DAX Query on (Day Over Day) - powerpivot

I have the Sales table and a Date table
I wrote the below query to calculate the DOD Sales
Sales Volume := SUM([Sales])
Sales Volume (Prev) := CALCULATE([Sales Volume], PREVIOUSDAY('Date'[Date])
Sales Volume (DOD) = DIVIDE([Sales Volume]-[Sales Volume (Prev)],[Sales Volume (Prev)])
However, these query above will calculate DOD based on continuous day of a month. My concern is I would like to calculate only those Order Date. For example, I would like to compare Sales on 4/12/2016 and 1/12/2016. ((50-20)/20).
How should i amend the query to achieve that?

You have to create a calculated column to get the previous date:
Previous Date =
MAX ( [Order Date] ),
FILTER ( ALL ( 'Table' ), [Order Date] < EARLIER ( 'Table'[Order Date] ) )
Then just create the measures with the following expressions:
Sales Volume := SUM('Table'[Sales])
Sales Volume Prev :=
SUM ( [Sales] ),
FILTER ( ALL ( 'Table' ), 'Table'[Order Date] = MAX ( [Previous Date] ) )
Sales Volume (DOD) :=
DIVIDE ( [Sales Volume] - [Sales Volume Prev], [Sales Volume Prev] )
Let me know if this helps.


Dynamic X-Axis Date Range Based on Disconnected Slicer

I have an issue that I need a hand with. I am using a disconnected slicer based off of this table
Time Frame :=
DATATABLE("ID", Integer, "Time Frame", string
, {
{1, "3 Month"}
, {2, "6 Month"}
, {3, "9 Month"}
, {4, "12 Month"}
that looks like this:
Using a few DAX measures:
Sum Of Paid := sum(Data[Paid])
Sum Of Paid 3 Month Period :=
[Sum Of Paid],
DATESINPERIOD ( Data[Date], LASTDATE ( Data[Date] ), -3, MONTH )
Sum Of Paid 6 Month Period :=
[Sum Of Paid],
DATESINPERIOD ( Data[Date], LASTDATE ( Data[Date] ), -6, MONTH )
Sum Of Paid 9 Month Period :=
[Sum Of Paid],
DATESINPERIOD ( Data[Date], LASTDATE ( Data[Date] ), -9, MONTH )
Sum Of Paid 12 Month Period :=
[Sum Of Paid],
DATESINPERIOD ( Data[Date], LASTDATE ( Data[Date] ), -12, MONTH )
Slicer - Paid Per Period :=
VAR selection =
IF (
HASONEVALUE ( 'Time Frame'[Time Frame] ),
VALUES ( 'Time Frame'[Time Frame] ),
VAR ThreeMonth = [Sum of Paid 3 Month Period]
VAR SixMonth = [Sum of Paid 6 Month Period]
VAR NineMonth = [Sum of Paid 9 Month Period]
VAR TwelveMonth = [Sum of Paid 12 Month Period]
TRUE (),
selection = "3 Month", ThreeMonth,
selection = "6 Month", SixMonth,
selection = "9 Month", NineMonth,
selection = "12 Month", TwelveMonth,
I can simulate a slicer and display 3, 6, 9 and 12 month aggregates depending on the users selection. These work just fine in cards, choropleths and almost everything I've needed them for. My issue is trying to create line graphs, bar charts, etc that have a date range on the x-axis. I can't for the life of me figure out how to replicate the period referenced in the DAX measure to dynamically set the x-axis.
I've tried a few approaches that seem like they should work but do not:
3 Month Period :=
DATESINPERIOD ( Data[Date], LASTDATE ( Data[Date] ), -3, MONTH )
Any help is appreciated.
You might want to try this one:
3 Month Period :=
[Sum Of Paid],
MAX ( Data[Date] ),

MDX Calculation for summing the product of two measures and multiplying that by the last children of two other metrics

