I have this line in my portal-ext.properties:
# Document library location
But when I try to upload some picture or another file nothing happened in my document_library folder. I have folderId=0 and treePath=/0/ in my dlfileentry table. What's the problem?
You need to have complete folder path for property dl.store.file.system.root.dir ; /data/document_library does not seems complete path
I'm relatively new to Netlogo and already struggling ;)
I have the following problem: I want my program to open a folder, check a file in that folder and afterwards remove that file from that folder. I figured the best way to do this is via a while loop, but I'm struggling to find the right syntax. Hope you all can help!
The command 'file-open' will open a file using the path provided (the string after file-open: e.g. file-open "C:\Documents\model-out.txt" will open a file titled model-out.txt in the Documents folder on the C drive.)
You can then use 'file-read' or 'file-write' to read or write to the file respectively.
The command 'file-close' will close the file, which then can be deleted with 'file-delete'.
You can also check if a file exists in a folder using the command if file-exists? "C:\Documents\model-out.txt", and if true, the file can be deleted using file-delete.
Also check the command 'set-current-directory'.
Using Filewatchers it's possible to show a generated file under it's respective source file:
The problem I am having is that only the generated .jsfile is 'watched' and grouped whilst the .map file still shows up separately. Is there a way to set it up so that both files are shown under their respective source file?
You need to modify your file watcher settings accordingly. Please make sure to set 'Output paths to refresh' to '$FileNameWithoutExtension$.js:$FileNameWithoutExtension$.map'
I am executing a Pig script, which reads files from a directory, performs some operation and stores to some output directory. In output directory I'm getting one or more "part" files, one _SUCCESS file and one _logs directory. My questions are:
Is there any way to control the name of files generated (upon execution of STORE command) in output directory. To be specific, I don't want the names to be "part-.......". I want Pig to generate files according to the file name pattern I specify.
Is there any way to suppress the _SUCCESS file and the _log directory? Basically I don't want the _SUCCESS and _logs to be generated in the output directory.
See this post.
To remove _SUCCESS, use SET mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.marksuccessfuljobs false;. I'm not 100% sure how to remove _logs but you could try SET pig.streaming.log.persist false;.
I have a set of documents based on a LaTeX template. Every document has its own folder, as following:
|-doc #1
|-doc #2
|-doc #n
I wrote the template on my own, and, for every document (from #1 to #n) it loads the files logo.jpg and acronyms.tex with \includegraphics{logo.jpg} and \input{acronyms.tex}.
The path ..\docs-folder\texmf is set as a project root in MikTeX, and the local texmf tree is recognized properly, excluding the misc folder.
So, the path ..\docs-folder\texmf\misc is set as the value of the TEXINPUTS environment variable (under Windows). This is done in order to avoid an unwanted replication of the two files.
What happens is that, when I compile one of the documents, the file acronyms.tex is not found, while the logo.jpg is correctly found by PDFLaTeX.
I have no wonder why the acronyms.tex file is not loaded.
On unix systems the solution is to run texhash or mktexlsr. According to this page, the equivalent solution for MikTeX is to run MikTeX settings and click the "Refresh FNDB" button.
I have a robot to find a file of the given name at a particular location in a system but now I want to find all the text files at that particular location. I have tried to use "*.txt", but it didn't worked out. Is there a way to do that?
file.exists ♥environment⟦USERPROFILE⟧\Documents\t.txt errormessage ‴Sorry, I could not find a file‴
dialog ‴File exists‴
You can use the directory command. The pattern arguments allows you to filter out files of a particular extension.
directory path ♥environment⟦USERPROFILE⟧\Desktop pattern *.txt result ♥files
dialog ♥files⟦count⟧
The above code should let you know how many files of the given extension exist in the given directory.
You could take values from the returned list and use it with file.exists command.