Facebook Analytics: Is demographics information available without email ID? - facebook-android-sdk

Would facebook analytics provide demographic layer information if I integrate facebook sdk in my app without using facebook login and not reporting email ID associated with my app account?

Yes, you don't need to use FB login or upload PII to get demographic information.


Remove a contact using Linkedin API.

I have a platform where people can see their linkedin contacts.
I retrieve those users using the Linkedin API. I would like to give the opportunity to my user to delete some specific Linkedin contact.
Is there any way to remove a user using the Linkedin API ?
There is no API call available that will allow you to remove a LinkedIn contact.

Twitter and YouTube Analytics API

When we login to analytics.twitter.com via our account we could see a brief explanation about our followers like interests and occupation etc.
I have a basic portal that users could logIn via their Twitter accounts and I was wondering that, Is it possible to retrieve those data who loggedIn to my portal via using API?
Those data gathered all under audience insight, and I would like to make a meaningful inference about the people who loggedIn to my portal related the quality of their audience and etc.
All in all, I only would like to know is it possible to retrieve those data via using APIs both for Twitter and Youtube?
There is no API available (from Twitter) that provides access to the data values on analytics.twitter.com.

PHP: login to facebook and display photo album

I am working on a website that allow you to login to your FB account (fb login), and then displaying your photos, specifically that already been tagged.
I've tried the Facebook login API, and then displaying photo album on php (a Facebook page not a personal page). The thing is, i had problem when trying to code with the framework fuelPHP and when trying to display the photos of a personal page (not a Facebook page)
would you please show me the right direction? i mean it's my first time utilise Facebook API, the hard things come when i have to face the problem of retrieving the secret key, appID, etc.
Best Regards
for developing facebook apps, maybe this can be help you :
create developer account of facebook , if you have already you can visit this link https://developers.facebook.com/
go to docs then find SDK what you want to choice, ex PHP SDK , there are tutorial how to use php sdk facebook for get data users in your case is how to get photo data who have been tagged by user. but the important thing is facebook has already more restrict on permission usage. by default we can fetch data user only 'email', 'user_friends','public_profile'. more than that you should submission custom permission to facebook, for step by step submission in here https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/review#submitlogin
after you're done with point 2 , time to integrated with fuelphp framework , fuelphp have auth package for managing login by social media here the link http://fuelphp.com/docs/packages/auth/opauth/intro.html

Quickblox, what is externalID used for?

What is the externalID property for users used for in Quickblox? Would it allow me to use Google+ sdk to log in a user to my application and then create that user in the backend?
Here is how to login with Google+ Quickblox Google Login
If you want to integrate QuickBlox, but you have already your User Base, you can use the externalUserID field. Just set it during the QuickBlox user registration.
Then, while working with QuickBlox users, you can refer to your original user by externalUserID

is it possible to get the email of a user who logs in using open id providers?

i want to know if its possible to get the email of the people who are using open id to authenticate to my site [of course with the user knowing that i am getting their email]?
this email will be the user id of the user and i want the user to be able to loggin using any provider and then i will set this email as the user identity.
i need this information in order to design the structure of my site.
i am looking into the following open id providers.
Facebook Connect
Use open social API's...
OpenSocial defines a common API for social applications across multiple websites. With standard JavaScript and HTML, developers can create apps that access a social network's friends and update feeds.
Refer to this link for more:-
Who says the OpenID provider has the user's e-mail to give to you? I can get an OpenID identity that's accessed only by my fingerprint.