Here is a snip of my cube's dimension usage:
In "TD Measures" I have
[A] "Billable Client Hours Current".
In "Personnel Measures" I have
[B] "FTE Count" (an employee's amount they are working like .5 for
people who work 20 hours per week)
[C] "Forecast FY End" Forecast for the end of the fiscal year
[D] "Forecast FYTD" Forecast for the current period to date in the fiscal year.
The calculation I need to do at a leaf level is:
The issue is that [A] has more dimensionality that [B], [C], and [D].
So If this is my data:
The calc I need to do is:
((15*.05)+(5*1)) //sum of hours in a period multiplied by that month's FTE
X 2000/300 //last child of FCFYE divided by last child of FCFYTD in the currently selected set.
This calc is likely to change a little over the next week or two, but this is the main concept of what they are looking to do. Any help in writing the MDX for this to create a calculated member in my cube is greatly appreciated. Sorry if I've left out any key info--I'm quite the MDX noob.
Through digging through Chris Webb's and Mosha's posts as well as working with some guys on the MSDN forums I have worked out a solution to this below. Ultimately, I worked out with the business that we didn't need to interrogate the underlying rows to discern if they were active or not since the addition of the root functionality eliminated the need as long as they filtered on it from DimMiscellaneous. But for the sake of helping someone with a similar problem here is the full MDX below.
//Only evaluate if they are active
CREATE HIDDEN UtilizedFTESummator;
[Measures].[UtilizedFTESummator] = Iif([Measures].[Is Active For Utilization Value] > 0,[Measures].[Period FTE],NULL);
NON_EMPTY_BEHAVIOR([Measures].[UtilizedFTESummator]) = [Measures].[Is Active For Utilization Value];
//only include this measure if the underlying employee has values in their underlying data for active in utilization
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[FTE Active Utilization]
EXISTING [Historical Personnel].[Employee Id].[Employee Id],
//Show weighted FTE by workdays
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[FTE MTD Active Utilization]
DESCENDANTS([Historical Personnel].[Employee Id].CURRENTMEMBER,[Historical Personnel].[Employee Id].[Employee Id]),
DESCENDANTS([Period].[Fiscal Period].CURRENTMEMBER,[Period].[Fiscal Period].[Fiscal Period]),
[Measures].[FTE Active Utilization]*[Measures].[Work Days In Month]
,SUM(ROOT([Historical Personnel].[employee id].currentmember),[Measures].[Work Days In Month])
//Use Weighted FTE for calculating the weighted value for each person (all periods aggregated)
//Forecast Billable End Of Year has default aggregation of last child
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Annualized CBH Projected]
DESCENDANTS([Historical Personnel].[Employee Id].CURRENTMEMBER,[Historical Personnel].[Employee Id].[Employee Id]),
[Measures].[Billable Client Hours Current] *
[Measures].[Forecast Billable End Of Year]
[Measures].[Forecast Billable FTE]
*[Measures].[FTE MTD Active Utilization]
,[Measures].[FTE MTD Active Utilization]
Simplified answer with the users filtering on the Is Active For Utilization flag is as follows:
//Weight FTE by employee calculating FTE * workdays for each period and then dividing by the sum of days irrespective of filters on historical personnel or miscellaneous
DESCENDANTS([Historical Personnel].[Employee Id].CURRENTMEMBER,[Historical Personnel].[Employee Id].[Employee Id]),
DESCENDANTS([Period].[Fiscal Period].CURRENTMEMBER,[Period].[Fiscal Period].[Fiscal Period]),[Measures].[Period FTE]*[Measures].[Work Days In Month]
SUM((ROOT([Historical Personnel].[employee id].currentmember),ROOT([Miscellaneous]),[Measures].[Work Days In Month]))
//Weight by FTE with default agg for Forecast EOY being last child.
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Annualized CBH Projected]
DESCENDANTS([Historical Personnel].[Employee Id].CURRENTMEMBER,[Historical Personnel].[Employee Id].[Employee Id]),
[Measures].[Billable Client Hours Current] *
[Measures].[Forecast Billable End Of Year]
[Measures].[Forecast Billable FTE]
*[Measures].[FTE MTD]
,[Measures].[FTE MTD]

DAX Measure - Summing up values between start-end dates in the same table

I have an "Assignments" Table like this:
Date End Date Allocation1111 Alex AA 11/20/2016 12/30/2016 0.52222 Eric BB 10/20/2016 11/30/2016 0.43333 John CC 10/20/2016 12/30/2016 12222 Eric DD 11/20/2016 1/1/2017 0.5
I also have a simple "Date" Table which DOES NOT have a relationship with the Assignments Table like this:
Date Month Month_Text Year Month-Year10/1/2016 10 Oct 2016 Oct-1610/2/2016 10 Oct 2016 Oct-1610/3/2016 10 Oct 2016 Oct-1610/4/2016 10 Oct 2016 Oct-16
Than I have the following DAX measure:
Sum of Assignments :=CALCULATE ( SUMX ( Assignments_Tbl, Assignments_Tbl[Allocation] ), FILTER ( VALUES ( Date_Tbl ), Date_Tbl[Date] >= MINX ( Assignments_Tbl, Assignments_Tbl[Start Date] ) && Date_Tbl[Date] <= MAXX ( Assignments_Tbl, Assignments_Tbl[End Date] ) )) * CALCULATE ( DISTINCTCOUNT ( Date_Tbl[Month] ), FILTER ( VALUES ( Date_Tbl ), Date_Tbl[Date] >= MINX ( Assignments_Tbl, Assignments_Tbl[Start Date] ) && Date_Tbl[Date] <= MAXX ( Assignments_Tbl, Assignments_Tbl[End Date] ) ) )
All seems OK when I have the Start Date and End Date as part of my Pivot Table like below:
Sum of Assignments in a pivot table with Start/End Dates
HOWEVER, if I remove the Start Date and End Date from the pivot table, the measure is calculating incorrectly and I can't find why.
For instance, as the pic below, the red circles show 0.9 for a person name "Eric" in in Oct-2016, instead of 0.4.
Sum of Assignments measure calculating incorrectly
I tried many things, but got stuck on this measure. Any idea?
After some deeper investigation, here is the proper measure:
New Measure =
SUM ( Assignments_Tbl[Allocation] ) * DISTINCTCOUNT ( Date_Tbl[Month-Year] ),
VALUES ( Date_Tbl ),
Date_Tbl[Date] >= EARLIER ( Assignments_Tbl[Start Date], 1 )
&& Date_Tbl[Date] <= EARLIER ( Assignments_Tbl[End Date], 1 )

