Can't compare 2 dates in oracle correctly - sql

I have this sql query which retrieve records until 12/7/2016 the problem is, oracle returns records which is from 12/6/2016 and below. May I ask is this the correct behavior?
WHERE CAST(tran_date as DATE) <= TO_DATE('12/07/2016');

I am assuming you are using MM/DD/YYYY? Declare it in your to_date().
Also, let's trunc that new date to match the date you have stated, otherwise those leftover hours minutes seconds are later than your to_date value.
trunc(CAST(tran_date as DATE)) <= to_date('12/07/2016','MM/DD/YYYY')


How to compare datetime in SQL Server?

I have to show the date 2018/01/30 if the datetime is between 2018/01/30 04:59:59.000 and 2018/01/31 04:59:59.000
I have a table called DataEntry. I want to move those records by date as per my criteria.
This DataEntry table have TransferTime that datatype is datetime.
As per my criteria if the TransferTime is 2018/01/30 01:30:59.000 then the date should be 2018/01/29
I think you can simply just write like this:
case when DATEPART(HOUR,'2018/01/30 01:30:59.000') >= 05 then cast('2018/01/30 01:30:59.000' as date)
else cast(dateadd(Dd,-1,'2018/01/30 01:30:59.000' )as date)
This is somewhat of a guess on vague logic, but perhaps using CONVERT and DATEADD?
FROM (VALUES('20180130 04:59:59.000'),('20180131 01:00:34.000'),('20180130 01:30:59.000')) V(DT))
It's worth noting that you, oddly, state that '20180130 04:59:59.000' AND ''20180131 04:59:59.000' should both be on the same day, ('20180130'). This doesn't make any sense, as Days don't overlap like that. Thus the latter time would show '20180131', as it's exactly 24 hours later.
If the former time should actually be '20180129', then change -17999 to -18000, or SECOND,-17999 to HOUR, -5.
this will do too:
select cast(dateadd(second, -17999,Transfertime) as date)
being 17999 = 4hs59m59s in seconds


I have been battling for two days now, please could someone give me a bit of assistance on below. I am trying to select data where a date field/column must equal today's date.
FROM stock
Please assist if you can, I need to rollout this report.
it is better not to manipulate DATE column using functions like TRUNC to mach the date without hour precision (matching year-month-day), it recommended for performance to use something like:
FROM stock
WHERE PREVSELLPRICE1DATE between trunc(sysdate) and trunc(sysdate+1)
this way you'll compare for the required day only + the TRUNC function will be applied only 2 times instead of on each row.
For sql server below is fine:
FROM stock
Below script
select cast(getdate() as date)
will give you result:

query to select data from this day [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
In SQL Server, what is the best way to filter items for an entire day
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I have a database table that has Datelogged columns from type Datetime (Sql server 2008 r2)
The Datelogged value is like this 2014-10-22 12:57:36.583
I want to do a query to select all the rows that its date is today (I care about year, month, and day) but not (hour, second.)
This is my query
string query = "SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE PrintTime is NULL WHERE Datelogged = #Datelogged";
but I didn't know what should I do to tell the query to compare just on year-month-day
Based on #Aaron Bertrand comment
It appears that it is better to use a Date Range from current day midnight (00:00:00) to < tomorrow at midnight.
Query copied from his comment.
DateLogged >= CONVERT(DATE, #DateLogged) AND
DateLogged < DATEADD(DAY, 1, CONVERT(DATE, #DateLogged))
Also see: Bad habits to kick : mis-handling date / range queries By Aaron Bertrand
(Old Answer)
You can use CONVERT(DATE, Datelogged) to get Date part without time.
"SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE PrintTime is NULL AND CONVERT(DATE, Datelogged) = #Datelogged"
Make sure you pass the parameter value using Date property in C# like:
cmd.Paramaters.AddWithValue("#Datelogged", DateTime.Today);// or DateTime.Now.Date
Also make sure to remove multiple WHERE from your query and use AND or OR to combine two conditions depending on your requirement.
Get the minimum date time range for current date and maximum date time range for today. Then, compare it with the logged date value.
Conversion operator on any table column adds extra conversion overhead and leads to inefficient use of index. Should be avoided when possible.
WHERE PrintTime is NULL
AND (Datelogged > dateadd(DD, -1, cast( GETDATE() as date)) AND Datelogged < dateadd(DD, 1, cast( GETDATE() as date)));

