How to list all all graphs in Virtuoso? - sparql

When I go to http://localhost:8890/sparql/, there are two fields: Default Data Set Name (Graph IRI) and query. How can I list what all graphs (that go in the former field) are available in my DB? The field is not mandatory and I can just run a query against all namespaces. But I would like to know how to list the graphs available.
The only non-empty graph I was able to run was http://localhost:8890/sparql
For example, in a relational database environment, I believe this kind of info could be retrieved from system tables.

As noted in comments, this query will get you a list of all Named Graphs (which, as also noted, are not the same as "namespaces") in the targeted store --
WHERE { GRAPH ?g {?s ?p ?o} }
You can see live results (limited here to 100 graph names) on the DBpedia endpoint (a very short list, as you would expect) and on URIBurner (a much longer and more varied list).

I know this is an old question, but I was facing the same problem and thought someone else might benefit from the solution I found.
I was trying to execute this query to list all graphs and it was taking about 5 minutes to return a result:
GRAPH ?g {?s ?p ?o}
Instead, you should try the following query suggested in this documentation from Virtuoso:
GRAPH ?g {?s a ?o}
This query finished in less than 1 second and returned the list of graphs in the store. Of course, this query would only return graphs which have at least one triple with the predicate rdf:type, but it's still a big improvement on the one suggested by TallTed.


MarkLogic seems not to follow the RDF specification

Write the following RDF data into MarkLogic:
#prefix xsd: <> .
<http://John> <http://have> 10 .
<http://Peter> <http://have> "10"^^xsd:double .
Then execute the following query:
WHERE { ?s ?p 10. }
The query result is:
In RDF document, RDF term is equal if and only if the value and data type are both the same.
Literal term equality: Two literals are term-equal (the same RDF literal) if and only if the two lexical forms, the two datatype IRIs, and the two language tags (if any) compare equal, character by character. Thus, two literals can have the same value without being the same RDF term.
It seems that MarkLogic does not follow the RDF specification?
Expected query result:
The expected query result is:
Executing the SparQL query in Query Console and with Java Client API will both get the unexpected query result.
This query can return the expected query result in Apache Jena and RDF4j.
Can someone give me an answer or a hint about it?
A triple store that does that is not automatically wrong.
{ ?s ?p ?x . FILTER (sameTerm(?x, 10)}
{ ?s ?p ?x . FILTER (?x = 10) }
and also
Also try:
with 010 and +10, "010^^xsd:integer
and explore the lexical forms:
FILTER(str(?x) = "10")
The use cases for both value-based matching and term-based matching exist.
SPARQL query does not say whether the data loaded is exactly the data queried (by design). Several store do variations of value-processing as default behaviour. Jena does for TDB2 but keeps datatypes apart (TDB1 conflating datatypes was less popular).
It depends on what use case they are targetting. If you want a particular effect, then use a FILTER form of the query assuming data was not pre-processed on loading.
See the answer on Unexpected data writing result in MarkLogic
See for the discussion that D-entailment gives many, many answers even with a restriction to canonical lexical forms.

SPARQL: Count how often an object property is used

I have an RDF graph and I want to count how many times the skos:broader object property is actually used. Is there a simple (and ideally efficient) SPARQL query I can use for that?
Trivially simple answer:
SELECT (COUNT(*) as ?cnt)
WHERE { ?s skos:broader ?o }

