard. The particular implementation of a DBMS will determine what are the consequences of declaring a unique index.
In Oracle, declaring a primary key will result in a unique index being created on your behalf, so the question is almost moot. I can't tell you about other DBMS products.
I favor declaring a primary key. This has the effect of forbidding NULLs in the key column(s) as well as forbidding duplicates. I also favor declaring REFERENCES constraints to enforce entity integrity. In many cases, declaring an index on the coulmn(s) of a foreign key will speed up joins. This kind of index should in general not be unique.
There are some disadvantages of CLUSTERED INDEXES vs UNIQUE INDEXES.
As already stated, a CLUSTERED INDEX physically orders the data in the table.
This mean that when you have a lot if inserts or deletes on a table containing a clustered index, everytime (well, almost, depending on your fill factor) you change the data, the physical table needs to be updated to stay sorted.
In relative small tables, this is fine, but when getting to tables that have GB's worth of data, and insertrs/deletes affect the sorting, you will run into problems.
I almost never create a table without a numeric primary key. If there is also a natural key that should be unique, I also put a unique index on it. Joins are faster on integers than multicolumn natural keys, data only needs to change in one place (natural keys tend to need to be updated which is a bad thing when it is in primary key - foreign key relationships). If you are going to need replication use a GUID instead of an integer, but for the most part I prefer a key that is user readable especially if they need to see it to distinguish between John Smith and John Smith.
The few times I don't create a surrogate key are when I have a joining table that is involved in a many-to-many relationship. In this case I declare both fields as the primary key.
My understanding is that a primary key and a unique index with a not‑null constraint, are the same (*); and I suppose one choose one or the other depending on what the specification explicitly states or implies (a matter of what you want to express and explicitly enforce). If it requires uniqueness and not‑null, then make it a primary key. If it just happens all parts of a unique index are not‑null without any requirement for that, then just make it a unique index.
The sole remaining difference is, you may have multiple not‑null unique indexes, while you can't have multiple primary keys.
(*) Excepting a practical difference: a primary key can be the default unique key for some operations, like defining a foreign key. Ex. if one define a foreign key referencing a table and does not provide the column name, if the referenced table has a primary key, then the primary key will be the referenced column. Otherwise, the the referenced column will have to be named explicitly.
Others here have mentioned DB replication, but I don't know about it.
Unique Index can have one NULL value. It creates NON-CLUSTERED INDEX.
Primary Key cannot contain NULL value. It creates CLUSTERED INDEX.
In MSSQL, Primary keys should be monotonically increasing for best performance on the clustered index. Therefore an integer with identity insert is better than any natural key that might not be monotonically increasing.
If it were up to me...
You need to satisfy the requirements of the database and of your applications.
Adding an auto-incrementing integer or long id column to every table to serve as the primary key takes care of the database requirements.
You would then add at least one other unique index to the table for use by your application. This would be the index on employee_id, or account_id, or customer_id, etc. If possible, this index should not be a composite index.
I would favor indices on several fields individually over composite indices. The database will use the single field indices whenever the where clause includes those fields, but it will only use a composite when you provide the fields in exactly the correct order - meaning it can't use the second field in a composite index unless you provide both the first and second in your where clause.
I am all for using calculated or Function type indices - and would recommend using them over composite indices. It makes it very easy to use the function index by using the same function in your where clause.
This takes care of your application requirements.
It is highly likely that other non-primary indices are actually mappings of that indexes key value to a primary key value, not rowid()'s. This allows for physical sorting operations and deletes to occur without having to recreate these indices.

Primary key or Unique index?

At work we have a big database with unique indexes instead of primary keys and all works fine.
I'm designing new database for a new project and I have a dilemma:
In DB theory, primary key is fundamental element, that's OK, but in REAL projects what are advantages and disadvantages of both?
What do you use in projects?
EDIT: ...and what about primary keys and replication on MS SQL server?
What is a unique index?
