BEFORE or INSTEAD OF Insert SQL Server triggers - sql

I have a small problem. What I want to achieve is before inserting data to table A, I want to check if this data is in table B and table C.
When tables B and C don't have this data, I'd like to add data from 'inserted' to table B and C (and insert data to table A at the end), but if they have already this row, I don't want to insert anything to table A and B (and don't know to insert anything to table A as well).
Is there any way I can control if the data from inserted will be inserted in table A or not?


How to switch data from a Table A to Table B when there is no query running on Table B

i have 2 Table A, B, which have the same columns. Table B is Used for Tableau Reports. Table A is a temporary Table which has new Data from source System.
How to switch the Data from Table A to Table B when there is no Query running on Table B?
i need to do that to avoid downtime on Table B and make sure that Table B is always available for Users
Thankyou very much!
As far as I know this is something you cannot really do with straightforward methods since any RDBMS will take care of this functionality by itself. The only thing you can do is put your insert statements in a transaction block to make sure that the resulting table B will never be seen(=queried) in an "unready" (=half finished) state.
If i understand you correctly this is the scenario;
1 You load data into TableA and then the endusers use TableB
2 You want to switch data into TableB from TableA without downtime
This should solve your problem:
truncate table [dbo].[TableB] alter table [dbo].[TableA] switch to [dbo].[TableB]
This script executes within miliseconds and should be enough for your requirements. One notice though is that your TableA and TableB has to be completely the same. Same Index, same columns etc.

SQL Trigger Inserting from Multiple tables

I am trying to execute a query within a SQL trigger.
I have 4 tables A, B, C, D. Table A is a lookup list and contains roughly 1400 rows of data. Table B are values being input through an HMI with a timestamp. Table C is the table where my values are intended to go. Table D is a list of multipliers to use to multiply values from table A to table B (I am only using one multiplier from table D at the moment).
When a user inputs data into table B, that should trigger the procedure to get the values that were inserted (including the itemnumber) and relate the itemnumber to table A and use table D to multiply a few things together to send values to Table C. If I only input 3 rows of data in table B for example, I should only get three rows of data in table C. I am merely using table A to match the item number and get some data. But for some reason I am inserting way more records than intended, over 1600 rows.
Table D multipliers have a timestamp that does not match or have any correlation with any other table. So I am using a timestamp and selecting the multipliers that are closest to the timestamp from table B (some multipliers will change throughout time and I need a historical multiplier to correctly multiply the right things together)
Your help is most appreciated. Thank you.
Insert into TableC( ItemNumber, Cases, [Description], [Type], Wic, Elc, TotalElc, LbsPerCase, TotalLbs, PeopleRequired, ScheduleHours, Rated, Capacity, [TimeStamp])
b.ItemNumber, b.CaseCount, a.ItemDescription, a.DivisionCode, a.workcenter,
a.LaborPercase as ELC, b.CaseCount * a.LaborPerCase * d.IpCg,
a.LbsPerCase, a.LaborPerCase * b.CaseCount as TotalLbs,
a.PersonReqd, b.Schedulehours, a.PoundRating,
b.ScheduleHours * a.PoundRating as Capactity, b.shift, GETDATE()
TableA a, TableB b, TableD
a.itemnumber = b.itemnumber
and d.IpCG < b.TimeStamp
and b.CasesCount > 0
You do not reference the inserted or deleted tables that are available only in the trigger, so of course you are returning more records tha you need in your query.
When first writing a trigger, what I do is create a temp table called #inserted (and/or #deleted) and populate it with several records. It should match the design of the table that the trigger will be on. It is important to make your temp table have several input records that might meet the various criteria that affect your query (so in your caseyou want some where the case count would be 0 and some where it would not for instance) and that would be typical of data inserted into the table or updated init. SQL server triggers operate on sets of data, so this also ensures that your trigger can properly handle multiple record uiinserts or updates. A properly written trigger would have test cases you need to test to make sure everything happens correctly, your #inserted table should include records that meet all those test cases.
Then write the query in a transaction (and roll it back while you are testing) joining to #inserted. If you are doing an insert with a select, only write the select part until you get that right, then add the insert. For testing, write a select from the table you are inserting to in order to see the data you inserted before you rollback.
Once you get everything working, change the #inserted references to inserted, remove any testing code and of course the rollback (possibly the whole transaction depednig on what you are doing.) and add the drop and create trigger part of the code. Now you can test you trigger as a trigger, but you are in good shape becasue you know that it is likely to work from your earlier testing.

Merging data from one table to another table with out any relation

I have 2 sql tables( A and B) with no relation among them. I wanted to copy the data of one column of table B and merge it with the table A as a new column of able B
How do i do that.
I have tried to write this code -
Insert into TableA(ColumnC) select top 10 ColumnA from TableB

delete old values of a table and update the table with results of same query

My question is to simple, but I can't find out a way to delete old values of a table and update same table with results of same query.
The query is an SELECT on Table A, and the results be Table B. And nothing on Table B different of the result of last query on Table A.
I have a very big table, and I need to process the records and create a new table regularly. The old values of this table are not important, only the new ones.
I will appreciate any help.
What about a view? If you only need table B to query on. You said you have a select on table A. Lets say your select is SELECT * FROM TableA WHERE X = Y. Then your statement would be
And then instead of querying tableB you would query vwTableB. Any changes to the data in table A would be reflected in the view so you don't have to keep running a script yourself.
This was the data in vwTableB would be kept updated and you wouldn't have to keep deleting and inserting into the second table.
you can use a temporary table to store results you are working with, if you only need it for one session. it will automatically be dropped when you sign out.
you didn't say what db you are using, but try this
create temp tableB AS select * from tableA

SQL: Cascade "insert" and insert on update if not exists

What is the best way to accomplish this?
Table A and Table B have "Master-Slave" relationship via a FK on Table B. The key is set up for cascade delete and update.
Table B is new and thus does not have as many records as A.
As Table A is inserted, I want Table B to have a new record with the ID field of Table A completed with everything else blank ready for user input.
As Table A is updated, I want Table B to have a new record with the ID field of Table A completed with everything else blank ready for user input if Table A's ID does not yet exist in Table B.
Triggers, I assume?
Many thanks!
I think you need to use an insert trigger on table A.
whenever you insert into A, check if the ID exists in B and if not, then insert into B.