Mapping DBpedia types to Wikipedia Categories

I am trying to map DBPedia types to Wikipedia Categories, a simple example would be the following SPARQL query
select distinct ?cat where {
?s a dbpedia-owl:LacrossePlayer; dcterms:subject ?cat . filter(regex(?cat,'players','i') )
} limit 100
But this is highly inefficient as it has to first map the DBpedia types to DBpedia Named Entities(resources) and then extract their corresponding Wikipedia categories. I am trying to do this mapping for a lot of other DBpedia types.
Is there a direct or more efficient way to do this?
Improving the filter may help…
As an initial note, you may get some speedup if you remove or improve your filter. You can, of course, just remove it, but you could also make it more efficienct, since you're not really using any special regular expressions. Just do
filter contains(lcase(str(?cat)),'players')
to check whether the URI for ?cat contains the string players. It might even be better (I'm not sure) to grab the English rdfs:label of ?cat and check that, since you wouldn't have to do the case or string conversions.
… but there are lots of results.
But this is highly inefficient as it has to first map the DBpedia
types to DBpedia Named Entities(resources) and then extract their
corresponding Wikipedia categories. I am trying to do this mapping for
a lot of other DBpedia types. Is there a direct or more efficient way
to do this?
I'm not sure exactly what's inefficient in this. The only way that DBpedia types and categories are associated is that resources have types (via rdf:type) and have categories (via dcterms:subject). If you want to find the connections, then you'll need to find the instances of the type and the categories to which they belong. There may be some possibility that you can look into whether any particular infoboxes provide categories to articles and are used in the infobox mapping to provide DBpedia types. That's the only way to get category/DBpedia-types directly, without going through instances that I can think of, and I don't know whether the current dataset has that kind of information.
In general, since Wikipedia categories are not a type hierarchy, there will be lots of categories with which instances of any particular type are associated. For instance, we can count the number of categories associated with the types Fish and LacrossePlayer with a query like this:
select ?type (count(distinct ?category) as ?nCategories) where {
values ?type { dbpedia-owl:Fish dbpedia-owl:LacrossePlayer }
?type ^a/dcterms:subject ?category
group by ?type
SPARQL results
type nCategories 346 2375
That query responds pretty quickly, and you can even get those categories pretty easily, too:
select distinct ?type ?category where {
values ?type { dbpedia-owl:Fish dbpedia-owl:LacrossePlayer }
?type ^a/dcterms:subject ?category
order by ?type
limit 4000
SPARQL results
When you start using types that have many more instances, though, these counts get big, and the queries take a while to return. E.g., a very common type like Place:
select ?type (count(distinct ?category) as ?nCategories) where {
values ?type { dbpedia-owl:Place }
?type ^a/dcterms:subject ?category
group by ?type
type nCategories 191172
I wouldn't suggest trying to pull all that data down from the remote server. If you want to extract it, you should load the data locally.

Sparql query dbpedia istance's property and values in a domain

I want to write a SPARQL query to retrieve all properties and values for an instance in a particular domain. For example, I want all properties and values of the singer "Sting" only in "MusicalArtist" domain. How can I do this?
If I understand you correctly, this is a pretty basic SPARQL question, and you'd be better off starting with a good tutorial on SPARQL, or sitting down with the SPARQL 1.1 Query Language document. Just skim through it, you don't need to memorize everything right away, but just get familiar with it. After all, Stack Overflow isn't for reproducing standard documentation; you're expected to already be familiar with that.
As you've shown in a previous question, you can ask for all properties of a given subject with a query like:
select ?p ?o where {
dbpedia:Barry_White ?p ?o
You can select all instances of a particular class, e.g., dbpedia-owl:MusicalWork with a query like
select ?o where {
?o a dbpedia-owl:MusicalWork
It sounds like you're simply asking how to combine the two. It's just
select ?p ?o where {
dbpedia:Barry_White ?p ?o .
?o a dbpedia-owl:MusicalWork
SPARQL results (0 results)
That query doesn't actually have any results, because Barry White isn't related to anything that's a MusicalWork, evidently. However, if you just ask for Works that he's associated with, you'll get a few results:
select ?p ?o where {
dbpedia:Barry_White ?p ?o .
?o a dbpedia-owl:Work
SPARQL results (3 results)

Query dbpedia with SPARQL for films

I want to get data (movie title, director name, actor name and the wikipedia link) of all movies present on dbpedia.
I tried this query on
SELECT ?film_title ?star_name ?nameDirector ?link WHERE {
SELECT DISTINCT ?movies ?film_title
?movies rdf:type <>;
rdfs:label ?film_title.
?movies dbpedia-owl:starring ?star;
foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf ?link;
dbpedia-owl:director ?director.
?director foaf:name ?nameDirector.
?star foaf:name ?star_name.
FILTER LANGMATCHES( LANG(?film_title), 'en')
} LIMIT 100
Responses seems correct, but the response time are slow, so I'm wondering if I can improve my query for get a faster response.
There are a couple of things you could change in your query that might make it faster.
Firstly what is the point of your SELECT DISTINCT subquery? Is that merely trying to eliminate duplicate film titles? Removing this may make things faster if you can live with a few duplicates.
Secondly the FILTER clauses requires the database to scan over all the possible matches and evaluate the expression on each possible match to determine whether to keep it or throw it away. Again if you can live with getting some duplicate data and don't mind non-English language tags removing the FILTER may make the query run faster.