A unique index on a column is an index on that column that also enforces the constraint that you cannot have two equal values in that column in two different rows. Example:
CREATE TABLE table1 (foo int, bar int);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ux_table1_foo ON table1(foo); -- Create unique index on foo.
INSERT INTO table1 (foo, bar) VALUES (1, 2); -- OK
INSERT INTO table1 (foo, bar) VALUES (2, 2); -- OK
INSERT INTO table1 (foo, bar) VALUES (3, 1); -- OK
INSERT INTO table1 (foo, bar) VALUES (1, 4); -- Fails!
Duplicate entry '1' for key 'ux_table1_foo'
The last insert fails because it violates the unique index on column foo when it tries to insert the value 1 into this column for a second time.
In MySQL a unique constraint allows multiple NULLs.
It is possible to make a unique index on mutiple columns.
Primary key versus unique index
Things that are the same:
A primary key implies a unique index.
Things that are different:
A primary key also implies NOT NULL, but a unique index can be nullable.
There can be only one primary key, but there can be multiple unique indexes.
If there is no clustered index defined then the primary key will be the clustered index.
You can see it like this:
A Primary Key IS Unique
A Unique value doesn't have to be the Representaion of the Element
Meaning?; Well a primary key is used to identify the element, if you have a "Person" you would like to have a Personal Identification Number ( SSN or such ) which is Primary to your Person.
On the other hand, the person might have an e-mail which is unique, but doensn't identify the person.
I always have Primary Keys, even in relationship tables ( the mid-table / connection table ) I might have them. Why? Well I like to follow a standard when coding, if the "Person" has an identifier, the Car has an identifier, well, then the Person -> Car should have an identifier as well!
Foreign keys work with unique constraints as well as primary keys. From Books Online:
A FOREIGN KEY constraint does not have
to be linked only to a PRIMARY KEY
constraint in another table; it can
also be defined to reference the
columns of a UNIQUE constraint in
another table
For transactional replication, you need the primary key. From Books Online:
Tables published for transactional
replication must have a primary key.
If a table is in a transactional
replication publication, you cannot
disable any indexes that are
associated with primary key columns.
These indexes are required by
replication. To disable an index, you
must first drop the table from the
Both answers are for SQL Server 2005.
The choice of when to use a surrogate primary key as opposed to a natural key is tricky. Answers such as, always or never, are rarely useful. I find that it depends on the situation.
As an example, I have the following tables:
CREATE TABLE toll_booths (
license_plate VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE drive_through (
toll_booth_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES toll_booths(id),
amount NUMERIC(10,4) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE(toll_booth_id, vin)
We have two entity tables (toll_booths and cars) and a transaction table (drive_through). The toll_booth table uses a surrogate key because it has no natural attribute that is not guaranteed to change (the name can easily be changed). The cars table uses a natural primary key because it has a non-changing unique identifier (vin). The drive_through transaction table uses a surrogate key for easy identification, but also has a unique constraint on the attributes that are guaranteed to be unique at the time the record is inserted.
http://database-programmer.blogspot.com has some great articles on this particular subject.
There are no disadvantages of primary keys.
To add just some information to #MrWiggles and #Peter Parker answers, when table doesn't have primary key for example you won't be able to edit data in some applications (they will end up saying sth like cannot edit / delete data without primary key). Postgresql allows multiple NULL values to be in UNIQUE column, PRIMARY KEY doesn't allow NULLs. Also some ORM that generate code may have some problems with tables without primary keys.
As far as I know it is not possible to replicate tables without primary keys in MSSQL, at least without problems (details).
If something is a primary key, depending on your DB engine, the entire table gets sorted by the primary key. This means that lookups are much faster on the primary key because it doesn't have to do any dereferencing as it has to do with any other kind of index. Besides that, it's just theory.
In addition to what the other answers have said, some databases and systems may require a primary to be present. One situation comes to mind; when using enterprise replication with Informix a PK must be present for a table to participate in replication.
