I dragged the UICollectionView in the storyboard , The UICollectionViewCell size then changed to 0,0,0,0.
The height of the UICollectionView is 0,64,375,60.
The height of CollectionView cell is , with deducting top spacing(5) and bottom spacing(5). i.e Size is (55,55)
The scroll direction is horizontal.
Don't know why I don't see the cell.
My Further findings , I found if the CollectionView is outside the View(green border), then it shows up fine. But as soon as I move inside that view the UICollectionViewCell disappears.
Finally found the issue. The problem was Adjust Scroll View Insets of that viewController was checked.
Unchecking that option, solved my issue.
In my application I want add a tableview inside a UIScrollView .When the scroll of UITableView reaches the bounce, it should scroll the outer scrollview. But its not happening for me, UITableView is scrolling smoothly.Once it reaches the bounds, it stops. I need the functionality similar to the attached gif .
Please provide some code & you UIScrollView must be smaller than the view.
I am using Boris's answer (objective-C) for custom tableview with round rectangle border.
Screenshot 1
It is working fine. It shows border around my custom tableView cells. When I rotate device in landscape mode then it also rotates but doesn't auto-resize border.
I also have a sliding menu that opens tableview screen. If I open tableview screen again in landscape mode using sliding menu button then it redraws cell border before cell appears and shows border correctly in landscape mode. So I know it appears correctly in landscape mode too but only when it reloads screen.
Screenshot 2
It should also redraw it upon rotation.I am trying to achieve it from last 2 days but it is not working anyhow. I tried to call willDisplayCell method manually in landscape mode but no success. I tried to refresh and reload tableView but none worked.
How do I fix it? Any help is appreciated.
I have a UIScrollView with a fair bit of content in it. The structure is shown below:
However, my scrollview isn't allowing a scroll to occur. I have made sure AutoLayout is off and the scrollview is larger than the screen size. The ScrollView isn't altered in the .h or .m files in any way. Any ideas why it may not be scrolling? The settings are default for the scrollview (essentially dragged and dropped in IB). ScrollView sizes as below
Your UIScrollView should be equal to or smaller than your screen. The content of your scroll view should be larger than your scroll view's frame. (It is the content of the scroll view that scrolls within the bounds of the scroll view's frame.)
Then, in code, do something like this:
[scrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(contentWidth, contentHeight)];
[scrollView setScrollEnabled:TRUE];
The scrollView should (typically) NOT be larger than your screen size.
It's NOT the scrollView that scrolls, it's the content IN the scrollView that scrolls.
So set the contentSize of your scrollView to the appropriate size of your content and keep the scrollView itself within the bounds of the screen.
I'm adding a view as a UIScrollview's subview. This subview determines the contentsize of scrollview. On this view I add a UIPinchGesture and in selector target method of gesture i resize the view and reset contentsize of scrollview. BTW I earlier tried zooming of scrollview but it didn't fulfilled my requirement so I did it with UIPinchGesture. My problem is that normally the content size of scrollview is greater than it's frame so scrolling is enabled. When I try to pinch with two fingers the scrollview's scrolling is triggered and Pinchgesture seldomly recognized. I can't disable scrolling of UIScrollview as this is one of my requirement. Can anybody help me to solve this problem.
Set delayContentTouches property of UIScrollView to NO (instead of the default YES). This will allow the touch to propagate to the subviews of the scroll view immediately.
i have a tableview with different kind of cells, one of which has some UITextFields's and UIButton. When i try to scroll this view with the touch starting in any of those subviews the table won't scroll and recognizes it as a 'touch inside' of a subview. I had it before with "delays content touches' but the touch inside button doesn't work well. Any ideas how i might fix this problem?
I just found i had an 'UITapGestureRecognizer' that was creating the problem. thank you for the help
Turning off "Cancellable Content Touches" in the UITableView solved this for me (in the UITableView attributes inspector under Scroll View / Touch). I got this from this SO question: Scrolling a UITableView inside a UIScrollView
From the UIScrollView:canCancelContentTouches doc:
If the value of this property is NO, the scroll view does not scroll regardless of finger movement once the content view starts tracking.