Using Dates in SQL Server 2012 Query

I'm using SQL Server 2012 and I need to write a query that will extract data greater than a particular date. The date field is called 'CreatedOn" and dates are recorded in this format "2014-08-18 17:02:57.903".
Currently, the date part of my query stands as follows:
WHERE CreatedOn > '2014-08-18'
Problem is extracted data includes those of '2014-08-18'. It's like the > (greater than) is acting like >= (greater than or equal)!
How should I write my query if I need all data, say greater than '2014-08-18'?
Try the following condition. The problem is that 2014-08-18 is really 2014-08-18 00:00:00 (includes the hour), so any date time in that day will be greater.
WHERE CreatedOn >= '2014-08-19'
'2014-08-18' actually means '2014-08-18 00:00:00'
So if you do not want 18th you should put either '2014-08-19' or specify the hours you want your date to be bigger of.
As the others have said it is actually translating to CreatedOn > 2014-08-18 00:00:00
Instead try converting your datetime field to a short ate and compare those.
The 126 in Convert maps to the yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss.mmm format.
WHERE CONVERT(char(10), CreatedOn,126) > '2014-08-18'
It sounds like when you're saying you want records "greater than '2014-08-18' you actually mean "records that occurred past 2014-08-18 23:59:59.999999" - you have to take into account time when working with dates, unless the time is otherwise removed (which in your sample data it was not.
You could do something like the following:
declare #gtDate datetime
set #gtDate = dateadd(d, 1, convert(datetime,convert(varchar(10), '2014-08-18', 101)))
WHERE CreatedOn >= #gtDate
Here we're taking your '2014-08-18', convert it to a varchar containing only the date (to help in case '2014-08-18' is ever '2014-08-18 12:00:00 as an example)
Then we convert the varchar back to a date, and add a day to it. In the end the statement says
Give me records that occured on 2014-08-19 or greater
Here's a fiddle demonstrating!6/90465/1
Note that we have 4 rows of data potential
insert into sampleData (Created)
select '2014-08-17'
union all select '2014-08-18'
union all select '2014-08-18 12:00:00'
union all select '2014-08-19'
union all select '2014-08-19 15:00:00'
only the bottom 2 rows (2014-08-19 and 2014-08-19 15:00:00) would be returned

SQL. Select Unixtime for whole day

I am looking for a way to select a whole days worth of data from a where statement. Timestamp is in unix time such as (1406045122). I want to select the today's date of unix time range and find all the food that has been added in today. Thank in advance. This is the code I wrote. I'm not sure what I should put in the ( ????? ) part. I know it has to do with 60*60*24=86400 secs per day but I'm not too sure how I can implement this.
Select timestamp,food from table1 where timestamp = ( ????? );
Select timestamp,food
FROM table1
WHERE timestamp > :ts
AND timestamp <= (:ts + 86400);
replace :ts with the starting timstamp and you'll filter a whole day's worth of data
This select query would give you the current timestamp (there may be more efficient ones, i don't work with sqlite often)
select strftime("%s", current_timestamp);
You can find more info about them here:
Using the strftime() function, combined with the date() function we can write this following query which will not need any manual editing. It will return the records filtered on timestamp > start of today & timestamp <= end of today.
Select timestamp,food
FROM table1
WHERE timestamp > strftime("%s", date(current_timestamp))
AND timestamp <= (strftime("%s", date(current_timestamp)) + 86400);
Your mileage will likely depend on your version of SQL but for example on MySQL you can specify a search as being BETWEEN two dates, which is taken conventionally to mean midnight on each. So
SELECT * FROM FOO WHERE T BETWEEN '2014-07-01' AND '2014-07-02';
selects anything with a timestamp anywhere on 1st July 2014. If you want to make it readable you could even use the ADDDATE function. So you could do something like
SET #mydate = DATE(T);
The first line should truncate your timestamp to be 00:00:00. The second line should SELECT only records from that date.