As long as you do not allow NULL for a value, they should be handled the same, but the value NULL is handled differently on databases(AFAIK MS-SQL do not allow more than one(1) NULL value, mySQL and Oracle allow this, if a column is UNIQUE)
So you must define this column NOT NULL UNIQUE INDEX
There is no such thing as a primary key in relational data theory, so your question has to be answered on the practical level.
Unique indexes are not part of the SQL standard. The particular implementation of a DBMS will determine what are the consequences of declaring a unique index.
In Oracle, declaring a primary key will result in a unique index being created on your behalf, so the question is almost moot. I can't tell you about other DBMS products.
I favor declaring a primary key. This has the effect of forbidding NULLs in the key column(s) as well as forbidding duplicates. I also favor declaring REFERENCES constraints to enforce entity integrity. In many cases, declaring an index on the coulmn(s) of a foreign key will speed up joins. This kind of index should in general not be unique.
There are some disadvantages of CLUSTERED INDEXES vs UNIQUE INDEXES.
As already stated, a CLUSTERED INDEX physically orders the data in the table.
This mean that when you have a lot if inserts or deletes on a table containing a clustered index, everytime (well, almost, depending on your fill factor) you change the data, the physical table needs to be updated to stay sorted.
In relative small tables, this is fine, but when getting to tables that have GB's worth of data, and insertrs/deletes affect the sorting, you will run into problems.
I almost never create a table without a numeric primary key. If there is also a natural key that should be unique, I also put a unique index on it. Joins are faster on integers than multicolumn natural keys, data only needs to change in one place (natural keys tend to need to be updated which is a bad thing when it is in primary key - foreign key relationships). If you are going to need replication use a GUID instead of an integer, but for the most part I prefer a key that is user readable especially if they need to see it to distinguish between John Smith and John Smith.
The few times I don't create a surrogate key are when I have a joining table that is involved in a many-to-many relationship. In this case I declare both fields as the primary key.
My understanding is that a primary key and a unique index with a not‑null constraint, are the same (*); and I suppose one choose one or the other depending on what the specification explicitly states or implies (a matter of what you want to express and explicitly enforce). If it requires uniqueness and not‑null, then make it a primary key. If it just happens all parts of a unique index are not‑null without any requirement for that, then just make it a unique index.
The sole remaining difference is, you may have multiple not‑null unique indexes, while you can't have multiple primary keys.
(*) Excepting a practical difference: a primary key can be the default unique key for some operations, like defining a foreign key. Ex. if one define a foreign key referencing a table and does not provide the column name, if the referenced table has a primary key, then the primary key will be the referenced column. Otherwise, the the referenced column will have to be named explicitly.
Others here have mentioned DB replication, but I don't know about it.
Unique Index can have one NULL value. It creates NON-CLUSTERED INDEX.
Primary Key cannot contain NULL value. It creates CLUSTERED INDEX.
In MSSQL, Primary keys should be monotonically increasing for best performance on the clustered index. Therefore an integer with identity insert is better than any natural key that might not be monotonically increasing.
If it were up to me...
You need to satisfy the requirements of the database and of your applications.
Adding an auto-incrementing integer or long id column to every table to serve as the primary key takes care of the database requirements.
You would then add at least one other unique index to the table for use by your application. This would be the index on employee_id, or account_id, or customer_id, etc. If possible, this index should not be a composite index.
I would favor indices on several fields individually over composite indices. The database will use the single field indices whenever the where clause includes those fields, but it will only use a composite when you provide the fields in exactly the correct order - meaning it can't use the second field in a composite index unless you provide both the first and second in your where clause.
I am all for using calculated or Function type indices - and would recommend using them over composite indices. It makes it very easy to use the function index by using the same function in your where clause.
This takes care of your application requirements.
It is highly likely that other non-primary indices are actually mappings of that indexes key value to a primary key value, not rowid()'s. This allows for physical sorting operations and deletes to occur without having to recreate these indices.