Restore original filter context in DAX formula

I have a data model with a table called Transactions (below), and TranDate which is the date dimension.
I have a measure to calculate the opening balance for the first date that is visible in the pivot table.
Op Bal First Selected :=
MIN ( TranDates[Tran Date] ),
SUM ( Transactions[Amount] ),
ALL ( TranDates ),
TranDates[Tran Date] < MinDate
If I deselect Jan-16, I get the desired result below:
However, the measure only works in Excel 2016 and not Excel 2013, because variables are not supported in Excel 2013. If I replace the MinDate variable with the DAX expression, then the measure will return blanks because ALLSELECTED restores the context in the FILTER() function and not the context in the CALCULATE() function (i.e. MinDate is 1-Jan instead of 1-Feb).
Is there an equivalent DAX formula that works in Excel 2013 / SSAS 2014 (i.e. without using variables)?
After lots of trial and errors, here's the measure I defined:
Op Bal First Selected:=
Transactions[Tran Date]
MIN ( Transactions[Tran Date] ),
"Op Bal First Selected Calc",
SUM ( Transactions[Amount] ),
ALL( Transactions ),
Transactions[Tran Date] < [MinDate]
[Op Bal First Selected Calc]
I used ALL() in the inner context so that the original filter context (i.e. pivot table selection) is preserved in the context just outside of ALLSELECTED().
If you want to use the TranDate table as the filter, you can define it as follows:
Op Bal First Selected:=
TranDates[Tran Date]
MIN ( TranDates[Tran Date] )
"Op Bal First Selected Calc",
SUM ( Transactions[Amount] ),
ALL( TranDates ),
TranDates[Tran Date] < [MinDate]
[Op Bal First Selected Calc]

DAX Cumulative Total Comparison from Different Tables

How do I create a DAX measure that will show me the First Receipt Date where the Receipt Balance is greater than or equal to the Payment Balance?
For example, for Jun, I want the [Payment Receipt Date Avg] measure to show as Jan because the Receipt Balance is 10 which is greater than the Payment Balance of 8.
For Aug, it would show as Feb because that is the first date where the Receipt Balance is at least the Payment Balance of 13.
Desired Result:
Data Model
Table: Po Receipt
Table: Payment
Attempted Solution
I already have the below measures defined:
Receipt Balance:
SUM(PoReceipt[Quantity Received]),
ALL ( PaymentDates ),
PaymentDates[Payment_FullDate] <= MAX ( PaymentDates[Payment_FullDate] )
Payment Balance:
SUM(Payment[Payment Amount]),
ALL ( PaymentDates ),
PaymentDates[Payment_FullDate] <= MAX ( PaymentDates[Payment_FullDate] )
Create calculated columns to get the first date which has a net receipt running total (i.e. receipts less payments running total) greater than the payment amount in the current row context. The calculated columns will need to do the following:
Return the running total of [Payment Amount] for each [PO Num]. The EARLIER function is used so that for each row in the outer context, you sum all rows in the inner context where the inner row has a [Payment Date] less than or equal to the outer row, and the inner row's [Po Num] is equal to that of the outer row.
Return a summary table based on the PoReceipt table, which has an extended column "Receipt Balance Calc". The extended column calculates the running total of the PoReceipt[Quantity Received] similar to step 1. The summary table is grouped by the columns [Po Num] and [Receipt Date] to avoid performing the same calculation more than once (since there are multiple rows with the same [Po Num] due to the [Receipt Num] column).
Filter the result to only include rows where the Receipt Balance is greater than or equal to the Payment Balance.
See DAX code for calculated columns:
Payment[Payment Balance Calc]
SUM ( Payment[Payment Amount] ),
Payment[Payment Date] <= EARLIER ( Payment[Payment Date] )
&& Payment[Po Num] = EARLIER ( Payment[Po Num] )
Payment[Payment Receipt Date]
MIN ( PoReceipt[Receipt Date] ),
ALL ( PaymentDates ),
PoReceipt[Po Num],
PoReceipt[Receipt Date]
"Receipt Balance Calc",
SUM ( PoReceipt[Quantity Received] ),
PoReceipt[Receipt Date] <= EARLIER ( PoReceipt[Receipt Date] )
&& PoReceipt[Po Num] = EARLIER ( PoReceipt[Po Num] )
[Receipt Balance Calc] >= EARLIER ( Payment[Payment Balance Calc] )
Finally, create the below measure to calculate the weighted average of the receipt dates:
Payment Receipt Date Avg:=
Payment[Payment Amount] * Payment[Payment Receipt Date]
/ SUM ( Payment[Payment Amount] )